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Takis Argyris

Takis cocked his head at him when he swam around. He kinda reminded him of Cadi... except, ya know, Cadius isn't half fish. "Nothin much. Just chilling. What about you?"

Mei Rinsaku

"He has a point..." Mei giggled, looking up at Chrollo.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart waited another couple minutes, before looking at the clock, obviously pissed off. "GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled, flipping his desk. "DO I HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY FUCKING DAY?!" He smashed the door to the classroom and walked out to go search for students again.

The fish boy smiled and gave a cute look. The only color on his was his eyes. His whole body was pretty much gray and black. Like and old movie. "trying out conversation.....before i was just used as a pet.....and my master wouldnt let me speak....if i did....the whip was out....or he threatened to cook me.....so i was forced to remain silent....but he died in an accident and now im here...."

Chrollo puffed out his cheeks and looked off to the side. "who cares..."

Hisoka busted up laughing over everything going on around him.

Solaris blush to the fact that he accepted him. Slowing holding him by the neck he sat up infront of him

Azrael look at him as he started to blush. He was more hotter than those prince who came in  and he was more handsom that him 

Takis Argyris

Takis looked back between the merman and Cadius. "You two actually seem kinda alike..." Takis said to Cadius, before looking back at the merman. "Accident. Why didn't you kill him yourself. Or could you?"

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was also laughing, but not nearly as loud or as wildly as Hisoka. He looked up at him and said, "Good god, you sound like the hyena from the Lion King..."

Scar was in his classroom, all alone with the sounds of his breathing as the only company that he had for now. His rapier was resting on his legs, having them crossed on a meditation position. His eyes were closed and then he made a cut on his thumb with his rapier to bleed, slowly but constantly, he manipulated that blood into a cross and solidified it, then with some of the remaining blood, he made a string on it, he made an improvised blood necklace and took it, he opened his eyes to let see his lavender and almost lilac eyes. "Look nice, it would look beautiful on the skin of my lover. Of course if I get one." He said chuckling and wrapped the necklace on his wrist to not forget that thing.
He looks at the man ever so innocently. "Mhm!" Agui smiles and looks at Pittoo. "Kibaw ba ka asa ang mga dorms diri?" His smile suddenly forms into a snarky smirk. He loved doing this, confusing others. It was in his nature. It was just no fun if he didn't confuse others before you know, showing his true sorta grumpy self. "Well?"

Est blushed too and kissed him lovingly.

Bilal looked at him and smiled. "better....."

@Astaroth Suzumiya*


Cadi looked at him then looked at the merboy. "really?"

The fish shook his head. "not a chance......he was a shark shifter....WAY bigger and stronger....."

Hisoka laughed even more at that, smacking hi hand on his knee.


"so you need help getting to the dorms?" Pittoo was actually smaller than the other male, he was tiny, like a little 7 year old. But he was pretty bad ass.

Solaris broke the kiss and look at him as he breath deeply "that was... great" he said as he blush and in heat looking at him and he hug him gently as the bell ring. Solaris made a depressing scoff "should we go to class?" He ask yet not wanting this to end so fast 

Azrael look at him and cover up his nose. Hes sure that blood would pour out anytime soon "yes its all better... come ill give you something to wear and clean your cloths in my dorm  " he said as he look away. He shoudnt enter up feelings for his prey but... is he falling so fast

Riley walked out of the training room with Chief laughijg in the background.  Riley was sore and his body ached in  places he didn't know that could ache. Riley was heading back to the dorms but he decided on a whim to explore the rest of the school.  Classrooms filled with students of all different ages, sizes, species and powers.  Riley turned right and stopped to admire the courtyard for a bit.  It was gilled with two big trees, flowers of different kinds and a few benches. He quickly walked over to one of the two trees and climbed it laying across one branch and dozing off in the shade of the branches.
Quite sorry, didn't mean for a minute to turn into a couple hours...

Takis Argyris

"Couldn't you leave?" Takis asked, cocking his head. He had a feeling he knew the answer, but after all, he had left when people doubted he could.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei hugged onto Hisoka's arm again. "Calm down, you'll die from lack of air..." He giggled.

