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Takis Argyris

Takis looked down at him still, and noticed he woke up. He didn't say anything, he just kept looking at him.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Well, it was a joke, but if you wanna..." Mornuhama laughed. 

Mei Rinsaku

"I think we're both a bit creepy," Mei laughed. "Maybe I'm not to you, but I think I still creep other people out."

Aurelion smile while he hold his hand "thank you est" he said as he look at him with his Universal Eyes. he got one more question to ask but suddenly tge kettle scream meaning the tea is ready "a... tea... almost forgot" he smile then take two cup and serve one to him "careful its hot" he said with a smile

"Becuz they ment to die in the end anyways" he said with a grin "face it everyone nor creatures ment to die then why not make it more as a great Art " he pause then take out his phone "but seriousely you shoudnt be so innocent about deatg like dont tell me you never saw a same race killing each other " he said as he laugh

Cadius blinked a few more times and looked at him. "Takis...." He just said his name, not really needing anything. He just wanted to say his name.

"hell yeah i wanna..." He smiled and leaned closer. 

"oh i guess that is true....maybe....the part where you arent creepy to me..." He smiled

Enma slowly awoke and looked at him. "Z-Ziro...."

Nai smiled and snuggled back. 


"thank you" He took the tea and looked at the substance. After a while, he blew on it before taking a sip, wincing cause it still burnt his lip a little.

Bilal shook his head. He really was innocent. "i have never heard of such thing"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion drink some as he notice him winch "ah. Hey are you alright ... he said and smile as he kiss his cheeks" careful next time " he said with a smile and he stand up. Yawning he look at the sun "are you ready for school" he said with a smile 

Azrael look at him blankly "you dont?.. thats impossible how are you able to live this long if u dont. " he sign "listen ill make an example..." he look at the studebts and saw a Wolf " look at that wolf... did you know wolve are preditorial they pee on what they want to clam" 

"Hey!" Comment the wolf student 

'Dont deny it becuz its true" Azrael replied and look back at him "but not only that they search deer or anything that is meat for food they fight and kill each other also to be the pack leader of there tribes" 

Takis Argyris

"Hm?" Takis replied. He was still just kinda half asleep, but awake enough to tell what he was saying

Mornuhama Loprak

"Fuckin' a, and you were saying I was a rebel..." Mornuhama laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Ah, whatever," Mei said, smiling, "Other people think I'm creepy. It's kinda funny."

Been waiting two days for a response to mew.....I guess since nobody's responding  would someone else like to make claim on mew,my neko cybrorg?)
ENma smiled. "just seeing if you were awake"

Nai cant talk in his Niji form so he just squeaked in response.


Est nodded and set the tea down. It was pretty good, but he didnt have time to drink it all. "yeah im ready"

Bilal blinked at him. "i have never met such a creature before....i eat fire.....so i dont need to kill someone and eat them..." He looked at him, then at the wolf student.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Cadi gave a small smile and snuggled up to him. "warm..."

Valshe smiled cutely and stuck you his tongue. "ruining my hopes and dreams..."

"i think it is a great feeling when someone is scared of me.....i mean....they should be..." H emsled.


Made a new guy.....yes ......picture overload )
Cool, I'll check it in a bit

Takis Argyris

"Not surprising..." Takis chuckled. He tried to move closer to Cadius, but realized they were pretty much pressed together, so he just kept where he was

Mornuhama Loprak

"Well, I didn't say no..." Mornuhama giggled, smiling.

Mei Rinsaku

"I don't think you're scary though..." Mei smiled.

Aurelion smile "you know you can finish your tea if you like" he said with a smile "its still a llliiitttllleee biy early to start of in the class" 

Azrael "really? But you live in an Empire surely that you will" he said tsking a deep breath in defeat "fine... you kmow you should learn how to fight or u might get bully here nor some to take advantage of you" he smile "that is" he whisper the last as he gave the students a daggering look and they ass shiver away "alright next room" he said as he open up the door for him 'this might bs fun' he thought with a smile 

Enma hugged him close.

