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(That's fine, it happens to everyone 0u0)

Daisuke looks up from the floor, automatically looking deep into Orious' violet eyes. He hesitantly accepted the hand and was helped up. The bandaged boy smiles slightly once up. 

"Th-thank you..." He then notices his books on the ground. Oh no! Daisuke then starts to bend down to pick up his books. Though, still glancing at the man who helped him. He was completely breathtaking in the eyes of Daisuke.

Orious' violet gaze was met with daisuke's which the vampire stared back. He broke the gaze moving to help pick up the shorter boy's things, trying to help him out only to freeze catching whiff of daisuke's scent and blood. It was intoxicating to ori.
Orious' violet gaze was met with daisuke's which the vampire stared back. He broke the gaze moving to help pick up the shorter boy's things, trying to help him out only to freeze catching whiff of daisuke's scent and blood. It was intoxicating to ori.

After picking his stuff up he smiled once more. "Ah.. Thank you again mister..?" The bandaged boy forgot to ask for the taller man's name. How silly of him. While waiting for an answer Daisuke observed the vampire, looking at him from head to toe. And then Daisuke realized.. He was checking this guy out! The raven haired boy couldn't help but blush a deep shade of red after realizing that fact.
After picking his stuff up he smiled once more. "Ah.. Thank you again mister..?" The bandaged boy forgot to ask for the taller man's name. How silly of him. While waiting for an answer Daisuke observed the vampire, looking at him from head to toe. And then Daisuke realized.. He was checking this guy out! The raven haired boy couldn't help but blush a deep shade of red after realizing that fact.

"Orious xavian but you can call me ori for short,everyone does anyway....." He told daisuke with a exhale and noticed the blushing. He then leaned in  His pale lips drew near the healer's ear as his soft breath could be felt. "...you really should be careful, I have a taste for sweet things..." He whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek blushing before moving away.
"Orious xavian but you can call me ori for short,everyone does anyway....." He told daisuke with a exhale and noticed the blushing. He then leaned in  His pale lips drew near the healer's ear as his soft breath could be felt. "...you really should be careful, I have a taste for sweet things..." He whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek blushing before moving away.

"It's nice to meet you Ori..." The healer's words drifted as the vampire leaned towards him. He blushed even more. Sweet things? As Ori started to move away Daisuke's eyes flashed a pink, his ability of charisma took over. He was in love. But due to his charisma students started to swarm Daisuke, offering to hold his books and such. That was the thing about charisma. It takes a while to stop and the power of charisma makes Daisuke like a magnet of attention. 

"H-Hey wait!" He tried to get Ori's attention. "I didn't even tell you m-my name!"
"It's nice to meet you Ori..." The healer's words drifted as the vampire leaned towards him. He blushed even more. Sweet things? As Ori started to move away Daisuke's eyes flashed a pink, his ability of charisma took over. He was in love. But due to his charisma students started to swarm Daisuke, offering to hold his books and such. That was the thing about charisma. It takes a while to stop and the power of charisma makes Daisuke like a magnet of attention. 

"H-Hey wait!" He tried to get Ori's attention. "I didn't even tell you m-my name!"

He exhaled deeply stopping and turning around as he easily pushed through the crowd of students picking up daisuke bridal style. "Well...tell me your name." He told him and started to run for it with daisuke in his arms bolting for a widow leaping out of it down onto the ground below. Orious didn't exactly want to leave the guy with that crowd it felt odd to do so.he wondered if it was his fault people was flocking to the cute boy after orious was somehow really popular despite his attitude.
He exhaled deeply stopping and turning around as he easily pushed through the crowd of students picking up daisuke bridal style. "Well...tell me your name." He told him and started to run for it with daisuke in his arms bolting for a widow leaping out of it down onto the ground below. Orious didn't exactly want to leave the guy with that crowd it felt odd to do so.he wondered if it was his fault people was flocking to the cute boy after orious was somehow really popular despite his attitude.

If it was possible Daisuke was red. A pure, blood red, well, red. "I-I'm Daisuke.. Daisuke Anthony... People just call me Daisuke or Ant...." The boy started to fiddle with his hands, quite nervous. The poor student boy secretary wasn't the most social one of the batch.
If it was possible Daisuke was red. A pure, blood red, well, red. "I-I'm Daisuke.. Daisuke Anthony... People just call me Daisuke or Ant...." The boy started to fiddle with his hands, quite nervous. The poor student boy secretary wasn't the most social one of the batch.

