Ww - the coming storm

Hope's instructions were clear.

'Eradicate it. If it proves troublesome, go upstairs, and into the room to the left of my study.'
Borghen said, "Affirmative,sir. Consider it done."

Borghen drew his zweihander,and approached the beast. It turned around,and roarded mightily,with its foul breath wafting over Borghen. Borghen didn't break stride,knowing that this was a display of Alpha Male power. When he was ten feet away,Borghen charged at the beast,and tried to slash at its arm.

The massive beast,however,was surprisingly nimble,and easily avoided the slash. It quickly brought its arm down,and pounded its fist into Borghen's chest,lifting him bodily,and throwing him a good thirty feet,with a massive dent in the chestplate.

Borghen was stunned. This monster had effortlessly avoided his strike,and dealt a serious blow to him,all in one fluid movement. He got up,and said to Hope, "Please tell me it's a gun you have up there..."
Hope chuckled, the first noticeable physical reaction he displayed.

'Not a gun. I have to cut you loose. Deal with it.' He finished, retuning his full attention to Leslie.
Borghen sighed in dismay,and sheathed his sword. He dashed around the corner,with the thing on his tail. He barreled up the grand stairs,and into Hope's study,and opened the door that adjoined to the left side of the room.
A small, cute girl sat on the bed in the pink decorated room, the room Borghen had opened. She opened her shining green eyes, and shook her messy platinum hair. Sincerity Astrumregis, Hope's little sister, had awakened.

She saw Borghen, but recognized his energy as someone Hole let stay he was a friend. But that nasty monster thingy behind him wasn't a friend. She scowled, puffing out her cheeks. As the beast swung at Borghen again, a powerful shield of magic sprang up around him, knocking the creature back. Sincerity smiled, and waved at Borghen.
Borghen's jaw hung open,underneath the visor. How could such a small girl possess such awesome power? He drew his longsword,and leapt onto the beast's chest,and said, "Let's make this quick,eh? I'm certain this young lady would appreciate it." He was unaware if the beast understood,but it was quickly gaining it's composure,and was bringing its arms in to crush Borghen. He quickly drove the blade through the beasts forehead and into the brain.

Or,at least,he TRIED to.

The blade bounced off,and the beasts arms were upon him.
Sincerity poured again, and suddenly, the beast's arms stopped in midair, struggling against an unseen force. Sincerity looked strained as well, and looked at Borghen pleadingly.

"I can't kill. I need others to do so." She said in a cute, but strained at the moment voice.
Borghen was awestruck again. This girl possessed incredible power. He nodded,and quickly complied. He drew his zweihander,the longsword now out of reach,and drove the blade into the thing's chest,and twisted. The beast roared deafeningly,with it's rank breath filling the air,and blood mixing with it's spittle. The body gave a violent jerk,then it fell limp.

Borghen sheathed the sword and leapt backwards off of it,then retrieved and sheathed his longsword. He looked at Sincerity,bowed deeply,and said,"Thank you very much. My name is Borghen,comrade to Hope. May I know your name?"
Sincerty giggled.

"I'm Sincerity Astruwmwegis." She said, not saying her last name right. If Hope had been there, his eye would have twitched. "I'm big-bro Hopey's little sister. We have the same daddy, but Hopey says we have different mommys. I don't care, Hopey takes care of me. What's your name?" She asked adorably.
Sighing again, Alec giggled lightly. "You know, he does seem like the type who would want revenge..." Sighing once more, Alec slowly started to fall asleep after giving a yawn. "But, he does have the point of needing sleep..." Another yawn, this time, one of her arms going over Vent's midsection holding him there, like she was afraid he was going to leave.


Leslie nodded her head slowly. "S-sorry, Sir." Being careful to actually eat properly, she smiled slightly. "Why are you so terribly nice to someone like me, I mean, I showed up yesterday in the rain looking like a rag doll, " And still do, come to think of it... "And such a high class person like you just lets me stay and then is so nice like this, I just, I don't get it...." It was the first time she had spoken to him that much and without stuttering. Though, it was true, she was used to being abused by people like him, not treated like she had grown up with the same background and on friendly levels.
Borghen chuckled. She was cute. "I'm Borghen. I serve your brother as his soldier,and general to local forces. I'm also training another girl here to defend herself from mean people,and maybe to protect others from mean people,too."
Vent's face tightened for a second. He rolled his eyes.

