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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

Nicolette was infuriated. She sighed looking up and saw Dylan floating through the air. Wind. Good enough for me. She turned around without saying a word to Stan and walked away heading towards the woods. She wanted nothing more than to be left alone right now, injured or not. She entered through the trees and disappeared out of sight.
Stan feel to his knees crying "I-I tried to save them. There wasn't enough light to let me move through" Stan clenched his left wrist "I was powerless."
"Ryan Anderson" Ryan replied as he watched some people run around. He looked around and saw some mutants dispersing in different directions, "I can fight well...do some tricks too. I'm kind of like a ninja who knows how to fight in all the different martial arts styles in the world. Not really as cool as fire or telepathy". Ryan shifted his gaze to Kyra, "So how's your first day? Very different from what you expected huh?" I know I wasn't expecting this. In fact, this seems like a dream. Am I dreaming? I'm probably dreaming.
"You could say that. I definitely didn't expect the mansion to be destroyed on my first day..." Kyra said. "How many are still alive? How many are injured?"
"I have no idea. Maybe that guy knows" Ryan replied gesturing to Stan. He turned his head away from the direction of the mansion, "Probably not the best time to ask right now though. What if we look around for mutants who ran off while the mansion was getting all messed up?" Ryan wanted to help in any possible way.
"Good idea," Kyra said. She began looking around the area around the mansion. She didn't find anyone she didn't already know was alive. "Damn it... I think they're all dead..." She said.
She sighed sitting on a stump and looked down putting her head in her good hand. Maybe I should just leave...they'd be better off that way. Less things that would be f***ed up. These thoughts roamed around Nicolette's head as she sat there in silence. Do they really want me there, or do they just feel sorry? It's a question she would constantly ask herself, and this was no exception. After a while, she stood up and made her way back to what was left of the mansion, not bothering to hide her thoughts. She walked up to Stan, seeing him on his knees and frowned. She sat next to him and put her hand on his back. "It's not your fault," she spoke softly and as soothingly as she could without tearing up.
Ryan walked around and noticed that some mutants had already traveled a great distance away from the mansion. A voice caught Ryan's attention and he turned around. Ryan saw a familiar looking mutant cheering up a much older mutant. "I guess it's best to keep si-..." Ryan paused when he saw a person floating in the air, "Need any help?"
Dylan spotted Nicolette, Stan, and a couple of other mutants and lowered herself down near them. She groaned and clutched her legs as they shifted beneath her when she settled down. She looked up at one of the new mutants when he asked, "Need any help?"

She looked at her legs and back up at the guy, saying, "Yes. I think both of my legs are broken pretty badly. My right one is completely bent at a different angle and my left is probably just fractured. I need some medical attention."
Ryan looked at the girl who turned into a cat earlier, "Is there a car around here? I might be able to drive her to the hospital". He paused for a moment then continued, "Ofcourse that is...if you guys let me". Ryan glanced at the mutant's legs then looked back at "Nico". He said, "By the way, has anyone seen Evan or the other guys leading the tour earlier?"
Nicolette overheard the conversation between Ryan and Dylan. She got up and made her way over to the injured girl. Out of habit, she went to move her arm and grimaced in pain. She carefully took her shirt off, leaving her in a tank top, and made a quick sling and positioned her arm in it. She sat down and looked at Dylan's legs shaking her head slightly before looking at Ryan. "It won't be fast enough. She needs immediate medical attention. Especially with this one," she said as she motioned to the badly bent leg. "If it can be bent back to normal and put in a splint, it'll help until she can get to a hospital."
Dylan grimaced at the thought of shoving her bone around in her flesh. It's okay, Dylan. You've had plenty of broken bones before. You've even dislocated your shoulder! This won't be too bad, she thought, trying to calm herself. Then, she set her jaw and said, "Okay, let's do that. If it'll help, I can deal with it."
Aaron sighed and pushed his telepathic powers to their limit. He was looking for anything, absolutely anything at all that would point to where Evan had been taken. He came up blank, which meant someone was trying very, very hard to hide him.

