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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post






Name: Tsunayoshi Sawada

NN: Tsuna


Gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128 lbs

Species: Human

Bio: Just last year, tsuna was a normal teenage boy, but he was informed by a man, that he was he next generation Vongola boss, a high rank mafia group. Tsuna became the boss and found that he had powers, very strong fire AND ice powers

Perso: sweet, not so smart, loving, caring, brave

Man who helps him and trains him:



Name: Reborn


Body Guard




165 lbs

Tsunas powers:



Name: Arthur



Sex: Male

Gender: Boi

Nationality: The province of Nunya.... Nunya business! 

Race: From the smack-a-hoe Indian village in the kickabich tribal nation.

Sexuality: This is Yaoi.

Personality: Dramatic, theatrical, funny, punny, witty, sassy, cheeky, feisty, flirty, eccentric, charming, elegant, graceful, classy, loveable, etc.

Bio: All the gods of art came together to create him. Even he doesn't know when he was truly born. He has been living amongst humans for a while now. Usually in places like Hollywood. He has been involved with the arts for such a very long time. Always involved with some aspect of the arts industry. Always having his fingers in the mix. Making music, writing poetry, making art, acting in movies, broadway, operas, theater, etc. always doing something creative. Something artsy.

Powers: Powers over art. Things like magic singing.

Crush: Drama teachers 1, 2 & 3.

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goooooooooood @xpstitch )








Name: Killua


Gender: Male

Powers: O.o  what do you think *looks at the pictures* electricity

Height: 5'6

Weight: 147 lbs

Bio: He is an assassin as well as Hisoka and got the same kind of treatment growing up, torture. Though when he was getting tortured, they used electricity. So he ended up using the electricity as a power. He can LITERALLY rip your heart out in a blink of an eye, and your heart will be still beating in his hand.

Perso: cute, smart, fast, strong, can be evil if he wants, bad ass

Extra: Some training he took as an assassin was walking at a certain pattern to where you can see multiple of him surrounding you and sharpening his nails to where they are sharper than an knife.
Name: Ven
Sex: Male
Nationality:North Korea
Race: Asian
Gender: Boi
Year: Senior
Bio: Created by the long forgotten gods of North Korea. Been living among the humans for a while now. Never aging. Constantly feeling depressed no matter what.

Personality: Sad, depressed, miserable, immature.

Crush: Herald

Powers: Sadness and youth. Can cause crippling sadness and make something grow younger. Meaning they can shrink to babies if he needs them to.

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Name: Tyler



Nationality: Ummm... Idk... The Earth Kingdom I guess?

Orientation: Yaoi

Personality: Stubborn, grounded.

Year: Freshman

Bio: Nothing much to say. A geomancer did some magic and I just kinda popped out of the ground. Besides that, I've always been kind of rich considering that I can like summon precious gems to me and stuff. Not so much as a wealth wizard or something but still pretty cool. I've always worked with rocks in all my lives. Mining, smithing, masonry, pottery, construction, etc.


Powers: Geomancy, Earthbending, metal bending, earthquakes, etc. You get the deal. ROCKS. The GROUND.





Elmo Shin














Romantic Interest(s):

None currently













Elmo has always been sort of distanced from strangers and usually has a faraway look in his eyes like he isn't there. The things he pays the most attention to is his books and non-humans who  have somehow interested him. He says whatever is on his mind which usually ends up with him accidentally insulting someone or asking rude questions and the thing is he has no idea why people get angry at him when he does. Of course he has emotion of his own but he doesn't completely understand them himself. He thinks everything can be found in books and if it can't it doesn't exist or it's simply untrue. Everything has a cause and effect there is a reason behind everything. Logic is what everything is based off which is why he has taken a interest in non-humans because they don't make any logical sense. Like many have said magic and the supernatural is just science we don't understand.






Goes by the name Elm because he despises the name Elmo.

He has another motive for going to this school.



@IkutoForever2222 (Haven't created a character in forever.)
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Liberta Comeri















Romantic Interest(s):

None currently





(Gifted-Human can be assumed)









For first meeting he'll act nothing like how he actually is and will try to come off as a cool, tough, witty guy who you probably wouldn't mess with. He'll act like a know-it-all and pretend to be mature but this act probably won't last long and you'll find out soon enough that he has the maturity level of a child. He's terrible with directions and everything that doesn't involve violence he's bad at. He's impatient and will terrorize anybody who he feels won't beat him down easily. His only strongest point is athletics but that does not mean he is completely stupid just not as smart as his co-workers.






He works for a liberation group for the supernatural. Though they do imprison the more ''problematic'' supernatural beings.(Tarocco)

He has some kind of mark on his forehead but it's covered by his hair.



