X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

Melody was kind of in awe and somehow a little saddened at the same time. It seemed as those this being had a power almost opposite of her own.

"I'm what the modern world calls a mutant. I do not require sustenance. My body can feed on the essence of anything with life. The most plentiful is that of Gaia. I know more than most she is alive because I can feed on that essence, but what I consume, pales in comparasion to the amount there is. It also keeps me youthful but requires much concentration. Besides being mutant, the old folk of long ago refer to me as 'vampire'. Feeding on blood is the most common way I can obtain essence."

She relaxed a little, leaning back on her feet before putting her hands on her lap.

"So what exactly are you? I think I've read some legends of something that might be, but I'd like to hear it from you."
"A mutant huh? Why would the world call you that and why does it make you any different then them?" Riyoshi spoke out as he continued to keep his distance.

Still studying her, he moved his head from side to side as he looked at her in the cage. She made no effort to strike out at him and no effort to try and escape. Was she truly different then the other humans of this time?

"As to me......You can call me the guardian of the forest." Riyoshi spoke out as he stood back upright.
"I thought so. Many locals have legends about a creature who lives in the forest and keeps their crops from growing. I've done enough research to know that they destroy the forest to clear for crops. But countries exploit those that live here and the crops are for cash and not sustenance. It's a shame really."

She kind of sighed. "They call us mutants for our powers. Most the population are average but more and more powers are emerging. A group called 'The X-men' battle for acceptance into this world through peaceful means and against those that would be considered extremists."

"Anyways." She shifted sideways and spread her legs a little so they werent so cramped. "I've lived a very long time, anymore I spend my time searching for lost treasures just to see if they truly exist. Meeting you out here has already made my trip worth wild." She smiled.
"Its not the fact that i kill their crops to preserve the balance of nature, but when they come in with their death machines and devour the land and obliterate the natural order of things, it makes me angry and i refuse to let them have their way with my land." Riyoshi spoke out as he motioned for her to get up.

"They are the one's that are calling us mutants? They are the ones that are destroying the world. The human race is nothing but a virus upon the face of the earth." Riyoshi spoke out in a slight angered tone.

Putting his hand to his chin, he thought for a moment.

"So you are that of a treasure hunter? Do you know what i have done to treasure hunters that have come into my lands?" Riyoshi asked out as he spoke out with a calmer tone.
"The natural beauty of this place is amazing. You make me feel ashamed of my power." She brushed some of her long red hair out of her face. "I guess Treasure Hunter is the correct term, but I simply seek truth. There are so many things forgotten to time. Besides finding you, i was originally here to find what Montezuma's real treasure is. Legends state vast mountains of gold as with the tribes to the east of here. But for western lore, many people the fountain of youth is hidden in these places. For me knowing is the greatest treasure of all. The knowledge that no one else has had since before that information was lost to civilization."

She felt like she was droning on, "Im sorry for carrying on, I'm sure my modern rambling probably bore a person of your caliber. I get the feeling that even in my lengthy existence on this planet, your's is even greater." She kind of giggled.

"You know, Charles would probably love speaking and learning from a person such as yourself. He was just thrilled listening to stories from my life. Coming from someone who is one with Gaia. Oh...."

Melody began to get up, hoping maybe she would be freed.
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"So you are telling me that you are not after the treasure, but merely to see if the treasures of the legends are real? That is what i would classify as a legend buster." Riyoshi replied to Melody.

Clapping his hands together once, the cage began to open up from around her.

"Since you claim to not be a thief of treasure, then I will not turn you into a tree like the others that have come before you." Riyoshi spoke out as he walked over and knelt before her.

Riyoshi walked over and placed his right hand upon the ground at her feet. The moment his hand touched the earth, life began to return to the dead grass and it returned to it's natural healthy green.

"Who is this Charles fellow you speak of? Why would he want to speak with me? And your rambling is not that bad. It has been a while since someone has come in here and not wanted to steal the treasure." Riyoshi spoke out as the branches of the cage formed a tree behind Melody.
She stretched out as the caged released and smiled at him.

"As Charles described it, my power is 'Vampirism'. As such by taking essence of others I stay young as well. I turned 263 last month. Ive seen countries and people come and go. Id had love ones, born, grown up and die in my arms. Some would call it a curse but honestly I treasure it. I've seen more in my time than most see in their entire life. The only thing I've found that doesn't wither away with age is knowledge and the accounts known to many as "legends"."

She turned around at took a few steps into the opening, gazing out upon it's beauty. "I don't think it's my place to take any treasures found."

