Ww - the coming storm

Alec frowned for a second but otherwise made no notion of what she was really thinking or feeling. "They are already spent. I don't want pitty either." Alec muttered. Standing up out of the chair, and by action, out of his hug as well. Looking at him out of the corner of his eye she placed a hand on her hip, "Your different." She stated simply.

Frowning again, she shrugged. "So, what's happened to you?"
Marco: "in short, my old body is dead, the body i was born with is too cursed and dangerous to use so this is my new body... the "Lazarus MK-6""

:: he took off his shirt, and used a medical scalpel to lift a bit of skin off to reveal a metal plate ::

Marco "see? the brain, skin, heart, hair and genitals are real growng organisms, the rest is all electronic.... and powered by my own power.. its a small drain so there is no risk of me running out of magic from it's use"

:: he pushed the skin back into place, it healed up instantly ::

Marco "i came here to see how the organic parts were holding up but..."
"Interesting..." Alec said, a bit amused by it honestly. "Looking at the healed spot from where he had cut, she grinned. Drawing back her fist she nailed it into Marco's stomach before grimacing as pain shot up her hand. "You weren't kidding..." Shaking her hand till the pain died down, she frowned again.

After a few minutes of silence Alec asked in a quite voice, "How busy is your dad lately...?"
:: Marco shrugged, deciding to keep the subject off her mother ::

Marco: "he's in ameeting with Mr McGreg... with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg"

:: he picked up Yumi's old lab-coat and threw it over Alec ::

Marco: "it suits you"
"Right..." Alec said before going a bit red at having the lab coat put on her. Sliding her arms through it she smiled faintly, "You think?" Laughing a bit hseepishly. "When i was little it was always to big for me..." Sighing she scratched her hand, "Would you want to, I don't know, train for a little bit, i really need a distraction..."
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "sure, i could teach you a spell i picked up from that bugger that possesed my old body"

:: he slammed his palm down, they were both in a large couryard, Alec was in one room, Marco was in another ::

Marco: "ok, this is the Battlemages temple in the himilayas, its offensive to cdo combat here in normal clothes, put the proveded clothes on"

:: Alec's clothes included a large sash to cover the breasts and a loincloth, while Marco's clothes consisted of just a loincloth ::

Marco: "they say that modesty only gets in the way, you have to ignore the opinions of others to truly unlock your potential in battle"

:: he came out into the arena in the coutyard, wearing only his loincloth ::

Marco: "come on!"
Alec looked at the clothes before her face went a deep red. Hearing Marco getting impatient she quickly put on the stuff and, face still red, stepped out into the arena. Shivering, she averted her eyes from Marco. "So uh, why would this spell need to be taught here?" There was clear unease in her voice.
Marco smiled, chuckling at her shyness, even when there were many men and women around, all wearing the same things ::

Marco: "because, this place is'nt physical! and if its corrupted and destroyed it can easily be replaced... this move is too dangerous to use anywhere else for training"

:: he got into a ready stance ::

Marco: "attack me!"
"Right..." Alec said, still convinced another place would have done just fine. Looking at Marco for a second, she moved quickly, years of tracing and protecting having made her fast on her feet. Going nearer to Marco, she quickly muttered a spell that reinforced the bones in her hands as she struck out at him.
:: Marco was hit in the face, he quickly grabbed her hand and began smacking her on the back of the head ::

Marco"i said "ATTACK!" not "*****-slap! now get back there and do somethign worthwhile! try and kill me!"

