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Orious   stood and helped  daisuke to his feet holding  his  hand. ".. We probably should get you some clean clothes and bandage up that bite mark unless you'd prefer to show it off...you staying in  a dorm here?" He told his new lover moving a arm around his shoulders.

He nods. "Mhm.. I have a dorm." Daisuke starts walking, leading Orious to where his dorm was. Daisuke lived there alone. He prefers the privacy. Besides it's always a fear knowing that a mass murderer could be his roommate. Daisuke wasn't risking that.
He nods. "Mhm.. I have a dorm." Daisuke starts walking, leading Orious to where his dorm was. Daisuke lived there alone. He prefers the privacy. Besides it's always a fear knowing that a mass murderer could be his roommate. Daisuke wasn't risking that.

Orious followed by daisuke to his dorm being quiet as they walked. When they stopped orious looked around noticing it was faimlar. His violet gaze moved down the dormitory only to spot the door that had a charm pinned on the door handle."I didn't know you lived next door to me.... " He said gesturing toward the door that stood out. 
Aurelion look at him then to the hamster and smile seeing the hamster alive "yes your right. he have more to live for... thank you for bringing him back to life" he said with a smile as the hamster look at est and crawl to his head happily that he was alive. Aurelion look by the window to see who did it but he found none. walking back to est he smile "how did you do a life spell est that was rather rare for me to learn"


Azrael look at him as he wipe the blood in his lips and walk to the Gym "here is the Gym were you can do all kind of sports.." he look at him "you know sports dont ya?"


Aatrox look at him and laugh as he saw him tremble and start to cry  "no no i cant simply do that i just got you and im hungry but dont worry ill just have to drink you instead" he said as he lean on his and cover his mouth and bite to his flesh with his sharp teeth and started draining the cold blood of the vampire but only just a small amount to keep the vampire alive and well

@Shining Valkyrie
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Quite sorry, I was out with my mother.

Takis Argyris

"You're definitely hot though... And not a jackass either." Takis laughed.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart seemed almost disappointed when they decided not to fight. This was reenforced when he said, "Aw... No fight? That would've been fun to watch..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei nodded and hugged his arm again. "Hello again Chrollo. Quite a different entrance this time, huh?" He grinned, looking at Chrollo.

Noiz sat up. "i thought i had no choice because ....you were kinda dragging me around like a doll"


Est looked at him and smiled. "i have recovery powers.....well....i sent a wave to the hamsters heart and it caused it to start beating again....i can do it with humans too.....but more power is needed to do that...."

Bilal smiled. "of course i know sports......me and my friends play them all the time in hell"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi blushed and smiled. "t-thanks....."

Hisoka smiled at the teacher. "just because you wanted us to we arent...."

Chrollo laughed a little and looked at him. "yes....falling from a tall building isnt fun....my back ached afterwards...." 

Takis Argyris

Takis looked over and laughed. "You called me the sexiest man alive and I didn't blush, yet I say you're hot and you start blushing." He teased.

Malhart Sumnor

"Ah, well... Whatever..." Malhart said, disappointed. He went back to looking through pictures on his phone.

Mei Rinsaku

"I'dve thought it would give you more than an aching back, but okay..." Mei laughed. "So since the fight club was diffused, what were you saying to Hisoka?" He asked.

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"Can my stars help you with the energy you needed ?" Aurelion ask as he look at him with a smile intereted of knowing such magic

Azrael look at him with a grin "og really now? Whats your favorite sport?" He ask with a smile as he grab a ball

Cadi puffed out his cheeks and looked off to the side.

Hisoka smirked, then looked at Chrollo. "what"

"your brother is-

HELLOOOOOO!" A male popped out of nowhere, causing Chrollo and Hisoka to jump in surprise. "

"here..." Chrollo finished.

-_-  "joy....."



"yes..." Est smiled. "it would help a lot"

"fire basketball...have you ever played it?" He tilted his head.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

Takis laughed more, and said "Yeah, whatever." He turned back into human and put his arms around Cadius

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was surprised when Hisoka's brother appeared as well. He looked at Hisoka's brother, then looked up at Hisoka.

