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Takis Argyris

Takis' face heated up, not really blushing since he was still in dragon form, but it was obvious the lava and magma beneath it had grown hotter. He got back down onto all four legs(With quite the noise) and turned back into a human. He walked over and looked at Cadius for a second. He wasn't really sure how to respond, never having to have dealt with romance or love. "Umm.." Takis said, starting to blush. He stood there for a second, looking down, before looking back up at Cadius and blushing more. He hesitated, then grabbed Cadius and kissed him.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, I can only imagine..." Mornuhama sighed. "It's nice to spend time with you. I'll try and come up if you need it." He smiled.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked down, blushing. "Well... I mean... Yes?" He looked up at Hisoka questioningly, blushing more. 

Cadi blushed darkly, closing his pretty eyes and melting into the kiss Takis gave him. He kissed him back, his hands twitching before resting on his chest.

"thanks love....i have to finish enrolling some kids....another one enrolled without me knowing...Bilal Asad Ithnan Faranbald......such a strange long name..." Valshe yawned.

Hisoka blushed as well, then leaned forward and gave his forehead a kiss. "alright.....sounds perfect to me"

Takis Argyris

Takis stepped back after a second or two, his eyes wide. "I... I'm not sure where that came from..." He said, embarrassed. He looked down, not sure how Cadi would react.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Sounds very... Exotic. Middle Eastern, I think?" Mornuhama said, scratching his head. "Anyways, I'll probably still be around while you're doing that. Unless I can't." He smiled.

Mei Rinsaku

"O-... Okay..." Mei said, embarrassed. He knew it didn't even really matter, he just still felt embarrassed. He stared at Hisoka as they walked, not saying anything. @IkutoForever2222
Cadi had a small smile and his face was really red. He reached up and touched his own lips. "t-thats fine....i...liked it..." He looked down even more, trying to hide his face.

"i will force you to stay!" Valshe grinned and latched onto his arm. "you musnt leave me!"

Hisoka looked back at him "you okay Mei?"

Takis Argyris

Takis turned back into a dragon(Really just to hide his blush) and laid back down, a great deal more awake than he was before.

Mornuhama Loprak

"You know I won't leave." Mornuhama giggled, kissing Valshe. "Besides, you'd probably drag me back if I tried." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Hm? Oh.. Yeah, I'm fine." Mei replied. He was still a bit embarrassed, but decided to get over it. "Hold on a second." He said. He took parts of his mask off to clean them, before reassembling them. "I can take a couple parts off, but not the area near my nose," Mei explained, "That's how I breathe and get the pulses from my mask." 


Hah! I found away around Mei's mask! The power of doing whatever the hell you want in role playing is glorious. xD
"i-im sorry Takis...." He thought he had upset him so he walked away and to a corner, sitting down like a scolded child.

>:3 "yesh i would!" He grinned evilly and kissed him lovingly.

Hisoka widened his eyes. "so i can kiss your lips?"


lololol xD  )
Takis Argyris

"What? You don't have anything to be sorry for. You didn't do anything wrong..." Takis said, looking over at Cadius. "I guess it was just... I don't think I've ever kissed anyone before..."

Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, not a surprise." Mornuhama laughed. "God, we're both so clingy. But I love it." He giggled.

Mei Rinsaku

"What?!" Mei said, surprised. "Not what I had in mind... But okay..." He laughed. 

"you have nice lips......." He whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. He leaned his forehead into the corner.

"same...im sorry though....i just...have never had a decent boyfriend" He looked at him.

Hisoka grinned and ruffled his boyfriends hair. "well thats all i could think about....i know im savage..."

Takis Argyris

Takis' face heated up more, but he tried not to show it. He prowled over to where Cadi was and laid back down next to him.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Ah, it's fine," Mornuhama giggled, "It's kinda funny. I mean, we both do it, but it's still funny." He put his arms back around Valshe again.

Mei Rinsaku

"Indeed," Mei laughed, looking at Hisoka, "Not like I didn't think about it though..." He grinned.

Cadi looked at him a bit and leaned against him. He remained quiet so he didnt embarrass himself further.

Valshe leaned against him and looked at the picture of Bilal. "what do you think? Does he look like a junior to you?"


"oh~~" He smiled and poked his forehead again. "i thought so"

Takis Argyris

Takis kind of smiled, looking between Cadius and just the floor. He was radiating a bit more heat than usual, but still just not enough to burn anyone/thing

Mornuhama Loprak

"I dunno... Looks more like a senior to me." Mornuhama said, looking at the photo. "But it isn't that big of a deal if he isn't a junior... I don't think." He giggled

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah, whatever." Mei laughed. He was starting to be more comfortable with Hisoka, and it was pretty obvious. "Like I wasn't gonna." He smirked. @IkutoForever2222
Cadi smiled and closed his eyes. "please dont leave me..." He whispered randomly.

