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I've been sick the entire day... woke up at 9:40 and had to have my stepmother drive me to school. Better than my brother's day though.

Takis Argyris

Takis looked back towards Cadius with an eyebrow raised. "To be honest, I didn't think you were telling the truth..." Takis said.

Mei Rinsaku

"Well... the first scene R doesn't no English, but in the second one, they are talking." Mei explained.

He adjusted his glasses giving a little "Tch." At the angel. "Ah no wonder your face looks like you fell really hard because you did." His words were just pouring with his snarky attitude. Agui walked along with the smaller male. This was going to be an enjoyable walk thought the half Santelmo.

Takis Argyris

Takis watched him walk out with a troubled face. "Hold on a tick," He said to Rocco, before walking out to talk with Cadius

Mei Rinsaku

"So cute," Mei said, poking his arm and kissing him again.

Scar loved to sing, but he didn't like to sing on his job. Though, he was alone and maybe that would be better than just meditate all the day. When he stopped, he went out of his classroom near the gym and then walked to the roof, with every step he made, there was another student looking at him. It was normal to him as he was a half vampire, but it was always women looking at him not men, it was new for him to has the look of men on his body, but it was a nice sensation.
Shit. He didn't mean to do this. Agui expected another comeback or maybe a grumpy look. Not actual hurt. Out of surprise flames covered bits of his body again. "Crud! Uh..  I'm sorry! I didn't mean it I was just..  Kidding!" Agui explains quickly. He hates it when someone is hurt because of him, but it's even worse when he didn't mean to hurt that person. "You are super attractive!" Agui tried his best cheer the angel up. But he wasn't very good at it.

The dhampir just smiled as he kept walking through the hallway of the school. "Well, it seems that fencing isn't the favorite subject here." He chuckled looking down, it was always the same with the subjects he was specialized, they were never really interesting enough to stay. "Well, I'll go away again. As always."
Riley heard his door being kicked open and he knew exactly who it was. God damn it Sam. Riley finished his shower turning off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist tightly before walking out expecting to see his door busted down, but it  was closed.  He the figured Sam was just beyond the door. Little fucker isn't gonna scare me this time. Riley opened his door and leaned against the frame, water drops sliding down his scarred upper body. "Hey ya lil' shit." he chuckled and stepped back. "Wanna come in?" Riley asked as he made his way over to the mini kitchen to get something to eat.

"But make it quick i got fencing class with Professor...Professor Scar i think his name is." Riley was still wrapped in the towel as he began to eat his turkey sandwich.


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Samuel Peters

"Yeah, fuck you too," Samuel laughed, walking in. He wasn't disturbed by the fact that he was in just a towel, as he was used to half the damn people in his house in the underwear. Hell, he did it himself. "Too bad I didn't scare you this time. Didn't think I would, but hell, worth a try."

Scar felt something vibrating on his pocket, he took a look and it was his phone, he unlocked and then guided the device to his ear. "Greetings, may I help you?" He said as he stopped walking, it was the head master, it seemed that one student signed to his class. He giggled and hanged out the phone when he finished, then he turned to a bat to fly fast to his classroom, when he was there he transformed back to his human form and went in.

"Yeah worth a try but pay backs are hell." Riley chuckled and changed in the bathroom before walking back out again. "Well, I got to get going but maybe I'll see you around." Riley ruffled Sam's hair then walked out of his room and teleported to the fencing class. " Professor. sorry i was late. it was a split second decision and my personal trainer Chief believes it to be a good idea for me to take fencing." Riley strolled in with his hands in his pockets his tank top covering most of the hideous scarring, but his arms looked like swirling vortexes of thin white lines going up and down his arms.


Samuel Peters

"Cool, later dude." He said as he watched him dissappear. When he left, he went to his room and got a bunch of paper and a sharpie. He made a bunch of really creepy, but realistic faces, then went back and taped them in a bunch of places in Riley's room. Inside the fridge, above his bed, in the microwave, in the shower, everywhere he could think of. He left to wait for him to come back and see all the faces scattered around the room.

"It is ok. I wasn't in this classroom anyway." Scar said with a husk tone on his voice as he sat on the floor with a rapier in hand. He then guided his hand to his mouth and chewed his thumb to make it bleed and then he spoiled his blood on the floor. "Come here, my loyal servant." He said with an echoed voice as the blood became a portal, a skeleton with a rusty sword came out from it and bowed at him. "You will be fighting this skeleton. Make it quick and I would maybe give you a present, use this rapier." He threw the rapier to his student.

Riley caught the rapier in his hand, his eyes going from an electric blue to crimson as he faced the skeleton.  *How funny that I, as a weapon, would use a weapon.* Riley wasted no time, he wasn't going to use all of his energy but he did use enough to be faster than the skeleton creature that the professor had summoned.  Riley was a mere blur, his body wanting to change into his battle axe form, but Riley fought the urge to change and instead used the rapier to make quick work of the skeleton.  There were several times where Riley got sliced, he didn't feel it though, once across his cheek, the other across his shoulder.  He stared down at the pile of bones, his breathing slightly changed to take deeper breaths.  Riley's eyes faded back to the electric blue as he looked from the corner's of his eyes right at the teacher.  "You can keep the rapier. I don't need it."  He said quietly as he tossed it back to the teacher as he was done fighting the skeleton who now lay in a pile.

