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Riley Cavolti

"Ah, thanks." He turned quickly on his heel and patted Samuel's head lightly because he was a couple inches shorter, but only a couple.  "Seriously. Don't know what I would have done without you. So..yeah." Riley trailed off before turning again and walking briskly away from his own awkwardness with Samuel. *I'm an idiot. It's not like it is with Opal. Hell if I patted Opal's head she would have smiled and tugged on my arm and called me niichan (older brother.) in a girly sweet pitch.* He shook his head and shoved his hands back in his pockets to keep from unconsciously touching anyone else.  *No more head patting. (Check) No more long walks, cause that leads to people smiling and laughing a lot...(check...)* He looked over his shoulder back at Samuel before briefly, very briefly, smiling then ducked into the classroom and shutting the door behind him.

Samuel Peters

Samuel growled a bit at being pet. He didn't generally like people touching him. He took out his own schedule and looked at it. He had art as the last period of the day, but not the first. He was headed to Malhart. He shoved it back in his bag and walked there quickly, turning invisible as to not have any more encounters. He got there and noticed Hisoka knocked out, and Mei and Metoka on the floor. "Hell, guess I missed the fight." Samuel said, before sitting down.

Malhart Sumnor

"Yeah, sure did." Malhart said, grinning as he turned to face the new student. He looked around, confused. "Where are you?"

Samuel Peters

"Don't worry about it." Samuel said. He liked confusing people with being invisible, and he also liked to watch people without being annoyed.
Orious drew a shaky breath. "...i don't like drinking blood from others...only my lover, biting is intimate..." He told  his lover. It was important that vampires feed especially to heal but ori seemed to dislike the idea of it due to the intimacy part. "feeding only helps with the blood loss and I have no idea about there being a cure.." He seemed a little stubborn but he noticed daisuke looking about ready to cry so he cupped daisuke's face making eye contact. "But...medicine has changed so, maybe I can have a chance...so don't give up on me just yet,okay?"
"Tch.." Lag jerked forward when he was tugged quickly. Gritting his teeth as his left eye twitched before he jolted slightly in pain when he bit his arm roughly. "Hey. Be careful geez...." Lag spoke as he glared slightly at the ghoul. Looking around to make sure anyone wasn't there, and so far the halls were empty. After all he didn't want this to become a misunderstanding. Looking back, Lag sweat dropped as he watched Felix drink his blood with some kind of "bliss" written across his face. ".......Glutton...hmph.." Lag muttered and looked away.

Felix loosen his mouth only to bite down harder having heard lag call him  a glutton and proceeded to give him another harsh bite  into Lag's palm to intentionally hurt him bad enough. Felix didn't take too well to being called names. He withdrew his blood ridden mouth and cocked his head with a devious smile. He took and wiped a big mess off Lag's own blood on him as Felix decided to lick the boy's showing neck biting at it enough to leave a visible hickey before completely stepping away. "Thanks...now try not to play with others too much,lag....I hate sharing my food." He said with a snicker.
Felix loosen his mouth only to bite down harder having heard lag call him  a glutton and proceeded to give him another harsh bite  into Lag's palm to intentionally hurt him bad enough. Felix didn't take too well to being called names. He withdrew his blood ridden mouth and cocked his head with a devious smile. He took and wiped a big mess off Lag's own blood on him as Felix decided to lick the boy's showing neck biting at it enough to leave a visible hickey before completely stepping away. "Thanks...now try not to play with others too much,lag....I hate sharing my food." He said with a snicker.

