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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post

Haha i already have 6 charas.....i think....Piko, Hisoka, Kai, Valshe, Donvi, Danvi......and Piko and valshe are pretty much taken....Hisoka will prolly go with Liam......Kai is a mini person, but he is forming a crush....on Flann xD  Donvi and Danvi got none though :P  @Kira Times
Yeah sorry that you have to control all those people. If it makes you feel better I'll probably end up making tons of characters too. Well I'm going to go make a teacher now. It won't take forever.

haha im used to it ^^ i have the same roleplay on Ovipets and i amd controlling 14 characters.....oh wait.....16...i remember i just made 2 more....no! i cant forget the mermfish....so 17 :D  its cool i have all day and literally most of the night ) @Kira Times
-[[ Yea, I just recently got into it. Episode 82 at the moment. I'm making a new character with a face from Bleach in a second. @Fazy ]]-
@Fazy No it isn't I just had no idea. I don't know why but I didn't see that coming. Well anyway welcome.

Name: Lucian Whitecliff

Nickname: Luci, Cyan

Age: 17

Gender: Male 

Height:  5'6"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Romantic Interests: Bisexual; mostly gay


Ice Demon

Lucian has ice powers, and over the years, he has gained control over his ice abilities. He can shape anything out of ice, which he can summon from the simple movement of hand and some concentrated thinking. His ice is near unbreakable, but he can make it fragile if he wants to. He does not use his ice to attack or harm others, though he will if a bad situation comes up in which he is forced to do so. Lucian's ice is quite beautiful though, and it is not really prone to melting except under the heat of a fire or a very hot sun.

Personality: Lucian is a short-tempered person, but he has common sense and is actually quite intelligent. Once he has a goal set in mind, he immediately becomes determined to achieve it despite the consequences, willing himself to only think about his reward of which he will gain from doing whatever it is he is about to do. As for relationships, Lucian is the opposite of demisexual - he'll be with anyone who seems decently interesting, and he will explain himself to them as their relationship progresses/deepens. 

Oh, his outer appearance is of human. And he's an ice elemental, and I didn't know how to explain it so... ice demon xD  and thanks :P
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"Just a Gentle Giant."



Sado Yasutora



He is usually called "Shield"



He is sixteen years of age.



He is over seven foot tall, because of his race. He still hasn't stopped growing. He usually hits the ceiling in class when he stands up.



He is more on the straight side, but has had "Those thoughts" before.



He was originally born in Spain, but he was moved to England by his grandfather until he was old enough.


Romantic interests:

He has no romantic interest at the moment.



He has the powers of Immortality. Immovable, Indestructible, Can't feel pain, Harder-Than-Diamond skin. This may seem overpowered, but he has no other physical attacks, except for a normal human punch/kick.



He's a Loric. They are a proud race of immortal beings that are usually peaceful. They look a lot like humans, except for their abnormal height. He wasn't born on his home planet, but he was born of two Loric's.



He's usually the quiet type. He says little when talking to someone, unless they are good friends with him.












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(Youkai Form)





Renshou Sorino




(Feel free to give him one.)



Looks: 22








Romantic Interest(s):

None currently














Renshou is a rather laid-back and extremely calm guy. He doesn't seem to worry about anything and doesn't seem to have a single care in the world. He does come off as extremely unreliable to most so nobody would expect him to be any good at his job but on the contrary he isn't as horrible as most would think but he doesn't ever feel the need to prove somebody wrong. It isn't at all easy to irritate him so troublemaker students would probably get bored with him after awhile. He has  the inability to say no when asked to help somebody because for whatever reason he feels obligated.



Renshou is a tsukumogami or to be more exact a ittan-momen which basically means he used to be a inanimate object and the object he used to be was a roll of cotton. Anyway he came to life like every other tsukumogami. Once his one-hundredth anniversary of his ''birthday'' rolled around he came to life whether he wanted to or not. Of course at the beginning of him living the youkai was extremely confused but he soon became used to it and started just wandering around blindly with no destination.


If given the chance he'll fall asleep


Teaches History

@IkutoForever2222 (I'll make another one later.)
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@IkutoForever2222 Thank you. I considered it and decided that I won't make another character until I finish the bios of my other ones. So until then..no more characters for me.
@xpstitch I was just making sure, since you said someone's character was Axel, that you were talking about Kingdom Hearts. Axel was definitely one of my favorites. 

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