X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

Incognito was impressed. He said, "I have a Dolerium blood stream. Dolerium is basically material pain. I can manipulate my blood however I want and make things like this."

He flexed his arm and a glowing green blade popped out of his forearm.
"Well, that's an interesting little ability you got there." Aria spoke, her tone casual, "The rest of you as well, your abilities are all quite interesting." She said truthfully, thinking. It had been a month since she last seen other mutants, and she couldn't remember the last time she was around a group of them this large, if ever. Aria could tell she'd enjoy it here.

She wondered what it would be like to train with any one of them. It would definitely be, different to say the least, but Aria was always looking to make herself stronger. She'd have to ask one of them sometime, but not today, not until she got to know these people better. She figured she'd come to like them, as they seemed like nice enough people, but she didn't trust them, not yet, and maybe not for awhile.
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Dolerium, in both liquid and solid forms its actualized hell, the fact that you can control it in your blood is amazing enough, but to be able to move without collapsing in agonizing pain is the real mutation." dante said wondering if there was a place he could let loose for a while. he decided not to ask due to miku still nibbling on her apple.
"So basically, you're a better version of Magneto?" Lawson asked, no longer able to keep quiet as he continued to scratch words into the counter.
Incognito shrugged.

"I'm not sure," he replied, "I think Magneto would be more powerful than me. Thankfully, Dolerium isn't technically a metal, but still... And... well..."

Incognito tapped the mask.

"It can get pretty bad. But you get used to it, I suppose..."
"Hey" Zyvia would smack her hand atop Lawson's "Don't be destructive" she'd raise a brow as she slid off her stool and put her empty salad container in the dishwasher and finished her bottle or blackberry juice. She'd toss it in the glass recycle bin. Turning around twice she'd stretch her arms up and stifle a yawn. Looking to Miku, who was still nibbling on an apple, she'd smile "Wanna go for a walk outside Miku?" she'd figure the little one probably wouldn't but oh well. She'd walk towards the entryway one more time and turn around. She had never heard of dolerium. Zy had been sheltered from much of the mutant world. The swirls stretched until it was nothing but splatters. Zy looked like a rainbow brite dalmatian.
miku looked to dante who gave her a nod saying it was ok, miku then climbed down to the ground and walked over to zy the apple not leaving her mouth. "listen out for a song while your walking around you two. this place needs some hype to it." dante said walking out the door and heading for the roof, miku stood next to zy looking up at her, gnawing on the apple's core, something she taken to doing so as to not waste any food.
Zyvia would nod to Dante and look down to Miku with an ecstatic smile. She was pretty much honored that the little one would come with her. "So what do you like to do?" Zy would hole her hand out for Miku, in case she wanted to hold it, seeing how Miku seemed to be attached to Dante. She'd then begin to walk outside and find a blanket on the grass near some trees. She'd sit down and motion for Miku to sit next to her. "Do you like animals?" she'd ask softly and look out behind them into the bushes "Let's see if we can find some" she'd smile and roll onto her stomach.

Zy's nose would change to one resembling that of a rabbit. She make a little chitter-chatter and smacking sound that resembled a chipmunk. Then she'd sit up and smile at Miku. A few moments later a rabbit and squirrel, her friend ramsey, would appear. They sit next to Miku and look up at her with bright eyes.

"So do you like it here so far?" Zy would ask while petting Ramsey the squirrel on the head.
miku nodded, reaching out shyly to pet the squirrel but quickly withdrawing her hand afraid. just then miku looked up toward the roof of the mansion. as the air changed filled with some kinda power music could be heard, dante had started his power. a vocal power over music and song to change the emotion of the people in the area, and from the roof that would be the entire campus. soon a tune familier to some but forign to others began to ring out, as if an entire band was playing dante mouthing the music itself before the words came, raiseing the energy of the area to "hype" people up. lightning flashed in the sky during this and miku said some of the only words she ever said out loud "show off" she said refering to dante who was the source of the music and lightning. "watch me light up the sky!" and with that the song begun.
Aria glanced around, finishing up her light snacks, she tossed the remains of her food in the trash. During the Professor's quick tour of the building, she'd been told not to go into the sub-basements levels, particularly sub-basement level 2, so, she decided to go try and find this sub-basement level 2. Her curiosity had always gotten the better of her, and it was about time she do a little exploring. She didn't know if she wasn't allowed down there because she was new, or whatever other reason there might be for her not being allowed down there, but she was going to find out, or so she hoped.

With a quick glance around, she left the kitchen, thinking. She wondered just how much trouble she'd get herself into if she actually managed to get into the sub-levels, which she didn't know if she could, and got caught. Aria hoped it wouldn't be too serious, although, she didn't care much if it was, she wanted to know what was down there. She figured this was either a good idea, or a really stupid idea, and she was leaning more towards the latter of the two.
"Thank you," Cara said to the driver before hastily shutting the taxi's trunk. On her first day, she definately didnt want to be late. The taxi driver looked like he couldn't care less what she just said and sped off.