"Gah!" Jolted in surprise when he just bit him harder. The pain shot right through his arm and towards him body, shivering slightly as he grit his teeth even more. Lag hissed quietly before gasping again when he licked his neck, blushing brightly and becoming fluttered all of a sudden, expecting a visible hickey out of this. Fortunately he wore his scarf so the hickey could be easily hidden. After he was done Lag composed himself and leered as well as half glared at Felix. "Was it necessary to leave a mark  me?" He said grumbling a bit in half irritation, a light blush on his face still. "You're make me a blood supply aren't you..... =_=#" He healed his hand with some magic after he heard Felix. As if he would repeat the same thing to such strangers....after such a humiliating and embarrassing role that he was in earlier.
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Riley had finished most of his classes.  First art, then math, literature, music and finally it was his specialized fight session with an older man named Chief who was muscular but not hulk on steriods. Riley had walked in and for the first half hour he couldn't transform into his battle axe form.  He had mental blockage and trauma from his past but Chief just waited till Riley was ready to transform on his own time. It was getting closer to dinnertime and Chief has dosed off when Riley in an electric blue streak transformed in the battle axe and laid acrossed Chief's legs. "There ya go boy." Chief chuckled and began to practice with Riley, which lead to Riley having to trust Chief in order to preform evasive maneuvers and counterattacks and offensive maneuvers.  By the end Riley was terribly drained and sore and he transformed back into his human self.  His eyes no longer blue but a deep red. " Well, you're magic is drained. I can tell by your eyes boy. Tomorrow won't be as terrible cause it is your day to be comfortable with transforming. But also to remind yourself you still have feelings and are human."  Riley sighed and nodded his head before taking his bag of books and heading back towards the dorms shielding his eyes from the lights in the hallway. His red eyes shocking against the white hoodie with black trimming and a battle axe image on the back that Chief gave him to wear around school, if he so choosed.  Riley looked up the stairs and sighed shaking his head and sat on the bottom stair to just breathe for a while.
"Gah!" Jolted in surprise when he just bit him harder. The pain shot right through his arm and towards him body, shivering slightly as he grit his teeth even more. Lag hissed quietly before gasping again when he licked his neck, blushing brightly and becoming fluttered all of a sudden, expecting a visible hickey out of this. Fortunately he wore his scarf so the hickey could be easily hidden. After he was done Lag composed himself and leered as well as half glared at Felix. "Was it necessary to leave a mark  me?" He said grumbling a bit in half irritation, a light blush on his face still. "You're make me a blood supply aren't you..... =_=#" He healed his hand with some magic after he heard Felix. As if he would repeat the same thing to such strangers....after such a humiliating and embarrassing role that he was in earlier.

Felix wiped his mouth with his sleeve as his expression changed to a serious one. "Precisely, it was nessisary..." Felix told lag as he watched the boy heal himself. He nodded at the idea. "Perhaps I will but in exchange I can offer my services since I'm sure hallow would be cross with me..." He said with a huff of annoyance crossing his arms. 
Orious drew a shaky breath. "...i don't like drinking blood from others...only my lover, biting is intimate..." He told  his lover. It was important that vampires feed especially to heal but ori seemed to dislike the idea of it due to the intimacy part. "feeding only helps with the blood loss and I have no idea about there being a cure.." He seemed a little stubborn but he noticed daisuke looking about ready to cry so he cupped daisuke's face making eye contact. "But...medicine has changed so, maybe I can have a chance...so don't give up on me just yet,okay?"

He nods slowly. The poor guy was worried about his lover. Especially the fact that he could heal him but just needed to know how. This was something he needed to study about.

"Alright.... I trust you..." Daisuke holds the other's hand. Before slowly moving away his and Ori's hands away from his face. "Now... I have to place on a shirt.." He went a tad red, realizing he still was shirtless.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asks as he places on his dress shirt.
He nods slowly. The poor guy was worried about his lover. Especially the fact that he could heal him but just needed to know how. This was something he needed to study about.

"Alright.... I trust you..." Daisuke holds the other's hand. Before slowly moving away his and Ori's hands away from his face. "Now... I have to place on a shirt.." He went a tad red, realizing he still was shirtless.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asks as he places on his dress shirt.

