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Riley nodded and attentively paid attention. "Ah, I see.  Having memory problems aren't bad, it's a struggle, but I'm sure there are people looking out for you when you do forget." Riley finished his water and was looking at the bottom of the glass. "Forgetting everything.....I would want to forget some things but...heh." Riley trailed off as well before smiling and shrugging it off.  "Well, no worries, if you forget who I am, I'll just keep reminding you." He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, the hem of his shirt riding up over his stomach which had scars crisscrossing over his abdomen and then trailed lower, but it also trailed up from the main scars on his abdomen, looking like a crude cross shape or a surgery gone horrendously wrong.  Other than that he had a nice toned body, not overly muscular, but nice.  It was brief before he fixed his shirt back down over his stomach and leaned forward his elbows on the table. "Why do you fight later in the evening, closer to night?" He asked his eyes which were half opened and were sleepy finally changed from half crimson, half blue, to their normal electric blue.


Hey, being kinda weird is awesome.  Scoliosis sucks, my younger sister has scoliosis, but having hearing problems, color blindness is not a bad thing.  It makes you different, and it's really cool that you decided to add your attributes to your character that is based off of you. :)  
It isn't bad, just makes everything more interesting. xD  Life becomes a mini puzzle.

Samuel Peters

"So no one knows." Samuel grinned. "Well, at least anyone that'd get me in a considerable amount of trouble. Like... a teacher, I suppose." He shrugged. "Also, I'm NOT a mornin' person. I try and do everything useful at night." He looked around again and sighed, running his hand over his hair. It made him look a fair bit older than he actually was. "Ya know, I don't really know much about you. Hell, I've told you plenty 'bout me. What's up with you?" He asked.

Riley's comfortableness wore off as soon as Sam wanted to know more about him. "Uh..heh...well I have a younger sister named Opal.  She's the one who told me to come here and get help. Learn to be human and have different emotions pop up. "Get out and catch the feels brother." She said to me...I miss her....I didn't realize how much I really depended on her...and for god's sake I'm an 18 year old guy....I should be the one to protect her...she should depend on me...heh I love to play piano.  Music speaks to me in a way people never could..then again I didn't make it easy for people to talk to me." Riley chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck and then placed both hands on the table. "I was adopted by my sister's parents.  They took me in and before all that...I can't really remember much about my past.. (that's a lie..you know it is Riley.)" His inner mind spoke to him. "I'm sure there is nothing to remember anyway.." (Stop it! This isn't what Opal would want...she tried to get you to talk about it! Speak about it!) "Heh..I do like to read and write...swim but...I swim when no one can see me." He trailed off, god this was...hard, a lot harder than he realized to open up (It's not that hard you're closing yourself up.) "I also like to draw..god how I love to draw. It's...therapeutic." He chuckled and looked over at Sam who ran his fingers over his hair. "By the way...how old are you? I mean...just then you looked a bit older but I'm guessing 16 or 17?" He tilted his head switching the topic off of him and back to Samuel.


:D  Mini puzzles are fun, I like challenges.
Samuel Peters

"Actually, you're pretty spot-on. Sixteen." He said, looking back up at Riley. "Ah, music... I love music. Although I don't play instruments... I don't understand how they work... I just like singing." Samuel shrugged. "Although... hell, I sing country. Half the stuff I sing about's beer and women." He laughed. "I like art too... specifically nature. It's quite beautiful, at times. Of course, it's terrible sometimes..." He stared past Riley, at the wall, blanking out. When he did this, he went invisible. He didn't mean to, but it always happened when he was embarrassed or when he blanked out.

Riley was a bit surprised when Samuel turned invisible, he never seen that.  Hell he didn't know what half of these students were unless they demonstrated what their powers were. "Yeah, nature is both beautiful and dangerous.  By the way, were you born with that ability? I mean...it's really cool. I..I haven't really seen people use their powers around here either that or I'm just not walking by when people are."  Riley was fascinated and he wanted to reach out but by sheer will alone he kept his hands on the table.  Earlier when he had pet Samuel's head...he immediately regretted it but also...he felt that Sam didn't like to be touched.  Hell if Riley was honest he didn't like to be touched either.  His sister was the only exception cause she was a frequent hugger and hand holder.  Then there was Chief who had to wield him around while he was in his weapon form....that was different though.  "How..often does that happen?"


