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Samuel Peters

"Hell yeah I did," Sam said, grinning like a madman. "That was pretty damn crazy. I think we broke three, if not more, laws tonight. Fuck it, who cares, right? Well.... plenty of people, but I don't give two shits and a hog." Samuel laughed, leaning back against the wall again.

"Yeah yeah heh pretty crazy tonight."  Riley turned off his bedside lamp and the room was dark except for the moon that shown through. "Uh Sam. I had a blast.  Thanks. Goodnight." He said quietly turning over onto his side, his back facing Sam as he dozed off into sleep.  Whether or not the sleep would be peaceful or filled with night terrors was yet to be seen, but hopefully Samuel would be in his own dorm, resting. "Also, stay off your foot for the rest of the night will ya? You might break it." Riley chuckled but fell back into sleep once more.

Samuel Peters

"In your fuckin' dreams..." Samuel chuckled to himself when he was sure Riley was asleep. He quietly left, taking one last look into Riley's room before he left into the hall, inevitably to go head out and do more stupid shit.
Aurelion look around and sign " i dont know but. What ever is the purpose of the killer it is trying to makw it clean" he said as he look around and search for the dead body 

Azrael was walking when a siberian husky (puppy) came "buddy how did you get out of my dorm you know how much the principal forbids pet roaming around the school ."he said with a sign 

"Arf arf" puppy roll in the floor and ran over to Bilal and sniff him and sat down as it stare up at him 

Riley had gotten up in the early crack of dawn and went to the gym.  He was alone and he was shifting either his leg or his arm into the head of his battle axe.  Fluid motion and being connected was the thing that was getting him through his trauma. Chief, his personal teacher for being a weapon, was standing off in a corner silently observing Riley without him knowing.  Riley shifted his arm and swung it about slicing and dodging imaginary foes.  He had taken off his t-short and his body looked like a patchwork of body pieces sex on to his skin. His back, his arms, his stomach all a patchwork of lines that had faded to a silver on his skin. Torn and ripped up doll. A stitched line across his neck and that line went down the middle all the way down the center of his body to just disappear into his boxers that he wore. His legs were similar to his chest and back, the stitch lines becoming jagged broken crosses.  He kept on shifting, dodging, getting faster and faster as he felt his soul illuminate and spark his electric eyes nothing but crimson orbs as he trained.  

Orious tilted his head curiously. " you sure? I wouldn't mind spoiling you a little, I'm actually a rather wealthy and I'd like it if you'd let me at least treat you since this is our first date.." Ori told him and moved to stand behind him. He pulled out his credit card holding it out blushing just a little bit.

He huffed a bit before shaking his head. "No, I-I'll pay for the rabbit... Please, this is just the first shop we st-stopped by, we haven't even gotten food yet." Daisuke goes of his tip toes and pulls Orious down a bit (because he cant pull hard enough to pull Ori to his size) and kisses him on the cheek before taking out his small wallet. He never leaves home without it.
Felix glared  at  motheal. "Just go away...you can't have his soul." He growled as  moth approached. Motheal grabbed  Lag's face smiling like a physchopath as his eyes glowed. Felix smacked moth in the head and got up dragging him by the leg and tossed him off. "Just go home!"

Lag was unfazed by Motheal's stare as well as the way he just grabbed his face. He would just give him the same nasty stare along with a small mocking grin. Of course he wouldn't take someone who want his soul seriously especially is he was mated. Lag stared when Felix grabbed Motheal and dragged him out of their room. And while they were fighting he would just yawn and stretch.
He huffed a bit before shaking his head. "No, I-I'll pay for the rabbit... Please, this is just the first shop we st-stopped by, we haven't even gotten food yet." Daisuke goes of his tip toes and pulls Orious down a bit (because he cant pull hard enough to pull Ori to his size) and kisses him on the cheek before taking out his small wallet. He never leaves home without it.

"Alright. Then just the cat.   Got it. Here."  He gave him the money for the cat. He did say he'd at least get daisuke  one of the plushs.  He couldn't help but to smile a little that  daisuke gave him a kiss. He stretched looking around  at everything then looked at daisuke as he had got out his wallet. He tilted his head blushing noticing his boyfriend's figure from the back and smirked. Daisuke was extremely cute from this angle too and secretly he couldn't help but to look a little peak at that rear end of his boyfriend's. He looked to the side. "Well as for something to eat you can decide where you'd like to go."
Lag was unfazed by Motheal's stare as well as the way he just grabbed his face. He would just give him the same nasty stare along with a small mocking grin. Of course he wouldn't take someone who want his soul seriously especially is he was mated. Lag stared when Felix grabbed Motheal and dragged him out of their room. And while they were fighting he would just yawn and stretch.

