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Aurelion smile "leys go by the rooftop" he said with a smile as he hold his hand as they ran and a smile and blush wa plasterd on Aurelions face 

Azrael look at them " a hey..." he said as he wave and wait to what they would do next

Aurelion smile as theyenter inside the Rooftop and the sun shine its path "beaitiful isnt it"he saod with a smile 

Azrael look at them and sign "yes its still first why are u both here in the gym when class is running of well " 

He jumps a bit in surprise. "I do?" Great! Now he had someone to talk to. Well, when he wasn't studying. Daisuke fished out his room keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, revealing his very tidy room. Daisuke never really enjoyed seeing things not arranged. So yes, the bed was already made, books were arranged, and all clothes were in his closet where it should be.

"Please," Daisuke said, walking towards his closet. "Make yourself at home." He picks out a pale blue dress shirt. Daisuke carefully took off his old shirt revealing his rather lanky upper half. He pale and parts of his torso was covered in bandages and such. Being a healer always had its down sides.

"Hm..it'll certainly make it eaiser to visit eachother. " he agreed as he followed daisuke into his dorm. The vampire sat down on the bed and watched him. Orious noticed the bandages.  "You know..... If you want to heal those injuries quicker I could make you a special salve." He told him the next moment he started coughing roughly covering his mouth. He pulled his hand away from his mouth and looked at the tissue spotted in his own blood. Orious exhaled deeply. Orious may have not looked it but he was actually rather sickly accepted the  fact  he possibly could die soon. He didn't bother to mention anything to daisuke and threw away the bloody tissue. He hoped his lover wouldn't notice it  even though it  was probably noticable he was in pain. He was used to this, his body would have these sort of fits and he'd bleed a lot. 
"yes...." He smiled then looked over at the pool. "there is a pool up here?"

Jolin tilted his head and spoke quietly, his voice so pretty and clean sounding. "we just wanted to know"" They both walked past them after bowing their heads in respect, heading out the doors.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

"Well... To me." Takis said. "I'ma punch anyone else who says it." He joked. He was only really half joking though.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei poked Hisoka's arm and said, "I said don't fight... Especially your brother."

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart sat back up on the edge of his seat and said, "Hell, might be a fight after all..."

Cadi blushed and hugged him back.

Hisoka and his brother Metoka looked almost exactly alike. His brothers bizarre fashion sense was off the charts, worse than Hisoka's


Noiz blinked, then smirked. "i doubt you are stronger than me....." 


Est smiled and heard the student also. "oh? thats no good..."

Bilal easily caught the ball. "fire basketball is just basketball normally.....except the ball is made of fire"

@astaroth suzumiya*

"Oh really? Is that a challenge I smell? " Mew asked playfully and smiled widely. His ears perked up as his tail swished side to side.
"Hm..it'll certainly make it eaiser to visit eachother. " he agreed as he followed daisuke into his dorm. The vampire sat down on the bed and watched him. Orious noticed the bandages.  "You know..... If you want to heal those injuries quicker I could make you a special salve." He told him the next moment he started coughing roughly covering his mouth. He pulled his hand away from his mouth and looked at the tissue spotted in his own blood. Orious exhaled deeply. Orious may have not looked it but he was actually rather sickly accepted the  fact  he possibly could die soon. He didn't bother to mention anything to daisuke and threw away the bloody tissue. He hoped his lover wouldn't notice it  even though it  was probably noticable he was in pain. He was used to this, his body would have these sort of fits and he'd bleed a lot. 

Daisuke glanced at his bandages. It wasn't his doing for all of this. It was just his duty to heal others, even if it lead to him recieving the injury instead. "W-Well the wounds aren't so-" He was startled at the cough. "Are you okay? T-That was a very bad cough..."

Too bad for Orious his lover did notice his pain. Daisuke furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out what to do. He could always heal Orious though healing sicknesses was rather tricky. He walked a bit closer to Ori to get a closer look at him. He then noticed the tissue that was on the ground. There was blood. Daisuke frowned sadly at his lover.

".. Are you okay Orious?"
Est shook his head. "i smell death here...."

Jolin looked back at them. "what hour it was" His eyes glowed brightly and his silver skin glistened. He was over all very handsome, it was almost unbelievable that he was real. He blinked and ran out of sight, catching up with his brother.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi blinked, then smiled. "no violence...." 

Hisoka crossed his arms. "there is no helping it Mei"


Noiz smirked. "of course....i am very strong..."

Takis Argyris

"That's not how I roll..." Takis smirked. "I'll try... most of the time. But it's impossible for me not to hit someone eventually."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked over at Malhart, then looked back at Hisoka. "Don't tell anyone if you're gonna fight him... and don't get hurt too bad." He teased, kissing him on the cheek.

Aurelion look at him "death? why" he ask as he look around and walk over to him 

Azrael cover his eyes. yes he is fair handsome but  "are they trying to kill me" he said with a growl as he cover his eyes. yes ghoul can survive in the light but too muc can make then sick

Cadi blinked then laughed. "yeah i guess you are the type to fight someone to protect another...."

