X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

Lawson growled as bullets slammed into his side as he blocked the mayor from view. He sprang on two of the hunters and shoved them to the ground, and then tore the gun off another to use it against him when another hunter clobbered him over the head with the butt of his gun. Enraged, his eyes stilted as Lawson turned around and plunged his hand straight into the hunters stomach, and twisted. Lawson smirked as his victim gave a satisfying gurgle and dropped. Most of the time his fighting tactics were combined with deadly gore and grace, and the feral part of him enjoyed it. He wiped the blood on his pants and turned to face oncoming attackers to find that there weren't many left.

The hunter's numbers had dwindled as he and his teammates fought on, and most of the civilians had found an exit one way or another. Taking a breath to let his feral rage pass, he moved to aid Aria as she fought. "Need any help?" He smirked at her as he smoothly dispatched another hunter.
"Actually your the one who's breath could kick me five miles back.You need a mint,seriously!"Ryon cried covering his nose with a wing.The other began to flap creating a gentle breeze,"I doubt,you actually brought the Amazon to life,but I could careless.You must be an ancient mutant..."The angelic being quacked with a bright smile,his red eyes glowing a bit.Ryon looked over Riyoshi's shoulder,"I don't work...I don't have a job,I am a free spirit

Rini finished off the hunters on the stage,"Hmph,didn't even have to use my powers,but the anti is about to increased!"Rini warned them as a couple of guys in high-tech armor stepped through the crowd of hunters,and a helicopter flew out from behind a building.Rini hid the mayor,and rushed to Lawson and Aria's side,"Aria could you freeze the rotors?"
"I think I'm doing just fine." She spoke to Lawson as she launched a couple daggers made of ice at the remaining hunters before turning to Rini. "Alright." She nodded, turning towards the helicopter. Given that there was a bit of distance between her and the helicopter, and that the rotors were moving so fast, it would take a bit more focus. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, ice quickly beginning to form around the back and top blades and rotors. She had to form the ice quick enough and dense enough to stop the rotors right away, otherwise it'd just get chopped apart.

Aria grinned as the ice held, and the helicopter spun as it began to careen towards the ground, her grin quickly turning into a few choice words as she ducked just in time to avoid a string of bullets aimed at her head, but her grin soon returned yet again. It had been too long since she'd took part in a fight this fun.
Riyoshi merely stayed glaring upon the angelic mutant. Still leaning upon his staff, he took in a quick breath before speaking out once again.

"What brings you here! Why have you come to my land?" Riyoshi spoke out as he took a grip upon the top of his staff.
"My wings brought me here on a gentle breeze...This isn't your land.You can't own a jungle unless you are an actual god,and then you would be nothing but a lesser one at that,so I don't have to tell you why I have come to the jungle!"Ryon spat back at the Riyoshi,with a small glare.

Ryon's wings flapped twice and then tucked themselves behind his back,with a few feathers falling down.
Melody looked confused. "Actually you're naive and yes, you are wrong." She stared at the ignorant mutant making a fool of himself. "Regardless of what you believe, this is a concept you cannot seem to grasp. This person," To whom she realized she had not gotten a name from, "has been around for many years before you. From what research i've done which suddenly makes sense. Areas all over the world, lush and green, in the middle of otherwise desolate and deserted lands. They all literally spawn from the hand of this man. In essence, he is a guardian of gaia; earth itself or as you seem to narrowly think of; a God among Men. If i recall correctly, this man has been around for millenia. The only creature capable of undoing what humans haved destroyed throughout the entirety of time."

She walked over and looked at the child, talking directly to him. "Saying these lands are not his is like saying your angelic wings are not your own. Something that comes from your hand, nourished with your touch, something that is in essence a piece of you. However, one does not simply 'drift' and randomly find two individuals in this vast jungle. You'd have great odds of getting eaten by a shark, that got struck by lightning twice. So this time I'm going to ask again... Why are you here?"

Her heart sped up a little as Melody readied herself.
Ryon only gave Melody a sly smirk and a shake of his head,"I will tell you this...I won't be telling you anything,because I don't have to or wish to.It's funny you would mention lightning,because I rain down divine lighting upon people who deserve it!"Ryon giggled as sparks began to flash from his hand.Each spark getting bigger than the last,but the natural color of lighting was not there,but the white glory of Ryon's danced brightly.

"Oh and if you haven't notice,he couldn't have created all of the lush areas around the world,because there are are quite a few desert areas still around.He is not a god among men,but a mutant with immortality,or decelerated aging.If I recall,there are many mutants with just that ability,and there are just as many mutants with similar powers or powers that revolve around restoration,so he is not a God among men,but just a mutant,who seems to avoid conflict very well..."Ryon giggled with a smile,as he took off from the ground and perched himself on a branch.
"Enough of this threatening!!" Riyoshi spoke out with a loud boom as he lifted up his staff.

