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((It's fine, really \(•U•)/))

He watched as Orious stomped on the cigarette. Daisuke looked a bit more happy and satisfied now. It was good Orious wasn't the type to smoke for too long. That was alright but still unhealthy. 

Daisuke looks around a bit at the town. "Mm...." He hums and taps his fingers against his side. "O-Oh oh! How about that shop?" Ant points at a very cute looking toy store. Yes Daisuke is the guy to like stuffed animals. If you open his second drawer near his bed you will see it full of stuffed animals. It seemed to be a little secret he keeps. Since obviously he didn't want to be called a baby or a child. He was mature 100%. Obviously. "Can we go there...?" Daisuke asks.

Orious looks to where he points and raised a brow only to shrug walking  with him to the shop. He opened to door for him looking around. There was a good range of toys but there was also a lot of stuffed animals varying in sizes and designs. 
Lag just huffed and looked away in his usual tsundere self. "Yea. Yea.." Lag said and kisses him back softly. Looking down, he nodded and took his pants from Felix's grip and wears it. "Sure. But you carry me. I can't walk.." Lag puffed his cheeks and grumbled.

Felix nodded and stood picking lag up bridal style. He started walking and left the library going down the hallway. They got some envious stares and whispers at them as he walked. Felix  carried lag out to the dorms and took him into his setting him on the bed.
Felix nodded and stood picking lag up bridal style. He started walking and left the library going down the hallway. They got some envious stares and whispers at them as he walked. Felix  carried lag out to the dorms and took him into his setting him on the bed.

Lag would just yawn loudly and stretch like a lazy cat as he curled on the bed. Half of his back exposed and decorated with bruises and bite marks while his hair was left abit messy. Like a small wandering prey, he would crawl away from his predator teasingly as if he was trying to escape from the beast.
Lag would just yawn loudly and stretch like a lazy cat as he curled on the bed. Half of his back exposed and decorated with bruises and bite marks while his hair was left abit messy. Like a small wandering prey, he would crawl away from his predator teasingly as if he was trying to escape from the beast.

Felix climbed on the bed over lag and caught him pinning him down playfully. "You can't get away from me.. "  He told him as he laid down beside him nuzzling into Lag's back with a growl. 
Orious looks to where he points and raised a brow only to shrug walking  with him to the shop. He opened to door for him looking around. There was a good range of toys but there was also a lot of stuffed animals varying in sizes and designs. 

Daisuke followed Orious into the shop, smiling at the countless stuffed animal designs. Why hasn't he gone here before? This place had so many varieties than the online shops! Daisuke looked like an excited kid as he looked at the stuffed animals. A excited, bandaged up kid.
Daisuke followed Orious into the shop, smiling at the countless stuffed animal designs. Why hasn't he gone here before? This place had so many varieties than the online shops! Daisuke looked like an excited kid as he looked at the stuffed animals. A excited, bandaged up kid.

Ori looked at daisuke  with a chuckle amused by his boyfriend's reaction. Orious noticed a cat plushy picking it up and looking at it. He blushed a little. Orious loved cats."Hmm...so is there one you'd like? I can get it for you.." The vampire said looking at him setting down the cat plush.
Riley looked at his door when he heard the knock.  He remembered how much he was like Lilo from the stupid cartoon his sister Opal made him watch when they were younger. "Just leave me here to die."  Riley imitated Lilo's voice before sighing and getting up and opening the door to his room.  He got shocked with how close Sam was to his door and out of shock or fear or whatever his defense was to change his arm into the head of the battle axe.  In a flash of blue electrical light his arm was a gigantic battle axe head the blade covering Riley's torso and half of his stomach, his eyes going from blue to red in an instant.

"Lord have mercy on you Samuel ! I could have killed you!" Riley scolded Sam for scaring him to the point of making him shift.  Riley then realized his error.  He had shown what he was.  A weapon.  However, by the way Sam looked...the 16 year old male didn't seem to remember him at all...Riley shifted his hand back to normal and his eyes faded back to electric blue.  "Sam...uh....." Riley trailed off on his words and just looked down.  "Goodnight Sam."  Riley said quietly before reaching the knob to close his door to keep Sam out and keep him away from seeing him at the moment.  Riley didn't like showing any kind of weakness, his sister was an exception but that was because she forced herself into his room at times.  Riley's door was about half-way closed at this point.

Samuel Peters

Samuel laughed at Riley's response. "Hell, I've been doin' stupid shit my whole life, nev'r been killed. Given, I've never pissed someone off who's a weapon as well..." He noticed Riley closing the door and said, "Ah, bullshit. It's ten, day ain't over yet." He attempted to kick the door open, but instead kicked the door down, making it fall on his leg. "...Ow..." He waited for a second, but shrugged and moved it into the hall. "Didn't help my damn leg... already had it fucked up."


