Ww - the coming storm

Hope caught Marco's Drusilla.

"..... Interesting choice in naming. Allow me to show you one of my techniques." Hope spat, reaching forward and grabbing Marco by the wrist.

Heaving forward, Hope threw Marco into the air. Leaping up, Hope's fist began to distort with power. Simply the force of the energy in his body caused time and space around his fist to bend. Hope quickly ascended higher than Marco as Marco continued to fly upwards, into Hope's cocked back fist. The swing of Hope's punch caused of sonicboom, and the space around his hand exploded into pure magical power. Marco was blasted through the floor, into the wine cellar. Hope, bleeding profusely, lit up in white light. His wounds were no more. He looked through the hole in the floor, down at Marco, laying in the growing puddle of broken cases of wine.

"...... Should have taken the bottle, and had a drink." Hope spat, returning to his chair.

"By the way, Marco," Hope yelled so Marco in the basement could still hear. "- Your God-Killer is no match for my Big-Bang Fist."
:: Marco groaned, looking down, to see a pole of wood sticking out from his torso ::

Marco"looks like my newest technique was needed after all"

:: his body hardened, his head fell off and crumbled, along with the rest of his body, 3 seconds passed, until Marco appeared behind Hope ::

Marco: "picked up that little trick from "the creeper""

:: Marco had an open palm, and in one great thrust, plunged it into Hope's torso, when he pulled ut out, his hand was missing, along with much of hope's power ::

Marco: "looks like you win this time, Hope"

:: he opened a scroll, his body began to flake away into petals made of blue light ::

Marco: "but next time... i'll butcher you"

:: his body was gone, but this was'nt the end of hope's troubled, as soon as marco left, the charges under the house detonated, blowing the foundations of the mansion, causing it to begin sinking inot the ground. ::

:: the Safe under the mansion with all of Hope's riches stored away, as well as many powerful artefacts were all destroyed in a second, wood splinters flew up as the roof came crashing down onto hope's head ::
sorry this took so long computer was down:

as vent flew towards him jet went to the ground and deactivated all forms of magic that he was using and yelled out "vent we need to stop"
Hope chuckled as his house crashed around him. He snapped his fingers just as a large metal beam hit him. Suddenly, everything stopped. Slowly, everything started to replace itself. Hope was rewinding time itself.

The mansion pit itself together, his power returned, his body healed, and his treasures and riches were safe. He continued chuckling as Marco was exempt from this rewind of time. Only himself and the mansion were affected at the moment. But Marco had still pressed the switch. As soon as Hope's time magic stopped, the C4 would detonate again..... Unless Hope willed it not to.

With another snap of his hand, Hope fingers glowed. An orb of light appeared around each of the C4 charges. Hope balled his hand into a fist, as if he was crushing something.

Instantly, all the C4 charges simply stopped existing.

Hope stopped chuckling, his grin growing wider.

"..... Once again, Marco, you have underestimated me, and overestimated yourself. Powerful as you are, I've taken a page from your book. Natural talent will always beat massive power. But when the two are combined, a god is born. When the power becomes limitless, the gods themselves are surpassed." Hope spoke, a one-way mental channel opened between him and Marco.

"...... And Marco," Hope continued. "Next time I won't be so lenient. All our past is forgotten as of this point. Meddle in my affairs again, and you WILL suffer." Hope spat before be broke the channel, sitting down in a chair in the foyer, picking up the bottle of wine Marco broke, whole again. He picked up his glass, poured a small amount, swirled it around, and sipped.

"....... Bitter." He said in a low tone, his platinum hair and light blue eyes glowing in the low light, a sinister grin on his face.


Vent stopped in midair, but did not deactivate his Voltus Umbralus.

"...... What do mean?" He spat, landing on the ground a little ways away from Jet, ready for anything.
After about five minutes of silence after the lecture, completely unaware that there had even just been a time influx or battle inside the mansion Borghen and her were at the very bottom of, Leslie stood up. "Offensive then, correct?" Looking at the cabinet again, of the weapons she now knew a lot about, she picked up something she had payed extra attention to. A pole arm with a hooked blade out of it(ergo scythe).

Twirling it about for a second as if it was just a simple colourguard rifle, she turned on Borghen, while swinging the unbladed half towards his feet. A bit off as to aim and timing, and concentrating hard, compared to when she was defending and moving unwillingly.


Alec stood up, "Steven, please, take good care of him, alright? If I come back, and see him in worse shape then before, well, you know what I can do." She grinned at him before draping her blanket over Joseph and ruffling his hair as a faint glow went over him for a second, a healing spell settled onto him.

Dissappearing, she reappeared, completely dry and looking a bit more on the pretty side with hair done up and a slightly 'fancy' dress. Setting foot onto Hope's drive, she took Meido's crystal into her hand and took a deep breath. Walking to the front door, she knocked quietly and waited.
Borghen nodded. He was impressed that already,after only a lecture that Leslie had gained some skill in handling weapons. Borghen had noticed the sudden interference in time,but concluded that it was Hope experimenting,and was not something to worry about. He donned his bladeshields,turned to Leslie,and said, "The scythe is quite the advanced weapon. It will be interesting to see how you handle it." Borghen was surprised by Leslie's sudden attack,and shuffled backwards. After stopping,he adopted his stance,by placing one bladeshield in front of him,and the other at his side.


Steven nodded grimly. Joseph was essentialy his pupil. Joseph,after getting draped by the blanket,and getting his hair toussled,smiled,and said, "We'll try...But no promises."
Leslie nodded her head. "Right." Taking a deep breath she switched in her hands in something that would have been graceful, if she hadn't clipped the back of her head with the butt end of it. Stumbling forward a bit, rubbing the top of her head she frowned. Taking on a more serious stance she adjusted her grip before moving her foot back, putting her weight on it and turning,bring the scythe with her aimed for Borghen's mid section.
Borghen simply lowered his front arm to block the blow,and then he brought his other arm in to grab the scythe's shaft. He grabbed it,and pulled hard,forcing Leslie off balance.


