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Samuel Peters

Sam acted like Riley had just hit him with a rock, and fell to the floor. "Oh no, now I have major head trauma. From a fucking pillow." He laughed, looking up at Riley. "I'll stop the day I leave the school or die. Pfft, tell me something I don't fuckin' know," Sam said. "I've been fucked up in the head for a period of time known as forever."

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"Same boat with you on the insanity.  Not enough though to die by another's hands though."  Riley looked at Sam then rolled his eyes at the melodramatic sarcasm that Sam had about Riley hitting him with a pillow. "Go find someone to take ya to the ER, if you pass out someone will do CPR for ya." Riley then tapped Sam's foot with his own. "Hey dork, you gonna leave my dorm for the night or am I gonna have to pick your skinny ass up and throw you out?"  He chuckled a bit, this was nice banter.  Opal would be so proud of him for making a friend...ish...it was hard to explain because Riley didn't know if this is what friends did or not. Hell all Riley knew was that it was just nice talking to Sam.

I'm gonna head to sleep. My fever's only getting worse, and I ain't wanna deal with that shit.

Samuel Peters

"Hey, don't mock my amazing skinniness... I miss a meal or two a day for this fabulous look." He said, grinning. "I'll leave... in a bit. Still gotta scare you again."

Solaris look at him and smile as he wave up his hand "i was hoping if we could stayed for awhile and teach me what you know est" he said with a smile

Azrael look at him and gave him some cloths "here i bet you will fit those cloths well" he said as he place his dirty cloths in the Washing mashine 

Riley shook his head at Samuel. "It's not gonna work tonight. I've been scared enough by you tonight that I'm expecting everything.  So you might as well head back to your dorm and sleep." Riley stood up and offered his hand. "Or I'll make good on my threat and throw your skinny ass out my dorm door to the hallway." Riley smirked.

Scar went out of his classroom again and went to the music classroom, there was too many good instruments, but the one that caught his attention was an old looking violin. He smiled softly and opened a wound on his palm with his  nails, he dropped some of it on the from, summoning the same skeleton as before. "Valor, can you please play that violin for me?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. The skeleton went to where it was and took it along its bow. It started to play a slow and rather sad song, but it was beautiful for Scar.
Samuel Peters

"Hell, can't catch watcha can't see." Sam said, turning invisible. He moved a bit away, and hopped around the room until he was behind Riley. He didn't want to do anything just yet, he figured he would wait a minute.

Riley tensed when Sam had gone invisbile. The little shit is gonna get himself hurt. Riley closed his eyes and tensed up even more his body shaking.  Fear climbed up the back of his throat and he could taste it and was ashamed that he was. Don't panic, he can't scare you if you suspect it coming. Man up Riley. Man up!!  Riley let out a shaky breath and opened his eyes again to look around his room.

Samuel Peters

Samuel got close to him and ran his hand back the down of his neck. "Awww... scared?" He whispered into his ear.  He hopped back around the room so that he wouldn't get chopped into bits when, he only assumed, that Riley would turn his arm into an axe head.

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Shit!  Riley's hand shifted to the axe head but he didnt swing it aroundto hit anything. He forced himself to stay still. For the love of God just...stay still.  Riley willed himself to not move but his body had shivered when he felt Sam whisper in his ear and he violently shook when he felt Sam's hand run over the back of his neck. "N-No. I'm not. I just can't see you is all and it makes me nervous...not scared."  What a lie on his part.  Riley closed his eyes again and bowed his head to not look up at anything his arm shifting back to normal. "Damn it Sam......why do you push me huh?  Honestly I could kill you and it's taking a lot to not freak out right now."  Riley whispered quietly.  He hated feeling out of control, he hated feeling vunerable which was how Sam was making him feel and he didn't know whether or not Sam meant to make him feel that way or not.

Scar was smiling as he kept listening to the sound of the violin, it was really pleasant. But somehow it remembered him to his previous location, his country. He hated to remember his life there, but he couldn't fight his memories. Suddenly, he felt a tingly sensation on his blood, it was Riley, he sighed and looked at his palm wound, he made it bleed again and spoke to it. "Riley, are you ok?" He asked to the blood, as he knew that Riley would heard the message through his necklace.

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Samuel Peters

Samuel laughed, sounding demented. "You're body language says otherwise..." He ran to the door and locked it, then turned off the lights. He danced over and poked him in the hip, hopping away again.

"Yeah I'm okay.   Just working things out....NO!"  Riley said but then cried out he heard the blood necklace speak to him.  This school prepared him for strange and unusual things. 