:: he pushed her back wo her starting point, prodding her along with a stick until she was in possition ::
"That was ann attack I'll ahve you know." Alec whimpered. Stadning there she rubbed the back of her head, sayting something in chinese quickly before the markings flashed across her skin for a second and her eyes went solidly black. Holding out a hand, black flames errupted as inside one of her daggers was hidden. Winding back her hand, she unleashed the ball of flame at Marco full speed, the dagger staying well hidden inside of it.
:: the flame and dagger hit head-on, he fell down ::

Marco: "very nice"

:: he was standing directly behind her ::

Marco: "now look back at the old body"

:: his old body was now a broken statue ::

Marco"come on, keep trying to kill me! maybe we can get enough stone to repair the great wall of china"
Alec jumped at having him be right behind her before her second dagger appeared in her hand and she swung her arm around, the thing aimed right for under his ribs.
:: the dagger hit him, his body hardened, turning to stone, and about 3 metres to her left he appeared out of the ground, the earth turning into him ::

Marco: "come on! don't stab me it hurts! just decapitate me and be bloody done with it!"

: he crossed his arms ::
Alec flinched back a little bit, "You do realize how hard that is to tell someone to do right? Considering you are like one of my best friends..." She frowned at him before looking away from him and firing out a forbidden killing curse. She wasn't going to explain how she knew it, nor who taught it to her but if he said for her to kill him, she would unhappily oblige.
:: the spell hit him, his body shattered onto the floor, a hand came out of the ground, grabbing her ankle ::

Marco: "peek-a-boo!"

:: no matter what she did, he felt barely any pain and he just kept coming back out of the ground ::

Marco: "pretty cool, eh?"
Alec screamed at having her ankle touched and fell back on the ground, staring wide eyed at Marco before slowly nodding her head. "Yeah...s-sure."
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "take my hand..."

:: he offered his hand to help her up ::

Marco: "i'll give you this power if you want"
Taking his hand and standing up, Alec frowned before smacking him upside the head. "No thanks." She muttered, pretty done with almost having a heart attack every two seconds. Turning on her heel she mumbled something about a proper match as she started heading back to the one room to get changed.
:: Marco chuckled, going back to his room, gettin changed into his signature red and black suit and coming out, his hair was wet after the customary wash in the small basin ::

Marco: "man... i love this place"

:: after Alec comes out ::

Marco: "hey Alec, come with me, i'll show you around"
Back in her dark orange clothes and her moms lab coat, her hair tucked under her orange pumpkin pin witches hat, Alec stepped out only to be greeted by Marco. Nodding her head she kept her face blank, "alright..."
Vent finally managed to activate his Umbralus, the aura of wind whipping up as body became one with it. The tentacles suddenly fell apart, razor sharp wind blasts cutting through them like butter. Vent slowly got up.

..... Half an hour. She's gonna get it! He thought, returning to normal and falling into a portal.
:: Marco took her hand, and lifted her hat off ::

Marco: "a hat indoors is rude"

:: he lead her through the main gate, on both sides were thick scrolls :

Marco: "each one of these scrolls, has the soul of a previous master battlemage sealed in it... if this temple were ever to be attacked, even an army being lead by all the founders would be like nothing"

:: he pushed the door at the end of the hall open, inside were hundreds of monks, all meditating, all that could be heard was the faint crackling of the candle-flames and the soft breathing of the monks ::

Marco:"this is the chamber of the undreaming... "

:: he pointed at the black mass of shaddows in the air above the candles ::

Marco: "that creature... once thought of as a god... but its just a mass of power, it still requires great ammounts of prayers to keep in check"

:: he let his hand down, and closed the massive doors ::

Marco: "there is another one the size of a jumbo-jet beneath the Vatican... so, in a way... god is kinda real... but it's just a big mass of magical power"
"Depends on which gods you speak of." Alec said quietly. Looking back at the doors she tilted her head to the side slightly. "Dedication, I'm happy to find some people still have it." Holding out her hand to Marco to shake, she smiled faintly. "Thank you." After, her hand fell back to her side and she looked up before something on her beeped.

"Shit." She muttered, hands searching through her many pockets till she found a little spellphone which was beeping still. Opening it and snapping it shut, she stuck it back into her pocket. "May I ask something else of you?"
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco "okay, sure"

:: at the back of the hallway, a man in a black robe walked towards them ::

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