Ww - the coming storm

Vent kept right on building power. He started to vibrate, and the ground's many pebbles and other debris started to shake as well. Vent's face was one of complete concentration.
Alec bit her lip in worry looking around before taking a step back. Her nervousness was slowly changing into a small fear.
Vent released a primal scream, his Umbralus marks flashing brilliantly. Suddenly, they overloaded, and a massive flash occurred, Vent's marks spinning around his arms. He brought his hands together in front of him while his marks spun, and there was final flash.
At the first flash, Alec squeaked, Meido grabbed her by the arms and pulled her back into the darkness as she dropped the katana. The manifestation wrapped tendrils around it's host to keep it safe a few yards away from Vent.
Left in the flash of light, Vent stood standing, his Umbralus marks giving off smoke. He groaned, clenching an object in his left hand. His Umbralus marks had changed a bit in appearance as well, with more spiral patterns.

"..... Didn't think.... I could do that." He said, opening his hand, revealing a pendant shaped like a drill, which he hint around his neck. It stopped glowing, and his Umbralus marks stopped smoking.
Meido turned her head looking at Vent before letting go of Alec and bursting into the ring of light, anger pouring from her. "What the hell was that? Do you realize that you could have hurt someone? Hell, you did a great job of terrifying her. Hmph, and your suppose to the nice one in her eyes. God, do you even think about what that could have just done?" She didn't like not being the one to hurt Alec, but she hated even more a influx of dark power in her realm, her section of Alec's mind. She did more than hate it, she despised it, loathed it, and was trying very hard not to lash out.
:: marco smiled, and clicked his fingers, the black sludge below Joseph spiked up, impaling him by his legs, two more spikes came from the ceiling, impaling his arms ::

Marco: "oh well, i'd love to stay but..."

:: the blackness spread through Joseph's veins, easily taking over all hios limbs and beging to move into his torso ::
Joseph was stumped. But he still had an ace in the hole. Anything with eyes and ers would be affected,no matter what. Even Superman would be left reeling from it. He needed to get out. Suddenly,Joseph done something new...A dual cast. In one hand,he purposely created a failed weapon summon,emulating a high yield flashbang,blinding and deafening Marco,but only left Joseph deafened,who closed his eyes. He then,at the same time,used Telekenisis to throw himself through the wall of goo.

Once he peuced the goo,he immediately used telekenisis to remove it from his body.

"That was fun...But I think it'd be best for me to retreat."

He then used telekenisis to throw himself down the halls,towards the Headmaster's office.
:: Marco grinned, as the wall of black sludge closed, sealing the area and hardening ::

Marco: "my master... the foothold is secure"

Creeper: "perfect... now... claim this measly city from the inside-out"

Marco: "yes... my master"


:: inside the headmaster's office ::

Artemis: "damnit!... i knew i should have burned that whole freaking ruin down, but no! i ended up leting my son go in there without protection... damnit!"

:: he banged on the wall ::

Secretary: "sir, we just got a report that a single student escaped"

Artemis: "get him in here, NOW!"
Olivia sighed.

".... The talkative ones? The ones I scared into silence?" She asked, making an almost comical face that held a sinister air.


Vent backed up a step.

"I-I was just trying something! I didn't mean to scare her, if I did. Alec should know by now I'd never do anything to purposely hurt her!" Vent yelled back, stepping back up and getting into Meido's face.
Steven simply nodded. He already knew about them. "May I have them?"

Somewhere beyond Olivia,two voiced could be heard. They were impossible to make out,but the were there.


Joseph was raisng hell. He already had a weapon on hand. And he completely lost his shit when he heard the Headmaster yell that Marco was his son. He threw himself into the room,woithout waiting to be ushered in,and then threw himself at Artemis.

"Your own SON!? How did you raise him!? Just WHAT THE F--- DID YOU DO WRONG THAT WOULD CAUSE HIM TO SUBMIT TO SUCH A MONSTROUS WILL!?" Throughout this entire time,he was waving around a fully loaded FN-P90.