Riley was about to shout at Sam then cried out no instead when the lights flicked off and his door was locked.  It was immediate. The fear.  His past.  The locked cellar doors and the beatings, the torture of the knife against his flesh. Riley dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around his chest. "Sam." His voice just barely above a whisper.  On his hands and knees he crawled slowly to a wall and tried to find the front room.  He couldn't see anything and his heart was pounding furiously against his ribs, his breath coming out in short pants, his body shaking so bad that when he did try to stand he would just fall to his knees again. "sam..." Riley's voice broke as his throat tightened with the threat of a cry escaping. "T-This isn't..funny. ... fuck." Riley slid down the wall completely disoriented and reliving the horrors of his past. "Please....Please....let me out..." He whispered. His voice cracking from the deep voice to little whimpers and gasps of fear. "They're gonna come back...Sam....they're gonna hurt me again....Please let me out...they'll cut me open again."  Riley felt something wet slide down his face and brushed it with a finger.  It was a tear. He was crying?  Riley hid his face in his arms, curling his legs up to his chest, trying to be as small as possible. "I don't want to be cut again...I'm human....I can feel....I feel. I'm a weapon but I'm human first...please...don't hurt me....please let me out. " Riley kept whispering, deathly afraid that the men who captured him and tortured him for 11 years would come back to get him and continue.  Riley couldn't rationally think and remember that he had killed them a long time ago because he was thrown back.  "Shit....fuck....please..." Riley's body jerked with his silent sobs, he didn't cry out loud because if he had cried out loud in the past...they would have beat and tortured him harder and longer.

Samuel Peters

"Fear..." Samuel growled. "Good enough." When he said this, his voice reverted back to normal and he turned the lights back on. He looked down at Riley. "I told you I'd scare you again before I leave..." He bent down and put his arm around Riley, to comfort him. He still didn't feel bad for what he had done, he never does. But he still figured if he scared him enough to the point of crying, some form of comfort would be nice.

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Scar felt the fear of Riley like he was his own. He sighed loudly and ran outside of the music classroom, with his skeleton Valor behind him, he followed the smell of his own blood to the room that his student was. When he felt that he was near, he grinned like a maniac. He stopped at a door and sniffed the air, that was the room. With a swift move, he kicked the door with electric currents covering his body. "What happens here...?" He asked with his eyes glowing like candles and his whole body covered in electricity


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Riley just sat there as he heard what Samuel said. "F-Fuck you...." He whispered quietly, then felt an arm around him and curled in tighter.  The cruel bastard. Riley didn't look up at Sam because he knew his face would be tear stained. *Cruel, cruel bastard. ... How could he say that and then put an arm around him?*  Riley felt small. Vulnerable.  Insignificant.  "Asshat......Shithead....Bastard." He whispered, needing to curse at Sam to try and swear the fear away.  However, it still gripped him like a vise.  Riley shifted his hand into the head of the battle axe and blocked his body from Samuel, moving Sam's arm out of the way before it got sliced.  "There....you fucked up my mind again...threw me back to a shithole head space and scared me so bad I feel like I'm still that fucking 11 year old baby that couldn't fight until he was so broken that he had to kill the fuckers in their sleep.  You did it Sam.....scared me....terrified me....horrified me.  ...  Caged me...." Riley sniffled and pointed to the door with his battle axe hand. "You scared me. Now go...like you said you would..." Riley didn't look at Sam...he couldn't till he got himself under control again.  *Don't feel.  It's easier that way. Just shut down.* Riley thought to himself, then he let out a very shaky breath and tried to continue breathing normally.  Riley heard Professor Scar and shook his head his voice still quiet. "Fine Sir. Everything's fine....just....Watched a scary movie in the dark is all...Nothing wrong here...Sam was just comforting me and leavin.  Weren't you Sam." Riley stated it so that Samuel wouldn't stay behind and would go along with it, Riley was protecting Sam and didn't want him in trouble...but he didn't want Sam to see him like this either so he wanted him to leave.  Riley also didn't want his professor to see him like this either.


Scar nodded, looking straight up to the student's eyes. Those eyes were the same that he had long time ago, filled with fear but trying be strong, he remembered his childhood, the horrible punishments of his father, he shivered and walked to Riley to then pat his head like he would liked to. "You don't have nothing to fear,  with you under my tutelage your safe, so please don't scare me like that again." He said with slightly worry on his voice. He was in fact looking at his younger self when he looked at Riley, he didn't wanted anybody to be like that, with fear but trying to hide it. It was the worst thing to experience. He leaned to kiss the forehead of the student again and then leave, but before that, he looked back and winked at Riley, finally he left.

