Ww - the coming storm

Meido smirked a bit watching the three. "How delightful this is. The tension in the air." She hissed into Alec's ear as she pulled the girl closer to her and out of the other two's way. "So, shall I toss the match into this lighter fluid or would you want to." The look of delight on the magic's face was a bit over the top but exactly how she felt. Alec sighed, "How about neither?"


Leslie's eyes fluttered open after a while, trying to remember what had happened before. A sudden recap in her mind of what happened made her sit up straight, staring around the room she was in trying to make herself believe she was still asleep. that nothing of the other day had happened.
Vent sighed, and pulled the Umbralus scroll from his pocket. He opened it, and snapped his fingers, a black void taking Steven and sucking him into the scroll. With that, Vent tossed the scroll on the ground.

He turned to Alec and Meido.

"..... Weird seeing..... You, Meido. Any clue what he wants in the scroll?" Vent asked.
"Yes..." Meido said a bit off handedly before looking up at the incoming darkness that was slowly creeping in. "I know precisely what he wants."

Alec just shook her head and sighed.
Vent rolled his eyes as darkness crept in around him.

He locked eyes with Meido, exuding determination.

"Well, what did he want?" He asked.
"things.." Meido said placing a hand in the bloody water before falling back into it and dissapearing, reappearing above Vent placing a blood covered hand on his face and tilting it upward while the stuff dripped down on him. "Things that you don't need." She dissapeared again.
Vent scowled as blood dripped down his face. A sudden burst of wind from him wisked it all off of him. He still had a mild dislike of gore, and blood in general that wasn't his own. The wind whipped around for a second before dying down.

".... I'd really appreciate it if you told me, Meido." Vent said in a no-nonsense tone, his knuckles going white from clenching his fists.
"And He would appreciate it if I didn't." Meido said simply appearing behind Alec and dragging her into the darkness with her, leaving Vent alone as the darkness fully consumed the blind realm once again. She loved seeing how far she could push this one, despite the changes, he still had many small hints of Conner in him that he couldn't shake.
Vent breathed deeply, and sighed.

"Fine. It's not like I won't find out later anyways." He said with a grin.

He glanced around, and sat down in the darkness, drawing his katana from it's scabbard on his left hip. The demonic blade almost sung as it left it's sheath.

Vent chuckled.

"I don't think you've seen my new sword, Alec." Vent said, feeling the blade gingerly with a grin on his face.
The sound of the two females fighting could be heard for a second(verbally) before Alec a foot in front of Vent laughing. "Damn she hits hard." Alec muttered before flames lit up around them allowing them to see, Meido stayed on the edges skirting around the flames light watching. "It's pretty." She said, still unable after all those years to feel or sense any sort of special presence in things or people.
Looking at the blade for a second and reached up, one of her own daggers appearing in her hand and Alec lightly tapped the blade with it before smiling faintly. "It has a solid core to it. And it has a even prettier ring than I thought." Her dagger disappeared seconds later as her hand actually touched the blade gingerly before she stood up. "It feels odd though..." Her face made a look of confusion for a second before she smiled at him again.
Vent's grin faded for second.

".... I meant take it, Dummy." He said teasingly, flipping it around so he goes the blade, the handle out towards Alec's hand.
"Oh.." Alec said, feeling a bit stupid while her face went a bit pink. Grasping the handle she held it not really sure what to do from there. If anything, it felt even more like something was odd but she couldn't tell why. "so...?"
:: Within the dorm room of the school, a young boy, about 14 turned on his T.V, only to find a strange black puss come out of it :

Boy: "oh jeez..."

:: he summoned a small shield around the puss to be taken for examination (he is a mage) ::

Marco"thats pointless, you can't stop it"

Boy: "WOAH! who the... oh its you Marco... dont sneak up on me like that"

Marco"sorry... so about this ooze here..."

Boy: "yeah it just started coming out, i can tell its bad and my shield is breaking already"

Marco"thats cos its my power"

Boy: "wha-"

:: Marco slammed his palm on the boy's face, black puss oozing out of his sleeve, quickly covering the boy, and soon there was a horrible smoke and the boy was melted ::

Marco: "sorry... but the creeper is my master now... i can't defy it"
Steven appeared in the Umbralus Void,completely surrounded by inky blackness,and the floor at his feet. He knew much about this place,thanks to Meido. "Mistress of Darkness,Olivia! Show yourself! I seek passage to this domain of the dark!"
:: there was a knocking on the door, a girl was standing outside ::

Girl: "Greg! come on! we're going without you!"

