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Takis Argyris

Takis looked down at Cadius. "Deep shit goin' on." He laughed. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Ah... well, okay. Thanks," Mei said, looking up at Metoka. "Maybe you knocked some more sense into him?" He joked.

Est shook his head. "i smell death here...."

Jolin looked back at them. "what hour it was" His eyes glowed brightly and his silver skin glistened. He was over all very handsome, it was almost unbelievable that he was real. He blinked and ran out of sight, catching up with his brother.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi blinked, then smiled. "no violence...." 

Hisoka crossed his arms. "there is no helping it Mei"


Noiz smirked. "of course....i am very strong..."


Mew climbed up onto the desk next to noiz and grabbed his wrists pinning him down with his arms above his head. Mew smirked. "Try me,babe..try pinning me." He  said as his ears  flicked  and  his tail swished side to side.
Takis Argyris

Takis looked at Cadius and smiled. "I'm always gonna be fucking with you..." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah, probably not..." Mei giggled. He looked up at Metoka. "I don't think I introduced myself... my name's Mei. I'm..." He looked down at Hisoka and hesitated, before he continued. "Hisoka's boyfriend."

Felix  thought for a moment. "Hmm..well, some of your blood should be enough to sustain me until I can hunt again..." The ghoul stated crossing his arms. He tilted his head studying him from head to toe. "Also I case you're wondering human my name is Felix and I'm a ghoul, and you look yummy..."



'Shit....So I was right..'


Lag couldn't help but hug his books closer to his chest while shifted back slightly. Learning his name as he responded back "Well, A pleasure to meet you Felix. I am known as L-Lag..." He mentally cursed when he stuttered at the last part and bit his inner cheek. What was he so scared about? No wait...creep out? Well from the fact that this ghoul wanted his blood as a reward and he called him "yummy" would be enough to make him irritated and feel weird. 'But if this is their nature then I guess I couldn't refuse him....even though I had a feeling that his would hurt'. Its just a reward... Lag thought while he half glared at Felix. After a few minutes he sighed and looked away sharply like a tsudere he is, his soft smooth blushed neck could be seen without him noticing, making any kind of blood thirsty creature crave for it. "Fine.. <H< If blood is what you want then." He mused before glancing at him. "But don't take it the wrong way.. This is only just a gift of thanks for helping me." 



A fan art of Lag presenting himself >v< ohohohohohoho!!


He didn't know that his sexy neck was showing ufufufu <U>
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Takis Argyris

Takis didn't notice until a couple seconds later, when he looked down at him. "Hm?" He said, confused. He didn't really know what nosebleeds meant(We do), so he just wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve and kept staring into nothing.

Mei Rinsaku

"Ah!" Mei yelped. He fell down against the floor from Metoka's tackle. After a second, he was able to get Metoka off of him. "Good god, calm down a bit..." Mei laughed.


Samuel Peters

Samuel awoke tiredly from his dorm on the top floor. He sighed, never being a morning person, and laid in bed for another two minutes. He groaned and got up slowly, stumbling over to the coffee machine in his dorm(That he basically had to fight the administrators to have. I love coffee.). He made some coffee, and while it was brewing, put on a shirt and his peacoat. He got his glasses, shoved a bunch of crap in his bag(Crushing several papers), and got his shoes on. He grabbed an insulated cup, got coffee, fixed it the way he usually drinks it, and walked out the door. "Good god, it's freezin'..." He said, shivering and taking a sip of his coffee(Basically, he always thinks it's cold).



'Shit....So I was right..'


Lag couldn't help but hug his books closer to his chest while shifted back slightly. Learning his name as he responded back "Well, A pleasure to meet you Felix. I am known as L-Lag..." He mentally cursed when he stuttered at the last part and bit his inner cheek. What was he so scared about? No wait...creeped out? Well from the fact that this ghoul wanted his blood as a reward and he called him "yummy" would be enough to make him irritated and feel weird. 'But if this is their nature then I guess I couldn't refuse him....even though I had a feeling that this would hurt. Its just a reward...'