Nai blushed and squeaked again, snuggling too.


Cadi gave a small giggle and looked up at him. "thanks again Takis.."

Valshe smiled and wiggled his butt after getting on his knees in the office chair, facing the back wth his feet hanging off the front. "reeeaaallllyyyyy?"

"well good....i wouldnt want my boyfriend to be scared of me....that would make me feel like a terrible person" He smiled


"i-its a bit hot though..." Est blushed.

Bilal looked at him. "thank you" He walked into the empty classroom and looked around.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

"Hm? For...?" Takis said, looking at him. He smiled, but still had his eyes closed

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama laughed more, and said, "Again... whatever you want to do..." He smiled.

Mei Rinsaku

"Awww... It would've been fine though. I don't think I can be with your makeup," Mei laughed. "No offense though. It's still amazing." 

Aurelion look at him "really? ... well its alright ill just clean it up and tomorrow around 5;00 maybe we can have some tea "he said woth a smile "lets go to claa "he said smingly as he open up the door 

"And tbis is the arts class "Azrawl said a bit proudly as he walk and look at him "you know i got top point in this class from my painting " he said as he close the door "tell me if someone is to attack how will you defend yourself?

Cadi smiled. "everything...."

Valshe jumped up and turned the lights out and flipped the sign on the door. It now said: "went out for a bit". He walked over and grabbed Mornu's hand, then walked out. "lets go!"

Hisoka laughed. "i can take it off..." He stuck out his tongue teasingly.


"that sounds good to me" Est said and got ready to go in his expensive ass clothing.

"i wouldnt know unless someone attacked me" He said as he looked at some paintings on the wall.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

"Ah, don't mention it..." Takis murmured, a bit more awake.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Oh lord..." Mornuhama laughed, following Valshe out the door. "Thank god the sign doesn't say what you're out for..."

Mei Rinsaku

"Might make me take you more seriously," Mei teased, "But you're too sweet to me to scare me."

Cadi opened his eyes and looked at him with a small smile. "right"

Valshe laughed. "true....they would probably think "what the hell?!" and kick me off the council" 

"only sweet to you " He smiled and kissed his temple.

Noiz walked into the school and looked around the area before walking to the office and retrieving his schedule. He looked it over and headed to his locker, his allmate (pet) floating behind him. The male did not want to go to school, but the government was forcing him to.

Takis Argyris

Takis half opened his eyes. When he realized that they were pretty much right against each other, his eyes widened for a second, but he shrugged it off and just looked at Cadius

Mornuhama Loprak

"Don't think they'd take very kindly to, 'Going to get laid' as a reason to be off." Mornuhama laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei took of the bars of his mask and kissed Hisoka on the cheek. "Just on a whim..." He joked.

Cadi just stared into Takis's eyes, unable to look away for some reason.

"yea i agree...." He laughed. "your dorm or mine?" He winked with a humorous smirk.

Hisoka blushed a bit and looked at him. He reached forward and touched his lips. "may i?"

Noiz walked into the school and looked around the area before walking to the office and retrieving his schedule. He looked it over and headed to his locker, his allmate (pet) floating behind him. The male did not want to go to school, but the government was forcing him to.


Mew exhaled deeply and walked off with his tail swishing behind him forgetting what he had been doing. He licked his lips  looking around scanning his surroundings picking up on something faimlar flicking his tail. The tall male  eventally found noiz and smirked approaching slowly leaning over."what do we have here? A cute tasty rabbit?" He purred playfully. 
Takis Argyris

Takis cocked his head at him for a second, before shrugging his shoulders and kissing him again.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Ah, hell if I care," Mornuhama shrugged. "Don't think it makes a difference either way."

Mei Rinsaku

"Hm?" Mei said, confused for a second. When he realized what he had meant, his eyes widened. "Oh... Okay..."


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