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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post


Name: Anubis Ma'at

NN: Nubi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Perso: bad ass, girly most of time, smart, strong, fast, loyal, respectful, brave, sweet, loveable

Bio: immediately when he wss born the mother was like "what a cute baby girl" and his dad went along with it. It was because all his older siblings were boys and his mom wanted a girl, so he grew up wearing dresses nd skirts and shaved his legs and pits and also has a suit umdernewth the dress to make it looklime he has breasts and bigger hips. His hair is naturally that long and silky.

Appearance if he acted and dressed like a boy (just with gold eyes)


Power: sand bender (like gaara from naruto)

Ethnicity: egyptian

NAME: Aonghus Éibhear

NICKNAME: Aon, Mr. Leather

AGE: 18


HEIGHT: 6'0"



SPECIES: Shape-shifter/Demi-god


POWERS: Can turn into any wild animal, can morph light into weapons

PERSONALITY: The son of a Celtic Goddess (Artio, the Goddess of Wildlife), had very few of his godly mother's powers. The only notable one was that he could turn into a wild animal, a blessing that Artio had given to all of her children. Due to his connection with the Celtic gods, The Dagda (The main leader of the Celtic Gods) gave him the power to control light, to make weapons. Of course, for him to do this, he would have to be near a notable source of light. Despite his power to become an animal, and to make weapons out of light, Aonghus is kinda a wimp. He studies a lot, and almost never fights. He's a nerd, to say the least. The only non-nerdy thing about him was that he always wore leather clothing and grey jeans (As you can see in the picture above.)
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I don't think I have any demon characters actually...

Mornuhama - Human

Mei - Shape-shifter

Malhart - Shadow morph

Takis - Dragonborn

Dominique - Human

Aonghus(New) - Shape-shifter/Demi-god
Lucius-Angel-Flying/Gravity Manipulation/Mass Manipulation/Time Manipulation


Leo-Neko-Empathy times 1000
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Itakura - Demi-god

Aladdin - Magician

Pandemonium -  Reaper

Renshou - Youkai (or if you want to be specific ittan-momen)




Harumi Tenpouin















Romantic Interest(s):

None currently




Artificial Human









Harumi will come off  as a completely carefree , lazy idiot who doesn't do much of anything ever. Nothing seems to surprise or scare him but like everybody else he does have fears but nobody has found what they are. He loves sea food preferably lobster for whatever reason he can't get enough of it but to him almost all meats are good. He actually gives into his own temptations quite easily and fully indulges whenever he does do so. Usually he doesn't think about the results of what he does anyway so  that might play a factor in why he gives into his urges without much of a fight. He has minor attention problems, a bit of a temper on him and a small quirk that makes  compare everybody to some kind of animal or fictional character then calling them by the name of that animal or character. His fictional character names will be often be off a cartoon or  a toy. If he does assign somebody a name of his choosing he'll probably forget the person's actual name as soon as it's assigned.  Though he is average in almost all subjects he excels at languages for one particular reason (that will be in his bio).




Harumi was created in a worldwide project called Eden where the main goal was to create a genius human who was supposed to be the savior of humantity...or something like that al the details had not been given at the time and the plan wasn't exactly perfect. The team working on it weren't all that well known either and the people already on board didn't have the best reputation either so as you may of guessed they were hesitant to fund this little project of theirs. Especially because of the stuff that happened in the past with similar projects such as this one. The last projects had ended in failure and the funders and team had to find ways to cover it up and their tracks or risk getting in trouble. Mostly everybody wanted nothing to do with it but one person who goes by the name Javen and his ''business'' chose to help them out but for something in return other than profit. The scientist weren't hesitant to make the deal and the project quickly got started.

(The rest is either a WIP or a TBR. Haven't decided.)



Has a nearly obsessive  love for a character named Nyanmaru

When he loses a lot of power or every now and then he changes into a form that takes less power without a choice.

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Name: Izayoi

Age: 15

Gender: male

Species: unknown


He has super human strength and speed.

Bio: he grew up as the kid people started to bully, so he strted throwing massive stuff and built up strength and can now do the impossible.

Sexuality: bisexual





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