Orious couldn't take it anymore this boy was just absolutely intoxicating from head to toe which had been driving ori crazy inside. He craved his blood. He wanted to drain the red from his cute face. It wasn't long before orious found himself sitting down against the wall with daisuke in his lap as he licked along the smaller male's neck and shoulder pushing down his shirt. He bit into his flesh sinking his fangs in drawing blood that trickled messyily down onto daisuke's clothes as he swallowed his blood drinking it. His bite more or less on stung briefly and probly felt amazing but it definitely would be a sore spot later. He could probly smell the vampire's strange natural scent of roses and vanilla mixed in with the smell of the blood he just drank and the stench of nicotine from his smoking. His touch was gentle  as he held him in his arms by the waist.

Orious had withdrew his mouth and licked his skin clean before moving to press his lips to daisuke's. 
Elch smirked and shook his head. 

"Now I'm all wet! And yes I'll be enjoying then but I'm already enjoying now...I think I might join you." He says as he starts to stripping to his boxers. He has a golden right eye and his left was purple. Along his solid muscled chest was a tattoo of a beautiful grizzly bear standing on his hind paws.

Eris looks at him watching and tilts his head. He gives a impressed whistle."...damn. I'm gonna end up pregnant just by looking at ya. " he teased playfully. The merman blushed shifting over to the side of the large tub. He be lying right now if he said he didn't think elch was sexy.
Orious couldn't take it anymore this boy was just absolutely intoxicating from head to toe which had been driving ori crazy inside. He craved his blood. He wanted to drain the red from his cute face. It wasn't long before orious found himself sitting down against the wall with daisuke in his lap as he licked along the smaller male's neck and shoulder pushing down his shirt. He bit into his flesh sinking his fangs in drawing blood that trickled messyily down onto daisuke's clothes as he swallowed his blood drinking it. His bite more or less on stung briefly and probly felt amazing but it definitely would be a sore spot later. He could probly smell the vampire's strange natural scent of roses and vanilla mixed in with the smell of the blood he just drank and the stench of nicotine from his smoking. His touch was gentle  as he held him in his arms by the waist.

Orious had withdrew his mouth and licked his skin clean before moving to press his lips to daisuke's. 

"H-Hey are you oka-" The next thing Daisuke knew he was on Ori's lap and he was licking but soon enough biting Daisuke's neck. He gasped in surprise, it stung at first but felt really good really fast. A small moan even escaped his mouth. He didn't exactly care about the blood that was staining his shirt but knowing that after all of this he won't really be happy. 

He wanted to kiss Ori, he was so caught in the moment. And then it happened. When Ori pressed his lips onto his Daisuke didn't hesitate to kiss Ori back. 
Eris looks at him watching and tilts his head. He gives a impressed whistle."...damn. I'm gonna end up pregnant just by looking at ya. " he teased playfully. The merman blushed shifting over to the side of the large tub. He be lying right now if he said he didn't think elch was sexy.

"How do you think I feel? I'm the one who wants to fuck you." He says as he crawls into the tub. Elch pulled you towards him and plopped you in his lap, he grabbed a rag and began to wash you down. He spent an odd amount of time on where your crotch should be.
"H-Hey are you oka-" The next thing Daisuke knew he was on Ori's lap and he was licking but soon enough biting Daisuke's neck. He gasped in surprise, it stung at first but felt really good really fast. A small moan even escaped his mouth. He didn't exactly care about the blood that was staining his shirt but knowing that after all of this he won't really be happy. 

He wanted to kiss Ori, he was so caught in the moment. And then it happened. When Ori pressed his lips onto his Daisuke didn't hesitate to kiss Ori back. 

Orious' mouth probly tasted like daisuke's blood with traces of drugs mixed in with a faint sweetness. His hands moved cupping his face extending the length of their first kiss before before finally parting his lips from the other. He stared at him keeping his arms around him. He would go no further knowing he probly shouldn't over step any boundries. Ori rested his chin on his shoulder. "...sorry....I couldn't resist....you're intoxicating...."
"How do you think I feel? I'm the one who wants to fuck you." He says as he crawls into the tub. Elch pulled you towards him and plopped you in his lap, he grabbed a rag and began to wash you down. He spent an odd amount of time on where your crotch should be.