"Good job, both of you." It was weird that he also thanked his summoning creatures, but he felt very grateful with it. He caught the rapier midair and got up like nothing, then he walked to the student with a natural smile on his face, he took the necklace on his wrist and gave it to him, closing his eyes as he helped the young man with it. "You are my fist student here, so you deserve something special. This necklace is made with my blood, take care of it." He said and then gave a kiss on the student's forehead. "Tell me your name and then you can leave, I will be easy on you as it was the first class." He chuckled and reconstructed his skeleton servant with just a snap of his fingers.

Riley looked down at the blood necklace that was right around his neck along with his sister, Opal's cross necklace and looked up at the professor. "Riley, sir. Riley Cavolti."  He closed his eyes and tensed when he felt the professor's lips against his forehead.  Opal was the only one who Riley was really comfortable with to allow to kiss or hug him.  He grew quiet and nodded. "I promise to take are of it Professor Scar.....Thank you."  Riley bowed and then took off from the class room running down the hall.  @Eternal_Blizzard

He made it back to his room and screamed as he saw realistic heads. "FUCK!!!" His arm turning to the head of the battlaxe as he swung his arm and had it collide with his bed side lamp and the picture head above his wall causing a gash in the wall.  "SAM! You fucking shit!  Sie Scheiße, ich schwöre, ich werde Sie Gott für diese zurück. (You shit, I swear to god I'll get you back for this.)"  Riley swore in German as he searched his room for all the head pictures and then proceeded to burn them over the stove becoming oddly quiet but with a slight frown.

Scar chuckled as he saw how the guy named Riley went out, he sure was an interesting guy. He looked back at the skeleton that was waiting for orders, but he just kept looking at it, even when it didn't had eyes, he swore that he could see the spark of loyalty on it. "I will call you... Valor. That's a good name. What do you think about Riley?" He asked to the skeleton, it made its sword disappear and then bowed. "It... Is a nice fighter... Milord..." He got an answer from his servant, but he already knew that, maybe it was too soon to say that he got someone to love. "Yeah. Just a good fighter, I guess." With a snap of his fingers, he dismissed the creature along a cloud of dust.

Riley then plopped down on his bed and sighed.  "God...I just wanna sleep.." Riley rolled onto his back and toyed with the blood necklace, his fingers idly stroking and toying with it, he was fascinated that it was made out of the blood from the professor, even more so by the color.  Crimson blood...his crimson eyes, Riley's eyes half lowered as he was getting very sleepy.  *Can't believe he kissed my forehead...so...odd...like a parent would with a child....or lovers...* Riley's thoughts trailed off as his eyes closed and he fell into slumber, Riley's fingers still playing with the necklace around his pale throat.

Samuel Peters

Samuel heard Riley yelling and started laughing his ass off. "Fuckin' try to kill me! I may not be able to fight you, but I can run like all hell!" He waited a minute, then smelled burning paper and ink. He kicked his door down again. "Dude, your burned them? Aww, I worked hard on them..." He teased, grinning.

Riley woke up when his door was kicked open and in a blur he pinned Sam against a wall. "You lil shit.  Thinking it's funny to scare the fuck out of a weapon don'tcha."  Riley leaned in his eyes shifting from blue to crimson. "Look at what you made me do to my wall Samuel." Riley's voice dropping to a husky, growl as his anger was just slightly present.  Riley sensed Samuel teasing him and smirked. "Aww poor thing.  I destroyed your precious works." Riley grabbed Sam's shoulder and spun him to look at the wall above his bed. "Look at what you did Sam." Riley said in the boy's ear. Riley then backed away from Sam and walked over to the stove and stirred the goop of paper and ink. "Perfect to patch up the gash in my wall don't you think?" He smirked and faced away from Sam, continuously stirring now.

Samuel Peters

Samuel wasn't even disturbed at the fact he just got pinned against the wall. All he did was run his hand down Riley's face. When he looked at the cut wall, he responded with, "Hey, don't be so trigger happy." He grinned when he looked at the mess in Riley's pot. "Add a bit of glue, maybe some basil, and it's perfect." He joked.

Riley looked over at Sam and rolled his eyes before walking back over to the wall the mess now plastered onto a spatula as Riley smeared it onto and inside the gash.  "You're gonna pay for this still Sam." Riley said quietly as he focused on the gash and his work. "I'm not trigger happy and if you were in the room...I could have hurt you.  On a serious note. Try not to scare me.  It's dangerous." Riley plastered some more and then sat back admiring his handiwork. "There.  Should be good now.  No thanks to your little prank." Riley shook his head and started to pick up the glass from his shattered bed side lamp that was lying on the floor. Ever since Sam ran his hand down his face Riley was having a hard time looking at Sam.  *Why is physical contact so weird? I can touch others but when they touch me....I freak out or freeze.* Riley grumbled quietly and threw the pieces into a trash can, on his knees as he picked up the shards.

Samuel Peters

Samuel kept grinning like a mad man. "I'll never stop..." He teased. He helped Riley pick up the glass from the floor, but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh. "After all, invisibility is a good way to scare someone..." He said, looking at Riley with a wide smile.

"Don't you dare Sam, I mean it. I could kill you." Riley looked up and saw that Sam was trying not to laugh. "Gott Sie Sam verdammt. ... Das ist nicht ... lustig. (God damn you Sam this...isn't... funny.)  You and yer wide smile and shit."  Riley said in German again shaking his head as he was trying not to smile. "Fuck you." He said as he smacked Sam upside the head with a pillow as they both finished picking up the glass shards on the floor. " I'm warning you to stop.  You're insane." Riley said quietly sitting on the floor his back up against his bed as he looked over at Sam.


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