X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

Rini's eyes flashed as she noticed two people inside the Danger Room.A card forming in between her finger,"Why are you two here?Answer quickly,because I am not the one for patients!"Rini demanded as she walked inside of the Danger Room's door frame.The young mutant's red eyes distinct and un-wavering,rested upon her fellow mutants,Aria and Lawson.
Lawson sighed ant turned around, casting a sidelong glance at Aria. “I told you we would get caught.” He said, not at all affected by the other girl’s threat. He was sure he could take her anyway.
She chuckled, her gaze shifting over to Lawson "You can't say it wasn't worth it." Aria told him, before turning to face the girl that had just entered, an amused look on her face "Oh calm down. If we had bad intentions we would've attempted to hurt you the second you made your presence known." Aria told the agitated female, her tone casual. "As for why we're here, well, we're exploring of course. It is quite the interesting building." She admitted, glancing around once more.

Aria couldn't really care less over the fact that they'd been caught. It's not like they were doing anything harmful. If the female attacked, well, she'd fight back of course, if not, then everything would be just fine by her. It didn't matter to Aria either way. "I don't suppose you know what this room is for, do you?" She questioned, unconcerned by the current situation.
Rini's eyes sparked up at noticing that they weren't around her age,but they went directly back to their cold analyzing appearance.The mutant flipped the hair away from her eyes,"Your not students,you two must be over the age of 18,and if you are then I have no concern of you,but I will be asking you both for your own safety."Rini said as she made her way pasted them.The card that was previously in her hand disappeared from sight.The sorceress turned to them with another glare,"Goodbye now..."
Lawson snorted in defiance at the woman's dismissive attitude. He wasn't about to walk off with his tail between his legs like a kicked puppy. He answered to no one, and besides, he was now itching to see what all the fuss was about. He chuckled deeply and he preformed his father's signature smirk that he had unknowingly inherited and looked to her with a dangerous glint in his blue eyes. "Now...you don't think you'll brush me off that easily do you? Why don't you just show me what the big deal is in here. It's not as if you're planning to blow up a country...right?"
"Don't worry, about my safety. I can take care of myself just fine." Aria said, leaning against the wall she was previously standing by, curious as to how this would all play out, that and she wanted to know about the danger room. Her vivid blue eyes glanced about for the hundredth time, still as curious as the first. The professor may have given her a quick tour, but he didn't really go into too much detail, and he hasn't mentioned the sub floors.

She honestly didn't care much for the female strangers attitude towards them at the moment, but Aria didn't let that bother her. She'd been in difficult situations, and dealt with difficult people all her life, this was really no different.
"I will not be telling you anything,but if you do not leave,I will have to tell Professor Xavier,Mr.Logan,Scott,or any of the other instructor.Personally I do not care if you stay,but at the moment I can not allow anyone new to the masnion use the Danger Room,for safety sake,and I will ask you both once again to please leave"Rini explained flipping her book open,which was previously attached to her back.

Rini did not like how these two were snooping around so care-free,while the other new arrivals were being patient,but what irritated her the most was that they were grown.They should know the dangers of snooping around a mutant's facility,especially without knowing anybody here.Rini did snoop around when she first got here,but she made sure her brother mute their sound to everyone else's ears,while they looked around.
Lawson smirked again and his claws legnthned another inch while his eyes reverted back to feral state. The animal inside him was already pissed off by this lower female, but he was ready for a fight anyway. He just wouldn't make the first move to get himself kicked out. "Well go get him then... It aught to get him out of those damn meetings." He replied with a hint of a growl.
Aria sighed, shaking her head. She couldn't deny that she found this to be an interesting situation, maybe even a somewhat amusing one, but she also knew that a fight wouldn't exactly be a good thing right now. Of course, if it got too out of hand, she knew she couldn't help but step in, but until then, if a fight did break out, she'd watch, for the most part anyway.

