Ww - the coming storm

Vent scowled again, still holding Alec.

"..... Then why don't I believe you?" He asked firmly.


Hope grinned.

"Good, 'cause I know this great restaurant downtown." He said, thinking of the scene where he invited Alec and Vent to lunch, and reveled in the memories. He was so much more powerful now than then. And even back then, he'd been more than a match for that scum.
"You tell me." Alec said, eye twitching.


Leslie's smile faltered a bit, she really didn't know what the place was that he had just said, she had never been inside one, to say the least, sure, her 'family' had talked about them when they left, but she didn't really know what there were talking about. And she had known better than to ask. Figuring it would be rude to how little she knew about it though, she nodded her head.
Vent kept on scowling.

"C'mon, what happened? I'll tell you about my recent adventure. After Meido chewed me out, I went back to Chicago, and of course, trouble comes looking for me. ANOTHER demon. Of course. Hence the burns. I didn't even win. I beat a quick retreat. Now, tell me about what's obviously bugging you." He ranted.


Hope sighed.

"C'mon, it'll be fun, trust me." He said, snapping his fingers, an orb of blue light surrounding him. He held out his hand to Leslie, motioning for her to step into the orb.
Alec pushed away from him. "Nothing happened." She barked, stepping back into the camp as a crack of lightening crashed down a while away, fire blazing up from it. She looked at Vent for a second before shaking her head, her eyes seemingly apologizing for something as she kicked off into the air onto her signature board going to go fix what she had caused. She knew that the storm was feeding off of her emtion, after all, it had unleashed when she let herself get too screwed up. She knew that the lightening had struck because she was getting angry.

Flying through the sky towards the fire that had sprung up, she outstretched her left hand, rain drops forming around it in a large orb.


Leslie bit her lip for a second, a bit afraid to step onto her leg despite knowing it was fine. Taking in a shaky breath she stood, meeting Hope and lightly grasping his hand.
Vent's Umbralus markings shone fiercely.

"Aquinas." He spat, sighing.

It started to rain. The entire area was covered in spitting rain. Vent sighed, and sat down in it, his burns healing slowly the wetter he got. He shook his head as Alec did whatever she was doing. If she didn't wanna tell him, he didn't care. He looked at the stone he still clutched.

"Meido....." He said, staring at the stone intently. Was it really his now? This was..... Unexpected. What would he do with it?
Hope grinned as they were instantly transported to the restaurant's front doors. Nobody in sight, Hope walked into the front doors, letting go of Leslie's hand as motioned for her to follow.
Alec sighed as the rain got worse. Narrowing her eyes she shot the jet blast of water from her palm after drawing a pentagram in the air at the fire. Watching it get put out, she felt a bit better. Staying up in the air, she layed on the board, letting herself get soaked as she watched the sky darken and lighten at the same time. "I wish i could tell you...but i know you'd end up hating me for it."


Leslie nodded her head, a small smile and blush on her face the whole time. Following behind him she kept silent, a bit confused in general. but happy none the less...
Vent shook his head.

"You never know anything for sure." He said, closing his eyes as the rain slowly stopped, his markings losing their glow. He looked somewhat healed, but not perfectly.


Hope nodded to the waiter at the door, who immediately smiled, and brought them to a reserved table, a basket of baguettes and a bottle of wine on the table. Hope grinned as he picked up a baguette, sat down, and tore a piece off, popping it in his mouth.
Alec sighed as another lightening strike went past her, missing and thankfully not causing any damamge. "I know this one..."


Leslie sat down across from him, hands folded polietly in her lap as she looked around in silent wonder at this place.
Vent scowled.

"Bullshit. You can't know how I'll react to anything." He said, now slightly peeved. "Just tell me already!"


Hope called for a waiter, and asked for a bowl of shrimp and some juice to start. When the waiter had left, he looked over at Leslie.

".... This is your first time in a restaurant, isn't it?" He asked, chuckling.
Alec sat up on her board, shaking water off hair. "I wanted to give Hope meido...I went there, thinking i could trade it for a days use of the soul stone .He told me he was going to hurt Xavier. I walked away, both from him and the last person in my family I knew is alive...Vent, I..." She growle,d mad as hell at herself and the storm opened up again, water coming down in large fast droplets quickly making the ground start to fill with water.
Vent scowled. He clenched the Meido stone even tighter now.