"well....its the one i didnt even talk to....he kinda looks 20 something" Valshe shrugged.

"true true....i mean....we are..." He whispered in his ear. "lovers"

Takis Argyris

"Of course I wouldn't..." Takis replied softly. He moved a bit, making a weird sound. Kind of like a roar, but softer.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Kinda reminds me of the principal..." Mornuhama said. He snuggled back into Valshe's shoulder again.

Mei Rinsaku

"Shhh. That's confidential information," Mei joked, grinning, "After all, I'm technically government property."

Takis Argyris

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine." Takis said. He turned back into a human, the time for him being able to turn into a dragon drained quite a bit.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Hell, looks like he could be the principal," Mornuhama laughed, "Except it'd be stupid of him to want to go through high school again..."

Mei Rinsaku

"Well, yeah," Mei said, "But I'm still technically government property. Let me put it like this: Basically, enough of my body had to have gotten composed of metal parts and electric parts for me to live, so most of me is government property." 

Cadi fel chest against his back now and felt even more embarrassed. "t-takis"

"yes that is true..." He smiled and put the paper down, lifting the other with a picture of Est. "he looked like he was 4.....then he changed right in front of my face to looking like he is 17..." 

"yeah....i also know they are sneaking in the shadows right this minute because of that Kennedy kid"

Takis Argyris

"Yeh?" Takis yawned. He opened his eyes and noticed what had happened. "Oh... Sorry about that." Takis moved a bit back, embarrassed.

Mornuhama Loprak

"That's... Kinda freaky," Mornuhama said, looking at the picture as well, "How'd he do it, I wonder?"

Mei Rinsaku

"Eh, it doesn't matter," Mei said, holding onto Hisoka's arm again, "They probably don't even know who I am. I'm a pretty old school... Project..." He spat the last word out as if it was venom. 

"no....stay please....its comforting..." He smiled a bit.

"i over heard....and for his species it is puberty...." He shrugged. "i wish we had it like that..." He chuckled.

"i dont know....Kennedy looks a lot like you....but you are way cuter" He smiled.

Takis Argyris

"O...okay..." Takis said, his face heating up a bit as he moved back. After a minute or two, he got used to it, but still didn't say anything about it.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Instead of years of angst." Mornuhama laughed. "Still kinda weird though. Most of this school is, I suppose." He chuckled.

Mei Rinsaku

"I talked with him a bit in class... It seems like a trend of theirs," He smiled. "Ah, whatever." Mei responded to being called cute. "I'll never be able to take a compliment." He laughed.

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Cadi closed his eyes, blood ended up getting on Takis because he didnt have a bandage on his torso.

"supernatural beings" Valshe smiled and set down the paper.

"well im your boyfriend so you will have to accept one of my compliments"

Takis Argyris

Takis felt the wetness on his clothes and looked down, noticing the blood. "Tell me if we need to do something about that." Takis replied. Having blood on his clothes wasn't anything new to him, as he often volunteered in the medical bay during his services, when they said, 'He needed to recover' although he felt perfectly fine.

Mornuhama Loprak

"That's exactly the reason everyone's so weird." Mornuhama laughed. He kissed Valshe again, not sure what to talk about.

Mei Rinsaku

"Maybe one day," Mei teased Hisoka, giggling. "I love messing with you." He laughed, hugging Hisoka's arm again(As he accidentally let go and hadn't realized)

Valshe looked at Est. "i-isnt he in like grade school....?"

Est puffed out his cheeks stubbornly. "for one i am a freshman....a 14 year old freshman....and two...i am not too young! i had sexual intercourse when i was 4 so im pretty sure 14 isnt nothing..." He stood abruptly, a bit irritated at people thinking he is in elementary. He winced and his knees shook, giving out. The small male fell to his knees and he sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Sonic looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek before laying his head in his lap.


'I love you....' He says as he runs his hands through your hair. 

(Did we move on to the next day?)
Cadi leaned forward and took off his shirt. He got up and walked over, close to the tank and started to bend the water. It moved over the side and onto his back, cleaning the blood off him.

Valshe shrugged and looked at him. "what do you wanna do while we are in here....alone....."

"i can tell" Hisoka smiled and held onto him.


Sonci blushed and looked at him at him. "i-i love you too"


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