Ww - the coming storm

jet ducks vents punch and plants his hand vents chest and belly lifts him above his head and throws him onto a car
As Vent flew towards the car, he drew his katana, and planted it in the ground, stopping himself in the air and landing easily. He pulled the katana out and quickly sheathed it.

A serious look on his face, Vent's Umbralus markings glowed, and he grinned.

"Voltus, Umbralus!" He yelled, lightning crackling over his body, as his hair turned glowing yellow and his eyes shine bright with energy.

Vent chuckled, then disappeared from view with a flash of light. Moving at the speed of lightning, Vent darted around the enemy (Jet), and unleashed a blast of lightning at his back.
as vent activated his voltus umbralus jet said very quickly "your not the only one that knows how to use umbralus" then he screamed "BURNING UMBRALUS" his hair turned into flames his skin peeled and revealed the burning that is jets true nature. he then turned around and dodged the blast of lightning and threw his lef tfist towards vents head
Vent's eyes widened as his left hand came up and caught Jet's fist. Standig there a second, an aura of lightning facing off the aura of fire, Vent glared down Jet.

Vent's mouth opened, like he was about to say something, but instead he smiled, and sucker-punched Jet in the gut with a lightning-enhanced fist.
as vents fist landed in jets stomach jets mouth opened but instead of vomitting or belching like a human would do jet unleashed his dragon like breath and coverd vent in flames
Vent's lightning aura deflected some fire, but he was still shot back out of the street, and into a random corner store's front window.

Picking himself up from the freezer, Vent tossed a piece of a chicken dinner off of his torso.

"...... Now I'm really pissed." He spat, strolling out of the store, glaring down the strange Umbralus user.
"good" said jet "anger prevents people from holding back in a fight time to see what you can do not like i already know"
Vent glared at Jet across the street, and lifted his hand, motioning for Jet to come at him.
jet smiled then started to sprint at vent making a fire ball in each hand and throwing them at vents feet
Wind swirled around Vent's feet, deflecting the fireballs just enough so Vent didn't get hit. Then he kicked forward with his left foot, sending a blast of wind at Jet.
jet jumped the blast and made the fire caused by the fire balls big enough so that vent couldnt see him anymore
Vent sighed as the fire blinded him, and he lept straight up, hundreds of feet into the air with the help of his wind magic. Scanning the area, Vent tried to find Jet.
jet taps vent on the shoulder loooking noticebly different for he changed to his zero gravity fire form and punches vent with both his fists one in the center of the chest and the other in the eye
The wind clone of Vent grinned as it was punched.

Three more whipped around Jet, the winds becoming razor-sharp around their hands, as the three of them came at Jet in a triangle formation, and the real Vent watched from the ground with a grin.
Crashing down into the trees and out of the storm, Alec sighed. Pushing matted hair out of her face, she looked up from under the tree branches to see dark, deadly skies... "Did I really do that?" She muttered as a large blanket appeared and wrapped around her shoulders. She could leave the place, she knew that, but she figured it would be easier, if not a bit funner, to rough it out in the storm she had caused. Besides, this way, if anything happened because of it, she could fix it.

Looking at the crystal in her hand she tilted her head, "What to do with you..." She mused before smirked, taking off the single earing she wore, she fused the two together before putting it back on. That way, should she need it, Meido was there, but at the same time, she wasn't.
Borghen said to Leslie,"I'm perfectly fine. It's part of the stance. Now,en garde!" Borghen leapt forward,and delivered a swift combo,advancing with each stroke.

First,he swung the sword up,in an arc ending at the opposite shoulder. Second,he swung it back down to hip level.

Third,Borghen leapt forward and unleashed a 360 degree slash,and then he delivered two slashes forward in an "X" pattern,and finally,a lunge.


Steven grew tired of the Umbralus Void. He knew he didn't belong,and that Olivia probably wanted Igni and Rudra gone. He sent a psychic beacon to Alec, "You there?"
Leslie squeaked and ducked down, taking all of the blows.


Pulling the blanket closer around herself she sighed before having a voice appear into her head..."Yes..."
Borghen sighed. He knew he didn't cause any harm,but Leslie's reaction seemed off,considering her earlier performance. Then,he got an idea...This was the first time he warned Leslie before striking. Suddenly,he dropped to the ground,and whipped his leg out,aiming to perform an ankle sweep. I wonder...


Steven smiled,and said, "I'm in the Umbralus Void,and Vent isn't picking up. Mind getting me out?"
At the oncoming foot, Leslie pushed up into the air, gaining just enough air for the moment to avoid the foot before landing back on the ground and bringing the staff forward and down towards Borghens head.


Alec sighed for a second before flicking a hand up out of the blanket as a small hole started opening, a tear between the two realms appearing. Smiling into it grimmly, Alec said, "Welcome to the jungle."
Borghen didn't have time to recover from the ankle sweep,and was struck on the helmet,causing a deafening ringing in his ears. He quickly withdrew from Leslie,and brugh his sword to bear in front of him: It was held at neck level,pointing straight at Leslie,and his free arm was cocked behind him,ready to be used,and he was bobbing constantly,shifting his weight between his legs. She only fought when she wasn't given a warning...


Steven stepped through the rift,waving goodbye to Olivia. When he reached Alec's side,he replied, "We've got fun and games."

He displayed Igni and Rudra,and they stared at Alec's face,with their orange eyes. "Souvies,and maybe replacements for this damned Eye."
Leslie got a look of fear, "I didn't mean it, i'm sorry." She said with panicky words, a bit afraid she had upset Borghen or something. Clutching the staff close to her she started backing up.


A thunder clap shook the forest shelter and a bit of water poured through for a couple seconds, soaking Steven. "If you consider that to be fun...sure." She conjured up another blanket and held it out to him. Looking at the things she shivered for a second, a look of dispise going over her before it went back to passive. "Cute..."
Borghen stated, "You've done nothing wrong. In fact,you just cofirmed my suspicions. Your fighting instinct is only awakened if you're attacked without warning. Harness that." He leapt forward,and wound up to deliver a backhand slash.


Steven accepted the blanket with a thak you,and sed telekenisis to wrap the blanket around him. He pointed Igni at Alec,and a beam of magical warmth shot out of the serrated scimitar,striking her,and warming her up.

"No offense,but you look like a drowned rat."
Leslie found herself on the right of Borghen, do to some fancy foot work she didn't know she could do. Nearly breaking into tears, Leslie fell over, shaking. She hated moving without making the mean to do it, it scared her knowing something else was pulling the strings. Utterly terrified her even.


"Well, you try fighting in the middle of the storm of the century and come out looking pretty." Alec said, before raising an eyebrow. "Please don't do that." She was referring to Igni, of course.
Borghen looked at Leslie,and said, "Control your emotions. They cloud your judgement,if they grow too intense."

His first slash missed,so he continued the action,by spinning around and delivering another backhand slash at Leslie.


Igni looked offended. "Well,I'm sorry for doing a young woman a favour...Humph!" Rudra piped up, "Indeed! Such a heartless trollop! Why,in MY day--"

At this point,Steven slammed their heads together hard enough to generate sparks. "Stop right there,before I feed you to the Hellforge!"

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