Ww - the coming storm

Smiling faintly, "Listen, you've done nothing, okay..." Holding out her free hand, the katana came into it from the spot where it was on the ground, and she held it out to him, extending the hilt while holding the blade.
Vent scowled, and took his katana. He slid it back into it's scabbard at his side, and sighed.

"..... If you say so." He answered in an unconvinced tone.
Alec frowned. "What is it going to take to make you believe me, huh?" Sighing she rubbed teh bridge of her nose before taking in a deep breath and getting a little closer to Vent. If it worked back then, it might work now...
Vent rolled his eyes and lifted his hand, putting his fingers gently on Alec's lips.

".... No. I'm fine, stupid. Just a little more self-aware." He said, still holding her hand.
Alec frowned"Okay..." She muttered before opening her mouth wide and biting down lightly on Vent's fingers. "self=aware goo' wai or ba'" She asked around his fingers smirking.
Vent rolled his eyes, the tiniest of smiles cracking his hard-set face.

".... If you just said what I think you said, it's probably good." He replied, not knowing what to do with the hand Alec was biting.
Alec smiled and pulled Vent's hand out of her mouth before licking the palm of it, for good measure. "So you aren't all hardened..." Smirking Alec let go of his hands before taking a couple steps back. She then proceeded to run forward and tackle him in one the biggest hugs she had given him in her entire life.
Vent shook his head and went about cleaning his hand after Alec let go, and totally didn't expect Alec to tackle/jump/glomp him. He left his feet, and they both went crashing to the ground, Vent underneath Alec.
Laughing lightly, Alec stuck her tongue out at Vent and placed a finger on his nose as she shifted her hips and sat down on him. "this brings back some old memories..." She sighed happily.
Vent groaned a little, breathing sharply.

"... Of you trying to kill me?" He wheezed out, a grin on his face.


Olivia sighed. Vent would probably be distracted for a while.....

"Steven, isn't it?" Olivia asked.
Steven sighed,and said, "Yes. You must be Olivia. Or,at least,that's the identity you share. How do you know of me? Did Vent tell you about his friends?"
"Never tried to kill you actually." Alec said, one of her hands tapping her chin as she thought. "Maybe on accident that one time in potions but I swear, that bottle said H2O not nitric acid." She shrugged before shifting herself a bit more so he could breathe better, still not getting off him though. "So, here the plan. If you don't cheer up, I'm going to tickle you till you die laughing. Alright?"
When the gunship submerged into total darkness Valentina shifted and it was bright again, in an entirely different place. The breath that she didn’t realize she was holding puffed out, and she looked around at the surrounding area as they landed. Her eyes met the mansion and enlarged briefly, this would be her first time seeing one, but she tried not to gape at it too much. When the gunship was aligned with the ground, she climbed out and didn’t bother to see if her companion had followed her.

Val laughed at Starr’s seemingly confused state, deciding to enlighten her on the prospective reason as to why the guy ran off.

“Maybe he has to go really bad?” she only joked
Vent rolled his eyes.

"Who says I'm not cheery?" He asked, losing what little semblance of a grin he had in favor of a blank expression.


Olivia blinked.

".... Yes, Vent talked. He talked a lot. But what did you mean, 'the identity you share'?" She asked, her eyebrows narrowing slightly.
Alec frowned, "You don't sound it." She muttered before getting off him and sitting on the ground a little ways away from him. "Your like a board, actually..." Tucking her legs up under her chin she sat there, staring off into the dark. From the other side of Vent, small thin tentacles started snaking out of the darkness heading for his ticklish spots.
Steven chuckled. "You're a powerful,yet widely reviled,supernatural entity. To protect yourself,the most logical thing to do would be to adopt a wide array of pseudonyms and avatars. Am I close?"

Igni and Rudra,now bored,decided to make their presence felt.

"How long are you going to blather on for?" "Yes! We grow weary of your petulant banter!" "So,either use us," "Or end us!"

Steven's eye twiched,as he brought the swords in front of him in a reverse grip,and slammed the pommels together. "Shut up,will you?"

Olivia chuckled.

"I don't have to has an alias, Steven. I'm Olivia. That's always been my name." She explained. "... If someone comes after my life, there's two possible conclusions. I kill them, or they kill me. I'll take either possibility.

She grinned slyly, raising an eyebrow.

"Beisdes, since when does logic come into play around Umbralus users? Think about the one you know." She stated, putting her hands on her hips.


Vent sighed, really sorta feeling bad for having Alec worry about him. He just wasn't feeling amazing. Meido's words had hit home. He didn't see or expect the tentacles, and wasn't trying to sense magical pressures. In other words, he was wide open.
:: Artemis stood before te wall of blackness, a black case being wheeled behind him ::

Artemis: "is it ready?"

