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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post

I lied. Malhart wasn't my last character. >.<


NAME: Takis Argyris

NICKNAME: Sarge, Aegis

AGE: Eighteen


HEIGHT: 6'4"

SEXUALITY: Bisexual, as usual for my characters.


SPECIES: Dragonborn (From D&D, not Skyrim, I swear. Although Skyrim is definitely a good game)


POWERS: Can become a dragon for a set amount of time each day (About 2 hours), and can breath ice.

PERSONALITY: Takis, when he was a young boy, was thrilled with the idea of war. He studied it almost every day, planning to join the military. He enrolled into the military at fourteen, his height passable as eighteen. At the time he enrolled, it was the middle of the Greek-Afghanistan war. He went into the war nearly immediately, the Greeks dire for men. He soon saw what the battlefield was like, and was scarred. He soon realized it was not all fun and games, but rather ACTUALLY finding and shooting other humans, like it was a hunt. He became General in the Greek Army (Despite one of his nicknames being Sarge. He hates it when people call him Sarge, but it still happens.), and got what was called a 'Soldier's Heart'. A Soldier's Heart is when you can't get out of the reality of war, even when you leave the army. He deserted the army at 15, the Greeks' victory almost ensured.He always wears his army uniform wherever he goes (Minus his rank badges), and has been very formal ever since. Due to his experience with war, he is an avid fighter, especially doubled when he becomes a dragon.

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Name: Jack Alistar


Sexuality: Bi ( thinks he's straight)

Species: Bunny demon ( ignore the tails)

LIkes: Carrots, ice cream , the cold , anime , and cake

Dislikes: Being around idiotic men , extreme heat , predatory animals

Bio: He is a prince attending an all boys school. He didn't mind the rules , but it was weird not seeing the female species. Of course , Jack focuses his work on school and strives to be the best.

Personality: Tsundere like  , slightly naïve , sarcastic , stubborn at times , mostly a kind person when not being bothered.

Height: 5'6

Appearance (demon form):



Others: His body is cold (below an average human) due to being a snow bunny






"I am Lucius Scelium III. It's a pleasure."


"I am 16. Why are you asking?"


"Are you blind? I am a Male you idiot!"



"Ugh... I am homosexual. No. You aren't exactly my type."


Romantic Interests:

"Tyler is oddly flirtatious with me so I suppose he is my romantic interest."



"I am from the heavens above."


"I am an Angel... As you can probably guess by the wings. What did you think I was you fool?"



"let me guess. You want me to go honest? Fine then. I shall reluctantly tell you the interesting parts of my personality. I am viewed as a loner. This is not because I am one of those emo freaks. This is because I actually care about my education unlike many people my age. I am born from an aristocratic family and I am taught to be proper and gentle. My father and grandfather have grown to be fine businessmen and I believe I should follow in their footsteps in any way shape or form I can. I also tend to be serious. I honestly think that everyone should be as mature as me. This does not mean I am an incredibly boring person with no friends. I can be friendly. I just think work should be top priority. I'm also always incredibly sarcastic when I'm unamused. It's the best I can do to not hurt the other person's feelings."



"I am Lucius Scelium III, son of Lucius Scelium II and grandson of Lucius Scelium I. I was born into an aristocratic family of angels, the Sceliums. Everyone on my father's side of the family had money, spoiling me. Or trying at least. I am smart. I know everything doesn't come on a silver platter. In life you work. I did. I've always worked hard in school and got straights As and took advanced classes... Now was that enough interrogation about my "life story"?


"My powers are time manipulation, flight, DarKness manipulation, gravity manipulation, and mass manipulation. Now what? Are you going to figure out my weaknesses judging by this? Idiot."
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Name: Rein Tremad

Gender: male

Age: He's been alive for 18 years, but is genetically 15-16

Species: Water Spirit


  • Water manipulation/ Pure water creation
  • Healing/regeneration/purification
  • Sound mimicry- Able to mimic any sound, voice, ect. he has heard in his life time.
  • Evaporation- can evaporate into air and travel, and evaporate others with him by touch. can't be felt or seen in this form.
  • Perfect shelter- Rein's second defensive ability. He can quickly grow a hard layer of clear scales over his body that protects him from any substance foreign to his own body, as well as shed the scales. (no this doesn't mean weapons can't pierce it.)


A pure cinnamon roll. Rein's personality isn't set in stone since he is still in school, there's going to be a bit of room for development here. Generally, Rein is a gentle natured boy with little care for violence and is genuinely foreign to human-like mannerisms, personalities, and trickeries. This makes him kind of gullible; however, he isn't someone who often falls for the same thing twice. He can have a temper though, and can accidentally be blunt when he doesn't know if what he is saying is wrong.