Orious nodded at daisuke and smiled a little. "You know you're even cuter when you blush..." He told him as he watched daisuke change. Ori brushed some of his dark feathery hair away from his eyes tilting his head sideways pursing his lips. "Well, does me taking you on a  date sound good?"
Orious nodded at daisuke and smiled a little. "You know you're even cuter when you blush..." He told him as he watched daisuke change. Ori brushed some of his dark feathery hair away from his eyes tilting his head sideways pursing his lips. "Well, does me taking you on a  date sound good?"

He couldn't help but blush even more at his statement. "I-I'm not cute..." He murmurs. Daisuke adjusts his dress shirt a bit. A date? Daisuke has never been on a date before. "Y-Yeah!" Too excited sounding Daisuke, try again. "I mean.. Yeah." Oh well, he tried to sound cool but ended up sounding awkward yet still something Daisuke would say. If that made sense.
Felix wiped his mouth with his sleeve as his expression changed to a serious one. "Precisely, it was nessisary..." Felix told lag as he watched the boy heal himself. He nodded at the idea. "Perhaps I will but in exchange I can offer my services since I'm sure hallow would be cross with me..." He said with a huff of annoyance crossing his arms. 

"Ohh? Well good. Then you can as well help protect me from creepers for awhile then if you don't want your 'Food' getting sexual harrassed by random men." Lag remarked as he noticed Felix's behaviour. And it was indeed true that he was often harrassed because of his feminine-like body and fine ass . Can't blame him since his mother had one heck of a body. Even his face looked soft too like some sort of rare fruit. Which he absolutely hate and wished to have such a normal male body. Looking at his cheek he noticed a smudge on his left. "Ah.....dude you got well....still some blood on your left cheek"
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"Ohh? Well good. Then you can as well help protect me from creepers for awhile then if you don't want your 'Food' getting sexual harrassed by random men." Lag remarked as he noticed Felix's behaviour. And it was indeed true that he was often harrassed because of his feminine-like body and fine ass . Can't blame him since his mother had one heck of a body. Even his face looked soft too like some sort of rare fruit. Which he absolutely hate and wished to have such a normal male body. Looking at his cheek he noticed a smudge on his left. "Ah.....dude you got well....still some blood on your left cheek"

Felix  couldn't help but to grin at Lag's words. Of course considering it was Felix anyone who touched lag would probly end up  hurt or dead. Felix wasn't just a ghoul /demon mix but he was also a yandere.  He leaned down holding out a hankercheif."care to get it for me?"
When he heard those words and the tone Felix used he never felt anything more than a newly wedded wife. Which to him, is beyond ridiculous indeed. But he wouldn't let the thought get the best of him as he took the hankerchief and held is chin slightly. ".....Fine." Lag pursed his lips as he gently wiped the blood of his cheek and the corner of his mouth as he saw more. By now Lag would have just labled him as a friend.....with benefits at the moment due to ealier events. After all they just met. "There....done.." Lag placed the hankerchief down as he stared at his cheek now cleaned.

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He couldn't help but blush even more at his statement. "I-I'm not cute..." He murmurs. Daisuke adjusts his dress shirt a bit. A date? Daisuke has never been on a date before. "Y-Yeah!" Too excited sounding Daisuke, try again. "I mean.. Yeah." Oh well, he tried to sound cool but ended up sounding awkward yet still something Daisuke would say. If that made sense.

Orious stood tilting his head a little bit brushing the hair from his face with a amused look but pink could be seen tinting across his pale cheeks. "Hm. I say otherwise...plus, I happen to like cute things." He told him as he reached for the door and stepped backwards out of the room holding his hand out for his lover. "...so as for our date why don't I take you into town?"
When he heard those words and the tone Felix used he never felt anything more than a newly wedded wife. Which to him, is beyond ridiculous indeed. But he wouldn't let the thought get the best of him as he took the hankerchief and held is chin slightly. ".....Fine." Lag pursed his lips as he gently wiped the blood of his cheek and the corner of his mouth as he saw more. By now Lag would have just labled him as a friend.....with benefits at the moment due to ealier events. After all they just met. "There....done.." Lag placed the hankerchief down as he stared at his cheek now cleaned.


