Ww - the coming storm

Shivering at the sight of all the weapons, Leslie faltered for a second as she looked at them. Most of them were large and complicated looking. The others were just stuff she had never even seen before. Unsure, she saw a single small weapon within the whole bunch.Reaching out and taking them, she examined it for a second.

Each had four loops which rested perfectly along the knuckle lines while extending about three winches off(going towards the little finger). A small thin line rested on the outside (So i the thing was like [knuckle part here__] <-- that is where the line is). And inside that thin line was a blade that extended out to the very edge of that, giving it a rather long range as well as making punches harder. The whole thing seemed to be made of a very hard dull metal.

Sliding them on, Leslie looked a bit afraid as she looked at Borghen, waiting for him to go first.
Nervously rubbing her arm for a second, Leslie looked at him more confused than before, before making a small sound and saluting him, being careful not to hit her head with the metal resting on her fingers.
Borghen moved back to his combat stance;legs wide,holding the weapon at waist level,with the end pointing towards Leslie. He began to circle her slowly,closely examining her body language.
Leslie turned on her heel, always keeping Borghen to her front, more out of nervousness than anything else. Teh way she stood was clearly novice at best, and she kept her arms up close to her chest, watching him with her head tilted very slightly to the side. Shaking slightly Leslie's hands tightened up into fists.
Borghen quickly stepped in,and delivered a thrust with the "point" of the weapon,aiming for Leslie's chest.
Leslie blinked a few seconds as her feet skittered her back out of the way of the weapon, as her arm went forward at an angle nicking the part just behind the 'point' off a few centimeters before drawing herself back in tight together, looking more confused than before. More at what she had done without meaning to, than anything else.
Borghen was impressed. She looked surprised,but she managed to perform a simultaneous backstep and parry.

He decided to follow through on his thrust with a vertical swing,quickly moving the head above his head,and swinging down,stepping forward at the last possible second.

"Easily parried..." He thought to himself.
Leslie blinked once before she ducked down low, her hands going above her head crossed,the blades in them extending, stopping the pole between them. Leslie was getting more afraid as this went on, she didn't know what she was doing but her body did for some reason...quietly she asked, "Mister Borghen, do demons have better skills than humans?"
Borghen pulled violently,with the bottom of the axe head catching on Leslie's blades,pulling her with them. He replied, "Not all. Demons of Sloth,for example,cannot fight at all. They're too lazy. Even if they had the desire to fight,they have zero skill in combat. A demon of Rage,however,like myself,exist solely for conflict."

Borghen tapped the tip of the poleaxe on Leslie's back,who was lying face down,due to the pull.


Borghen trew aside the poleaxe and pulled a shortsword out of the cabinent,and stood with his legs at shoulder width,his weapon hand away from Leslie,and held the sword in a reverse grip.
Leslie nodded her head as she sat back up, frowning a little bit as she yawned. "Do you know what I am?" She asked innocently, not really knowing herself. Standing back up she slide off the things on her hands, rubbing the red marks that had been forming. Setting them down, she was compelled to take a simply staff with a curved top. Facing Borghen, she smiled softly.
Borghen pondered the question. "I cannot truly say. The soul was attached recently,and has not fully manifested itself yet. We must wait for the fourth Trial to discover what soul lies within. Now,are you ready for round two?"
Leslie nodded her head, "Yessir." Holding the staff at her side she nodded her head again, giving him the go ahead to start.
Such cute laughter wasn’t what Valentina expected, although the girl was young, so most things seemed adorable. When they were offered to head inside, she eyed the two twins confusingly, but went inside with Aimeka.

She couldn’t hold back her surprise anymore; they entered a high-ceilinged entrance with a foyer just ahead of them. The round room had staircases on both sides, meeting in the middle in front of them on a small platform. Which on the opposite side of the two steps leading up were two massive double doors, with an ornate design. The room was in pastel colors, and her eyes met over 15 pictures frames, as well as a gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Her eyes traced the railings up both staircase and past the balconies, counting four rooms up on the second floor.

Val hadn’t even realized she had floated in her steps, to the middle of the room and shed her cloak. Throwing it over her arm, she took in the three doors on the floor she was on, including the big ones at one side.

“…S-so, why are we here?” she asked, referring to her and Aimeka.

Not intending to be rude, she cleared her throat and tried to think of a better way to phrase the question. She couldn’t find one; the whole room had an effect of making her speechless…
:: Marco left the temple,he now wore a long cloak, and had a scroll as big as one of his legs on his back ::

Marco: "right"

:: he turned his body to smoke, and flew away at a massive speed ::
In the depths of Hell sat Jet. In the middle of his training, he felt the tremor that ran through Earth and Hell. His mouth twisted into a sinister grin. He relaxed, and cracked his neck. Pulling his fist back, his Umbralus markings glowed. Fire consumed his arm, and his fist rocketed forward. A hole was torn in dimensional rift.


The other side of the hole opened in the middle of a Chicago street, around rush hour. A car drove in, not being able to react in time. An explosion came out. Strolling out of the dimensional rift, Jet licked his lips.

"Let's fire it up!" He yelled, savouring the horrific pun. He instantly sensed the one presense of Earth that meant somethng to him.

Turning his head, and glaring down a single person on the sidewalk.

"VENT ADAM! I'VE COME FOR YOUR HEAD!" He screamed, flames leaping up around him.
Vent's head whipped the side. Some retard covered in flames just walked out of a dimensional rift, and picked a fight with him.


He cracked a grin.

".... And just who are you?" Vent asked, winds whipping up around him to match the newcomer's flames.
"well i am you in a way" jet said as he started to walk down the street.

he then turned around and light a bus in a gas station on fire because its fun
Leslie squeaked in a bit of surprise as she dodge rolled to the right, away from the weapon cabinet and Borghens strike while extending the staff and attempting to conk his ankle with it.
Vent's eyes widened.

"What the Hell?!?" He yelled, leaping out onto the street about ten feet away from the guy (Jet). "I don't really care who you are now, you've pissed me off! Nobody hurts innocents while I'm around!"

Vent's wind aura circled around him, his katana appearing in it's sheath on his left hip.
Borghen half-expected Leslie to act defensively,but he didn't expect the strake to the ankle. His foot was swept out from under him,and he fell to the ground,face first. He immediately rolled away frome Leslie,and scrambled back to his feet,now holding the sword in a standard grip.

The blade was pointing down,and was held in the dand farthest from Leslie. He swayed slightly on his feet,and his free hand was ready to move,with the hand constantly opening and closing.
Leslie looked a bit worried, "Are you alright, Sir?" She asked, taking a few steps back to get out of his immediate range...
"No one is innocent!" "Everyone on that bus has sinned" "Everyone on this giant peice of rock ends up in hell even you have sinned vent"

as jet procides to light a sky scraper on fire
Vent's eye twitched.

"You remind me of someone I hate!" He yelled as he cocked his fist back, and lept forward, punching Jet in the teeth with hurricane winds.

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