Rein has lived in the rivers and oceans as spiritual water most of his life. He was taught many of the verbal human languages and somewhat educated on humanoid hobbies by the other spirits who lived with and near him. However, Rein was forced to leave once he tried to help a human who had harmed some of the other spirits by accident. Since he is considered to still be very young to the spirits he was placed in a school where he could learn about the humans and the other supernatural creatures, as well as become educated in their teaching systems.


Rein is approximately 5'2"-5'3" with a thin build and porcelain skin. His features are youthful and gentle, his eyes a deep ocean blue. The hair on his head is light blue with an array of soft colors within it when the sun hits and clear, almost like water, and when touched or ran through, feels like cold water running through your fingers even though it isn't wet. His nails, or "finger scales", change color based on his mood, each color pertaining to a certain mood as well as mixed colors. Another unique thing about him is his voice, which carries an soft aquatic ring to it.

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Omnisexual- doesn't know the difference

Romantic interest:

Doesn't know anyone


He loves to sing, He can't read English very well but is learning, ice cream fascinates him

Finger Scale Color Chart:

Clear/normal- Nuetral, nothing, void

Light blue- content, peaceful, comfortable 

Dark blue- ????????

Red- ????????

Pink: Embarrassed, bashful, shy

Orange- Curious, confused, puzzled

Yellow- Amused, Delighted, happy

Green- Excited, giddy, ecstatic 

Black- scared, nervous, uneasy, suspicious, annoyed

White- sad, bored, depressed
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"I am Lucius Scelium III. It's a pleasure."


"I am 16. Why are you asking?"


"Are you blind? I am a Male you idiot!"



"Ugh... I am homosexual. No. You aren't exactly my type."


"I am an Angel... As you can probably guess by the wings."






"My powers are time manipulation, flight, and darkness manipulation. Now what? Are you going to figure out my weaknesses judging by this? Idiot."

that male si already taken xD  he is imapeoples teacher

NAME: Dominique Lachapelle


AGE: Fourteen


HEIGHT: 5'1"





POWERS: Can control minor emotions (Nothing too serious)

PERSONALITY: Dominique is a huuuge flirt. Like, no joke. He likes to flirt with almost everyone, just to see people's reactions. He always carries around his cat with him (No name for the cat. =/), which he found in an animal shelter when he was ten. He likes sweets a lot. He almost always has pocket candy with him, and no less than 3 packs of gum. Despite Dominique flirting with everyone, he rarely has found someone whom he was interested in. He always wears a brown trench coat, and has a man purse as his bag. Just as one last side note, he dyed his hair, it isn't naturally gray/silver/white.
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Name: Kennedy Harris

NN: Ken


Gender: Male

Species: Uknown (used to be human)

Height: 5'4

Weight: 100 lbs

Accent: British...has a quiet little bit girly voice

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Quiet, sad, lonely, hurting

Bio: He is the present science experiment for the government.This time instead of testing stuff on him like they did to Mei, they are turning him into a weapon. They gave him a crap ton of powers that he cant control. Mainly it is anything he touches, turns to ash. (with his hands) so he wears cloves all the time. He is STILL the experiment and has to go back everyday after school and return to the tube. If you were to see him naked, he would have scars COVERING his body, along with bruises.

He is open @mewbot5408

@Marlow looks good
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Name: Kyo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Demon Dog

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 105

Sexuality: Homosexual

Powers: Demonic Metamorphosis, titanium tough claws, heightened senses.

Demonic Metamorphosis: In the instance he changes, Kyo, like any demon dog, becomes more animal like, growing more profuse fangs, sharper claws, and even change in the eyes. The hair sticks up more and at a final stage, they become large vicious wolfs. They're naturally a lot stronger, durable, and faster. At the same time, they're not nearly as in control and anything and everything but the closest thing to their heart is a potential enemy. Pure instinct.

Personality: Timid, quiet, and naturally insecure.

Bio: Born from a father who was proud of himself and confident, he was taken aback by his son, Kyo. Having more of a feminine appearance, he watched in horror as his son became more soft and to himself. The other demons had at one point confused him with a girl. Kyo demanded his son cut his hair, to which he did reluctantly. Due to his natural personality and how macho his father was, yet protective, Kyo became a sheltered boy, scared of many things and unsure of his own actions. Deep down, he wanted to rebel and be his own person. But he was sent to an all boy school in hopes it would change his perspective on life. This likely would not happen. Being the demon dog he is, he has an inner part of him that can be ferocious and can change, but he has almost never done it. But he has seen his father and brothers do it in fights before.