Suddenly, he was behind Alec, his arms around her.

"...... We'll fix this. I've had enough of him. Enough of Innos. Enough of everything threatening us." Vent spat, hisUmbralus marks shining with golden light from their black shapes. The Meido stone in his hand stated to shine as well.
"Y-yes it is." Leslie said, face going red.


Alec's eyes widdened. "What are you doing?" She asked wiggling,She wasn't going to break her promise just to please him.
Vent held her tight.

"I'm gonna beat both of them down. Hope first, then that bastard Innos. Just watch me." He said almost gently, the Meido stone being absorbed into his body, his Umbralus markings twisting and wriggling on his skin. They seemed to be transforming.


Hope chuckled.

"Well, when the man comes back, tell him what you'd like to eat. Simple as that." He explained, taking another bite of the baguette.
Alec closed her eyes for a second, "No, Vent. Just No."


Leslie nodded her head.
Vent growled.

"And why not? You think I can't do it?" He spat while letting go, and backing up a few steps.


As the waiter came back, Hope put on a more formal air.

"What would you like, sir?" The waiter asked, polite and concise, while putting down the shrimp and juice.

"A rare steak, with your house's mushroom sauce on it, and a side of green beans." Hope rolled off his toungue.

"And for the lady?" The waiter asked, turning to Leslie.
"I know you can do it. I do, I just....." Alec was near tears as her hands tightened. "I just don't want you to get hurt, okay" She almost yelled at him.


Leslie blinked a few times, not really sure, a bit nervous she looked down. "Whatever you wish..." She said.
Vent actually laughed.

It wasn't mean, or a chuckle, but a full blown, real laugh. He feel good, just laughing.

"..... Fat chance of that, Alec. But I won't die. That, I can promise." He said, his Umbralus marks settling down, looking like the original Meido marks had been integrated into them.


The waiter had a strange face on, and looked a Hope.

Hope just shook his head and shrugged.

The waiter smiled, and looked back at Leslie.

".... Actually, Miss. It's whatever YOU wish." He explained, patience and undertandijf in his voice. Hope just grinned as the waiter waited for a response.
Alec puffed out her cheeks, "Not good enough." She said stubbornly.


Leslie's face went dark red. "I'm sorry, I really don't know." She looked at Hope with big eyes, she really didn't know and was very uncomfortable at that moment.
Vent's face went back to his trademark grin.

".... I guess that's too bad, isn't it?" He asked, looking at the new markings.


Hope sighed.

"She'll have what I'm having." He said to the chuckling waiter. The waiter nodded in turn, and left the two alone again.

As soon as the waiter left, Hope grinned.

"Smooth." He said, handing Alec a baguette from the basket.
"No, it isn't. Your staying here and that's that." Alec said.


Leslie's face went the darkest shade of red possible. "S-sorry..." Deny the bread she sat there looking down at her lap, feeling very stupid.
Vent's grin took on a dangerous quality, daring and bold.

"..... And who's gonna stop me? Meido?" He asked laughing, flexing one of his arms with the combined Meido-Umbralus markings.


Hope chuckled.

"It's fine, Leslie. You didn't know, but now you do. You won't make the same mistake again, right?" He asked, poking her forehead with the baguette.
"I will." Alec said, "I'll tie you to a tree if I have too." Her arms folded across her chest.


"R-right..." Leslie said squeaking slightly as she poked.
Vent rolled his eyes.

"I'm fed up with these megalomaniac freaks trampling all over my world, my friends, and me. I'll get them. And not even you can stop me." Vent said, relaxing, still grinning.


Hope sighed again.

"You're quite easily embarrassed, huh?" He asked, putting down the bread.
Alec rolled her shoulder's back. "Is that so?" She cracked her knuckles." You wanna test that?"


Leslie nodded her head. "I'm not used to things like this. It makes me feel out of place and nervous so when I mess up...."

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