:: the door opened, Marco emerged ::

Marco: "Gregs not coming"

:: the girl saw the blackness oozing around ::

Girl: "bastard! lightning edge!"

:: she shot lightning from her hands, striking it into Marco's head, only to be absorbed into him ::

Marco :"you're strong..."

:: the blackness gripped her ankle, it's cold, slimy texture freezing her in fear ::

Marco: "the creeper likes strong servants..."

:: the blackness oozed all over her, soon reducing her to nothing just like the boy ::

:: soon, the boy grom before emerged from oa puddle of the blackness ::

Boy: "all hail the Creeper"

Marco: "indeed... now..."

:: Marco raised his voice ::

Marco: "the creeper Legion 1st squad... is now commencing operations"
Suddenly,a lout,metallic racking could be heard,and Joseph,at the end of the hall,holding a shotgun,stated, "Revert them,or your head turns to pink mist."
:: Marco bent his head around to look at Joseph ::

Marco:"ahh... Joseph, isnt it?"

:: Marco opened his arms and begant o walk towards him, and the other mages standing behind him ::

Marco: "come one then, shoot me!... simply destroying the head of the Creeper's General won't do yyou any good!"

:: the blackness spiked and launched blobs of itself at the other mages behind joseph, quickly expanding, consuming the other mages and cutting off his only exit with a massive, dripping wall of dark-puss ::
Joseph's exression was like stone;hard,unchanging,neutral.

"Big talk. Now walk it." Joseph had a surprise. He pulled the trigger,and from the muzzle of the shotgun came a cone of fire. Dragon's Breath rounds; in service since the Vietnam Conflict. Insult to injury? The individual pellets of white phosphorous were enchanted to cause hallucinations,and to immobilize.

Joseph quickly abandined that shotgun and summoned something a touch more potent.

An LPO-50 flamethrower.

"Feel the heat."

He sparked the pilo light,and brought the weapon to bear.
:: Marco didn't even blink at the shot ::

Marco: "i see... you are a big-talker, trying to drop one-liners before striking... and yet all you use are simple weapons"

:: the blackness crept up his leg, attatching itself to the pores in his skin and making i's wat int his muscles ::

Marco "surrender... i don't offer death... i dont offer anyhting... the Creeper offers eternal acceptance imagine, an end to hate! where everyone is connected!"

:: he widened his eyes, accidentally revealing they were completely black, a clear sign of dominance by an un-natural entity ::

Marco: "now, accept it..."

:: a vine of the blackness struck from behind him, grasping him by the neck ::

Marco: "fire, lightnins, ice... it all has no effect on the Creeper's magic... in fact, fighting it makes it stronger"
Joseph smirked. "Humans are hate driven machines. To end hatred and suffering,you'll have to glass the planet to the core. Now,piss off."

He unleashed a telekenetic blast,removing the rope of pus and sending Marco flying back.

"Magic won't work,you say?" He unsummoned the flamethrower,and replaced it with what appeared to be a giant sub woofer with a handle and butt stock. Resonance. If I hit the right frequency,you're ribbons."

Joseph unleashed the weapon;it was a constant bass wave,and it rocked the hallway to it's core. Joseph adjusted the frequency,until he saw the ooze start to quake. "Science. Beautiful innit?"
:: the puss quivered, but nothing else, Marco hit the back wall, but quickly re-formed ::

Marco: "not bad, i think i'll spare you for a little while... at least until you get boring"

:: Marco lifted up his hand, and summoned a small portal, the weapon that Joseph was holding came flying out of his hand and was quickly crushed and sucked through the portal ::

Marco :"that is what you scientists call a "black hole" luckily for you, that one was only the size of a single atom... any bigger and i risked destroying this planet"

:: Marco walked to the exact same place he was at, the blackness had re-formed his ears and he had a slight smile on his face ::
Olivia stepped out of the darkness, raising an eyebrow.

"..... What?" She asked, a little annoyed. Some retard comes in here yelling all formal-like? Moron.


Vent brushed himself off while Alec held his katana. He took a big step back, and started building power. His Umbralus marks started glowing like sunfire.
Alec's eyes widened as she watched Vent getting a bit nervous about what he was doing. Looking over at meido, she mentally told her to get ready, just in case...

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