"me hurt? Nah......my baby brother is so we-" Hisoka was bunched in the face by Metoka's brass knuckles, sending Hisoka flying and smashing into the wall.

"im a lot stronger than i was brother! and im not your baby brother....im older...."

Est looked at him. "someone died here....." Est could feel it, and he didnt like it. The feeling made him naseous and he sunk to the floor, on his knees with his hand over his mouth.

Bilal shook his head. "no....they were just asking a question...." 

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
I stood outside for a FUCKING HOUR and my bus never came... For reference, it's 39 degrees Fahrenheit where I live right now.  ¬¬

Takis Argyris

"Hell, always have been... Well, more threatening with a gun than fighting, but still..." Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Well... As I said... Don't get hurt too bad..." Mei giggled.

those idiots! i had to stand out in the freezing rain yesterday for like 10 minutes...its the same here (Kansas)

"okay....i prefer fists than guns..." Cadi laughed as well, snuggling more into Takis.

Hisoka stood with a bloody nose. "t-that tickled~"

Illinois. Worst part is that I moved here from Tennessee, so I'm only used to these temps in winter, not fall.

Takis Argyris

"Eh, always figured shooting's a faster way than punching," Takis laughed. "Besides, the only times I've fist fought were in drunken stupors with other people in the army."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei walked over and looked at the blood coming from his nose. "Seems like a pretty powerful tickle..." He teased.

aw yeah.....its FREEZING in the fall as well :/  

"but it kills them.....killing is not good Takis"  Cadi put his hand on Takis chest.

"eh....this is nothing....i have had my arms ripped off multiple times..." He smirked. "but i also attached my bungee gum to his fist" He smiled and started flinging him around into the walls.

I'm used to 60 in the fall though... ;-;  God damn, I'm such a baby. xD

Takis Argyris

"It is if you need to," Takis said, looking down at Cadius. "You do realize I've killed thousands of people, right? I mean... war is hell."

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart was sitting on the edge of his seat, smiling as he watched them fight. "Hell yeah! Now this is what I'm talking about!"

Mei Rinsaku

"That's an... interesting fact." Mei said, ducking down under a desk so as to not get hit by the flying Metoka.

'Tch....' Lag would just leer at him. Thinking of whether he should consider it or not. After a few seconds later he sighed and placed his staff on his back. "Fine. What kind of snack then? Sweets..stuff...what else?" Lag responded in a slight polite manner knowing that his mother would burn his ass when she hears that he has no manners by refusing someone's request after thanking. Lag slightly hoped that the kind of snack he was thinking wasn't what he suspected it to be....


Felix  thought for a moment. "Hmm..well, some of your blood should be enough to sustain me until I can hunt again..." The ghoul stated crossing his arms. He tilted his head studying him from head to toe. "Also I case you're wondering human my name is Felix and I'm a ghoul, and you look yummy..."
its okay i hate the cold xD

"well....it was your job then....but now.....its just murder...." Cadi looked away, knowing the topic was taboo. (touchy)

Metoka had no way to get the gum off so he just shot misoka with a very bright beam from his hand. It Hit Hisoka in the chest and Hisoka's bungee gum vanished because it knocked Hisoka out.

But my dad did tell me we're going shopping today. Yaay, shopping! I love shopping. xD

Takis Argyris

"Eh, I just see it as... killing is killing. It isn't really a good thing or a bad thing to me, it's just something you have to do sometimes." Takis shrugged. He didn't usually talk about killing, but he figured why not?

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart walked over and tapped Hisoka with his foot. After a couple of seconds, he knelt down and felt for a pulse. "...Alright, he isn't dead. Awesome fight though." He grinned, walking back to his desk.

Mei Rinsaku

After Malhart walked back to his desk, Mei walked over to Hisoka and sat down next to him, picking him up and leaning him against him. "Well... I did say he shouldn't fight..." Mei sighed, brushing his hair out of his face.

"o-oh......i hate violence.....well...you know why....." He looked down.

Metoka smirked and wiped the blood off himself. "told you"

Hisoka was out cold.


i only like it if im getting something xD )))
xD  I just like leaving the house and walking around the stores.

Takis Argyris

"Understandably, of course," Takis said. "People have different opinions due to different life choices and ways that they lived out their lives. I've dealt with violence nearly my whole life, so I'm not nearly perturbed(disturbed) by it as you would."

Mei Rinsaku

"Well, didn't say you couldn't." Mei laughed. "I'll be here with Hisoka waiting for him to wake up. I reckon it'll be a bit though."

OMG! Nanbaka is so great and they only have 1 episode!!!! i wanna do an rp over that <3 )

Cadi just nodded a little and stayed quiet afterwards, just enjoying his warmth.

Metoka shook his head. "nah....probably about 5 minutes" 


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