As she turned around, she watched as the Ape like creature placed his palm upon the ground and restored what she destroyed. She watched in awe. kneeling down again. Melody took her finger whirled it around a piece of grass. The piece swirled and began to grow, though slower than with this man's power and finally after about half a minute it spurted into a small flower and bloomed.

"I envy that power you possess. I'll I've know is destruction, yet you wield the power of creation. Charles is a great man. He sees the activeness of mutants and humans so that we may have a bright and better future. For all to live in harmony. It sounds so far fetched sometimes, but it's a truly wonderful dream. Someone like you, could inspire the young minds he teaches. I know it seems like much having just met you, but he is a truly magnificent person."
Rini smiled at Aria,"Nice to meet you Aria,I am Rini Johnsan.I am of mutant,homo-magi,and angelic descent.I am able to use magic,and my mutant ability is focused on card manipulation,but my angelic DNA is not as prominent,so I do not have wings,but my blood does have healing properties on neutral species,and burning effects on demonic species.The only thing it does effect is my eyes and beauty,same goes for my twin.Nice to meet you Aria,now could you tell me what your powers are?"Rini announced and placed all of her information in front of them,hiding nothing from them.

Ryon flew above the forest with the sun on his back,"Laaalalalalaaaaa."The young mutant's voice boomed over everything else,but it also gave everything a soothing feel.Ryon's wings spread out,and it speed increasing by the second.Most people think they have seen a mutant when they see Ryon flying above them,but in truth he is an angel and mutant.
Alright time to find this danger room

I've heard about.
Jib began walking to the area where most people were at. I need to learn to control my shadow power better. Or else i'll be devoured by my own shadow.
Lawson raised an eyebrow as Rini explained her powers and heritage. 'Well that was stupid. She obviously has very few enemies...' He thought to himself. He would have never given close to that much information, not in a million years, and it was the reason he was still alive. "I'm Lawson he simply stated, and folded his arms.
"Danger Room: Scenario 502 - Speech!"Rini proclaimed as the Danger Room's appearance began to change drastically.

The once cold,slick,metal walls were replaced by building in the horizon.In front of them stood a stage,where a man was giving a speech on equality of humans and mutants.There were mutants and humans standing in the crowd,that was just generated,chanting and agreeing with him.The images around them were nothing but illusions,but they were vivid and the danger was as real as reality.

Rini turned to Aria and Lawson,"The objective of the mission is to save the mayor,the people,and defeat the mutant hunters,which will probably jump on the stage in minute now,so be prepared to fight.Oh,and take this seriously,because this is called the Danger Room for a reason.Each shot,fire bolt,lighting bolt,and explosions are real,so you will get hurt if your not careful.
Aria's lips turned up into her usual smirk. "Sounds fun." Her gaze flitted over the area, taking in the scene that had appeared before them, taking in all it's vivid details. She tried not to let anything slip past her sight. She didn't bother explaining her powers to Rini. She would be seeing them soon enough after all.

Aria's icy blue eyes glowed ever so slightly as she focused. She glanced at both Rini and Lawson, wondering how they'd react to the practice, but kept most of her focus on their surroundings and what was going on. She hasn't had a good excuse to use her abilities in awhile, and was glad one had come up. The last time she'd had to use them, was around two or three weeks ago, when she'd somehow ran into some Friends of Humanity members. She'd made it out of that situation relatively unscathed, and had since ended up here, having not run into much trouble after that. You could say she was itching for a good fight, and this would have to do.
Lawson couldn't help but grin at the prospect of another fight, and his claws and fangs lengthened in anticipation. He gazed over the area as he could sense the hostile emotions coming from certain areas in the crowd, and was not at all surprised when the mutant hunters sprang up on the stage. He dropped to all fours and sprinted forward as one of them sprayed a stream of bullets from a machine gun and the citizens hit the floor in order to avoid being hit. Another was about to grab the mayor when Lawson pounced on him, his claws easily tearing into his throat as he was knocked off the stage.
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Rini flicked one card up in the air,as she slipped through the crowds.Using one of the innocents,as a tool,she flipped over him and pushed off of his back with her feet.This saved him from the card,that was now huge,crushing him,and it launched it her into one of the hunters.Rini caught him in her legs and used the momentum to toss him into the other hunters,"Hmph,to easy.Oh don't kill any humans in front of the X-Men!I don't care for the hunters,so go wild with me..."

