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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

Ryan made his way over to the shiny object. Dang this is definitely not a necklace. He thought looking at the pocketknife and picking it up. Suddenly, something that was most likely around the knife's handle, flew off to the side, "Woah woah woah". Ryan caught the flying object then opened his hand, "Turquoise, raven, and tree branches". He walked over to Nicolette then gave her the necklace, "This is it right...no other turquoise, raven, tree branch necklace out here in this mess?"
Nicolette quickly snatched it from him, letting out a sigh of relief as she hooked it onto her neck. "Thank you," she said, giving Ryan a half smile. She quickly turned around and kept looking through the debris, finding nothing more. "Just some weapons. Everything else is destroyed," she stated looking over at Ryan. In her opinion, he was very attractive, but she knew now was not the time. She made her way out of the ruins and sighed looking back.
The Pens:

Apocalypse had rounded up a few mutants by now, but none of them intrigued him as much as the one Evan Grey. Were the rumors about him true, he would prove to be powerful servant. If not, he could always be killed and incinerated like the rest.

Apocalypse trudged down the halls of his prison, towards Evan's cell. If Evan was truly a living part of the Phoenix Force, he wouldn't be the easiest nut to crack. But Apocalypse knew he would find a way, eventually. He was prepared for a telepathic confrontation with the tortured prisoner, and believed he had it under control.

He turned the cell key in it's lock and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. He didn't bother with introductions, didn't bother waiting to create some sort of dramatic silence. He forced his way into Evan's head, searching for anything dark the boy might not want to remember. Psychological torture was the truest way to a person's heart, and hearts were malleable enough.

The Ruins:

"D*** it! D*** it all to f****** hell!" Aaron shouted, clearly exasperated. He didn't care that Dylan was still right next to him, or that anyone who heard him may be offended by his language. Celebro was out in the ruins somewhere, but he couldn't find it. Not without sight. And he wasn't about to let any of the others know he was trying to find it. If they knew he had that, Darren would probably push him to do something with it and then run off after Evan. Aaron wasn't sure he could convince the man to hold back once he knew where Evan was, and he wasn't about to let anyone go in unprepared.
Ryan replied, "You're welcome". He picked up the stuff he had set down just a few minutes ago, then started walking to the hill, "How long did you live there?" Ryan shifted the first aid kit to his other hand and fixed his grip on the swords. The bush with the squirrel was squished under the scattered materials with Ryan's board. That bush place..one of the most memorable HA who am I kidding? I hate that memory!
Evan's Mind:

"I love you."

The clouded face said it over and over, with each strike of the blade against Evan's skin. Evan wasn't sure if it was real or not, but he was aware that he couldn't give in. "F***!" He screamed, as his body charred away and regrew the skin and sinew.

"This is what you did to me. You let me die--twice." The boy said in a flat tone. "Could you not take it? Being me? Murderer!"

As his other form yelled out, the faceless man continued to hack at him until he burned away again. Evan struggled to keep control, and as he watched Apocalyspe stand aand spectate he could feel the flames of fury ignite in his soul.
"Just over six months, so I'm still fairly new," Nicolette said as she adjusted the items in her hand. She walked alongside him, not particularly in a real hurry. "But it's the only home I've truly known," she looked back once more at the sight and shook her head, "but now it's gone."
Dylan jumped when Aaron yelled right next to her. This must be really frustrating for him, she thought. Then, realizing he could probably hear what she was thinking, she stopped and instead watched Ryan and Nicolette come back out of the mansion. She turned to Aaron and said, "Are you okay?" She wouldn't be surprised if he yelled at her or something, but she did want to make sure he wasn't having some sort of nervous breakdown.
Ryan responded, "Don't worry. I'm sure that Aaron kno-" His voice was cut off by Aaron's yelling as they approached him and Dylan. "....uh I might be able to hook us up with a hotel for the rest of us if Aaron doesn't know where to go next" Ryan said in an effort to make Nicolette feel a bit better.
Aaron sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, Dylan. I'm fine. Never mind that almost the entire team is injured, we don't have anything we need, and the one thing I need to find is probably buried under a pile of concrete where I'll never find it. We're all f****** dead, but I'm completely fine." He replied, finally just letting it all out.

He froze still for almost a full minute, suffering in the awkward silence. That was.. too much. He needed to pull his s*** together, ASAP. He knew he should start by apologizing for the outburst, but he felt like words just weren't going to do it.