Lag thought while he half glared at Felix. After a few minutes he sighed and looked away sharply like a tsudere he is, his soft smooth blushed neck could be seen, making any kind of blood thirsty creature crave for it. "Fine.. <H< If blood is what you want then." He mused before glancing at him. "But don't take it the wrong way.. This is only just a gift of thanks for helping me." 

Felix's pale lips drew into a dark smile and that was when he was quick to tug forward one of Lag's arms. He shifted one of his own underneath Lag's other helping with support. He then bit into the smaller boys' arm roughly as blood seeped down and dripping. He swallowed and bit harder loving the taste of the sweet succulent red fluid flowing from this human's flesh. 
Aurelion sol became worried as he hold est "if someone died here... then we should better go thats more of a clear option now and we could report it to the president as always" he said as he look at him and around "stay here est i should check it out" he said as he let go  of his and search around the rooftop

Azrael sign "yes i did know that. you know what lets just go" he said with an irritated sound. he waste getting lucky to what he was planning to do and most of it his plan b already might screw him into the hospital 

Daisuke glanced at his bandages. It wasn't his doing for all of this. It was just his duty to heal others, even if it lead to him recieving the injury instead. "W-Well the wounds aren't so-" He was startled at the cough. "Are you okay? T-That was a very bad cough..."

Too bad for Orious his lover did notice his pain. Daisuke furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out what to do. He could always heal Orious though healing sicknesses was rather tricky. He walked a bit closer to Ori to get a closer look at him. He then noticed the tissue that was on the ground. There was blood. Daisuke frowned sadly at his lover.

".. Are you okay Orious?"

Orious exhaled deeply. "I didn't want this to be the first thing you learn about  me....I'm rather sickly and I have these fits where I start bleeding. My body doesn't exactly replenish as quickly and I probly should be consuming more blood but I don't. Even if there's a chance I might die from the blood loss I really can't bring myself to feed on others even if I need it..." He explained looking away.
Riley made a mental check list that went along the lines of: Arrive at the school (check), assign schedule (check),  grab books for classes (check) and then find dorm room (not checked.) In fact he was so lost on where to go that he got a bit turned around. "Shit." He muttered scuffing his shoe against the floor.  He lifted his backpack onto his shoulder more, before trudging off into another direction.  His electric blue eyes looking down hallways and into classrooms as he searches for his room. "It shouldn't be this difficult...I've got to complete my mental check list. Otherwise it'll piss me off." He walked down a hallway but it lead to a dead end after having nothing but classrooms. *They should have given me a map or something*  he mentally spoke to himself as he pulled out the schedule to see the numbers of his dorm again, not like that would help though in his current situation.  He could probably find someone around here who knew the school better than he did and so he went off to find a student.
"my strength is not what i was talking about....my power....is stronger than yours"


Cadi blushed and then nodded. "yeah i guess...."

"shh....not in that boy...." Metoka crossed his arms with a huff. "he will never learn"


Mew's ears lowered and he looked quiet confused. "If you mean by the fact my body has a tendency to break down then yes.....otherwise I'm rather confused noiz.." The feline cyborg said exhaling seeing as noiz kept ruining the mood new kept trying to set or any flirting mew attempted. He wondered if the guy even was considering the idea mew was interested in him. How dense was he? Mew even admitted to making him his mate. He had preferred the idea of choosing someone closer to his species but all the while noiz seemed like a good option too cyborg or not. 
Orious exhaled deeply. "I didn't want this to be the first thing you learn about  me....I'm rather sickly and I have these fits where I start bleeding. My body doesn't exactly replenish as quickly and I probly should be consuming more blood but I don't. Even if there's a chance I might die from the blood loss I really can't bring myself to feed on others even if I need it..." He explained looking away.

Death. Death was something Daisuke doesn't believe in. He believes everyone can be healed. Saved. Revived. However you may put it.