The young mutant tossed a card at one of the hunters,piercing his stomach.She rushed over and flipped over his head,as he was bent over,and once again used a person as a launching board.Curling herself into a ball,she rolled onto the stage tripped a hunter,and ended up on the other side of him.Rini placed her hands on the ground,bring her body above her head,her knees came crashing down into the back of the hunter.
Aria flicked her hand up, condensing the moisture in the air into water, which quickly formed into wickedly sharp daggers made of ice. Another flick of her hand, and they'd lodged themselves into the back of several hunters about to attack some people. She then heard the sound of someone flipping off the safety of a gun behind her. She quickly made a thin layer of water form on the ground before freezing it, allowing her to dive, and slide out of the way with ease as bullets rang past where she just was.

She flipped back up into a standing position, making ice form in the barrel of the gun just as he fired again, watching as it burst apart in his hand, letting loose quite a bit of shrapnel. Well, he wouldn't be getting back up. Aria quickly noticed someone in the corner of her eyes and dodged just as another shot at her, unfortunately, the bottom edge of her shirt got clipped, leaving a small tear, but a tear all the same. "..I liked this shirt." She muttered, irritated, she flicked her hand to the side as her eyes glowed a bit more brightly, forming and freezing the hunter in a block of ice.
Riyoshi had just watched her and listened to her as she spoke to him. When she spoke of her age, he smiled before bringing his hand up to his chin.

“You are a young one.” Riyoshi spoke out as he kept smiling.

Watching her touch the plant he just brought back to life made him curious. He was unsure what was going on in her mind, wondering if she was truthful or not.

“Do not envy my power. Without destruction, there can not be creation. Without life, there can not be death. If there is light...” Riyoshi pointed at himself.

“There must be shadow.” Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed at Melody.

“If this man Charles is so good, then I will have to talk to him.” Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hands upon the staff and placed the end upon the ground, slightly leaning on it.

Just as he was going to invite Melody to follow, he heard something off in the distance, seemingly getting louder by the second.

“Did you bring anyone with you?” Riyoshi asked out as he listened to the sound.

“Its a soothing sound, but do not fall for it. That sound does not belong here.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked up into the sky.
It made sense. In the realm of all things being there would always be balance. It was much like the X-men and those that followed Magneto. It was just a little sad knowing she was the darkness for there to be light.

With her own hearing being advanced she heard the sound as well. It was soft and mellow and almost seemed to calm her. It was hard not to let it influence.

“I always travel alone, most would not survive where I go. There should be no one else out here.”

Melody cupped her ears trying to block it out.
Ryon perched himself on the top of a tree,"Over the river and through the woods,to grandma's house we go!"Ryon giggled out loud as the light danced off his wings.His blonde hair drapping his left,leaving his right to shine a beautiful crimson red.Ryon looked around as he finally noticed that the forest was feeling a bit different than before.He could hear grass rustling under feet,and voices.A male and female's,"Oh where oh where,are you two hiding?Why are you here I must ask!"Ryon's voice traveled much farther than before,and his question would reach Melody and Ryoshi.
Standing there next to Melody, Riyoshi heard a voice coming from off in the distance.

“I hope that he does not seriously think that this is his land. He will have other things coming his way.” Riyoshi spoke out towards Melody.

Taking in a deep breath, he could sense where the man was and with a deep exhalation, the man would soon know that things were in the bad. As he exhaled, he roared as loud as he could, and as he did, every tree in the forest rumbled with fear.

“This is MY land. I should be asking you that!” Riyoshi yelled out.
Melody could tell things would get bad. Was this a worker of Magneto? Had he been tracking her. Had she even been a pawn for someones plan, to find this creature or person of legend. He could be a valuable asset but not like this. She got angered and upset fairly simply at this whole altercation.

"This is my fault. I shouldn't of come here. Please just leave and I'll try to chase him off. I think I've been set up! Please!!!"

But her words were lost as the ape man Bellowed with astounding volume. Melody clenched her head and fell to her knees as she tried to turn and run but to no avail.
Ryon was above them in a matter of seconds.The sun above him,casting a shadow down upon them,"You can not just own a forest,silly.Especially this forest.This place is technically property of it's country!"The mutant spoke uneffected by the bellow of the monkey man.Ryon started circling them like an vulture would.

"Chase me off?Why?I haven't done anything bad!?"Ryon croaked from above them.
"You have no idea who i am do you? I was the one that brought trees and life to this once desolate region. I am the god of the forests." Riyoshi roared up at the man.

You come here expecting me to answer to you! You need to learn the chain of respect here child!" Riyoshi continued to roar up at the man.
"Why do you act so casual? Are you not a spy of Magneto! This country is belongs to no one! The amazon is the last truly free place! Why did you follow me here! WHO DO YOU WORK FOR GOD DAMNIT!!!"

Melody was angered. She did not take kindly to those that use her.

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