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Samuel Peters

Samuel heard Riley speak at his necklace, and was a bit confused. Nevertheless, when he saw the professor there,  he did respond when Riley asked him if that's what was happening. "That's most of the story..." Samuel said. "I do this for a reason... fear is the strongest, most basic instinct in humans..." He whispered creepily in his ear.  He got up and began to leave. As he was about to walk out, he looked back at Riley. "You need to learn to embrace fear... it's what makes us human..." He then left to walk back down the hall, not any more disturbed than when he had entered.

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Riley spent the rest of that night in his room with the light's on but with his door locked.  It was only when the sun came out did he turn off his light and fall asleep with the curtains open.  When people were in the cafeteria getting breakfast he would wait till the class bell rang and walk in, he told the lunch ladies that he wasn't feeling well and he wanted to make sure no one else got sick * I'm lying.  But at least they don't question me.*  He thought as he took the breakfast they offered to him and started to make his way back to his room.  He emailed his professors homework that they assigned so that he wouldn't have to physically be in the classrooms.  It spent most of the entire morning locked in his room and Chief had stopped by pounding on his door, demanding that he go with him to train and find a weapon master for Riley, but Riley objected.  "I don't need anyone to be my weapon master.  I am a weapon and I can take care of myself. Alone."  Chief kept pounding on Riley's door but Riley only turned on rock music and blasted it, completely ignoring Chief and holding on the cross necklace Opal gave him. *This sucks Opal...I...I can't do this.  I'm better alone.* Riley finished his breakfast while listening to his loud music and with Chief, his professional trainer, pounding on his door.

Samuel Peters

Samuel had fallen asleep eventually, but due to the twin powers of insomnia and paranoia, he woke up only an hour or two later. The pounding he could hear coming from the hall was driving him insane, so he ate some pizza(The king of breakfasts, of course) and walked out to see what it is. When he saw someone trying to get Riley to open his door, he just yelled, "Yo, what the hell are you doing? Not only did you wake me up, you're not hitting it the right way to open it."

Chief looked back at the young boy. "My student is refusing to come out.  Any reasons why?" Chief narrowed his eyes then looked back at Riley's door. "Riley open the door! Now!" Riley upon hearing this growled and shouted out "Fuck off!  Both of you." He heard Sam with Chief on the other side of the door and got up to push a chair up underneath his door handle to keep them out just in case Sam decided to kick the door.  Riley didn't want anyone coming in and he in the hell wasn't coming out.  "Leave me alone. I'm done training! I don't want a weapon master.  I won't connect with anyone! I won't!" He yelled before going to the bathroom and locking that door and sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest.

Chief looked at Sam and nodded to the door. "You gonna bust it?"

Samuel Peters

"Yes, I do know why..." Samuel said. He walked over and tried the handle on a dead hope, assuming(correctly)that it was locked. He shrugged, and started kicking the door down. It took about three kicks, but he managed to. "Dude, two things: One, god damn, I've busted your door down three times now, locking it won't help. Two, get up. The... incident, I suppose I'll call it, was three fucking hours ago." Samuel said, walking over the door. "And besides, you did tell me about Opal at one point. Don't think she'd approve of this."

"Fuck off Sam.  It was three hours ago.  And don't you dare bring my sister into this.  You can't say shit." He said through the bathroom door as he heard his front door bust down.  "Go away. I'm tired and pissed off.  I swear to God I'll...." Riley stopped and got up quick to hold the door closed with his body. "Chief I don't want to find or have a weapon master!"  Chief observed the two of them interacting thinking and smiled. "Well Riley to bad, if you don't choose. I'll choose for you and you won't like who I would pick. "  Chief pointedly stared at Sam. "A weapon master helps its' weapon get over trauma learns to fight together, become partners in the long run of things and eventually both will learn to sense what the other is feeling or thinking and will be able to fight on not only a physical level but  mental level and be stronger together than alone.  You need someone Riley.  Whether you want to or not." Chief said his arms crossed as he observed Sam and the assured "no nonsense, take charge attitude."

"Fuck no! Go away!" Riley growled his electric blue eyes turning crimson.

Samuel Peters

Samuel waited for his Weapon's Master to say who he was talking about, not knowing he was pointing to him. After a couple seconds, he turned around towards him and raised his eyebrows when he was staring at him. "Shit, I don't usually use weapons when I'm fighting... but I'm willing to help, if I need to." He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "You can open it or I can kick this down too. Locking it won't help dude." He said through the door,


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