Not gonna lie I really like your character Samuel.  In a non-shipping characters way, I feel like there is a major back story to him. :)  
Again, I really try to base him off of me, as much as I can. I mean, I've had some interesting things happen before, but nothing really major. There really isn't much, but it's a fun thing to do even if he doesn't have some badass history. xD

Samuel Peters

"Hm?" Samuel said, still a bit out of it. After a couple seconds, he realized what he had done, and went back to normal, focusing back on Riley. "Oh, sorry about that. That... happens. Not really sure why... it just always has." Samuel shrugged. He looked at Riley, and said, "What can you do, anyways? I mean.. surely everyone's here for a reason..."

"What can you do, anways? I mean..surel-"  Riley couldn't here the next words that Samuel said, he was staring at him but his mind was thrown back. *Change! You're a weapon! Kill the sumbitch! Do it! Change! You're not human! Change!*  Riley's eyes glazed over with a sheen of what looked like tears, *(Thud! Scchuiiick) (That knife...it's...in my skin?) AHHHHHH AHHH AH AHHH ahhhhh--- (I am screaming? I can't hear myself scream...I'm a weapon...I can't feel) *(Squelch...squish... thud, thud...) ( I can't feel their kicks anymore...can't feel them cutting into my skin or their fingers digging deep into the wound...it makes a squelching sound...like goo in the art classroom when you jam your finger into it.)*    Riley shook his head chasing the thoughts away and looking away from Samuel, from his eyes, focused on the wood chippings. (This is it Riley.  Tell him. You told Opal...pretend you're talking to Opal.)  "I..I-I." Riley stuttered and cursed at himself for it. *Damn it why am I weak?!* he mentally scolded himself. Just say it bluntly. Like you did the first time you spoke to Opal.  " I'm a weapon." He said, his voice devoid of emotion..that was the only way he could say it without it hurting.  " I turn into a Battle Axe..flashing electrical sparks and then...poof...Battle Axe...DNA is different..I had it explained in class today..." He trailed off and then stood up from the table. "Heh, it's late and you still gotta find that guy right? Train and fight you know? So...heh..what are you doing sitting around talking to me for? Go find that guy and kick his butt Samuel."  Riley smiled, but it didn't mean anything as he went back to the lunch ladies and dropped off his plate and his glass then started to make his way out of the cafeteria.


Don't mind the dark content lol I like to torment characters before happy endings. :D  Anyways the stuff in red is referencing to his past, so anything in red is him remembering the past. Just so you're not confused. :)
Nah, it's good. Ironically, red is one of the colors that I'm color blind to. But I can still tell which parts were which, don't worry about it.

Samuel Peters

Samuel sat there alone, confused for a second. "...The hell was he talking about?" Samuel sat for a second, before shaking his head and standing up, headed out to find the person he was going to fight, popping his knuckles on the way out. He looked kinda cute when he was trying to be intimidating, as he was a bit shorter than most of the people there, but he was still pretty pissed.


Headed to sleep. Later!
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Felix gave a single nod observing lag pick up the books and heard what he said. "Okay..." He said simply and walked forward opening the door for lag.

He would fix his scarf and robes before following him out of the door and walk towards the library. He could clearly see and feel the secretive stares directed at him all of a sudden. As if they were planning a way to kidnap him, of course this would make him shiver in disgust.
He would fix his scarf and robes before following him out of the door and walk towards the library. He could clearly see and feel the secretive stares directed at him all of a sudden. As if they were planning a way to kidnap him, of course this would make him shiver in disgust.

A male came over approaching the two and stopped himself in front of lag leaning against the wall. "Well,well what do we have here? Aren't you a cute little thing..." He asked lag and reached to tilt up the smaller boy's chin with a smirk. Obviously this guy didn't notice Felix's prescence for some reason cuase Felix was giving him a look like he was going to kill him. The ghoul then proceeded to grab away the guy's arm  tightly shoving the guy away. The stranger looked ticked off. "You trying to start a fight?" He growled and punched Felix in the jaw hard as he spat blood onto the ground. The guy went to swing again and this time Felix  grabbed his arm breaking the bones with how tight and made it start bleeding. 
Orious stood tilting his head a little bit brushing the hair from his face with a amused look but pink could be seen tinting across his pale cheeks. "Hm. I say otherwise...plus, I happen to like cute things." He told him as he reached for the door and stepped backwards out of the room holding his hand out for his lover. "...so as for our date why don't I take you into town?"