"You're just as bad as he is,if not worse!"
:: even though Joseph was having a hissy-fit, Artemis remained calm ::

Artemis: "you think he would submit to such a thing... you don't know him..."

:: he sat ack down ::

Artemis: "that... thing thats controling him... i can sense Marco is still there, buit barely... that means he must have exhausted hmself fighting this thing before it took control of him"

:: he pulled out a crystal from his desk ::

Artemis: "i never thought i'd have to use this one day...."

:: he got 2 crystals, he stood up with one and handed Joseph one ::

Artemis: "here, we need to go back there, get inside marco's mind, drive this... thing out of him then give him these crystals... do you understand me?"
Joseph,still pissed,but now composed,he lowered the weapon. In his other hand,he picked up a crystal. "What are they,and what do they do?"
Tendrils grew up around Meido as she went from that of something of an innocent shadow to a more frightening thing, her true form. "You know that is a lie. Your more like Conner than you'll care to admit and with being like that, you have to deal with the knowledge that you will screw up, you will hurt her. And you know what you little piece of shit, you better watch who you speak up to. Even as a demon I can walk circles around you and I'm not afraid to do it." A dark power erupted, with enough force to bring everyone in the Blind realm to their knees.
Vent scowled. He didn't like his former persona, let alone being compared to him.

".... I'm not Conner, Meido. I WILL NOT let Alec get hurt through my actions." He said forcefully, clutching the drill-bit pendant that hung freshly around his neck.


Olivia's smile remained, but her eyes took on an absoutely sinister quality.

".... Take. Them." She spat. "Now!"
"Gladly." Steven raised his arm and said, "Locus Ego,Igni and Rudra!" The two swords came rocketing towards him,hilts first. He snatched them out of the air,and looked at them. He nodded,then looked back to Olivia. "Thank you. I will take my leave,now."

He opened a psychic link to Vent. "I have what I came for. May I have a return portal?"
"You already did." Meido stated simply in a nasty tone of voice, "You want to know something else, He said the same thing when he met her, said he wouldn't hurt her, then look what happened. He almost killed her, you know...lost control of his powers, he did, then came back sniveling to her to fix it. Just like you do." Everything Meido said was true to a point, a slight exaggerated but it got the point she was making across perfectly fine.
Vent sighed, his indignant look becoming a depressed one.

".... Alright Meido, I'm a screw-up. What do you want me to do about it?" He asked, more in a mocking tone, rejecting Steven's link as he clutched tighter at the drill-pendant.
Meido snarled at him, "Leave her the f-" Her words were stopped short by her getting pegged by something in the back of the head. Turning her head around, but not her body, she found a sneaker laying on the ground. "Shut up would you?" Alec's voice said from the spot where meido had left her. Meido growled and launched herself forward only to fall backwards at the other sneaker pegged her between the eyes.
Vent didn't notice or care about the imminent fight between Alec and Meido. He simply stood there, in the darkness, clutching the pendant. He started trying to think of times he'd managed to screw up. He could think of a few. He sighed.


Olivia tapped Steven.

"If the link isn't going through, he must be busy. Give it a minute or two." She explained.
Meido growled and tendrils shot out only to disolve into the darkness as Alec stood up before holding her hand out, palm facing forward. "Shut up, and leave Vent alone..." "Or what? You gonna shoot my powers at me? Ha." A minute later as well as the odd sound of water, Alec sighed walking up to Vent and hugged him. "I'm sorry..." She muttered.
Vent shrugged away from Alec, sighing.

".... It's fine. She's pretty much right." He said with a scowl, backing up a little.
Alec got a little down cast for a second before she reached out and took hold of Vent's hand. "No she isn't. She's a whiny little brat who doesn't know when she's gone to far..." Her eyebrows furrowed as her annoyance level got a little higher.
Vent nodded, swallowing.

".... I guess." Was all he said, gripping Alec's hand tighter, and his pendant with the other.

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