Ww - the coming storm

Leslie went forward, going flat as the blade went over her as her eyes clouded over, fliping back up she tiwsted her upper body and laucned the staff towards borghens chest, a lot of force going behind it.


"did that thing just call me a trollop?" Alec asked, her eye twitching as she stood up. Sighing, she shook her head, before leaning down and giving Ingra a lit kiss on the handle, "I appreciate it, I really do, I just don't care for magic right now."
Vent's wind clones were destroyed by Jet's flames. Vent, on the ground, reactivated his Voltus Umbralus, crackling with electricity.

"It's called being smart. I'm not a fan either, actually!" He yelled, leaping up at Jet and throwing a lightning-enhanced fist at his chest.
Borghen had no time to recover,and his free arm was in the wrong place. The staff found it's mark,square in the center of the chest. The staff split in half,but the blow still had enough force to pound a fist sized dent in the chestplate...A Borghen sized fist. Needless to say,Borghen was launched into the air,and he landed in a heap five feet away,his sword beside where he stood before. Borghen sat up,shook his head,then rubbed the dent with his hand.

What began asa slight chuckle,quickly evolved into a booming belly laugh. "Amazing! Simply amazing! THAT is what the power of a demon soul can do! Now imagine if that were a proper battlestaff! You would've impaled me! You pass this test with flying colours!"

Borghen got up,and undone the bottom straps holding the two halves of the breastplate together,then he threaded his arm inside,and slammed the negative of the dent,forcing the armour back into shape. He withdrew his hand,and redid the straps. Suddenly,he asked, "Would you mind etertaining a notion of mine? I'd wish to see how well you fight when you're on the offensive. Pick any weapon you wish." Borghen approached the weapon cabinent,and pulled out his favourite weapon; Bladeshields. They covered his forearms,and allowed him to deliver wicked punches,assisted by blades.


Steven was left speechless at what Alec had done,and decided it would be better if he kept his mouth shut. He simply sat down beside her,with Igni and Rudra stuck blade first into the ground behind them with parts of a torn sleeve tied around their mouths.
:: to the direct north-west of Hope's Mansion Marco was looking in ::

Marco "not bad... i would say a high to super-high level barrier, this guy hope has sure grown since i knew him"

:: he placed a hand on the barrier, and a hole opened without making a single ripple ::

Marco: "with a barrier like that, i can't imagine Hope's power... its really lucky that i got this new body with barrier-breaking tech in the left palm"

:: his body shimmered out of view ::

Marco"damn this invisibility.... it makes me completely un-detectable but i need to recharge after the time runs out"

:: he looked to the south, and saw Boghren fighting Leslie ::

Marco: "well, my tracking spell worked..."

:: he watched the sparring match, using his eye-cameras to save every piece of data ::

Marco: "commencing recon"
Leslie smiled fake-ly, trying to be happy that she had impressed him in the slightest. "If you would like." She said quietly, coming to the weapon cabinet as well, looking at all of them. "You know, I don't know what any of these really are..." Musing that fact over in her head, she sighed lightly before grasping onto the handle of a basic sword, a bit bigger than half her size.


Curling her legs up under her, while her head titled up, Alec watched the sky as it darkened even further. "What is Innos exactly? You said he was the demon of deals, but, what exactly does he look like? How does he act? Who is he...?"
Borghen taken off the bladeshields,and began to instruct Leslie in the finer aspects of armed combat,and in the identifacation of weapons. During the process,he produced a blackboard,and drew up diagrams to go with his lecture. There was a sensation in the back of his mind...But he dismissed it as paranoia.

The lecture lasted several hours.


Steven sighed. "Innos,like all gods,can choose his own avatar. Being the God of Deals,Contracts,and Commerce,he always tries to strike bargains,and primarily relies upon his servants,or 'employees',to do his work in this plane. No one really knows how he acts if he's forced to take personal action,however. Even getting this Eye,I interacted with a go-between. Beyond that,the only other piece of info I have is that he resides in Godshome. Furthermore,we only have one option,now that the bastard Hope has the Soulstone..."
During the whole time, Leslie not once asked a question or even made a noise, but stayed all listening absorbing in as much as she could about what Borghen was telling her. She even tried imprinting the diagrams into memory to remember them for later. To be completely blunt, she was what every teacher wished in a student.