The fish sighed. "i dont have legs.....and i was in a tank...." He shook his head. "its all over now...things will get better....i just....wanted to make some friends..." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

Hisoka slowly calmed down and smiled happily. "im already dead techincally"

Takis Argyris

"I do suppose that makes sense..." Takis said, looking at him. He was mesmerized by how odd the coloring of him was. "What's your name, anyways?" He asked.

Mei Rinsaku

"Like the zombie from Warm Bodies..." Mei said, poking him in the arm.


If you've never seen it, you should try to watch Warm Bodies. It's an awesome movie about a zombie trying to regain his humanity.
The boy tilted his head. "i was called....Rocco" (Rock-Oh)

Cadi looked down. The merboy was prettier than him and it made him upset. He didnt want Takis to give up on him and go after the merboy.

He gave a small smile. "good movie i tell you..."

Takis Argyris

"Dude, that's a badass name," Takis said, grinning. "Takis. And this is Cadi." He said, gesturing to and looking over to Cadius. He frowned when he noticed a bit sad. "Somethin' up?" He whispered to him.

Mei Rinsaku

"I liked watching it a lot... I always thought it was funny." Mei said, grinning.

Cadi jumped a little at the mention of his name, then shook his head with a nervous smile. "nothigns wrong.....its nice to meet you Rocco"

Rocco gave a small smile back. "same to you Cadi"

"what parts?" Hisoka looked at him and asked.

Solaris sign in dissapointment as they dint stay but leave. Next time he will take a note and not to ask that he shoudnt ask to go 

Azrael look at him and smile "your innocent upon simple things yet you are wiser than a bullet " he said as they reach his dorm and open the door for him

Takis Argyris

"Okay..." Takis said, looking back to Rocco after a couple of seconds. Again, he didn't think Cadius was telling the truth, but he didn't want to pry.

Mei Rinsaku

"When R and the girl were at the plane... I don't remember the girl's name though. Oh, and when R and Bill were talking with each other about going to find the girl." Mei said, looking back to Hisoka. It was seldom he had talked about movies with other people, and Warm Bodies happened to be one of his favorites.

Riley had spent an hour or so outside when he decided to go back to the dorms.  It was then that he saw Samuel, the boy was more then likely on his 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee.  Always bundled upas though it was winter.  Riley watched him for a minute before making his way to his own dorm room.  He had spent time thinking about what it meant to be a weapon and what he had to do to overcome his repression of his past. It was by no means going to be easy, but it was something that Riley had to do.  Riley strolled past Sam and into his room shutting the door just a bit leaving a crack open to let air flow through. Riley tuen proceeded to strip his shirt off getting reasy to take a shower in the bathroom adjacent to his dorm room.  

Samuel Peters

Samuel had just left his room with his fourth cup of coffee when he saw Riley walk by him. He acted like he didn't think anything of it, until he went into his room. He immediately turned around and walked over to his room. He kicked the door open, only to hear water running somewhere in the room. He didn't see him in the mini kitchen, so he could only assume he was in the restroom. Oh shit! He thought to himself, when he figured what had happened. "Yo, sorry about that." He yelled, before closing the door and waiting as close as he could in front of it again.

Agui's smirk faded. Darn it. "Uh.. Yeah." It was actually quite easy to understand what Agui said earlier, he just hoped Pittoo was stupid enough to not understand. Hm the shorter male was smarter than he expect. 

Finishing his meditation, Scar went out to see if any student would come to his class, but he was a new teacher so maybe no one knew about the fencing class, he didn't mind that, in fact was happy because he would have more time to practice his powers anyway. The half undead man ignited a flame on the floor of his empty classroom and closed his eyes, starting to sing a fast paced song as the flame covered his body, making strings of flames across it.
Est looked at him, feeling an off mood. "whats wrong?"

Bilal walked in and stretched completely vulnerable.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Rocco looked at Cadis. "you are a bad liar...."

Cadis gasped, then looked off to the side.

"oh when they were making weird sounds? like groaning?" Hisoka chuckled.


Pittoo saw the smik fade from his face, then smirked himself. "you must be stupid yourself to think an angel is dumb...." He started to walk. "follow me"


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