She studied the two curiously, wondering if one of them would make a move and start a fight, or if one would back away, and calm the situation down. Aria wasn't quite sure what would happen, both possibilities seemed equally likely. Aria was doing what Aria had always done, taken a step back and observed. She learned a lot that way. Of course, she enjoyed getting into the thick of the action herself, but she tried not to, too frequently. She found she didn't get hurt or nearly killed as much when she didn't fight all the time, obviously.
Rini's smirk was plastered across her face as the card she prevoiusly had was in her hand once more,but was also divided into to multiple cards of the same size,"Don't think I am a Gambit wannabe,because Gambit wishes he was me!"She giggled as she danced with the cards flying around her,in the opposite way she was turning.Rini's cards stopped and so did she,"OK...I will tell you both what this place is,during our little 'practice session'.As long as it is practice we won't get in trouble!"Rini's cold eyes were replaced with bright ones.
Dylan slung the door shut after dragging his suitcase out of the boot of the taxi. He placed it on the pavement before paying the driver. As the taxi drove down the long road, leaving Xavier Institute, Dylan took a huge breath, taking in the grandness of the mansion and its surrounding amenities. He thought about the words Xavier had written in the acceptance letter. The school seemed very trusting to new students and... whatever Dylan was going to be. This was poignantly clear in the fact that Dylan was invited to walk straight into the mansion without even knocking. He dragged the suitcase from behind and approached the door, putting his palm around a silver handle and twisting it to the left. The door clanked as he pushed, walking into the entrance.

Dylan was slightly overwhelmed by how large the mansion was and how many books he could see around him, this was clearly a house full of carefully sculpted minds. He was slightly worried that he wasn't greeted or welcomed into the mansion, then again, he was instructed to make himself comfortable in the surroundings before doing anything else.

He didn't want to come across rude to anyone, so he decided to call out and see if anyone would welcome him or guide him around the mansion.

"Hello!?" he shouted out for anyone to hear.

He waited for a reply.
Cara let out a startled shout when someone shouted right next to her ear. Turning to face the source of the noise, she saw someone around her age.

"Um, hello?" she replied hesitantly.
Jib was getting bored and decided to challenge one of the actual members to a spar. "Is anyone around!!!" He shouted very loud so at least one person could hear him.
Lawson sighed inwardly while his claws slid back in, half dissapointed that there would be no fight, but curious as to what the room had to offer. He tilted his head and smiled. "Good choice."
Dylan jumped as someone replied to his calls. He clearly didn't take enough time to examine the room. He acknowledged Car and gave a smile.

"Hey, I'm Dylan. I've just arrived."

He held out his hand, hoping to give a polite greeting.
"..hmm, fine." Aria nodded, her usual faint smirk playing upon her lips. She hoped this would be as interesting as she thought it would be. Her thoughts drifted to what Rini had just said. Practice. Well, the X-Men and everyone else had to train somewhere, and Aria now assumed that this is where they did just that, and if she was right, well, hopefully she'd be able to have a bit of fun.
Cara shook the offered hand.

"I'm Cara. I've just arrived here too. Um, do you know what we're supposed to do now?" she asked awkwardly.
The young red head tread lightly as she passed through the jungle. Sweeping vines, and leaves out of her path. She was out here on a journey to find the lost treasure of Montezuma. It was said in legend, that the fifth emperor of the great Aztec empire left behind in the vast amount of knowledge in the form of scrolls. Some supposedly fore told the future others were maps to the mountains of gold he left behind. Either way Melody had made it a goal of hers to find these so called legends with her own eyes and see how much truth they hold.

As the forest cleared she found a part of what she had been searching for; the lost temple. It was a temple deep in the forest. Somehow lost to modern day explorers though as she came out upon the grass, she collapse to her knees, exhausted. She had been out in the jungle for nearly 3 weeks without food or water. Not that she needed any. But it was time to rest.