Tech "yessir! the Lazarus MK-6 is ready and opperating... with this"

Artemis: "My son will surpass even me in every way"

Tech: "well, not overnight"

Artemis: "of course not.... but it willl allow him to progress faster than any other"

Tech: "indeed"

Artemis: "okay.. i'll de-tatch Marco's body from the Lazarus body MK-1 and then transfer it to the MK-6"

Tech: "sir... what about his real body?"

Artemis: "have you remembered his rampage at the age of 7"

Tech: "n-no sir..."

Artemis: "exactly... we can never give his real body back... he knows it like the rest of us"

:: Artemis blasted the wall of blackness opened, and in a blur, he slammed into Marco's artificial body, instantly de-tatching his soul and jumping back ::

Body: "thank you... now with him out of the way, i can finally get something done!

:: at this moment, the old body's head exploded, and the right hand on the new body was turned up with a smoking barrel sticking out ::

Marco: "MK-6 at... 25% targeting needs work"

:: the creature in his old body launched a wall of lightning and fire, but this was easily blocked with Marco's purple "eternal flame" ::

Marco: "operating at 40%"

Body: "damnit... okay then... come familiars!"

:: the consumed students emerged ::

Artemis: "no... my students!"

Marco: "oh crap... dad.. i'll take care of the main body.... my old body... and YOU surpress the so-called "Familiars""

Artemis: "solid plan, my boy"

:: the old body lauched at Artemis, but soon found itelf to be held by the head and slammed through a wall, through an office and into the elevator shaft ::

Marco"i'll track the body"

Artemis: "whats your body operating at?"

Marco "50%"

Artemis: "good... this thug will be but a warm-up then"

Marco: "that is'nt the real body.... the real body is underneath the first accademy... i don't know where it's mind and soul are though"

Artemis: "if we take out even one part of it, this creature will never be a true threat... it'll either be a bug hulking thing with no power, dead energy or a mindless animal"

:: Marco nodded, and then proceeded to jump down the elevator shaft, landing on the possesed body ::

Body: "**** you! you traitor!"

Marco "i was never on your side... how can an enemy betray an enemy?"

:: marco pounded down with all the might of both his new body and his magical power, completely obliterating the old body ::


:: the blackness receded into nothingness, the possesed students woke up, apparently completely un-hurt ::

Artemis: "there... done"
The tentacles crept closer before they lashed out quickly, two holding down each of his limbs as the others started tickling every ticklish spot on his body. Alec, who spared him only one glance as her plan started to take affect, opted for ignoring him and letting the tentacles do their work.
Vent immediately jerked his head around, trying to ascertain the situation. Beofre he could anything about his limbs being pinned, he was horrifically and relentlessly tickled. Trying to stubble only made it worse. His laughter was only broken by screams for Alec to help.
Alec hmphed and moved away from him a little bit more as more tentacles joined in to tickle him. Not showing her face to him, she was smirking and trying pretty hard not to laugh herself. For a few moments, she was happy, but then Meido intruded into her head dropping a little comment that made her scowl.

Standing up, a small portal that lead to the office she had practically grown up in appeared. "I'll be back." She muttered, leaving Vent to his didn't-cheer-up-fast-enough situation. The portal closed seconds after she stepped through it.

Looking around Yumi's office at all the scrambled papers and odd things strewn about, her face tightened into a blank expression. "I wonder if dad knows..." She muttered. "Or even bro..." Running a hand through her silver hair she sat down in the chair behind the desk. "You probably didn't even know how much I've changed yet...or what I did, what I am..."

Looking out the sole window in the office she started zoning out deep in thoughts of everything she should have said to her mom but never did, how many times she missed the chance to just say a few words.
:: Marco entered the Nurse's office and saw Alec ::

Marco "hey Alec... have you seen your mom? i think i need a check-up"

:: at this time, Marco had no idea that Yumi was dead, but he noticed something was wrong with Alec ::

Marco: "Hey Alec.... whats wrong?"
Upon hearing Marco's voice, Alec jumped up and out of the chair, a dagger going into her hand as she went into attack mode before seeing that it was just him. Falling back into the chair she titled her head back. "My mom's not going to be here anymore." Twirling her dagger in her hand, Alec's eyes fixed onto it. "And everything is wrong..."
:: Marco used some of the new software to analize her words and came to the conclusion to her words, judging by tone ::

Marco "don't tell me... she's..."

:: Marco's reaction was'nt anywhere near the level of ALec's reaction, but he still felt something, he swayed a bit, and closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath ::

Marco: "ALec... i... i can't even begin to say how sorry i am for you..."

:: he stood behind her and hugged her ::

Marco: "don't hold in the tears... let them all out"

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