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Name:  Asylum Vantburial

Nicknames: Lummy, Psycho, Nutcase… (Lummy is okay for friends to call him, the other nicknames are very offensive.)

Age: 19





Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Gay.

Species: Marrionette. (This will become evident in the rp)

Relationships?: He was in one…but that was a long time ago.  When he was in…well he rather not remember that place.  But now being in a school with what seemed to be men who are both straight and homosexual he’s…not so sure what to think of all of them haha…


He’s a quiet man, he likes puzzles and loves to play the piano, he’s a sweetheart when he isn’t being a hard ass.  The only reason he’s a hard ass is because he’s protective and wants what’s best for other people.  He doesn’t smile much, but when he does the world lights up.  He’s kind, but also sarcastic.  Negativity and being bleak is kinda of his thing, but that isn’t really his fault considering the living place he grew up in.  He likes to make jokes sometimes to lighten up the dark mood that sometimes happens when he walks into a room.  He likes his solitude and enjoys being alone when he isn’t being followed by … you don’t want to know.  Self deprecative, which just means he puts himself down quite a bit, but in the end that makes him humble and modest.  He doesn’t liked being touched, ever since the “accident” he has to intiate the touches first.  It takes him a while to build up the nerve to others because of said “accident”, so if someone was interested in him they would definitely be patient with him. Said person would have to understand that they can’t touch him unless they ask first.  Even if they want to give him a hug they have to ask.


It’s very long…and it happened an even longer time ago.  But here’s the important thing that YOU DO need to know.  He never sleeps.  He can’t.  If he sleeps THEY come for him, they are always there and they tug at his will and his sanity.  Always he walks on the edge of insanity. If he does sleep, his room is sound proofed and it’s not to protect himself, but to protect the other students in the dorms.  Sound proofed because his screams are what drives sane men to their deaths.  His voice is death because his voice is not his own.  Don’t ask.  He can’t tell you anyway.  There are others inside him, for back when he was in an institution for the insane, also known as Asylum, these others slipped into his mind.  He is quite a powerful telepath and due to the magnitude of his power, others whose minds were corrupt and easily able to slip into made it possible for a two way connection. Ha…funny isn’t it? His name is literally the place he was locked in for 10 years of his life.  But he can’t remember ever having a name.  He was dropped off at an orphanage after his mother gave birth to him in Vantburial.  From there kids in the orphanage and even the caretaker even called Asylum. 

Asylum escaped Vantburial Asylum for the Criminally Insane by using his power of telepathy to kill all wards, doctors and to control patients to aid him in his own escape…before he leveled that Hell Hole to a pile of rubble and ash.  His mind was broken, his body, for lack of a better word, abused.  His heart…shattered.  He wandered around for a bit.  Then he finally got his life straight and he began going to school.  He excelled over his peers, then ended up here when his powers were hard for him to control.  He since then got his powers under control after being here in this school for 2 years.



He is a powerful telepath.  He can connect to the minds of even stronger telepaths (being teachers) if they are open to allow him to talk to them through telepathy.  With concentration he can hover and levitate for a few seconds.

Only weak minds can be controlled or manipulated.  He doesn’t like to control people though because it lets the things inside of him grow stronger.  Whisper louder in his mind to commit heinous acts.  Using telepathy, he had in the past, caused the heads of the doctors and wards to explode.  It was like squeezing a grape. Easy…but again it lets the others…

Presently he only uses his telepath to communicate with others.


He can be heard in the music room playing the piano.




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Name: Sonic

What people know him by: Speed-O-Sound Sonic

Age: 25

Height: 5'6


gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Species: Unknown, looks human

Bio: Sonic grew up in a village of ninjas. He trained all his life to master every skill that ninjas do, and he did. Now that he is old enough, he has become a teacher at the supernatural school to pass on his techniques

Perso: smart, goofy at times, FAST, strong, sneaky

Powers: all normal and forbidden Jutsu techniques. Super speed

Extras: He has tendency to cause trouble even as a teacher, he is somewhat of a delinquent. Yes he gets in trouble by the principle, but he is the only track coach and jutsu teacher they have.






^  This is present day



Daconda Grim (Duh Con Duh)



Corpse, Zombie, and his favorite Grim














Sexual Orientation:

He doesn't quite know himself, but he's willing to test things out.


Reanimated corpse.  (He was brought to life by Asylum, this was by mere accident.)


Can't remember being with anyone, dead or alive, hehe ;p But hey there's people out there.