As she sat their, she positioned herself cross legged in the soft grass of this field and closed her eyes. Opening her mind to the mysteries of the earth. After what seemed like seconds, that were actually hours, she began to hear a thump. Then another and another. The grass around her began to wilt, change color and finally before it died, it would spread out, wider from her as the essence of the earth was being absorbed. Granting her all the nourishment she would ever need.
Riyoshi had been leaping through the trees of his forest and soon felt the disturbance of life being drained. This made him weary as to whom could be disturbing his lands, which made him venture over to see this event. Approaching the scene of this person sitting upon the earth and it’s wilting nature around her made him start studying her. She was not moving anywhere, she was only sitting in the at spot for hours on end.

What the hell is going on? She has not moved in an hour. Riyoshi thought to himself as he crouched down in the branches of a tree that over looked the intruder.

Leaning over the edge, his tail held onto a branch and he was getting a closer look at her. He could sense that she was not just killing the earth around her, but she was gathering the life essence from the earth itself. She was merely draining life from that one spot, and nowhere else so her placed his left palm upon the tree and focused for a second. With a smile upon his face he created branches from around her making a giant wooden cage around her.

“Why are you here killing my forest?” Riyoshi asked from the tree above her.
Melody opened her eyes as she felt the new presence of the branches. It was just in time to see the branches form into a cage around her. Though when she did she stopped absorbing life from around her.

"What?" She said out loud, "Your forest?" Then it dawned on her that she was caged from killing the small area she was in. "Who are you?"

Melody couldn't yet see the person talking to her.
"Don't think I am doing this just because I'm scared of you.Trust me,I'm more scared of Logan smiling while hugging."Rini shuddered at the thought of the world being twisted.The smile she had was back on her face,"I actually like you two,so I will turn on the Danger Room for you to experience yourself.Once you will be accepted into the X-Men,not just the institute,then Professor will put your voice in the system,and you will be able to turn it on by yourself."Rini said as she walked to the center of the room and turned to them once more.

"I have no clue what you two would like to do,so what kind of practice would you enjoy,oh and will you tell me your names?"
Seeing that the dying aura had stopped when she came too made him feel slightly better. Seeing that the ability seemed like it took most of the concentration to achieve meant that to continue to kill the earth, she would have to first get rid of him, but that can not be easily done.

"Yes, MY forest. I was the one to create this paradise. Your kind has been trying to destroy everything that i created." Riyoshi spoke out as he lowered slightly out of the tree so the girl could see him.
it was peculiar the way he was talking about his forest and creating it. She was about to ask if he was crazy until she saw him. He was not entirely human, but not entirely ape as well. It was a sight to behold. She then wondered if he was like her.

"Your... not entirely human..." She got on her knees and nudged herself a as lose to the edge of the cage as possible. "I'm not normal myself. I promise I wont hurt the forest anymore. It's one of the ways I "feed" so to speak."

She chaneged the subject a little. "Why is it so much cooler here than the rest of the forest?" Which it was. The forest here was a nice 73 degrees over the humid as hell amazon which was usually like 107 with near 100% humidity.
"You know, one should give their own name before they ask it of others, but I'm Aria." She informed the female simply, moving from her position against the wall to be closer to the center of the room. "As for what type of practice, it doesn't matter to me. Now, who might you be?" She questioned.

At the thought of practice, Aria focused ever so slightly, sensing the amount of moisture in the air. There wasn't too much, but there was enough. She wouldn't have to waste too much energy if she ended up having to use her abilities. That was always a good thing.
“No, I am not entirely human. I do not classify myself as a human at all. Humans only destroy, they never create.” Riyoshi spoke out as he dropped to the ground.

Tilting his head slightly at her comment, he took in a deep breath.

“What do you mean, ‘feed’?” Riyoshi spoke out as he stopped walking forward.

Removing the staff from off of his back, he awaited the response to that question, but not before he finished answering hers.

“The reason why it is cooler here, is because I created it that way. I altered the trees and plants to funnel out the moisture from the air and use it to grow. Plus as they grow bigger and healthier, they in turn shade out the sun.” Riyoshi spoke as he crouched down in front of her, just out of her reach.

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