Noiz sat up. "i thought i had no choice because ....you were kinda dragging me around like a doll"


Est looked at him and smiled. "i have recovery powers.....well....i sent a wave to the hamsters heart and it caused it to start beating again....i can do it with humans too.....but more power is needed to do that...."

Bilal smiled. "of course i know sports......me and my friends play them all the time in hell"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi blushed and smiled. "t-thanks....."

Hisoka smiled at the teacher. "just because you wanted us to we arent...."

Chrollo laughed a little and looked at him. "yes....falling from a tall building isnt fun....my back ached afterwards...." 


"Usually you'll have a say in things...also, I'm just stronger than you so I apologize if that displeased you." He told noiz and moved up to standing. He ran his hand under the other's chin with a smile  and tilted it gently."though I advise you don't let anyone other than me touch you like I do...I don't like sharing." He whispered and leaned over giving him a peck on the lip.
Aurelion smile "thats wonderful Est" he said as a student say the teacher was absent "hmmm... thats new" he thought 

Azrael look at him then he start to laugh "no if i did ipl get weak and faint " he said as she bounch the basket ball "this is a basketball thoe" he said with a smile as he thoulw it to him


Walking down the hallways, Lag rearranged his books as he carried them. However it seems that he was having quite a difficulty over it since he was holding his staff on the other. "Tch....books, why do they have to be so big and fat?" He said, irritated along with a feisty british accent as he had to balance atleast 3 of them that had the same height as his torso. Though it was quite amusing how someone short and feminine like as him could have such behaviour and a good fair amount of strenght.




Well......that is until he tripped over a ridiculously small rock out of nowhere. "GAH!" Lag's eyes widened as he yelped and was about to fall down.


(First post ;w; wooo!!)

Walking down the hallways, Lag rearranged his books as he carried them. However it seems that he was having quite a difficulty over it since he was holding his staff on the other. "Tch....books, why do they have to be so big and fat?" He said, irritated along with a feisty british accent as he had to balance atleast 3 of them that had the same height as his torso. Though it was quite amusing how someone short and feminine like as him could have such behaviour and a good fair amount of strenght.




Well......that is until he tripped over a ridiculously small rock out of nowhere. "GAH!" Lag's eyes widened as he yelped and was about to fall down.


(First post ;w; wooo!!)

Felix who was walking by noticed the boy and  stopped in his tracks crouching down only to poke at his side. "Hey...I can tell you're not dead,human..get up or I'll eat you." Felix told him and picked up one of the books tilting his head sideways looking quite confused before stacking them up." Also, don't leave your books all over the ground, that'll ruin them. "
Felix who was walking by noticed the boy and  stopped in his tracks crouching down only to poke at his side. "Hey...I can tell you're not dead,human..get up or I'll eat you." Felix told him and picked up one of the books tilting his head sideways looking quite confused before stacking them up." Also, don't leave your books all over the ground, that'll ruin them. "

Lag twitched and slowly sat up. Shaking his head slowly before glaring at the small pebble behind as if it was its fault that he fell before composing himself. Turning back to the guy as leered at him when he heard that threat of some sort. "....I am already up...so you don't have to eat me..." Lag's cheeks puffed abit, showing his tsundere side before gathering the stacked books. "And thank you for arranging my books....." Lag said before he looked up at him. Observing his height and appearance..
Orious followed by daisuke to his dorm being quiet as they walked. When they stopped orious looked around noticing it was faimlar. His violet gaze moved down the dormitory only to spot the door that had a charm pinned on the door handle."I didn't know you lived next door to me.... " He said gesturing toward the door that stood out. 

He jumps a bit in surprise. "I do?" Great! Now he had someone to talk to. Well, when he wasn't studying. Daisuke fished out his room keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, revealing his very tidy room. Daisuke never really enjoyed seeing things not arranged. So yes, the bed was already made, books were arranged, and all clothes were in his closet where it should be.