Felix  may have just met lag but it was no doubt he'd get rather possessive  really fast  since Lag's blood was delicious and lag himself was cute. It wasn't even like Felix even actually liked the human, he didn't know him too well nor did he care to far as he knew. This boy was his and his only. The ghoul tilted his head. "Now where to?" He asked quietly as his smile faded.
Riley Cavolti

Riley had finally made it up the stairs and was currently chillin in his dorm room lights turned off but there was loud music making it's way through the closed door.  Riley staring up at the ceiling feeling a bit better and his eyes were beginning to turn back to the normal electric blue rather than the crimson color they were earlier.  *Humans...witches...demons..me...I really can't see myself fitting in here.  They all just, they know who they are, they are confident in themselves. Me? Hell...I'm just lucky I don't transform into my weapon form at random.  I can control myself..my ability..wouldn't call it a power because it was something I was born with. *  Riley sighed and spread his arms out over his bed, laying like the image of a cross. *Either students are just finishing classes or going to night time classes...evening classes? It isn't really night time yet.*  He looked over at his alarm clock and sighed, *Almost dinner.  I really should go get something to eat but my eyes are half crimson, half blue...students here probably have seen stranger things but I'm not comfortable showing my ability off to anyone. (Or feelings?)* Riley's innermost thoughts taunted him as he got up slipped on a long sleeved black shirt, shook out his black hair and slipped on some plaid black and white pajama pants. *Ready* he prepared himself, composed himself and opened his bedroom door to walk back down the stairs to head toward the cafeteria.

@Imapeople000  (Don't know if you want your character to just chill with Riley or not, your choice c:  )
Felix  may have just met lag but it was no doubt he'd get rather possessive  really fast  since Lag's blood was delicious and lag himself was cute. It wasn't even like Felix even actually liked the human, he didn't know him too well nor did he care to far as he knew. This boy was his and his only. The ghoul tilted his head. "Now where to?" He asked quietly as his smile faded.

Lag turned to the neatly piled books behind him and slumped abit. "Ugh....I almost forgot..the books" The books he took were ment to be returned back to the library. That also means that he would have to pass through halls filled with perverted bastards. Lag also realized that he had Felix with him, this also made him calm down abit. "We have to go to the Library...I have to return the books I borrowed.." Lag answered him and grabbed them.
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I'm open to whatever. 

Samuel Peters

Samuel was hanging out near the cafeteria, the area he usually hung out in before he went to go fight. He didn't really eat there, he cooked all his own meals, a skill he had figured out relatively early in life. Besides, he always thought his cooking skills were better than the school's. He looked around, not sure what to do, and just decided to turn his music on, as he usually did. He turned on country(Cause hell, I love country. xD) and let it go, getting a few confused stares, but not really caring.

Riley Calvolti was just outside of the cafeteria when he heard country music.  It was..nice..Riley smiled a bit and walked into the cafeteria and looked around a bit before he saw Samuel. *Ah, so he's playing it.  Nice taste. Real nice taste.* Riley nodded but walked towards the lunch ladies and got dinner, which was mashed potatoes, bread roll, turkey with gravy and green beans. Riley didn't really care for the green beans but he nodded and then sat far enough away from everyone.  Riley was picking around the green beans with his fork as he laid his head on his hand and closed his eyes listening to the country music. *Normality.  So normal with originality, each of them are unique and while there are dicks, every school has a couple.  So...normal..* He sighed starting to miss his sister and her constant smile and determination..her care for him, Opal acted like a mother when it came to Riley, it was funny.  She was so stern with him, puffed out cheeks when she was angry with him or sadness when his bad moods made him withdraw into himself and hide away into his room.  Opal.  He missed his sister. His better half in his opinion. *Wish everyone would just shush a little bit..music is music and it's nice no matter what genre it is.* Riley was quietly tapping his foot to the beat, half dozing and half eating his food from time to time.