This son of a gun loves to tease people, puns are his specialty and he's a pretty laid back guy.  One the other hand when he isn't chillin with the living he thinks about life, and ultimately his death.  How he died, how he got reanimated and what to do with the second chance he got.  He wonders why he was the only one reanimated and on top of that, he couldn't remember where his soul went after he died.  Heaven? Hell? They were real, he had seen those places, on the way to the "Great Judgement."  He considers himself to be very psychological, thinking about the human condition and human nature.  He is outgoing and seems full of energy, but he's not in people's faces or annoying about his energy.  He's just happy to re-experience life and to slowly adjust to taste, touch, hearing, sight and smell again.



Daconda doesn't remember much about his life before his death, but his death is the exact same way.

He felt lost and surrounded in darkness waiting for this judgement to come down upon him but time was nonexistent in the dimension where he was in.

He couldn't remember favorite foods, books, music, who his parents were, siblings (if he even had any) and he couldn't remember if he even found love in his lifetime.  He was just dead.  That was it.  He laid in a coffin for a long time and began to rot like any human body does over time.  However, one day he found himself staring into the darkness of his coffin, breathing shallowly and feeling very much ALIVE.  He remembered the fear most of all.  The fear of being buried alive and having no one coming to save you because you were dead.  At least...he was. That's when a man with black hair, glasses, and striking gold eyes opened up his coffin and the harsh light of day poured over his face.  He flinched away from the light not having seen it for what seemed like hundreds of years.

~Hello. My name is Asylum...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring you back to life. Forgive me.~

That was it. Wasn't it. He was dead then he wasn't then this boy says that he didn't mean for him to be alive.  He felt like his world was sinking.  He didn't know how to eat, didn't know how to walk.  He was very much like a baby.  A newborn struggling in the world, needing a parent to feed, change, bathe, and support them through their life till they became strong enough to stand on their own.

"What time is this?" Daconda, his voice raspy, harsh, and very much unused sounded like growls and deep guttural grunts.

~Present day.  The 21st century.~

Daconda was so confused, he couldn't remember when he was born to even try and figure out how long he had been dead for.  From then on, Asylum took care of him, taught him how to live again till one day Asylum was gone.  Daconda was lost, felt so out of place from this new world that was once his home.  Years later he met up with Asylum again, here in this school for gifted people and for different species.  Asylum was different though, tired, beaten, and looked so much younger.  Daconda then vowed to him that he would watch over him, protect him, protect others (if it ever became to hard for Asylum to control the 3 conscious minds within him.) and to take care of him if he became to weak to do it on his own.



Well he is a reanimated corpse, not much power wise, unless you can call "Waking the Dead" a power.

Waking the Dead is a power that Daconda uses to help murdered victims tell about there murderers, but he can only keep them awake for two minutes before he has to send them back to sleep.  If he doesn't send the dead back to sleep, a living person dies.  He doesn't ever really use this power unless it's for emergencies.

Daconda can also "sense" near death people and can often save them from death if he gets to the person in time.
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(I am mentioning you just to warn you about the new character)



"Hey! I'm Billy Soni!"


"I'm actually 17... People think I'm 8 though."


"I'm a boy, silly!"


"I like boys, just like me!" 

Romantic Interests:

"There are a lot of cute boys in school but none of them are mine."

"I was born in Canada. Up in the northern areas where it's really cold. Brrrr!"

"I'm human! I'm also a creation my moms made because they wanted a kid and two girls don't make a baby!"


"My powers are so cool! I never grow a year older and I can cause hysterical laughter whenever I laugh!"


"I'm go here for school."


"Okay... I'm just gonna read this off something the principal of my old school gave my moms:

'Dear the Parents/Guardians of Billy Soni,

Billy has truly been exhibiting reckless behavior lately. Although, he is very social and kind with his friends occasionally, he has been really been disrespecting the environment lately. He draws all over the desks, walls, shelves, etc with crayon. He always disrupts the class with inappropriate behavior like burping, farting, spitting, etc and laughs about it, influencing his fellow classmates to laugh with him. Not to mention the fact that his grades are failing miserably with several Cs, a few Bs, and a C. He also gets too close to the teacher and students occasionally and getting them very uncomfortable. I suggest you meet with me sometime within the week about your child's behaviors.

,Signed Mrs. Enlitch.'

Hmm... Interesting letter. I like how it's talking about me. I feel so important."

(Something I think Mrs. Enlitch doesn't mention. Billy is very childish.)

"Most people have a mom and dad but not me. I have two moms who love me very much and wanted to make me but they couldn't. These moms were witches and made me using a potion. I came out of that potion, still appearance the age I am now. I was made like this so I can be their little baby forever and never be an old person. They loved me and supported me always and in school too. If those crummy teachers are mean and get me in trouble, my moms have got my back. I went to a supernatural school in 8th grade when the mean principals kicked me out and my moms chose to take me to these schools. There are some cute boys in my schools but they say I look too young. Those meanies! Maybe I'll get a cute boy some day."
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