He projected a thought towards Dylan, one clearly coated in a viscous layer of regret and guilt. I'm sorry.
Dylan heard his mental apology and smiled in concern. No problem, she thought back, trying to show that she truly wasn't hurt by it and understands that he needed to blow off some steam. "You mentioned that there was something buried in the rubble that you-probably all of us-need. What is it? Maybe I could help you look for it." She looked at her legs and continued, "Well, maybe not."
"It'll be a start," Nicolette said as she approached the two. She knelt beside Dylan and sat the swords down. "Don't worry. Everyone is on edge right now. He'll calm down soon enough," she said giving Dylan a reassuring smile. She looked up at Aaron and sighed, "there were a few weapons, but nothing to really help us. The only thing I can think of is starting from scratch or laying low until most of us are one hundred percent. Until then if anything happens," she paused looking down for a moment, "if anything happens, we don't stand a chance at all."
"Look.. Uh.." Aaron started, scratching his head awkwardly. "I'm gonna stay here and see if I can.. you know.. get a list of the casualties. I owe them that much." He muttered, fully intending to do something else completely. Celebro was the goal, and he desperately wanted to keep it a secret, but that meant everyone else had to be looking the other way. "So you guys can get to a hospital and get patched up, I guess. I'll find you when I'm done, I promise."
Ryan listened to Aaron then turned to Nicolette, "Alright where's that car? If I'm not mistaken, the nearest hospital is about ten to fifteen minutes away from our current location". He looked at Dylan, "And how do your legs feel? Is that awesome splint working?"
Nicolette looked around then looked down at her arm shaking her head, "Believe it or not, it would be faster on horseback. Do you think you could hold onto her. If so I can do the rest. The car was too close to the building to have survived that. And even if it had, I don't know where the keys are and there's the matter of getting her to it, then in it. I can get her there in about seventeen minutes." She undid her shirt and quickly, but carefully, put it back on before changing to a horse and knelt down to make it easier.
Dylan smirked at Ryan and said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Yes, this 'advanced' technology seems to be doing just the trick. I wonder why doctors don't use them all the time?!" She stopped smiling before saying, "But seriously, it helped a lot. Thanks." She looked over at Nicolette, just as she was saying something about riding horseback and widened her eyes. She looked back at Ryan and asked, "Can you hold on to me like that?"
Ryan nodded then responded, "I can hold onto you". He looked at the horse and got on, "Mind putting your arms up? It'll be easier for me to carry you onto here".
Dylan sat for a moment, unsure of how this was going to work. Then, she looked at Ryan, and, seeing how sure he was, she nodded quickly. She did as he requested and stick her arms out and as he pulled her up, she assisted him by using a little bit of her wind power to give herself an extra boost.
Once they were on, Nicolette carefully stood up, feeling pain shoot through her front leg. She ignored it as she took off in a full speed gallop towards the hospital, not slowing down of anything. Once they got there, she knelt down, letting them off before changing back, and held her arm tightly. She tried not to scream in pain as it constantly shot through her arm.
Ryan looked at Nicolette, "Are you okay?...I think you shouldn't have turned into a horse and galloped all the way here". He put his hand in his pocked then rubbed the back of his neck with the other, "Um...okay so we need your legs fixed and her arm taken care of. Remember don't show any of your abilities".
Dylan looked in concern at Nicolette, then back at her legs. "I don't think using my powers will be an issue," she began, glancing at Ryan. "The real issue is discovering who else lived and coming up with some kind of plan based on that. Hopefully more people made it out than we think. Otherwise, we're in for a lot of trouble."
Stan aproched Aaron "Aaron, I suggest we take refuge in British Columbia There's an abandoned mutant base there." Stan points towards the ruins " The X-wing most likely survived, we can use that to get there" Stan looked down at his feet. "we're gonna have to gather our forced and fast"
The Pens:

Apocalypse grinned cruelly as the red-haired boy suffered. That kind of pain would twist him eventually, and that was exactly what he wanted. "You want to see your friends, Evan? How about Darren? I know you're fond of him, although you two will have a hard time now that he's dead." It was, of course, a blatant lie, but one designed to make Evan suffer all the more. Apocalypse stepped closer to the chained figure and projected a falsified memory to him. It depicted Darren standing in the middle of a pile of corpses, each of them readily identifiable as one of the other mutants.

The Horsemen War approached him from behind and tackled the imaginary-Darren before plunging a dagger into his heart and mutilating the body. The assault, while an illusion, was gruesome and brutal. Apocalypse hoped it would accomplish it's intent.

The Ruins:

"Look Stan, I'm.. sort of busy. Big deal type stuff. The Blackbird is probably a smoking pile of twisted metal under all that crap by now anyway, which means we're stuck to conventional means. Our buddy Apoc is going to hunt us all down, but we need to stay local so we can do something about all this. Find a place." Aaron replied, shrugging a bit before turning away.

Aaron set off into the ruins, blindly scrambling over the debris. He had to find it, even if it meant he was here for days. It was the only way he was going to find Evan, or any other captured telepath for that matter. First order of business was to find Celebro, and then he was going to Egypt, even if it meant leaving the others behind to fend for themselves. Darren could watch over them, right? Keep them safe, while Aaron went hunting for prophecies.
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Ryan replied, "Aaron's taking care of that right now". He told one of the hospital people about Nicolette and Dylan's injuries. "Doctor will be right with us...." Ryan sat down on a chair. I remember waiting like this when my friend broke his arm. THIRTY MINUTE WAIT FOR THE ER! They better be faster now.
"I'll be fine. I've dealt with worse. I'm more concerned about her legs than my arm," Nicolette said looking at Ryan. She looked around as she went in, the smell of sickness and death hitting her immediately. "Now I remember why I hate hospitals," she spoke quietly, but audibly. She sat in a chair against the wall and laid her head back, closing her eyes.
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Evan's Mind:

The pain had stopped, just long enough for him to be strung up in the space of his own mind. Evan twisted and turned, trying to escape the hold that felt like a paralytic nightmare. When Apocalyspe spike to him, he turned his head in disgust.

Until he mentioned Darren. And how the man was dead.

He was immediately shown a vivd depiction of his friend standing in the rubble of the school. Evan called out to him, but it came to no avail. Without warning, one of the Horseman knocked Darren to the ground, stabbing him.

'He's dead...because of you.'

'You let him die.'


"Quiet!" Evan yelled. The rage that had been building spewed forth in a glorious blaze and a change occured. Evan forced everything out, including Apocalyspe. They'd returned to the plane of reality, and the toll had been taken on Evan's mind.

"I'll destroy you! And everything else!" he shouted, an echo of a god-like nature rumbling throughout the prision. "I will eat this world whole! I AM PHOENIX!" he screamed, the flames reappearing and swallowing the place.

As they died down, Evan ripped the chains and foundation from the walls. He walked over to Apocalyspe and grabbed his throat, lifting the brute man overhead. "Amuse me, First One?" he asked, now enlightened to the mysteries of his enemy. "Why should I not wipe your very existence from this realm?"

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