So this is the school, she thought to herself, I wonder what it'll be like? She wasted a few seconds just staring at the elegant building before striding up to the front door, her sausage bag slung over one shoulder. She chose not to pack much, only what she considered essentials. To her that meant clothes, toiletries and her laptop. Anything else she'd be able to buy. She was sad that this meant she couldn't bring her pride and joy, her Assassin's Creed cosplays. She'd spent many a night putting them together but she reasoned that not having her life made a living hell by bullies is more important than her amazing costumes.

Cara had entered the building and stood awkwardly debating what to do next as the living sea of teenagers milled about. Suddenly a familiar song started playing, yet she could see no speakers.
Something brought Incognito's attention to the door. With the liquid pain pumping through his veins, somehow Incognito's senses were constantly on overdrive. He saw a girl standing at the door and standing very awkwardly. Incognito walked over.

"Hello," he said, "Who are you?"
Lawson put his empty plate in the dishwasher and noticed the curious glance Aria had thrown before walking hurriedly out of the room. 'Now what is she up to?' He wanted to explore the school anyway, as he heard heard rumors about the weapons beneath its floors, and figured that he could get an unofficial tour and someone else to talk to out of it.
She walked down the hall, wondering how she could get down to the sub-levels. There had to be stairs or an elevator or something somewhere. Aria ran a hand through her hair, thinking. She hadn't seen any of the X-Men today, so she figured they were all busy, meaning that it should be all clear for her to go through with her little plan to explore, or so she hoped.

Aria really had no clue where she could find access to the lower levels, but she decided to keep looking until she found something. She had nothing better to do at the moment anyway.
Lawson walked behind her for a couple minutes, and they continued down the hallway until most of the noise was far behind them.

"Whatcha looking for hun?" He called out to her.
She glanced behind her, looking at Lawson. "I'm just...exploring. I've heard some interesting things about this place." Aria explained simply, looking around once more. She figured she was heading in the right direction, considering no one else was really down here.

Aria's curiosity regarding what was in the sub-levels had only grown the short time she'd been looking. She figured something interesting had to be down there.
"Really? So have I. Do you think they actually have a machine that can find anyone on the planet?" Logan asked, walking by her side. "I'm Lawson by the way." He held out a clawed hand to her.
"Probably. Anything seems possible in this place." She spoke, shaking his hand. "I'm Aria." She wasn't too surprised by the claws, and if she was, she didn't show it. Everyone was different here, and that was okay. That was good.

"You wouldn't have any idea how to get to the underground floors, would you?" She questioned, still wondering what else might be down there. Aria didn't like not knowing things.
Lawson snorted. "Probably a hidden elevator that's password protected. The X freaks are known for being OCD - they don't want anyone touching their toys." He answered, then put his hands in his pockets.
"X-freaks? Don't you think we're all kind of, freaks? It's why we're all here, isn't it?" She spoke, continuing down the hall. "The hidden elevator though, you're probably right, I'll give you that." She agreed, looking around as she walked at a casual pace.

'If I had to hide an elevator, where would I put it..?' She thought, pausing. Aria knew it couldn't be that hard to find. She just had to look in the right places.
Jib left the room in search of something to do. He went outside to practice his shadow swords. I wish i had someone to spar with. It would be more fun and would give me more of a chance to actually see if my blades are effective.
Zy could't help but giggle at Miku petting Ramsey. He'd press his head against her palm and run around her, nuzzling her leg after she jerked away. He'd sit next to her and chatter quickly. "He says he likes you and that his sister is shy like you" Zyvia would chitter-chatter back to Ramsey and he'd nod his head. Zyvia felt her adrenaline rush and would wonder why because the afternoon was so calm and quiet. Then she heard the thunder and lightning and she'd raise her right brow in her most common gesture.

"You mean that's--" she'd say as she cut off her sentence to follow Miku's gaze up to the roof of the house. Zyvia would smile down to Miku "eh he's just jealous cause I took his little sis for a while" Of course she was just kidding and trying to make Miku laugh. It was fun music, she had to admit, it made her want to dance or something crazy.
Lawson studied the walls around them, and a spot on the left caught his eye. He stopped and searched for a moment more, before seeing a barley noticeable square outline near the top of the wall. He reached out, and gently pushed it, and stepped back when part of the wall in front of him dropped to reveal a glass elevator. "Gotcha."
A brief grin flashed across her features. "..well, you found the elevator, that's good." She walked over to the elevator, pressing the down button, the elevator doors opened and she steppe inside, glancing around. She frowned slightly at the sight of a touchscreen next to the unlit buttons in the elevator, asking for a password.

Aria thought, figuring it couldn't be something too complicated, since all the X-Men had to remember it, and incase of emergencies, they wouldn't want to waste precious minutes typing in a password. So it had to be something short, and easy to remember. "You wouldn't happen to have any ideas what the password for this might be, would you?"
"I could try and hack into it," He offered. He would be pretty disappointed if this was what cause the end of the exploration, as he was quite curious about what equipment the X-Men used. He studied the touch screen for a moment before diving in, and his fingers flew across the keyboard as he stripped away a the defenses. His brows furrowed in concentration as he encountered more complicated blocks.

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