I've accidentally taken a door down before... it was uh... interesting. 
Dude!...Damn. Too stronk.

Riley Cavolti

Riley flinched and looked at his door laying in the hall then looked at Samuel, he sighed shaking his head and helped the boy into his room and onto his bed before moving out into the hall and lifting his door having fixed it back onto its' hinges.  He then walked over and knelt down in front of him and gently took his leg in his hands.  "Well...kicked his ass I see, but he got you limping.  Jeez Sam." Riley shook his head and went to his mini fridge and pulled out an icepack before walking back over propping Sam's leg with a pillow then gently laid the ice pack onto his leg.  "Don't move. I mean it."  Riley walked over to the very small little stand he set up to act as a kitchen counter and took some pain killers out then walked back over to Sam, took his hand and placed the two pills in hand. "Take those." Riley was stern and he meant no nonsense because he hated...no...more than that...he loathed seeing Sam limping.  Riley couldn't explain the feeling, nor did Riley want to spend to much time thinking on it, but he didn't like it at ALL.  Didn't want it to happen ever again and if it did, Riley found himself feeling as though he would go on a hunt for the person or people who ever touched Sam in the wrong way.  Riley then sat up against the wall of his room, directly across from Sam, but a good distance from him looking at him.  "...I don't want to be this....thing...a weapon.." Riley said frowning slightly.

Samuel Peters

"Yo, you kiddin' me? I've limped plenty of times, I ain't need shit." He took the ice pack off of his legs, and contemplated throwing the pills across the room, but just put them down. He stood up and looked at Riley. "I've been fighting since I was thirteen, I've dealt with worse."


Eh. My brother managed to smash a plexiglass window with his head when he was three. That was some real shit though. xD
"Damnit Sam!" Riley stood up as well and looked down at just the slightly smaller male. "I don't care! I don't want you getting hurt anymore.  You hear me?  You may be tough shit and that's all great but damnit!" Riley stopped himself and just scoffed looking away from Sam and crossed his arms over his chest, it was tightening and he wanted that feeling to go away.  Riley honestly didn't know what he was feeling, it was feeling some what similar to what he felt for his sister, but it wasn't familial feelings.  *Protective.  That's all this is.* Riley thought as he scuffed his foot against his carpet. "Look..." Riley said quietly, running his hand through his black hair in frustration, "Did you come here to just scare the fuck out of me?  Hopefully creep me out or whatever by scaring me half to death? If so...you won Samuel."  Riley turned to head back towards the little kitchen counter to get a drink.


^.^ Dang sounds intense.
Samuel Peters

"Yeah, pretty much the whole point," Sam said, grinning. "Didn't think you'd flip your shit over my leg though... Can't imagine what you'd do if I broke something." He sighed and leaned against the wall. "Bastard had a bat. I think that's why he was gone so long..."


Yeah, we're kinda savages at our house... I remember I managed to break a sink off the god damn wall once. >.<
Riley tensed as he gripped the edges of the counter his body shaking lightly before he just stopped and let go of the counter. " I...I didn't expect to flip shit either.  But if the bastard comes to fight you again...I want to be there.  If..if he's gonna have a bat...then..." Riley shrugged and shook his head.  Riley had been about to offer Samuel to use Riley as a weapon in order for Samuel to defend himself, not saying that Sam was incapable of fighting, cause that's not what Riley meant...Riley just felt that it felt right to be...Sam's weapon... *Nope...Nope that's fucking weird. Never think that thought again.* He told himself as he just kept his back to Sam. "Samuel...you really should rest. Foolish boy." He whispered but there was a hint of teasing under his breath.


Jeez crimneys. You savage lol
Samuel Peters

"I can fight for myself," Samuel said, feigning exasperation. "Besides, I already told him he's getting seriously fucked up next time he brings a weapon. We're only supposed to use our fists." He scoffed when he mentioned sleeping. "Hell naw man, it's only a quarter past ten. I ain't headed out yet."


At least they were accidents... that kinda makes it worse, actually. >.< How about this, it at least wasn't a public sink.
"Then. What? You gonna chill here? Sorry to disappoint but I'm not into the whole...party thing. Crowds make me nervous. To many people to be aware of." He said before turning and frowning, but not really meaning it, "You should rest.  You won't heal right if you don't get off your leg."  A corner of his mouth in a smirk was the only thing readable to tell that he was joking.  "If the guy didn't use fists this time around what makes you think he will next time hm?  I don't think he's scared of you Sam...not anymore if he brought a damn bat.  If anything..it means he's getting stupid enough to get bolder."  He walked over and dropped to one knee and was reaching for Sam's leg. "At least let me see it.  Hell I want to make sure it really isn't broken."  Normally Riley wouldn't hover, whenever his sister got hurt but insisted that she was fine Riley would let her grow tougher from the experience unless she broke an arm or a leg or was bleeding badly.  So...Riley felt the need to make sure Sam was ok before leaving him be.