Joseph looked around,and saw the sorry state of the shelter. He stood up,and said, "Mind helping me make this place...Liveable?"

Steven nodded,and the two set to work.
Falling forward, Leslie pulled back against the blade, reversing the affect as she stood up straight, a feral look in her eye. Twisting the weapon out of Borghen's hand, bringing it around and aiming to smash the butt end into him.
Borghen whipped one arm behind him to block the strike with one shield,and brought his other shield down hard on the shaft of the weapon,hoping to break it.


Steven and Joseph looked at their handiwork. They made a small hut with a bonfire in the middle of it. They where exhausted,and covered in grime,but they didn't care. This was the product of three hours hard work. They went inside and promptly fell asleep on the blankets Alec had left for them.
The thing snapped in half with a lage jerk, making Leslie drop the thing. Frown deepening she kicked the thing out of the way, going into her normal standing still position while looking at Borghen. Eyes flicking over him, she smirked, actually smirked. "You weak in the knees..." It was an odd thing to state, but she droped down low and aimed a kick directly for his left knee, which appeared to be the weaker of the two.
Borghen stood his ground. Yes,his knees are a weak point. But they're a weak point on any humanoid with working knees. He was confident his knee guards,made of solid demonsteel,would hold. Leslie's foot connected with the kneeguard...

(OOC:esme,you decide what happens next!)
A sharp multi-cracking noise was heard throughout the room. Hitting the ground, Leslie curled up tight into the fetal position, holding her right leg which looked, from a little above the knee, to be completely setting wrong. Fighting back the urge to say some unproper words for a lady, she sucked in sharp breaths of air.

Though, on the spot where her leg had connected to Borghen's armour, there was a crack in the side of it, tiny, but still there.
Hope sighed, sipping on wine. He had just dealt with Marco, why were there more bugs crawling around his mansion?

An astral projection of Hope himself, glowing with a soft blue light appeared in front of Alec.

"..... What a surprise, Mrs. Deathlind. Whatever brings you to my humble abode?" It asked, bowing slightly to Alec.
Borghen immediately crouched down to splint Leslie's leg. He used his magic to produce two stone poles,and some cloth,and applied a tight splint. "Sadly,I know nothing of healing magics. Maybe Hope or someone under his employ does. Up you go..."

Borghen lifted Leslie off the ground,while ensuring the injured leg didn't move,and began to walk to the stairs.
"If you would be kind enough to allow, I would like to talk business with you." Alec said politely, curtsying in return to the projection.


Leslie squeaked slightly, the pain increasing as the splint was put on though it didn't spike any higher. Biting her lip hard she kept silent, letting Borghen do what he was doing without objection.
:: Marco shimmered into view back at the school ::

Marco"bloody hell, that hope guy really is tough but still..."

:: he glanced at his hand, looking at some of the scars on his hand ::

Marco: "still, not as tough as the blood-god"
With a flash, the projection of Hope disappeared, and Alec would find herself sitting in the same chair Marco had been not even an hour before.

Hope, sitting across the table from her, drank his wine.

"...... And that buisness would entail?" He asked, looking skeptical.
Not even surprised at the change in scenery, Alec crossed her legs as she spoke in a business manner, "It would entail you gaining Meido's power, all of it. Never having me fight against you, or helping anyone else who is again, even healing them. Yes, that does include Vent. Hell, you won't ever have to see me again, if you want it to be so." Alec took a breath, her eyes locked onto Hope's. "All i would like, is the soulstone's use for a short period of time."
Hope's eyes twinkled for a second.

"..... That is a very..... Generous offer, Alec." He said, almost licking his lips. His hand lifted for a second, before it lowered back down.

"But I cannot accept." He spat, a sinister grin on his face.

"Quite frankly, Miss Deathlind," Hope continued, getting more formal after nearly losing his sophisticated attitude, "I like knowing who my enemies are. And, why would I allow you to tamper with the most important aspect of my plan in exchange for a minor one, when I could simply take the minor one any time I wanted? Your 'buisness'makes no buisness sense to me."
"It was a mere flicker of hope, I suppose. I also wasn't intending on messing you plan, I was planning on giving the soul stone back, as well as a few items of good faith that I can easily locate for you. But I suppose, not even that will help my case. " Alec sighed, her eyes looking down for a moment, in thought. "You know, I've never really considering you an enemy...on of his yes, but not one of mine."
Hope chuckled.

"Your petty attempts at bending my will are saddening. I truly thought you were the smart one, Miss Deathlind. Vent seems to be incapable of thought, and Marco's pride prevents him from thinking clearly. I thought you were better than that...... But I appear, for once, to be wrong." Hope spat with near distain.

He sighed, rubbing his temples for a second.

Then he grinned sinisterly.

"..... I however, have something YOU want." He added.
"I would firstly like to state, I am not trying to bend your will. I came here in pure hope of having a shot of gaining something to help my take revenge on a demon that has been around a little too long." Alec shrugged before looking at Hope, raising an eyebrow. "Would you now?"
Hope sighed.

"You even looking at the Soulstone is against my will at this point. See the logical conclusion, you trying to bend my will?"

Tapping his fingers, he broke eye contact with Alec, and gazed out the large window. The starry sky was quite beautiful.

"....... When was the last time you saw your brother?" Hope asked quite innocently, still gazing out the window.
"I see, my mistake." Alec said before her eyes narrowed in deep suspicion. Keeping this conversation civil, while her nails dug into her palms, she answered, "Two years ago." There was a deep sadness underlining her words.

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