"There goes my escape." He said, chuckling.


Hope sighed.

"I saw potential in you." He said frankly, shrugging. "Borghen saw it as well. That's why I asked you to take the demon soul. I needed someone to test the idea, and you're doing fine so far." He finished with a smile. Taking another bite of steak, Hope swallowed quickly, thinking of something else to say.

".... And I could feel an aura of..... Sadness from you. I figured you deserve to be happy." He added.


Sincerity smiled as well. She hopped up onto Borghen's shoulder from the bed, quite a leap. She settled in, finding a perfect spot to sit on his armor.

"Take me for a ride, Borghenny!" She yelled, giggling like the four year old she was.
"No duh..." Alec muttered before fully falling asleep.


Leslie tilted her head to the side. "I was sad?" She frowned for a second, thinking on it. Tired and sick yeah, but was she sad? Eating a little bit more of her food she stayed quiet thinking that over.
Borghen chuckled sheepishly. This girl is going to drive him insane...

He held onto her ankles,and began jogging around the manor,hoping to keep her happy. During the jog,he sent a message to Hope, "Your sister's...Exuberant,to say the least."
Vent sighed, and fell asleep himself.


Hope shrugged again.

"It's what I felt. It wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong." He said, taking a rather large bite of his steak.

He ignored Borghen's message, leaving him to his sister's mercy. He was grinning sinisterly on the inside.


Sincerity giggled the whole time. She was throughly enjoying herself at this point.

"Faster! Take me into the basement, I wanna play down there!" She asked Borghem.
Borghen complied,and went faster. He taken the longest route possible to the basement,while trying desperately to use his rather minute magic power to get rid of all the mess down there remotely.

If he could sweat,he'd be soaked.
"No..." Leslie said after a few moments. "I think your right, I'm too stupid to notice things like that..." Her frown deepened, thinking back on it more, she could see a bit of sadness in it, but she could have sworn before she was happy just to be alive, but now that Hope had said that, it all seemed a lot more bleak.
Sincerity giggled.

"This is fun, Borghenny!" She squealed, ignoring the basement entirely, deciding to play with Borghen's helmet instead. She was fascinated by the design.


Hope sighed.

"You have a very agreeable personality." He stated, smiling.
:: Marco, and the other battlemages leapt through the trees, blending into the shaddows pefectly ::

Sensor "stop"

:: they all came to a halt ::

Sensor: "i recomend 15 take the east flank, Marco and Cassidy take the north, the rest cause a rockslide on the south-west cliff"

All: "right"

: they took possitions, Marco could see Faith, and his forces easily ::

:: he made the hand-singnals, and the rockslide was triggered, causing over 400 tonnes of hard rocks to come tumbling toward Hope's forces ::
"I was raised to be that way." Leslie said, thinking it was a good thing as she smiled back, bouncing slightly in her seat as she had a sudden flash of joy go through her at the compliment.
Hope smiled too, but raised an eyebrow.

"It's good to be agreable, but you should know what you want too. You know?" He responded, taking another bite of his steak.
"But I don't want anything." Leslie stated simply, her bouncing decreasing a bit as she became a bit disappointed in herself. Focusing on eating, she made weird faces not meaning to, just doing it every time she went to cut the meat.
Hope rolled his eyes.

"Well, that's something you can figure out, isn't it?" He stated, waiting for Leslie to finish her steak.
"No, I mean, I literally want nothing. I was raised without it, so I don't see the need for stuff. I guess, if i was to want anything, it'd be something stupid to most people, ya know?" Leslie said, setting down her fork and leaning back in the chair.
Borghen reached the basement,and it was still in a sorry state. He sighed,and said, "Sorry about the mess. I was training my apprentice,Leslie,in self defence." When Serenity started to tug at his helmet,he raised one arm,and gently puller her arms away from it. "I'm sorry,but I don't think you'd like to see my face."


A man,known as Pierre LeBlanc,was seated by a bistro in the heart of Paris,France. He was enjoying a cup of Earl Grey tea,when he spotted his quarry.

Ricardo Maximillian.

He left the money for the drink on the table,and discreetly followed him down the street.

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