Lag turned to the neatly piled books behind him and slumped abit. "Ugh....I almost forgot..the books" The books he took were ment to be returned back to the library. That also means that he would have to pass through halls filled with perverted bastards. Lag also realized that he had Felix with him, this also made him calm down abit. "We have to go to the Library...I have to return the books I borrowed.." Lag answered him and grabbed them.

Felix gave a single nod observing lag pick up the books and heard what he said. "Okay..." He said simply and walked forward opening the door for lag.
Samuel Peters

Samuel looked around for the person he usually went with. He had been there for nearly an hour, to no avail. 'I'm starting to get pissed off...'  he thought to himself. He waited for a couple minutes, before just throwing all his crap down and going through the halls near the cafeteria. When he couldn't find them there, he went back(A great deal more angry) and looked inside the cafeteria. He couldn't find him, but he saw Riley across the cafeteria. 'I feel like I've seen him before...'  Samuel thought, having one of his usual memory blanks. He stared at him for a second, before walking over to him. "This is gonna sound weird, but do I know you? I feel like I've seen you before..." He cocked his head.

Riley currently has mashed potatoes in his mouth when Samuel came over. Riley quickly swallowed his food and nodded. "Yeah I was the guy you helped out this morning.  I also commented on liking your ring.  The one with the wicked spider in it.  Then you helped me by confirming that the upstairs was the dorm rooms and then you lead me to my first class which was art. I'm Riley." He smiled a little, it wasn't uncommon for people to not remember people on the first day of meeting them.  Especially Riley sense he looks to merely observe people from afar however, this morning...talking to Sam it was a new experience for Riley.  "So...you seemed pissed off." Riley stated as he took a swig of his water before pushing around his green beans then began cutting into his turkey. "Wanna sit and chat till whoever comes to sit with you comes and you can sit with them?" He asked before taking the bite of turkey. He was very laid back, kinda tired which helped keep him calm in a room full of students who were merely eating their own dinners. 

Samuel Peters

"Oh! That was you..." Samuel said, seemingly surprised. "Quite sorry, I have some memory problems... And yeah, pretty pissed. Been waiting for the person I usually fight for an hour, the bastard still hasn't shown up." Samuel huffed, sitting down. His posture was very straight, which he had a tendency to do(Even though he has scoliosis). He attempted to re-do his hair with his hands, as it had become a bit wild, but he had no effect, so he just sighed and let it be.

Riley looked at Sam from the corner of his eye. "Ah. I see.  Is the guy chicken shit?" He asked as he finished his food quickly then drank his water slowly. *He fights.  Said that this morning but I wonder what kind of fighting he does.*  Riley tilted his head and looked at him fussing with his hair. "Stop. Your hair looks fine." Riley chuckled a bit under his breath. "You're sitting kinda straight...you look like a stiff board." He smiled, genuinely for the first time ever in this school.  "Also, don't sweat it about the memory thing.  I'm easy to forget, I..don't usually come out of my room or when I walk through the halls I usually stay near the wall. " He shrugged still having the smile on his face, even though it was small, and took another sip of his water.

Samuel Peters

"No, he's purty good at fighting. Just hasn't come yet..." Samuel growled. "Eh, I always sit like this. It's a habit, I suppose." He shrugged. He absolutely knew it was a habit, it was just the way he dealt with his scoliosis. "It's not really just you I forget. I do actually have memory problems, long term and short term. Luckily, it doesn't make me forget everything..." Samuel trailed off. Honestly, there were times when he completely blanked and couldn't remember anything. It didn't happen that often though.


That's also true for me. Pretty much everything I've written has been based off me in real life. Including scoliosis, fighting, and memory problems. I'm kinda weird... I have something weird with most of my senses.. I'm color blind, have hearing problems, and I'm a super taster.

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