He held the other's hand as he left the room, in a calm manner. He tried to play it calm but deep down he was excited. Of course he was it was his first ever date! Not to mention his first time going into town. That shows how busy Daisuke Anthony is. He cant even leave school grounds because of mountains of work. But now things were different. He had Orious to be with and somewhat relieve him from all his work. At least for a short time before him having other things to attend to. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't give tike for Ori, no he would push all the time Orious needed. He knows how it feels to be alone and he didn't want Ori to feel that while they are a couple. Though then again besides all his excitment and happiness the worry of Ori's health was still there. Daisuke didn't know what to do with a scenerio like this, he feared only the worst for his lover.

And then Daisuke popped back into reality. He slowly nodded his head before smiling slightly. "Y-Yeah.. It sounds great!" It took him some time to reply to Ori's question. Probably took about 3 minutes for him to answer. It showed that he was somewhere else. "I've never seen the town before honestly..."
A male came over approaching the two and stopped himself in front of lag leaning against the wall. "Well,well what do we have here? Aren't you a cute little thing..." He asked lag and reached to tilt up the smaller boy's chin with a smirk. Obviously this guy didn't notice Felix's prescence for some reason cuase Felix was giving him a look like he was going to kill him. The ghoul then proceeded to grab away the guy's arm  tightly shoving the guy away. The stranger looked ticked off. "You trying to start a fight?" He growled and punched Felix in the jaw hard as he spat blood onto the ground. The guy went to swing again and this time Felix  grabbed his arm breaking the bones with how tight and made it start bleeding. 

While they were walking he was suddenly approached by a guy. 'Tch. Already?' Lag though, simply irritated already as the guy made his attempts to flirt with him. Which didn't work obviously, however what he didn't know is that Felix was ready to kill that guy. He only noticed it once they started fighting, especially when he broke the guy's arm.

"A-Ahh.........." Lag was just in complete surprise as he stared at them. Well, the guy deserved it for sure, but the two of them were in a hurry so he had to brake off the fight somehow. 'I can't believe I really have to do this....'  Lag said to himself as he poked him on the shoulder. "Felix. Let him go, I'm good." He said before he glared at the other guy in absolute judgement and disgust. "Besides, I have no intentions of being flirted by such a filth like him who is nothing but shame. Might as well keep those pants to himself right in the middle of the hallways. Hmph" Lag's tone was so sharp and harsh that he looked like a little vixen able to degrade a powerful; dragon into nothing more but dirt. Well, it is another trait from his tsundere side after all...
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Takis Argyris

Takis waited another minute, before looking back down at Cadius. "Um... are you okay?" He poked his arm, confused. "Hello...?" He looked around, not sure if someone had hurt him or not without him knowing.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei nodded back in response. "Well... nice to meet you as well. I suppose it would've only been a matter of time. Not the ah... nicest of meetings though." Mei chuckled, turning back and looking at Hisoka..

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Aurelion look around and sign " i dont know but. What ever is the purpose of the killer it is trying to makw it clean" he said as he look around and search for the dead body 

Azrael was walking when a siberian husky (puppy) came "buddy how did you get out of my dorm you know how much the principal forbids pet roaming around the school ."he said with a sign 

"Arf arf" puppy roll in the floor and ran over to Bilal and sniff him and sat down as it stare up at him 

While they were walking he was suddenly approached by a guy. 'Tch. Already?' Lag though, simply irritated already as the guy made his attempts to flirt with him. Which didn't work obviously, however what he didn't know is that Felix was ready to kill that guy. He only noticed it once they started fighting, especially when he broke the guy's arm.

"A-Ahh.........." Lag was just in complete surprise as he stared at them. Well, the guy deserved it for sure, but the two of them were in a hurry so he had to brake off the fight somehow. 'I can't believe I really have to do this....'  Lag said to himself as he tugged Felix's clothes softly. "Felix..... Just let him go...I'm fine" Lag puffed his own cheek slightly as he stared at him. "We really need to go now." He said as he looked around.