Slamming his staff upon the ground, vines began to wrap themselves around the area Riyoshi and Melody stood. What seemed instantaneously, the vines shot upwards creating a large three hundred foot tall tree. As soon as they were covered up by the tree, they appeared two thousand miles north.

As the trunk of the tree opened up, Riyoshi and Melody walked out and were no longer in the presence of Ryon.

"So, where would i locate this Charles fellow?" Riyoshi spoke out as he looked upon the girl.
Melody felt a severe burning sensation as the tree wrapped around her then opened and they were suddenly in New York, in what appeared to be one of the many reserves scattered throughout the State.

As she took a step and tilted her head to look down upon her hands. They seemed to be regenerating on a cellular level but from what type of damage she couldn't tell. "How did we get here so fast?" the woman asked but she realized it was not important. "Since we are in New York we can just go to the manor.

She pulled a cellphone out of her pocket and proceeded to dial some numbers. Taking a few steps forward, then a few steps back, then left, then right, then right again, she finally got some service.

"Hey Jack, this is Mel. Yeah come get me on this location. Bring my clothing, weapons and a spare change for a male about 6' muscular build. 10 minutes? OK"

With that she started to walk towards a road she could see about 50 meters away. "Mutants like that are the reason society wont accept us. Hell bend on using their powers for violence without reserve, without understanding. As for you, I never did get your name. Mine is Melody."
((I'm so sorry I've been away from the RP guys. I've been really ill this past week and had some other issues going on, I'll just do a quick catchup.))

Dylan had been given a quick guide around the mansion and directed towards his room. It was made clear that students usually shared rooms with room-mates whilst older non-students at the Academy had their own rooms. He wasn't sure what he would end up doing there, a lot of the adults were teachers or had to catch up on school. Even scarier, a lot of them went out with the X-men to battle against world threats. Dylan couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the place. He quickly dumped his suitcase and gazed around his room, something made him comfortable about it, despite the overwhelming emotions he felt about the place, he felt welcomed and also willing to accept the welcome.

The kitchen seemed to be quieter after the meeting earlier, Dylan hadn't noticed the change in volume, but noticed people were there as he had to tidy some of the tables. He looked into the fridge and opted for a small glass of apple juice. The mansion seemed to be hectic, but this week was induction week and no compulsory classes started until the week after. It seemed those that were fortunate enough to see parents we're returning and catching up with friends and peers.

There seemed to be a really lax attitude from the leaders, to which he'd only seen a few in passing and they didn't appear to have much time to fill Dylan in. The X-men were clearly kept busy at this moment, but it appeared the students and other new arrivals were the opposite.

Dylan headed down the lift. He was curious about the Danger Room, so he headed in that direction. He reached a door to which he entered, there was a medium-sized room with control panels and a huge window that looked directly into the Danger Room, where he could see various mutants partaking an a training scenario, or sparring, he couldn't really tell. He watched the group out of interest on how this room worked.
After being ignored twice, Cara was pissed. Not full blown, 'flip-the-table-then-hack-it-into-splinters' pissed but it was more of a 'simmering-beneath-the-surface-like-a-volcano' pissed. She wasn't the most social person, but even she knew that was rude. Her anger almost completely resided when she saw that Dylan had joined a short tour of the mansion. She debated joining in as well but when she made up her mind she saw it had already set off to who knows what room.

Shrugging her shoulders, she idly wandered about the mansion, trying to figure out what room she was in so she could ditch her luggage. After walking about like a complete loner for a few minutes, salvation came in sheets of paper taped to a wall. Reading the list, Cara eventually found her name and her room number. Backing away from the pieces of refined tree before she was compacted to death, she was visibly freaked out by the appearance of a demonic looking mutant. She was given the evil eye so she hastily moved away from the 'do-it-again-I-dare-you' pissed teenager and climbed up the stairs to the dorms.

She found her room easily; the shiny brass numbers were a dead givaway. She carefully dumped her bags at the foot of one of the beds. In her mind, if her laptop broke it would be the end of the world. After exiting her dorm, she did a bit of exploring around the mansion and discovered what she considered the most important room. She turned on her iPod and casually danced away while searching for something to eat in the kitchen.
“How we got here is none of your concern.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked around the park.

“New York huh? I do not like the feeling here.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back at Melody.

Listening to her talk to a man upon the phone, he took in a deep breath. Placing his staff in front of him and leaning upon it slightly, Riyoshi stared intently upon her.

“Whom is this ‘Jack’ fellow?” Riyoshi spoke out as he gripped the staff firmly for he did not fully trust this lady yet.