"Please," Daisuke said, walking towards his closet. "Make yourself at home." He picks out a pale blue dress shirt. Daisuke carefully took off his old shirt revealing his rather lanky upper half. He pale and parts of his torso was covered in bandages and such. Being a healer always had its down sides.
Lag twitched and slowly sat up. Shaking his head slowly before glaring at the small pebble behind as if it was its fault that he fell before composing himself. Turning back to the guy as leered at him when he heard that threat of some sort. "....I am already up...so you don't have to eat me..." Lag's cheeks puffed abit, showing his tsundere side before gathering the stacked books. "And thank you for arranging my books....." Lag said before he looked up at him. Observing his height and appearance..

Felix  was tall and slender  with deathly pale skin  along with black and white messy striped hair with slender beautiful emerald  green cat like eyes. The ghoul  tilted his head narrowing his eyes at him." It's fine...if you really wanna thank me, give me a snack." 
Felix  was tall and slender  with deathly pale skin  along with black and white messy striped hair with slender beautiful emerald  green cat like eyes. The ghoul  tilted his head narrowing his eyes at him." It's fine...if you really wanna thank me, give me a snack." 

'Tch....' Lag would just leer at him. Thinking of whether he should consider it or not. After a few seconds later he sighed and placed his staff on his back. "Fine. What kind of snack then? Sweets..stuff...what else?" Lag responded in a slight polite manner knowing that his mother would burn his ass when she hears that he has no manners by refusing someone's request after thanking. Lag slightly hoped that the kind of snack he was thinking wasn't what he suspected it to be....

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Cadi blushed and hugged him back.

Hisoka and his brother Metoka looked almost exactly alike. His brothers bizarre fashion sense was off the charts, worse than Hisoka's


Noiz blinked, then smirked. "i doubt you are stronger than me....." 


Est smiled and heard the student also. "oh? thats no good..."

Bilal easily caught the ball. "fire basketball is just basketball normally.....except the ball is made of fire"

@astaroth suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

Takis looked at him again, and said, "You get embarrassed easily... Don't worry, I'm just screwing with you. I mean... You do... But it's kinda funny." 

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked back at Hisoka's brother, and whispered to Hisoka, "I'm guessing that's your brother?" Mei looked around at the eerie silence that filled the room.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart looked up from his phone, looked at Metoka for a second, and said, "Did someone install a teleported in my room?"

Cadius smiled a little. "yeah....i-im more of the shy one" 

Hisoka nodded and stared at his ridiculous brother. "what do you want?"

"im a new student here" He stuck out his tongue in a cute way. "And no.....Demons can teleport and use telepathy....its normal..."


Made new charas.....this time they are my OC's
"Yeah it isnt" he said as he look at est "wonderwhat we could do now..." he thought as he look at him and smile 

"I know and we dont play that here in case of someonegetting so f-cking injured" he said as he take anotger ball and shoot it in the ring 

Est shrugged and looked at his smile. "what do you have in mind?"

Bilal smiled a bit and then heard the gym door open. He looked over and saw Julius and Jolin walk in. He looked back at the other male. "who are they?"

Julius and Jolin returned to the school, stretching in exhaustion. Still looking hot as fuck though. ;)

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion look at him "Many things such as ciddles included "he said with a smile and hiding his blush from everyone 

Azrael look at julius and jolin "just some two guys at tge gym why?" He ask as he cross his arms feelong rather annpyed someone ruined the time for him to launch at him 

Takis Argyris

"Yeah, I can tell... I can understand why you are, but it turns out more cute than anything else..." Takis said.

Mei Rinsaku

"This will be... Interesting?" Mei said, staring at Hisoka.

Malhart Sumnor

"Good god, this year keeps getting more interesting..." Malhart sighed.

Est blushed and nodded. "lets go then.....im in" He smiled.

Bilal nodded and looked back at the two.

Jolin tugged on the hem of Julius's shirt and then nodded his head towards Bilal and Azrael.

Julius looked at the two and smiled a bit, nodding his head in hello.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi smiled and looked at him ."really?"

Hisoka looked at Metoka and shook his head. "idiot.....you are too stupid to be at school......yes....you may dress like a cyborg.....but you arent...."

Metoka crossed his arms. "im feeling very attacked right now...."

Chroll rubbed the back of his neck nervously, he knew these two WOULD fight.


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