Felix dropped the guy who was by this time trying not to scream in pain. His green gaze directed to the shorter male. There was some chatter going on in background along with many whispers. Felix ignored it and simply came to stand beside lag walking with him.
Felix dropped the guy who was by this time trying not to scream in pain. His green gaze directed to the shorter male. There was some chatter going on in background along with many whispers. Felix ignored it and simply came to stand beside lag walking with him.

Lag nodded and continued walking towards the library. By the time they got there, He would open the large doors and enter. The library was huge and mysterious. So many gigantic bookshelves were seen around the room, enough to have a secret encounter of sorts. "Ha.....Okay" Lag walked to the end of the Library as he placed the book back to the shelves. However there was one book he couldn't place back due to his height.
Lag nodded and continued walking towards the library. By the time they got there, He would open the large doors and enter. The library was huge and mysterious. So many gigantic bookshelves were seen around the room, enough to have a secret encounter of sorts. "Ha.....Okay" Lag walked to the end of the Library as he placed the book back to the shelves. However there was one book he couldn't place back due to his height.

Noticing lag couldn't reach it Felix exhaled deeply stepping behind him grabbing Lag's hips crouching down only to hoist the boy up on his shoulders. He stood up so now he was within reach of the shelf and gave him a '  get on with it' stare  with his beautiful emerald green cat like eyes which seemed to be the only pop of color among Felix's being. The ghoul seemed to just trying to be helpful even if it was a bit odd. A normal person would usually avoid him or most people for that matter but he guess that's what interested him the most about this human. It was funny how he didn't like other guys touching him and yet he had already let Felix come as close as he did when in fact Felix was dangerous as hell.  
He held the other's hand as he left the room, in a calm manner. He tried to play it calm but deep down he was excited. Of course he was it was his first ever date! Not to mention his first time going into town. That shows how busy Daisuke Anthony is. He cant even leave school grounds because of mountains of work. But now things were different. He had Orious to be with and somewhat relieve him from all his work. At least for a short time before him having other things to attend to. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't give time for Ori, no he would push all the time Orious needed. He knows how it feels to be alone and he didn't want Ori to feel that while they are a couple. Though then again besides all his excitment and happiness the worry of Ori's health was still there. Daisuke didn't know what to do with a scenerio like this, he feared only the worst for his lover.

And then Daisuke popped back into reality. He slowly nodded his head before smiling slightly. "Y-Yeah.. It sounds great!" It took him some time to reply to Ori's question. Probably took about 3 minutes for him to answer. It showed that he was somewhere else. "I've never seen the town before honestly..."

Orious then started walking with daisuke by his side and holding his hand. It was nice to be with someone for a change. It was nice to be cared about. How many years has it been since he held another's hand? How long has it been?  He couldn't remember. Ori closed his eyes before opening them once more to turn his violet eyes to meet the ones of the one beside him. "Really? Not even to shop for groceries or supplies? Or are you the guy who buys everything on his laptop?" He asked even trying to lighten up the mood a little despite his thoughts. Orious led daisuke outside and looked up at the sky with a deep breath. "I wish it would rain soon...." He whispered as he held his red crystal necklace by his lips.
Noticing lag couldn't reach it Felix exhaled deeply stepping behind him grabbing Lag's hips crouching down only to hoist the boy up on his shoulders. He stood up so now he was within reach of the shelf and gave him a '  get on with it' stare  with his beautiful emerald green cat like eyes which seemed to be the only pop of color among Felix's being. The ghoul seemed to just trying to be helpful even if it was a bit odd. A normal person would usually avoid him or most people for that matter but he guess that's what interested him the most about this human. It was funny how he didn't like other guys touching him and yet he had already let Felix come as close as he did when in fact Felix was dangerous as hell.  

Lag jolted when he was carried by Felix and placed on his shoulder. This made he looks down and stared at him with his face red from being flustered. Turning back, he just placed the book back while biting his inner cheek since it was the first time someone did that to him. Normally they would just grab the book and return it, but not being carried. But maybe he would make him an exception since he made a deal that Felix would protect him while he is his blood supply. But then again maybe this is what friends do to each other.... "T-Thanks....." Lag said as he tried to hide half of his face in his scarf.
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Lag jolted when he was carried by Felix and placed on his shoulder. This made him look down and stare at him with his face red from being flustered. Turning back, he just placed the book back while biting his inner cheek since it was the first time someone did that to him. Normally they would just grab the book and return it, but not being carried. "T-Thanks....." Lag said as he tried to hide half of his face in his scarf.