Taking another breath, he brushed back his hair into a nice formation.

“My name, you can just call me Riyoshi.” Riyoshi spoke out as he tilted his head slightly to his left.
She turned and looked at Riyoshi. "Pleasure to finally be introduced officially." She kind of giggled. "Jack is just a friend. He's gonna drop off a vehicle and some clothing for us.

As they finally came to the road a truck swirved off the road to a halt infront of them. When the lights turned off, a young woman about 5 and a half feet tall jumped out. She had black hair and light freckles upon her face. Melody came up and kissed her gently on the lips before turning back Riyoshi.

"Jacolyn is a good friend of mine since she was a child. She's kind of like my sister."

Jack went and lowered the tailgate before jumping on a ducati and taking off the back of it. She spun around and pulled next to Riyoshi.

"Clothing is in the back of the truck." Before speeding off with a wink.

Melody got into the truck, handing Riyoshi a backpack. "This should keep you hidden for now. Your appearance is a little less than human. haha!" The girl opened hers, stripping down to her skivvies behind the door, she continued to put on some spandex kapris, a thin knee length skirt with a tanktop. She used some cosmetics and after about 10 minutes she looked good as new.

"Like your clothing?"
The quick growth of the vines and trees surprised Ryon drastically.He would have been punctured by one of the quickly growing branches,but he dodged at the last second.Losing his wing balance,Ryon hit a tree falling through its leaves and branches,hit the ground with a loud THUD!Ryon got up from the ground with an,"Owch,"and ,"Huh,blood?"Touching his wing he could feel the blood trickle down his feathers and his hand.Ryon's only way of transportation is his wings,but he could use teleportation,but his landing is terrible,"I guess this is my only option..."

Concentrating,Ryon's hands were held inches away from his chest in a way that it appeared as if he was holding an orb or something.The light began to fluctuate,then expel from his hands and he tossed it up.A ray of light enveloped him,and he was on his way home.

Ryon landed head first in the fountain of the X-Mansion,getting out he made his way inside up the stairs,"Ugh!I really need some holy water right now!"He stating what could heal him quicker than normal.
Riyoshi looked upon the truck and Melody with wonderment. Why was all of this happening to him at this hour? Why was he chosen by her, attacked so suddenly by that man?

“This will have to suffice. I would rather just wear what i have on, but if you say i must wear this to stay out of the light, then so be it. This is your area of expertise.” Riyoshi spoke out as he opened the bag up.

Reaching into the bag, he pulled out a long black jacket and a white tee shirt. Shaking his head slightly, he put the clothes on and reached back into the bag to pull out a pair of pants and shoes.

“This is not going to happen. I can not wear these.” Riyoshi spoke out as he held up the shoes.
Dylan rushed to the fountain after seeing the crash from the window in his room. He had just returned after investigating the Danger Room and was preparing to relax with a movie.

He managed to get to the fountain quick enough to be helpful. Panting he offered a hand to the mutant who had just crashed and introduced himself;

"Hey, I'm Dylan."

He took a look around to investigate the damage caused, luckily it was only to the fountain as far as he could see.

"What the hell happened?"
Melody caught his expression at the shoes. She giggled a little. "Don't worry about those, just put on the jacket. We are close to the mansion. So people wont really be an issue."

Pulling her phone up again she called the mansion. After a few minutes she finally got on the phone with Charles. "Yes. We are about 15 minutes out. I'm bringing someone you will want to talk to... Yes," she giggled again, "The trip was fun but unfortunately someone found me. I don't know if he is one of yours or Magneto's. We will discuss it shortly. Ciao!"

She turned back to Riyoshi. "Ok set?" She hopped in the truck and started it up.
Ryon's right wing flapped a bit in the water,while he stripped down to his shirt so he wouldn't get any blood on it.Ryon placed himself on the edge of the fountain so that the tips of his wings were soaking in the water,"That was unexpected...."

Ryon looked up at Dylan with a smile,"Oh you must be new here.Hello Dylan,I'm Ryon.Nothing happened,but a mutant teleported and to dodge his use of teleportation,I kind of cut my wing on a branch,or it was pierced.
“Yea, im set.” Riyoshi spoke out as he got into the passenger side of the pick up.

“Where is this mansion?” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked from Melody back towards the road.

Thinking to himself, Riyoshi took in a couple of deep breaths. This was happening like a mad house. For over eight hundred years, he was able to stay out of the lime light, and all of a sudden, he was found by two separate mutants. What was going to happen next.
"Hi Ryon."

Dylan was slightly confused about what he had just walked into. The wing, however, looked really painful. He made a gesture pointing to Ryon's wing...

"Will erm, will that be okay? Do you need to see Dr. Grey?"

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