(Just gonna mention this, he technically all his kind have both female and male organs but it works different since they lay often eggs. So warning you now if eris comes up to him one day with giant egg and looked ticked off.)

Eris' face turned bright red and he made a huff sound. "...hey...don't get handsy!" He squeaked and moved facing elch. Eris gave him a look."...just take me to the bed already if you're gonna get that impatient,elch...." He told him with a deep exhale.
Orious' mouth probly tasted like daisuke's blood with traces of drugs mixed in with a faint sweetness. His hands moved cupping his face extending the length of their first kiss before before finally parting his lips from the other. He stared at him keeping his arms around him. He would go no further knowing he probly shouldn't over step any boundries. Ori rested his chin on his shoulder. "...sorry....I couldn't resist....you're intoxicating...."

Daisuke hesitated before hugging the other. He was smiling sweetly at Ori, though he doubt he could see the smile. Daisuke honestly did not know how to react to all of this.

"H-H-Hey... It's o-okay..." He should stop with the stutter. It's not good for him. Daisuke didn't understand what vampires do, so he couldn't say much. "Y... You're apologizing like I didn't e-enjoy it..." Now what is this boy saying. The bandaged boy couldn't help himself, he was falling for this attractive vampire's spell.
(Just gonna mention this, he technically all his kind have both female and male organs but it works different since they lay often eggs. So warning you now if eris comes up to him one day with giant egg and looked ticked off.)

Eris' face turned bright red and he made a huff sound. "...hey...don't get handsy!" He squeaked and moved facing elch. Eris gave him a look."...just take me to the bed already if you're gonna get that impatient,elch...." He told him with a deep exhale.

(XD noted.)

"I'm sorry I'll back off!" He said as he hurriedly took his hands off of you. 

"I'm sorry Eris...." He said again as he kissed your forehead trying to win you back. "Did you not like it?" He asked a bit unsure if he should keep bathing you.
Daisuke hesitated before hugging the other. He was smiling sweetly at Ori, though he doubt he could see the smile. Daisuke honestly did not know how to react to all of this.

"H-H-Hey... It's o-okay..." He should stop with the stutter. It's not good for him. Daisuke didn't understand what vampires do, so he couldn't say much. "Y... You're apologizing like I didn't e-enjoy it..." Now what is this boy saying. The bandaged boy couldn't help himself, he was falling for this attractive vampire's spell.

Orious exhaled deeply. " I just took from you without permission...and for all I know that could have been your first kiss." He clarified as to why he was apologizing as moved his head so they were face to face. He had a light pink dusted across his pale cheeks as he made eye contact with the smaller male.  "...je t'aime.. " he whispered.
(XD noted.)

"I'm sorry I'll back off!" He said as he hurriedly took his hands off of eris. 

"I'm sorry Eris...." He said again as he kissed his forehead trying to win him back. "Did you not like it?" He asked a bit unsure if he should keep bathing him.

Eris' face was red and he exhaled. "Its still there,stupid just further in..." He said with his hands over the spot. Eris looked like he was having issues and stared at elch. "You. Me. Bed! Now! I'm gonna die..." 
Eris' face was red and he exhaled. "Its still there,stupid just further in..." He said with his hands over the spot. Eris looked like he was having issues and stared at elch. "You. Me. Bed! Now! I'm gonna die..." 


"Ok...?" Elch said confused. He drained the water and got out. He grabbed a fluffy towel for you and picked you up and dried you off with it. He brought you to your bed and put you down on it. 
Orious exhaled deeply. " I just took from you without permission...and for all I know that could have been your first kiss." He clarified as to why he was apologizing as moved his head so they were face to face. He had a light pink dusted across his pale cheeks as he made eye contact with the smaller male.  "...je t'aime.. " he whispered.

Well Ori was correct. That was Daisuke's first kiss. He giggled a tad. "R-Right.. Now you have to file a report to the s-student body council for stealing t-the secretary's first kiss.." Daisuke joked around.

Daisuke kept eye contact, as if he would turn to stone if he looked away. He was a bit rusty at what he believed was French but he studied enough to understand and come up with a reply. "Je t'aime aussi..." He stayed silent afterwards, waiting to see if he said it correctly. Hopefully French class didn't do him wrong.
Well Ori was correct. That was Daisuke's first kiss. He giggled a tad. "R-Right.. Now you have to file a report to the s-student body council for stealing t-the secretary's first kiss.." Daisuke joked around.