Felix  held him up until he had put the book away before backing up and set lag onto his feet. "It's fine.." He told lag as he leaned forward staring at him rather intensely as he inched forward. "Why is your face red,lag? " he asked softly.
Felix  held him up until he had put the book away before backing up and set lag onto his feet. "It's fine.." He told lag as he leaned forward staring at him rather intensely as he inched forward. "Why is your face red,lag? " he asked softly.

Lag took a step back as he became even more flustered. "W-what do you mean?" He stuttered. Trying to deny that he was blushing from all of actions Felix was making towards him. Chewing his inner cheek until his back leaned against the shelf when he backed away. Trying to avoid eye contact as he did so.
Orious then started walking with daisuke by his side and holding his hand. It was nice to be with someone for a change. It was nice to be cared about. How many years has it been since he held another's hand? How long has it been?  He couldn't remember. Ori closed his eyes before opening them once more to turn his violet eyes to meet the ones of the one beside him. "Really? Not even to shop for groceries or supplies? Or are you the guy who buys everything on his laptop?" He asked even trying to lighten up the mood a little despite his thoughts. Orious led daisuke outside and looked up at the sky with a deep breath. "I wish it would rain soon...." He whispered as he held his red crystal necklace by his lips.

He shakes his head. "Some of the student council members buy me the needed supplies and groceries w-when they go out..." Daisuke explains. Don't get him wrong, he buys things online quite a lot but usually personal items. 

Daisuke looked up at the sky as well. He enjoyed cloudy weather more than rain but whatever floated Orious' boat. If Ori was there with Daisuke he wouldn't mind any weather they were in. 
Lag took a step back as he became even more flustered. "W-what do you mean?" He stuttered. Trying to deny that he was blushing from all of actions Felix was making towards him. Chewing his inner cheek until his back leaned against the shelf when he backed away. Trying to avoid eye contact as he did so.

felix's emerald gaze did not stray once away that of lag's very being as the ghoul moved his head to look upon the human's face with such a look of simple curiosity. his pale hand pushed down the scarf as he has move so quickly but quietly forward but lean down so he was at least eye level with the mortal. lag to him looked so fragile.so small that he was like breaking a toothpick with just the right touch. yet this one held a attitude and a sort of false sense of dominance. it made felix want to break him. such intoxicating thing it was. he wanted to see what it would look like when this boy was in pain now. he wanted to see such expressions. every single expression the smaller male could make even if they were as beautiful as the one he held now. he wanted to kill him and devour him at his weakness. tear away his fleah and eat his heart. felix in that moment simply just found himself nearly about the bite into his lower throat ready to eat him but he ended up  stopping himself and moved his arms around lag in a hug sinking down to the floor probly pulling him down with him. he didn't know what came over him. why didn't he just eat him? why spare a human?....of all things....of all people why lag?.....why?? 
He shakes his head. "Some of the student council members buy me the needed supplies and groceries w-when they go out..." Daisuke explains. Don't get him wrong, he buys things online quite a lot but usually personal items. 

Daisuke looked up at the sky as well. He enjoyed cloudy weather more than rain but whatever floated Orious' boat. If Ori was there with Daisuke he wouldn't mind any weather they were in. 

orious raised a brow brushing some feathery black hair from his face."then maybe you'll like it more??" the crusnik didn't know what much else to say beyond that much. he looked back down at daisuke as they walked giving him a slight smirk before proceeding to scoop up the smaller boy in his arms and used his powers to speed up getting to the outside of town. when he had stopped he set diasuke on his feet before panting with his hands on his knees coughing. after a moment or two he rose up to stand straight and pulled out a cigarette lighting it and inhaled before blowing a heavy puff in the upper air so it would't bother his lover. one could say it probly wasn't the best thing for ori to smoke as he did especially when he was just coughing but he knew his illness wasn't related to his lungs at all.  

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