felix had dragged motheal off and pretty much returned back to lag with a look like he was a bit irritated. "honestly, i swear motheal can be so bothersome at the wrong times... also you really shouldn't try to pick a fight with him ok? he's a type a gatekeeper between worlds and he's absolutely dangerous,he just won't hurt me because I'm  of importance to him for some reason." felix told him with a exhale before coming back over to the bed giving lag a look. he couldn't help but to lean over so he was nose to nose with  his  mate. " you want something to eat? i did take a lot of blood and energy.
Samuel Peters

Samuel, of course, had not gone to sleep at all. He was still limping his way around campus, groggily holding a cup of coffee in one hand of course. Not like he wouldn't have. He downed the whole thing in about two minutes, and started limping back to his dorm to get more coffee.

"Alright. Then just the cat.   Got it. Here."  He gave him the money for the cat. He did say he'd at least get daisuke  one of the plushs.  He couldn't help but to smile a little that  daisuke gave him a kiss. He stretched looking around  at everything then looked at daisuke as he had got out his wallet. He tilted his head blushing noticing his boyfriend's figure from the back and smirked. Daisuke was extremely cute from this angle too and secretly he couldn't help but to look a little peak at that rear end of his boyfriend's. He looked to the side. "Well as for something to eat you can decide where you'd like to go."

He payed for the bunny and carried it around in a paperbag the cashier gave him. Daisuke wasn't aware of his boyfriend looking at his rear side. He looked at his lover with a confused look, tilting his head to the side slightly. He was unsure where Orious was lokking at but got over it seeing that he looked to the side. He shrugs. "I'm not sure where to eat.." He hasn't been in town for well.... His entire life. "How about a cafe here? Th-There is a cafe here.... right?"
Cadi blushed and looked off to the side when he came to. "s-s-sorry....."

Metoka let go and smiled happily. "take care of him!"


Enma smiled and nodded. "lets!"

Nai changed to his human form and stretched. "not sure"


Est nodded and sat on the stairs, not wanting to be there anymore.

Bilal looked at the puppy and blinked at the weird creature.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Pittoo flew into the school, its his first day and he wasnt all that happy.


Edogawa remained by himself, scared to death of everyone. He looked homeless, because he was.

Solaris look around to were the scent is when he spotted something strainge. Walking closer to it he notice that it was a deas body. He gast and ran by to est 

Azrael  look at him with a smile "you wanna touch him " he ask as he put the puppy down and he ran towards Bilal moving around him as his tail wiggle cutely 

We just dissected a sheep brain in science.  :D  

Takis Argyris

"What happened?" Takis asked, confused. He noticed his blush, and slowly realized. "Wait..." he said, remembering what he had said. He started to burst into laughter, realizing what had happened. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Yes, I'll try..." Mei said, sitting back down and putting Hisoka in his lap. "Assuming, of course, he doesn't do more stupid shit..."

fun xD  we had a bomb threat yesterday so we stayed outside doing nothing lol (at school) ))

He blushed darker and hid his face. "s-s-sorry....."

"impossible....its his way of therapy....his life isnt the best...." Hesighed.

>.< Our village is too tiny and nice to have anyone threaten a school. Hell, it's small enough to be considered a village, anyways. It's so weird, since I moved here from Memphis. Memphis was literally 30 times bigger than this place.

Takis Argyris

Takis continued to laugh for a bit, and eventually he managed to control himself and stop laughing. "No, it's quite alright. Pretty funny, if you ask me. I mean... we've barely done anything, don't think I'll be fucking you yet." He grinned, before continuing to laugh.

Mei Rinsaku

"It's funny though... I'll at least try to control him." Mei huffed, poking his cheek.

Takis Argyris

Takis looked at him and chuckled a bit. "You still seem embarrassed... more so than before, actually. Eh, whatever." He yawned, stretching his legs out.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was nearly right in front of his face when he woke up, since he heard him as he woke up. "Well... I said not to fight him..." he teased, kissing him on the nose.

Cadi remained silent, calming down, well, except for down south. He decided to just sit there, hiding himself.

Hisoka blinked then smiled. "what a beautiful angel...." He whispered and sat up.

Takis Argyris

Takis was oblivious to the fact that he was aroused, and didn't say anything. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah, whatever..." Mei said, grinning. "You look cute when you're knocked out. I'd still suggest you don't do it anymore." He teased.

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Cadi put his forehead on his knees which were pulled to his chest. Ir was highly uncomfortable so he let out a whimper.

Hisoka smiled and looked around the room. "Metoka went crazy didnt he...no wonder i was out cold..." He smirked.

Takis Argyris

"The hell was that?" Takis said, looking over at Cadius. "Yo, chill. Are you okay?"

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah... I think he did. You know I'm never letting you go for this." He teased, poking Hisoka's arm.


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