X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

She waited, watching what he was doing curiously, hoping it would work. Aria wondered what they had down there that they'd go to such lengths to keep hidden and secure. She figured this would prove to be an interesting little adventure, and well, she rather liked adventure. She'd had plenty of it during the brief few years she'd travelled around the world.
About ten minutes of harsh concentration, Lawson finally cracked the code. He entered it into the system and grinned when it was accepted. " Never thought learning all that tech crap would pay off, but here we are!" He sighed and leaned against the rail as the elevator traveled downward.
She smiled a bit. "Nice job. What all do you think is down here anyways..?" Aria questioned, as the elevator went downwards. She was extremely curious, but also a bit wary, she couldn't know what to expect.

The elevator soon slowed to a stop, the flashing button indicating they were on the second sub-level. She blinked, watching as the elevator doors slid open.
Lawson blinked as the doors opened to reveal a white hallway with doors on each side. "Well we're about to find out." He gestured to the empty hallway and winked at her. "Ladies first."
She chuckled lightly. "Why, thank you." Aria said dryly, as she stepped out into the hallway carefully, glancing around, she walked slowly down the hallway. She glanced around, deciding she should explore the doors at the end of the hall first, and work her way back. Aria glanced back at Lawson. "You coming?"
"Of course. Why, are you afraid your protector will dissapear?" Lawson grinned and stepped out after her. Before he could get to her, an arsenal of scents hit his nose and he sprinted to the closest doors and opened them while he held a finger to his lips and motioned for Aria to follow him quickly.
Aria blinked, wondering what was going on, but she wasted no time in following him, stepping through the door he opened. She glanced around cautiously, wondering what had make Lawson react like he did. This was definitely becoming interesting, she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing yet.
Lawson managed to close the door just before he started hearing voices at the other end of the hallway, and he tensed until they passed. He breathed out in relief, then turned to see a machine that resembled a high tech version of the metal detectors at the airport. "Wonder what that's for..."
She stiffened when the people passed by, but was soon relieved they didn't get caught. Aria did wonder who it was that had been in the hallway though. Shifting her gaze to what Lawson was referring to, she studied the machine curiously. "Who knows? It's definitely interesting looking though.. Hmm."
Cara voiced a short shout of surprise when a man with a mask spoke to her. She didn't see him coming as she was too busy trying to figure out what she's meant to do next.

"So..Sorry, you scared me," she stammered, realising she might have offended him, "I'm Cara. Could you help me? I'm new here, and I don't know what to do."
Lawson walked up to it and studied it for a second before stepping tentatively into the machine and standing in the center. Nothing happened, and he turned to Aria. "It must be broken-" and he jumped when it suddenly whirred to life, and glass enclosed him inside while it highlighted his body in bright blue.

'X Gene detected - Feral, type A.' The words appeared on the glass in blue as the machine continued analyzing him. "Nice..." he remarked.
"...so that's what it does.." Aria spoke, watching with a keen interest, wondering what else it could do. This little trip was definitely proving to be as intriguing as she'd hoped. Most of the stuff down here looked pretty high tech, and possibly a bit dangerous, and there was still a lot more to see.

Her gaze flitted around the room they were in, spotting a set of metallic doors set back into the wall in the back of the room. She was curious to see what was behind them. Aria decided she'd have to check that out later, her gaze flitting back to Lawson and the curious machine. She wondered how he was going to get out of there, but she wasn't really concerned about it.
'Searching gene pool...' The machine began to beep. Lawson blanched as he looked at the words on the glass. "Aha, no, lets not do that..." He looked wildly around for a way to get out, but failed to find any. The machine ceased it's beeping and another word showed up on the glass;

'Several matches found.'

He cursed under his breath and pounded on the glass, trying to make it crack or break. Then he noticed the little hologram keyboard, and he raced over to it, typing madly to look for a cancellation, when the machine began listing.

'Roslyn Hawthorne. James Howlett. Victor Cree-'


Lawson slammed his fist on the red X on the screen, and the glass doors opened at last.
((You could just go back and reread...it's basically just Lawson and Aria exploring though. I think your character was helping someone out...?))
((..yep. That's pretty much it.))

"Creed. It was saying Creed wasn't it? So you're related to him, huh..?.. And Howlett.. Hmm.." Aria knew who Creed was, she'd come across all sorts of people, and mutants in her years of travel, and his name had come up more than a few times. She'd seen her fair share of brotherhood members, but she usually kept her distance... Usually.

She wasn't that surprised now that she thought about it. Their mutations were pretty similar. Now that Aria looked at him again, she could see the resemblance. Aria didn't really care about who he was related to though. Family doesn't define who a person is, she knew that, she definitely knew that.
Lawson growled deep in his chest at the mention at the mention of the name. "Unfortunately. Don't know who Howlett is." He stalked out of the chamber and gave her a death stare. "I swear, if you tell anyone..."
"You don't know who-.. Eh, never mind.." She shook her head, dropping the subject. "Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a twist. If you don't want me to tell anyone, I won't. Relax." Aria told him, running a hand through her hair. "...how are you related to him anyways?"

She wondered why being related to him upset him so much, if it was just because of who he was, or if there was more to it. Aria glanced around, continuing to think, she noticed a panel of buttons next to the metallic doors she had seen earlier. She figured at least one of them must open said doors, she'd have to check it out in a bit.
"He's my...Father." Lawson choked on the words, clenched his fists by reflex, and his claws dun into his skin. "I haven't seen him in years though." He added, then looked around as if he might appear any second.
"I see.." She nodded, walking over to the panel next to the set of doors. "I'm gonna take a wild guess here, but it seems you don't like him very much." Aria spoke casually, pressing one of the buttons on the panel at random, the lights in the room went out. "...not that button.." She pressed it again, the lights flicking back on.
He shook his head and unclenched his fists, and watched as the skin healed. "We are so going to get caught," He muttered, ignoring her question. He wiped his hands on his jeans and put them in his pockets.
Aria blinked, noticing how he'd avoided the subject, but she didn't push it. She pressed another button, smirking somewhat as the doors began to open with a hiss. "Found the right button." She spoke, just before a feminine robotic voice could be heard through speakers she had yet to notice. "Danger Room Opening." The voice informed them, as the doors had completed opening.

Aria gazed inside cautiously, surprised to see a very large room, which she now knew to be the Danger Room. The walls, floor and ceiling of this room were made entirely of some silvery metal that she couldn't identify. It seemed pretty bare, except for what seemed to be a dome shaped control booth in the center of the room, on the ceiling. It was currently unoccupied, for which she was thankful. Aria rather preferred not getting caught, especially after happening upon this interesting room.
Rini had been there a year or two had found out about the danger room for a while,so she was in here constantly training and practicing.At the moment she was on her way back to the Danger Room,"I wonder if I will be able to create a new card,or even improve a card."Rini wondered aloud as she turned down the hall.She would be in the Danger Room in a matter of seconds.
"The Danger Room...hmm." Glad to be off the formerly dreaded subject, he pushed it to the back of his mind and tilted his head to give her a lopsided smile before striding in. "Might as well yolo it." He said over his shoulder. He stared up at the control booth and crossed his arms.
"..did you really just say that..?" She chuckled, shaking her head, following him in. "...wonder what this room's for.." Aria thought aloud, glancing around. She walked around the room, her footsteps surprisingly silent as she trailed a hand along the wall, taking in the large room. Aria wondered why she hadn't been told about all the stuff down here, but figured it was probably because she'd only just arrived a few days ago.

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