"No.... W-we can save you, right?" Daisuke didn't believe this. It was probably a joke. Just a little trick Ori wanted to play on poor Daisuke. That is what Daisuke wanted it to be. Just a little trick. 

He was on the edge of tears. It may seem a bit silly to cry for a guy you just met but Daisuke loved him. Even if they just met. Daisuke felt at ease with Ori, he felt like he could be himself and just relax. He didn't want that feeling- no. He didn't want Orious to be taken away from him so soon. He won't allow it.
Felix's pale lips drew into a dark smile and that was when he was quick to tug forward one of Lag's arms. He shifted one of his own underneath Lag's other helping with support. He then bit into the smaller boys' arm roughly as blood seeped down and dripping. He swallowed and bit harder loving the taste of the sweet succulent red fluid flowing from this human's flesh. 

"Tch.." Lag jerked forward when he was tugged quickly. Gritting his teeth as his left eye twitched before he jolted slightly in pain when he bit his arm roughly. "Hey. Be careful geez...." Lag spoke as he glared slightly at the ghoul. Looking around to make sure anyone wasn't there, and so far the halls were empty. After all he didn't want this to become a misunderstanding. Looking back, Lag sweat dropped as he watched Felix drink his blood with some kind of "bliss" written across his face. ".......Glutton...hmph.." Lag muttered and looked away.
Riley had been fruitlessly walking up some stairs, feeling a bit hopeless on finding a teacher or a student until he saw a boy in a peacoat and glasses.  "E-Excuse me. Is...one moment." He bent over his hands on his knees as he breathed in and out then stood up. "Is this the floor that dorms are located on?  If not then can you just fucking end my life right now. I've gotten completely turned around in this school and at this point I think will just die in one of these long ass hallways."  He said as he hoisted his backpack up onto his shoulder for the tenth time that day.  Riley had been wandering around this school for an hour and he wasn't really enthused about searching anymore.

Sorry, I was busier than usual.

Samuel Peters

Samuel turned towards the sound of the voice, taking another sip of coffee and pushing his glasses up. "Yes, these are the dorms." Samuel said, cocking his head towards him. "Why do you ask? Isn't class near to starting?"

It's okay, so was I.

Riley Cavolti

Riley sighed in relief. "Yeah class is starting in a bit, but I just wanted to through my stuff into my dorm and then head to class.  Could you show me the direction to the art room?" He looked at his dorm room number 265 and looked down the hallway till he saw it about 5 doors down on the left side from what appeared to be the boy's dorm. He jogged over there and opened his door with his key then tossed in his bags of clothes and his bathroom stuff, then jogged back to the boy. "Nice peacoat." He said as he slipped his hands into his jean pockets and began walking hoping the boy would take the slight hint and get in front of him and lead the way.

Samuel Peters

"Yes, of course." Samuel said. He waited while he ran and put his stuff away, then began to walk with him when he got back. "Ah, thank ya. I believe it's quite n' old coat. M' mother had given it to me, if my mem'ry surves me right." Samuel nodded. He looked over at him, and said, "Nice necklace. Nev'r really was a religious person m'self, but I sure was raised near a bunch of 'em." He grinned.


Also, I do realize I've misspelled some words. I did this on purpose, as... well, I'm Southern as all hell, and that's how we talk. xD
:D  Hey it's all good! It's really nice and I actually like Southern Accents.

Riley Cavolti

He looked over at the kid and looked at his smile, *Gosh...him and my sister sure do smile a lot...is that what...normal people do? Smile when happy?*  He smiled a bit, then looked at his cross necklace. "Oh, yeah...my sister, Opal, gave this to me.  She said that God would help guide and protect me.  I guess, the only reason I wear it is because of my sister.  I've never really been to church or..anywhere with tons of people." He humorlessly chuckled and then out of the corner of his eye he looked at the boy. "My name is Riley. Yours?" He questioned.  The boy's glasses were a bit big on his face, but Riley supposed it made him look a bit cute, in a geeky sort of way. "How long have you been here at this school?" He also asked, feeling a bit intimated by the school and the students who obviously know more about the school.

