Ww - the coming storm

"You think you could ask Artemis about taking on a special case intern? I would do it myself but to be honest, he terrifies me." Alec laughed nervously rubbing her arm, not noticing the person heading at them.
Marco:"okay, no problem, i understand why he makes you nearvous.. hes a scary man... but hes on our side"

:: the one in the black robe came up directly behind them, and jabbeda knife at Marco's back ::

:: Marco spun around, knocking the knife away, and punching at the man, who ducked a bit ::

Man "i see your time away hasen't dulled you a bit"

Marco "and i see all those grapes havent made you a *****... yet"

:: the man took off his hood, revealing his face, he was a handsome man, a stubble, pitch black hair in a ponytail and broad shoulders, he had a suave Italian accent ::

Marco: "good to see you again, Francis you Itie-bastard"

Francis: "big talk Marky-boy"

:: he noticed Alec, he took her hand and kissed it ::

Francis: "gretings, beautiful lady, i am Franchesco Delimuerte of Italia, it is an honor to meet you"

:: Marco facepalmed and opened a channel to psycically talk to Alec ::

Marco: {"yeah, he's the real deal"}
Alec raised an eyebrow, a bit confused at this man, not sure whether to trust him, or to drop kick him, so she opted for sitting on the fence on that one, waiting for a reason to do either of the other two. At having her hand kissed, she flinched, pulling it back automatically. "A fair greeting to you, Sir. Alecia "Alec" Mary Deathlind of America and China."

He seems like a cook, honestly. She responded back to Marco.
:: Marco chuckled, there was a lout whistle above them ::

Voice: "'an tis how we come ta a close, eh?"

:: a man dropped down, he wore reflective sunglasses, he had a thick stubble, his hair was short, spiked but grimy and he stank of booze and cigaretes ::

Man: "what're ya wankers doin 'round 'ere!?"

Marco "cass... you..."

:: they both grinned and hugged ::

Both: "motherfucker!"

Marco:"how ya doing you son of a *****!?"

Cass: "yea not bat Marco, you unkle-sucker!"

:: they continued this high-swearing exchange, Francis facepalmed ::

Francis:"i swear, those two will be the death of me...."
Alec's face grew blanker and blanker with each passing phrase between the two. "I know precisely how you feel." Stepping up to the two 'sailors' she swatted both upside the head, Marco a bit harder than the stranger.
Cass: "oi! what the ****!?"

Marco: "cool it, cass"

:: they stopped, Francis walked up to them ::

Marco "Alec... i'd like you to meet Cassidy... hes... old"

Cass: "bitten by some vamp-bastard back in WW1, now that was a world of pain"

Francis "no doubt..."

Marco "anyway... Alec, i didnt bring you in here to show you the scrolls, i bought you here to meet these guys"

:: he waited for a second ::

Marco: "we know that that guy "Hope" is gathering powerful allies, and eventually we will have to face him... these two here are on our side... they'll be guarding the school from now on"
Alec folded her arms and nodded her head. "I see. You really think these...." She muttered something in Chinese, it sounded none to pleasant, " Could hold against Borghen, or even Hope himself?" She personally knew how hard Hope could hit, and that was when he wasn't trying. And after the countless times she had seen Vent at his absolute limits with Hope still perfectly fine, she doubted these boys powers even more.
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco "Alec... listen to me... these guys... they're on the same level as my dad... and contrary to their personalities, they are more dangerous when working together, i have NO doubt that these guys could hold the school"
Her foot tapping now, Alec was still unconvinced. Circling the two, she raised an eyebrow before waving her hand in the air. "I'll believe it when I see it."
Cass"ya bet ye will!"

:: he grabbed Alec's rear, and was soon smacked by both Marco and Francis ::

Marco: "sorry about that... he's just an idiot"

:: Coss continued to rub his head ::

Marco "anyway... its not like we can afford to turn around help... so quit being picky!"
Alec's face went deep red with anger, her hands tightened into fists as she glared at Cass. Sideglancing at Marco she stated, "I'm not saying to not have the help.I'm just saying the only one on level with Hope is Hope." Looking back at Cass, death was literally pouring from her essence.
:: Cass went silent, not by Alec's aura but by Marco and Francis's glares ::

Marco: "well, these guys are on a high level in comparison to others we've faced..."

:: he slammed his hands down teleporting Alec and himself to a seperate temple ::

Marco: "anyway... there is a spell in here that i think could very well kill hope... but its pretty dangerous even to weild"

:: above the front gat to the temple, the symbol of the Highland family was on the flag :

Marco:" "this temple was founded by the first of my family, it houses some of the biggest and most powerful secrets ever created"
Alec folded her arms over chest nodding her head. "I care why?" She was still visibly ticked. She hated being taken somewhere without knowing where, and she hated useless little facts that one could piece together themselves. "And you can't kill Hope. There is some one who has a very special thing for him and already has him marked. He'd be pissed if you took that joy from him, and he'd probably go after you for doing it..." Alec shrugged. "And I'm done learning spells, alright? Magic does nothing but cause problems..."

Rolling her eyes Alec flicked her hat back on and was gone.
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "as impulsive as ever"

:: he went into the temple, to be greeted by a monk ::

Monk: "hello young one, welcome to this humble temple of Bhudda"

Marco: "hey uncle Steve"

:: the monk opened his eyes ::

Marco "oh sorry... Xin-Wei"

Steve: "good young Marco-kun"

Marco "the san-kun-chan ting is japanese"

Steve: "aah! damnit all!"

:: he took off a sash, and began rubbing his bold head ::

Steve: "4 years i've been here, and i still cant get it right!"

Marco"yeah, yeah, hey do we still have the scroll of summon?"