NAME: Dominique Lachapelle


AGE: Fourteen


HEIGHT: 5'1"





POWERS: Can control minor emotions (Nothing too serious)

PERSONALITY: Dominique is a huuuge flirt. Like, no joke. He likes to flirt with almost everyone, just to see people's reactions. He always carries around his cat with him (No name for the cat. =/), which he found in an animal shelter when he was ten. He likes sweets a lot. He almost always has pocket candy with him, and no less than 3 packs of gum. Despite Dominique flirting with everyone, he rarely has found someone whom he was interested in. He always wears a brown trench coat, and has a man purse as his bag. Just as one last side note, he dyed his hair, it isn't naturally gray/silver/white.

Omg. This character is so cute!



"I am Johnathan Slim! It is wonderful to meet you!"


"I am 22. I've just graduated college and I'm a teacher now! Isn't that cool!?"


"Heh, you can tell I'm a male right?"


"I am a straight as a rainbow! Rainbows aren't straight, so... You can see where I'm going with this."

Romantic Interests:

"I'm single... I'm looking for an attractive man at the moment."


"I'm a human... But I'm a special human!"


"People think of me as the "cool teacher". That's simply because I am. Ha! I don't like the give out homework, I'm pretty chill on behavior, etcetera. I think of my students at my friends because they are. I'm also a little weird. I make stupid connections to things but that's okay because I'm awesome and that's how my students like me!"


"I'm from that small little country out in the northern hemisphere called AMURICA... Or something like that."


"I was born in a terrible place. It was practically a volcano with it's terrible. People died there every day from dehydration. It was worse then Hell. That place was, of course, Arizona. What else would it be? Anyways, I was born to two parents from Ottowa, Illinois whom for some reason, chose to live in that hell hole we all know as Arizona. Ugh, what were they thinking? Anyways, these parents didn't know I was human. So how did they react when they got a call from school, telling them that I turned into a goat in chemistry? Well they freaked. Soon they got a letter from the Supernatural High and of course, they accepted. They didn't want a freak like me to be in a regular school, now did they? Anyways, I joined and got educated. I then got a teaching degree in Supernatural University and now I'm here. Now, wasn't that a nice story? I should tell my class more stories about me, heh."


"I know why people would want to know more about me. I'm awesome, you don't have to tell me. I can shape-shift into whatever the hell you want! Want me to be a unicorn? Your wish in my command!"


"Just so you know, I'm a teacher, specifically a writing teacher so don't mess around with me or else you get detention... Just kidding I'm pretty chill!"
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(Note: This character will not come into the RP until later. I'm just making him now because why the heck not?)

(Another Note: Whenever I use parentheses. That is just a note from be in case Liam doesn't cover everything you need to know)



"Um... I'm Leo Scalene."

(Scalene was the name given to all of the children at the orphanage)






"I... I'm just a Male."



"Wh-Why are you- Erm... Straight?"

(Liam may be straight although he does end up in embarrassing situations making him accidentally kiss or stuff like that)


Romantic Interests:

"Wait what... Erm... I don't know..."

(I'm hoping Anubis)


"I have no idea. I'm white... But I have no idea where I was born. Russia maybe? Perhaps Turkey? All I know is that it was somewhere in Eurasia."


"What are we called again...? Oh... Nekos. I'm a Neko then."



"It's really hard to explain what I can do. I can feel how people feel. I can feel their desire. I can feel what they like. I'm not a mind reader. I just know people like I am them. It's like empathy but stronger."

(The power is like empathy times 1000. That's the best I can put it briefly.)



"I am a first year student here."



"Oh... People say I'm shy. I believe that's true though. I don't have very many friends and I don't speak out in class. I'm smart though. I... For some reason I graduated middle school a year early. I think that means I'm smart. Not totally sure though. I'm also know as someone who's "socially awkward". That's what people say. I guess you could say I'm not the speaking type... Heh?"



"I was born somewhere in the middle of a forest in Eurasia. No idea why though. Maybe my parents were hermits? My father died before I was born from cancer. I don't know what cancer it was though. My mother couldn't take care of me alone so I was given to an orphanage outside the forest. It was called 'Julia Scalene's Home For Gifted Youngsters'. By gifted youngsters, it meant supernatural people, like me. So I grew up there. I was even bad socially back then. All I did was read story books while the other kids play. Eventually I was taken to an elementary school and middle school. I was so caught up in my education, I finished middle school a year interesting... And now I'm here."
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