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Samuel Peters

"Quite sorry, didn't quite catch that." Samuel said. Without him even repeating the question, he replied, "Oh, Samuel. Quite sorry, that's just a habit of mine." He took another sip of coffee as he looked around. "Only a year. But I'm damn good at finding my way around places. Take a left," He said, pointing in the direction to the left. He had a small bracelet with a oval piece of glass on it. The weird thing about it? In the glass opal, there was a spider.


That was actually a bracelet I had for a bit. It was SUPER cool. Lost it somewhere moving to Illinois though. =/
Riley Cavolti

Riley turns right on his heel taking a left quite smoothly.  "Only a year? Damn...I feel so lost...like a child." He said quietly, contemplating more to himself than to Samuel. "Also, nice bracelet. The spider is cool..and edgy." He said as he looked at it with the corner of his eye before looking ahead of him again.  He didn't have to much eye contact with anyone, the only one who ever really seemed to capture and hold his eyes was Opal..but again, his sister was his savior and his humanity.  However, she wanted him to try and find his humanity on his own, talk to people, make friends, have crushes, "Feelings brother, you must experience feelings!" She had said in a little huff of determination and a fit of giggles afterward.  "Was the bracelet a gift as well?" He asked.  Normally Riley wouldn't ask to many questions, he didn't need to know details, but...that was back then in his past and now out of respect and love for his sister he would more forward...at least...he would TRY to, try being the key word.  Riley was wondering if his special combat class would have someone who could be his destined weapons master...cause APPARENTLY every single weapon, each different, had their own special weapons master.  He knew how to transform, but it was...just finding someone to train and grow with as people and as weapon and weapons master.  A team and being whole together.  "Also, do you have any favorite class?" He looked over at Samuel finally, but if the boy were to move his head to look back, Riley would feel the urge to look away, not that he wasn't trying...it's just hard for him right now. *Damn it...I'm weak, I can't even look at people for long or be around them before feeling trapped or watched.*  He mentally scolded himself.


That's wicked cool, :/  to bad you lost it though.
Samuel Peters

"Eh, it's fine. Most people have trouble gettin' around here. I'm just used to big places." Samuel explained. He laughed at the comment on his bracelet, and said, "Yeah. My brother gave it to me. I think it was a trip e' took somewhere. It was quite a time ago." Samuel said. He was hiding details for that on purpose, as he didn't want to talk about his brother. "Favorite class? Prob'ly Math. But hell, if the fight club counts, that sure goes in first." Samuel grinned again.

Riley Cavolti

Riley noticed, just for a split second that Samuel wasn't going to go into his past with his brother, *Eh, not my business, not going to push.* his hands fidgeted quite a bit in his pockets, so Riley crossed them over his chest as they continued to walk.  "Fight club? You..not to sound judgey...or mean, but you didn't strike me as the guy who would enjoy fight club." He chuckled a bit and noticed again how much Samuel actually smiled...Riley was beginning to feel..out of place.  *You're not human! You're a WEAPON! Now change!* The yelling, the beatings, the darkness and isolation from kindness or light.  *Please! I...I'm so tired..please..* Riley remembered reaching out, pleading to the bastards he killed so long ago.  He remembered how they kicked him in the ribs for that and left him screaming and banging on the door to the cellar all night till his throat was raw.  Riley looked away from Samuel and gave a very pitiful little "hah" as some sort of laugh.  "How much farther till we get to the art classroom?" Riley was skipping right back to something safe.  Something comfortable, something that would probably make his little sister sigh in frustration.  Riley was feeling so very non-human next to the boy and in order to get back to something "normal" he reverted back to classroom hunting.

Samuel Peters

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. Most people don't think I can fight. But I'll tell you what, purty much anyone from the South can throw a damn good punch." He laughed. "Actually, just at the end of the hall." He pointed towards the end of hall, with a door elaborately decorated with paper designs, drawings from other students, and other generally arty stuff.


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