Daisuke kept eye contact, as if he would turn to stone if he looked away. He was a bit rusty at what he believed was French but he studied enough to understand and come up with a reply. "Je t'aime aussi..." He stayed silent afterwards, waiting to see if he said it correctly. Hopefully French class didn't do him wrong.

Orious seemed a little surprised he was anwsered back in french. He didn't expect that. Usually people didn't understand half of what he was saying when he sIipped into speaking his native language. Ori simply responded to daisuke's own response by taking his hand and giving his palm a kiss as if to show he understood clearly. "Then that means you're mine...."he mumured softly.
Orious seemed a little surprised he was anwsered back in french. He didn't expect that. Usually people didn't understand half of what he was saying when he sIipped into speaking his native language. Ori simply responded to daisuke's own response by taking his hand and giving his palm a kiss as if to show he understood clearly. "Then that means you're mine...."he mumured softly.

He was quite pleased when what he said was correct. Daisuke always loved being correct. 

"I'm yours then.. And you are mine..." Daisuke murmured back before giving the other a little nuzzle. This small little guy never has been in a relationship, with someone he barely knew no less. But for some reason he enjoyed the fact of himself being close with this vampire. It made him feel less of a lonely student who can do nothing but work, study, repeat and more of a normal teenager taking his time to enjoy emotions like happiness, joy, love.

Daisuke wanted to know more about Orious. And he was willing to take some time out of his tiring school life to do so.
Cadi smiled and nodded. "yeah i guess you are right...."

Hisoka looked at him. "its fine love....." He looked at the teacher. "we wont....because i know Chrollo is stronger.....he has every power possible in his grasps....he practically a god...."

Chrollo smirked and made the book disappear.


Noiz laid there and looked at him. "i-i guess?" {i feel as though i dont have a choice}


Est blinked and looked at the hamster. He them poked it after it was covered and a beam of light cam from his finger and next thing you knew, the hamster was alive. "he doesnt have to live in the stars just yet.....he is young....he should live out the rest of his life"

Bilal raised a brow and walked with the other male, real confused as to what he actually was.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Cadi smiled and nodded. "yeah i guess you are right...."

Hisoka looked at him. "its fine love....." He looked at the teacher. "we wont....because i know Chrollo is stronger.....he has every power possible in his grasps....he practically a god...."

Chrollo smirked and made the book disappear.


Noiz laid there and looked at him. "i-i guess?" {i feel as though i dont have a choice}


Est blinked and looked at the hamster. He them poked it after it was covered and a beam of light cam from his finger and next thing you knew, the hamster was alive. "he doesnt have to live in the stars just yet.....he is young....he should live out the rest of his life"

Bilal raised a brow and walked with the other male, real confused as to what he actually was.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Mew  exhaled deeply and leaned looked away kinda disappointed. "You're supposed to  think for yourself not go along with everything I say....i was testing you." Mew told him and sat down on the floor. "But that doesn't mean I was lying about making you my mate, I do intend on that much but I have plenty of time for that... I would rather wait for you to want me."mew said having a feeling noiz was just going along with whatever.

Jack was walking through the halls of the school, because he didn't have to do much in his class. They were just fighting. He was wearing all black except for a red tie. He looked into classes as he walked, which chilled some, but others waved at him. With a sign, Jack cracked his neck and stopped near a window to look outside.


(( Sorry for the short post. I'm on phone, so I can't be bothered to post longer ones. ))
He was quite pleased when what he said was correct. Daisuke always loved being correct. 

"I'm yours then.. And you are mine..." Daisuke murmured back before giving the other a little nuzzle. This small little guy never has been in a relationship, with someone he barely knew no less. But for some reason he enjoyed the fact of himself being close with this vampire. It made him feel less of a lonely student who can do nothing but work, study, repeat and more of a normal teenager taking his time to enjoy emotions like happiness, joy, love.

Daisuke wanted to know more about Orious. And he was willing to take some time out of his tiring school life to do so.

Orious   stood and helped  daisuke to his feet holding  his  hand. ".. We probably should get you some clean clothes and bandage up that bite mark unless you'd prefer to show it off...you staying in  a dorm here?" He told his new lover moving a arm around his shoulders.

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