But he had found a group of the others in one place, so he set out to find them. A few minutes later, he had reached them and figured out what each of the major injuries was. He approached Dylan first and sat down next to her. "Nico, Ryan, I'm gonna need you guys on this one. Pin her arms down and tell me when the leg is straight again. You guys ready?"
Ryan responded, "Alright then...just a second". He made his way to a three foot high tree stump and pulled out a swiss army knife. Good thing this stump is kind of messed up already with a few openings...someone was going to cut this into fourths. Ryan put the blade in the gap created by an ax or saw who knows when, then exerted force allowing the blade to diagonally slide outward. The chunk of wood separated from the rest of the stump. He picked up the wood and quickly made his way back to them. Ryan broke the wood with a few punches then gave it to Dylan, "Here's the straight part".

Ryan looked at Aaron then nodded as he pinned Dylan's right arm down.
Nicolette put her knee on her left arm, pinning in down before looking at Dylan. "I can do this quickly, but you're either gonna scream or need something to bite down on," she said, putting more pressure on her arm. She nodded at Ryan, and before giving Dylan a chance to answer, she straightened out her leg, ignoring the pain in her arm. "It's straight," she said.
Ryan picked up the piece of wood again then looked around. He tried to find something to tie the wood to her leg. Noooothing...there is nothing. Ryan looked at the others then decided to tear his sleeves off. He ripped each sleeve off then put the wood under her leg, "This is so ghetto". Ryan tied his sleeves around her leg and the wood under it.
Dylan prepared herself for the inevitable as Aaron came up to her. She accepted the wood chunk from Ryan and nodded at him, gripping it tightly. She tensed as Nicolette went to her leg and took a deep breath, ready for what came next.

"I can do this quickly, but you're either gonna scream or need something to bite down on," Nicolette said a mere second before she straightened the bone.

Dylan tensed up and groaned, but managed to refrain from screaming. Then, when Nicolette said it was straight, she sat up a little. After Ryan tied the wood to her leg, she gratefully gasped, "Thank you."
God that must have been awful. Felt it myself.

Aaron gave a small smile and got back on his feet. "Ryan, Nico, you guys are on search and rescue. Don't bother looking for people, I'm pretty sure they're all gone. Look for any equipment we can use, then meet us at the hill. See if you can find anything left over from the Danger Room." He said, nodding towards the pair. "I'll stay with Dylan and get her to the hill as soon as she can walk with my support."
Ryan looked at Dylan then responded, "You're welcome". He turned to Aaron, "Shouldn't we bring her to a hospital?...Nevermind I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing". Ryan went over to the destroyed mansion area then began to search for equipment. As he searched, he came across a three inch shiny metal object with a cylindrical shape. Oh look a button in the middle. Ryan quickly looked around then pressed the button. The three inch object expanded and became a bo staff. Sweet! Keeping this for sure. He pressed the button again then the bo staff went back changed back into the three inch object. Ryan placed the object in his pocket then continued to search on. What else can be found in this mess? I never even went around half of this place.
Nicolette followed and started looking around. "I'm only gonna be able to hold so much," she said to Ryan. Once she got to what was left of the Danger Room, she immediately started looking for weapons.mShe saw several swords and gathered them up. These will always be useful. She kept looking, not finding much else.
"Need help with those?" Ryan asked Nicolette who was carrying several swords. He added, "By the way, do you know where we are going now that this place is destroyed?" As he asked the questions, Ryan found a little first aid kit and picked it up. His eyes lit up when he saw a taser lying under some wood. He picked that item up as well and placed it in his other pocket.
"I have absolutely no idea," Nicolette said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She handed some of the swords to Ryan and sighed. "I've never seen anything like this before." She continued looking around and shook her head, "The only other things I see are arms and legs of dead bodies." She quickly reaches up around her neck and panicked, "S***!" She made her way to where her room would be and started looking around frantically.
Ryan followed Nicolette, "What's wrong? What are you missing? How does it look?" He set the stuff he was holding aside, and began lifting some stuff out of the way. Ryan saw something shiny at the corner of his eye, "Does it happen to be shiny? If not, then I won't bother to get whatever is kind of shining in my eyes....well actually since it's shiny I might get it anyway".
"Somewhat shiny. It's a necklace. It's turquoise with a raven and some tree branches on it," Nicolette said as she kept looking, starting to freak out. "I'm not leaving here without it!" She shouted, moving what she could which wasn't a lot.

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