Samuel Peters

"Hard to have a party of two..." Samuel joked. He shrugged when he said to rest again. "True... but my leg can wait. Honestly, it's fine." He said when he bent down. He had an urge to knee him in the face, as he didn't like people coming close to him. Instead, he decided to just move away a bit.

Riley nodded taking the hint and stood up leaving Samuel be.  "Then go have fun Samuel.  Seriously.  The night is young or...whatever." He shrugged smiling a bit before Riley looked very sparsely at Sam then points to the door. "Don't let me, the anti-social guy stop ya. I'm sure you got a hot date with a pretty girl some where off school grounds." He said before turning to rummage through his mini fridge for food.

Samuel Peters

"Pfft. You shittin' me? I ain't got no girl... long line a reasons. One, I'd just end up pissing her off all the time. Two, I'm a fucking skinny ass nerd. And I'd rather stay here and piss you off more than trying to be romantic." Samuel teased, grinning. 

"Oh? Piss me off? Sam..I'd seriously advise against that." He looked over his electric blue eyes fading to the crimson before back again. "Also, you might find a girl that's as nerdy and talented at pissing people off as you are." He chuckled loud enough to hear and shook his head not really finding food so he pulled two beverages and tossed one to Sam.  " Besides. I find it funny that you think you could piss me off." Riley laughed and plopped onto his bed one leg up on the bed the other draped over the side of the bed as he sipped at his beverage.  "Only ones that pissed me off are long dead by now." He spoke, a slight smile on his lips as he remembered bits and pieces of his black out years ago with the abusers that called themselves weapon masters.  "So, were you born with your powers? Or did you acquire them through a different way?" He asked trying to break the tension inside hi chest at trying to maintain some semblance of normal.

Samuel Peters

"Like you weren't already pissed," Sam teased, grinning at Riley. "I'm a furious ball of five seven power!" He joked, looking kinda cute again, as he was trying to seem intimidating. "I think I was born with them... but no one really knows. It's something my whole family has though, so probably born with them."

Riley laughed good naturedly at the fact Samuel was trying to seem intimidating. "You? A Furious ball of five seven power? Pfft, oh it hurts to laugh!" Riley laughed some more but then quieted down and smiled seeing Sam acting intimidating was cute. "Ah, so passed down the line of family then."  He nodded, yawning a bit and stretching again, the horrendous stitch work scars more evident in the light of his lamp as he closed his eyes his drink in his hand on his chest. "Have they taught you how to use them? Or is it just random chance most of the time?" He asked, his voice a bit deeper as he relaxed and became comfortable around Samuel.

Samuel Peters

"Both, actually. I know how to turn invisible, but it happens at random sometimes," Samuel said, demonstrating by turning invisible for a second then turning back. "Mostly when I'm zoned out. Which happens a lot." He noticed his scars, and said, "Scolding me for my fuckin' leg are ye?" He pointed to one of them as he teased him.

Riley looked down at his scars, "Ah. Yeah. I wasn't strong enough as a kid. So when I got cut up, they made sure to have one hell of a time with my body first.  Besides I scold you because you purposely go out and look for trouble Samuel.  This was done to me. Forcefully. Long hours in a dark cellar with my blood stained on the walls and floors. So yes. I'll scold you for your leg." He teased back, grinning and chuckling a little, still relaxed till he realized he blabbed about what happened to him so casually and then tried to laugh it off. "Nah.haha just messin with you. Fell out of a tree." Riley lied as he downed the rest of his beverage then set the empty glass on the end table next to his bed.

Samuel Peters

"I know that's a load of bull. I've fell off a damn building and never had scars like that. Not that I believe the other story either," Samuel shrugged. "I've got a couple scars, but most of them are around my hip, and I don't feel like taking my damn pants off. The most recent one, however..." Samuel paused to roll up his sleeve, revealing a long scar that wasn't too deep. "...Was from an asshole with a chain. Dear god, why did I just show you that..." Samuel sighed, face palming.

"The other story, is actually true.  Not once did I lie to you except for the whole tree story bull.  I didn't change into my battle axe form fast enough so relentlessly they would cut into me, wherever they could reach me at the time, in order to get me to change."  Riley looked at the new recent scar and then at Sam. "Heh, maybe you're beginning to trust me." Riley chuckled very very quietly and laid down on his side on his bed his eyes half closed as he yawned again.  "Maybe you just showed me by accident without consciously thinking about it..ya know?" Riley whispered as his eyes closed all the way but he wasn't sleeping.  Not by a long shot.


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