Alec nodded her head before shivering at the sound of thunder as it roared overhead for a good minute. "...what would you say...if we could get it back?"
Steven looked at Alec,eyes wide in horror. "You can't be serious! You know first hand what Hope can do! I only know through a Soul Body,and I even appreciate the near godly powers he has! And I'm willing to bet he used the Soulstone to grow even more powerful. And didn't Vent say something before about a demon in his employ? Just the two of use,and even if we have Vent,we'd still be screwed!"


Joseph sat in a bed in a Chicago hospital,near the Academy. Mages from the Academy were treating his wounds,and were making progress. Extremely slow,and painful progress,but progress nevertheless. The nurse's office in the Academy was not going to operational until they find a replacement nurse.

Sighing,Joseph contacted Steven. "You there? How goes it?"

He was broadcasting openly,so anyone in his vicinity and Steven's vicinity could pick up the beacon.
"Yes, I do know what he can do, I also know something that he wants rather badly..." She sighed, "And if he would be civil enough, or keep up that image of a gentle men, I could offer him a deal for it he shouldn't be able to resist."
Steven sighed. "Alright...I'll trust your judgement. But when things go to Hell in a handbasket,I'm going to say 'Told ya' right now,in advance... Hold on...Joseph's trying to talk to me...And he's using an open signal...Can you hear him?"
Alec raised an eyebrow for a second, before laughing lightly. "If anything happens, it's still good. It goes the way I want, we get the soulstone, it doesn't, I get to see my mom again. Simple as that, no Told ya's involved..." Raising an eyebrow she sighed, hearing Joseph speak, "Answer him..."
Steven nodded,and said back, "Yeah,I'm here. What's up?"

Joseph replied back, "Get me out of here! I'm bored to tears here! I feel useless!"

He was still on an open channel.
The Mansion looked different to Starr and Rafael who also saw it slightly different from eachother. Though the layout of the room was the same, the decorations were all highly different as flowers were all over the place, it was a large white room with paintings everywhere including on the walls and floor itself. It had an almost religious or family feel to it for the twins. They moved towards the stairs unsure as to where they were going when the girl asked a question. "Oh sorry" Rafael said as Starr continued in perfect succession "We wanted to know if the two of you would like to stay for the night." Rafael continued as Starr thought about the Man from earlier who responded to her with an affirmative to her question "Yes, we have few friends and don't even know our own grandfather. It would be nice to have the two of you stay for a little while." Starr waited a second for Rafael to finish before she explained what the man had said "You're allowed to stay on the condition that the 4 of us remain in proximity of eachother, or in the bedrooms assigned to us, dinning hall or kitchen, or the Front Garden. No idea where those are" She laughed nervously as her shyness was kicking in.
Steven was trying to hold in his laughter,while Joseph stuttered out his reply.

"A-Alec! I-I didn't expect you to be listening in...W-well...Mind springing me from Chicago General?"
Raising an eyebrow, Alec sighed. "You know it's worse were we are, right? Besides with a stutter like that a bear my think your it's female mate."
"C'mon! Please! I need to be out there,doing something productive!"

"And just WHY are you in the Chicago General Hospital?"
Rolling her eyes, Aklec replied "If you come out here, your building us a fire and a lean too..."
Alec rolled her eyes, "If you see something green, follow it..." At that same moment, a small light green protal opened up near Joseph.
Joseph saw the light,and got out of the bed. He fell to the floor,then got back up. There were bandages on his legs,with spots of bloot on them,suggesting clean holes underneath. Joseph hobbled towards the light,and touched it.
The light sucked him into it and had him be standing right in front of the two of them.

raising an eyebrow at his appearence, Alec sighed. "Sit the hell down and talk."
Joseph,after getting sucked into the light,was thrownoff balance,and tumbled to his ass on the other side. He looked at Alec,and said, "But I'm aready sitting down!"
"Don't get smart with me boy, I will whoop your ass across this forest..." Alec said, sounding a hellova lot like Yumi at that very moment.
Aimeka usually made their plans, so Val darted her eyes over to her to make sure it was okay before agreeing.

“We would be pleased to stay” she noted, smiling at the twins as she followed them.

Boundaries were one of the things Valentina hated, once somebody told her to stay away from a certain place she felt like exploring it. She also wanted to keep in mind the layout of the castle, which she couldn’t do with such limitations on her movement. Maybe they’d end up exploring anyways, knowing how kids were usually curious too…

“That’s fine” she agreed, knowing it was what they wanted to hear.

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