Steve: "which one?"

Marco::""lets see, i need to summon the god of death"

Steve: "m-marco, that spell, if its not controled then..."

Marco: "i intend to move it to the battlemage's temple, i thing the one named "Hope" may be planning something"

Steve: "aah, we've heard of him, we all thought he was just a myth"

Marco: "he's real... and just as powerful as the rumors tell"

:: Steve ran off, soon he came out with a small cart of scrolls ::

Steve: "we've teleported an envoy to the battlemage's temple... preparations for battling Hope are underway"

Marco "very good"

:: Marco's body turned to smoke, flying off into the distance ::
Reforming into being in the sky over an empty mountain range, Alec hovered there before screaming, a surge of energy pouring off her, the sky darkened and lightening started crashing about as it began to pour. At that same moment, Meido was unleashed from her and stood in the air across from her, a complete shadow of everything Alec hated about herself.

"You know, your moods are getting out of hand." Meido said snottily.

"And your cruelty's the same way."

"Cute..." The shadow sneered, "So you know what I've been thinking? I've been thinking it's getting a bit crowded in your head and I want to take a spin on the outside, and since your the thing standing in my way, my plan is to take over for once and all and lock you out of your own head."

Meido launched forward at Alec and the two collided with a crack of thunder, the sky darkening even more.
Vent, his hands in his pockets, looking cool and content, strolled the streets of Chicago. He sighed, watching the sky. No matter how much he changed, the sky always remained the same. A constant in his life of chaos. A smirk crossed his face as he passed by a crowd of girls. A flick of his wrist, and a sudden gust came up and lifted the skirts of all the girls wearing their summer dresses in the heat. Get chuckled as he saw them squeal and cover up their undergarments.

Shaking his head, his grin got bigger as one of the girls caught sight of him smiling and glared at him. Vent rolled his eyes, and kept on walking, replacing his hand in his pocket.

He wondered if that was something Conner would have done. He could hear Meido's voice in his head yelling at him. 'You're more like him than you think!'

Vent sighed.

He didn't care. Meido could be right, or wrong. He was Vent. If Vent was like Conner, goody for Vent.

Vent balled up his fist in his pocket, a renewed sense of determination and feeling washed over him. He felt on top of the world.
Locked in this battle in the sky, each turn the storm around them growing more and more violent, spreading out to cover a larger area. Across from each other, with hatred and anger in their eyes, Alec and Meido took sharp quick breaths. A crack of lightening flash between them before they crashed powers again.

"Your going to loose, Alec. you already know this to be true."

"Not in a million years."

"You know, I've been around that long. So I guess it's about time."

Meido struck out with it's claws, slicing down the side of Alec's face. Hissing in pain as sight in her right eye was covered by a dark red then black she screeched. A pentagram appeared beneath Alec, cracks of power and sparks came flitting through.

"You forget..." Alec said, pride and anger mixing together giving her a tone of absolute power. "Your dealing with the daughter of the most stubborn medic that ever lived." More sparks flew, making it look like fireworks were being set off in the middle of the storm. Her original magic, before she had even broke down the barrier in her mind to let the meido magic develop was coming through, more powerful than it had ever been.

A faint green aura surrounded Alec as her wounds started to heal, before she launched forward her hand gripping onto Meido's throat, the Aura passing over her as well. "I'm done with you." The green burst out as a loud boom of thunder shook through the sky as 7 spouts of lightening struck down in various locations all at once. Meido screeched, screamed, and squirmed about as her power was taken away, to her it felt like her very skin was being ripped from her while acid was being poured over the bleeding muscle that was left. As the light died down, Alec held in her hand a black and purple crystal covered in rune markings.
Vent's ear twitched.

Something was up. He stopped walking, as the wind spoke to him through his aura.


It was bad, but Vent couldn't make it out. Something had happened, and now a sharp tremor ran through the barrier between Earth and Hell.

Vent swallowed. Something big must have happened to cause a crack.

OOC - This is the entrance for Bobby's character, Jet. Nobody do anything involving Vent.
Sighing as her anger faded, Alec became aware of the weather she was in the middle of. Looking up she narrowly avoided getting hit with lightening. In a fit of fright, the magic that was keeping her in the air failed as she fell back towards earth. Taking in a deep breath, a green board appeared beneath her. Waving in and out of lightening and shaking at the thunder while fighting against drowning from the rain she sailed in the sky heading for the ending of the storm.
Borghen walked up to the door of Leslie's room,and knocked. "Are you awake? It's time for the second Trial."
Leslie's head snapped towards the door, "Ah, yessir." She said, realizing with a deep confusion and oddness that everything had in fact happened. Sliding off the edge of the bed and moving towards the door she tucked her hair up into a quick bun. Opening the door, she nodded her head to Borghen.
Leslie nodded again, stepping out into the hall as she shut the door behind her and made the descent into the cellar. Stopping to the right of the door, she folded her hands in front of her and kept her head bowed.
Borghen waked up to Leslie,and gently pulled her chin up. "Please don't bow like that. We're equals. Now,let us proceed."

Borghen walked through the door,and opened a cabinent at the far side of the room,revealing it was filled to the brim with sparring weapons,four of each.

"The second Trial is the Trial of Martial Skill. We spar until you strike me in the torso,using only your physical prowess."

Borghen pulled a poleaxe from the cabinent,and gestured for Leslie to pick a weapon.
Starr looked at Val for a second before she burst out laughing. "Thank you" she said, still giggling "I needed that" her smile was sincere. Rafael was now walking toward the mansion unsure if they were supposed to or not. "Might as well head inside I guess" he added as he opened the door for everyone.

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