Ww - the coming storm

Vent chuckled.

"And just how are you gonna do this?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets. He knew Alec was smarter than him by a long shot, but in a fight like this, a brawled like him had the advantage. Not to mention henwas miles above her in terms of pure power. He shook his head.

"No can't beat me. No way in Hell."


Hope smiled.

"Here's a tip. Even when you've messed up, keep on gout like you haven't. So long as you come out on top in the end." He explained, awaiting his steak.
"Funny, I've been there. I think I have a chance." Alec said as she stood up on her board a pentagram appearing underneath her. She dissappeared seconds later, "You may be strong" SHe muttered appearing behind him before dissappearing again, appearing below him staring up. " You may be fit to fight." She was right in front of him them, "But your no match for me." She muttered before grabbing hold of his head firmly and kissing him. "Vent, I love you, and I don't want you doing this. Please..." She whispered.


Leslie nodded her head, "But what if your not going to end up on top?"
Vent was stunned. He had actually been expecting a fight.

".......... Wha....." He let out, staring into Alec's eyes, completely broken.


Hope actually looked intrigued.

".... You do everything and everything to make sure you come out on top. But that's impossible, you surrender with honor." He said, feeling that was the right course of action after one had truly lost.
"Please?" Alec pleaded, her eyes showing nothing but love and hurt as she looked back into Vent's.


Leslie nodded her head and smiled faintly. "You know many things, don't you Sir?" Her head tilted to the side like a child's might when asking a parent a question they already knew the answer too, but still wanted to hear it anyway.
Vent opened his mouth, and closed it quickly. He did it again, and again.

He sighed.

"..... Fine. For now." He spat, pretending to be angry, but then grinned, unable to hold it very long. His eyes were inexplicably drawn to Alec's lips as he shook his head.
Alec sighed in relief, hugging him tightly and not letting go. "Thank you."
Vent hugged Alec back, but clenched a fist behind her back as he held her.

"..... I want to fight." He whispered in her ear.


Hope grinned.

"I'm not all that smart." He said, rubbing the back of his head. "Just most other people aren't all that bright."
"I know. " Alec said grinning darkly, before pushing away from Vent and kicking him in the face. "I still want to prove I can kick you ass."


Leslie nodded her head, "But you are, Sir. I'd say an IQ of 200. " She smiled widely at him, for some reason, she felt that in an old book she was always read as a little kid, he was like a real life Finny.
Vent growled.

"Not you, stupid!" He yelled, before rubbing his cheek, and breaking out into uncontrollable laughter. He fell to the ground, holding his sides, almost crying.


Hope shook his head.

"Not even 200. I actually don't know...." He stated, now wondering.
Alec shrugged. "My thought doesn't change in the least." She stood above him for a second before pressing her foot on him. "Come on..."


Leslie shrugged. "Most likely on that high end though."
Vent sighed.

"I don't wanna fight you." He said simply, putting his hands behind his head while lying on the ground.


Hope shook his head.

"I doubt it. I'm really not THAT smart." He said, grinning.
"Fine then." Alec said, humphing. "By the way, how much do you still like being tickled?"


Leslie shrugged. "Well, it would only make sense that you are Sir, I mean, your powerful, handsome, doesn't brains go along with it?"
Vent sighed.

"..... I wouldn't mess with the guy who just absorbed Meido's essence. And besides, I doubt you like being tickled much either." He said, looking at his markings again, impressed with how they looked. The Meido-Umbralus markings would probably prove invaluable soon enough.


Hope chuckled, going slightly pinkish.

"It takes a truly smart man to know when he's not smart enough. So, in way, you're right, Leslie." He said, taking great interest in the bread all of a sudden.
"I know what meido can do, dear." Alec said folding her arms as she tackled him and began tickling him. "After all, I'm it's true master..." She winked at him.


Leslie smiled faintly, and returned to looking around the place.
Vent braced himself, and rolled onto Alec instead, trying to tickle her.

"How's this?" He asked, in between gasps of breath and laughter.
Alec started snickering, "Just fine." Pushing on him she rolled them back over again so she was on top once again.
Vent stopped trying to tickle Alec, and just put his arms around her.

"...... I love you too." He said, his face going completely red.


Hope perked up as the waiter came back with the two plates of steak in mushroom sauce. Hope grinned.
Alec smiled at him. "Mhm." She muttered. "I know." Laying down next to him, without shaking off his arms she sighed.


Leslie raised an eyebrow, turning back to look at the waiter and smiling. Thanking him, she waited for Hope to start on his first, being polite.
Joseph was trying to sleep in the hut,but he couldn't;Alec and Vent were making too much noise. He stuck his head out the door,and shouted, "Oi! I'm trying to get some sleep here! If you're going to do that,then keep it quiet,or wait till we're at a hotel or something! Jesus!"
Vent sighed, his arms around Alec.

"..... Hehe, you just sighed. I've infected you." He said chuckling, closing his eyes and throughly relaxing.

He simply ignored Joseph completely at this point in time.


Hope had a cut a piece off, and was about to put it in his mouth, but stopped. He set the fork down, and smiled.

"..... You first. I get to eat this all the time. I wanna know what you think before I have even one more bite." He said, waiting for Leslie now.
"That you have..." She muttered, before her face went red at what Joseph said. Frowning, her finger traced a pentagram on the side of her leg carefully, before a bucket appeared over Joseph's head and dumped ice water on him. Smiling, she curled into Vent's side and stayed there.


Leslie rubbed her arm lightly, feeling very nervous. Why was it he did that to her? Around Borghen she was fine, but Hope, she had no idea, it was like she reverted back into the small child she had been back then. Smiling lightly, she looked at the food before cutting a tiny piece and popping it in her mouth. Not really tasting it as she had swallowed rather fast, she smiled. "It's good."
Vent snapped his fingers, a small burst of electricity shooting from his fingertips towards Joseph, who was covered in water. Only enough voltage to sting for a minute, Vent felt satisfied that he wouldn't spout any smartass comments in the near future. With a grin as Alec curled in closer, Vent gazed into the sky, the one constant in his world.

Besides Alec, it seemed.....


Hope sighed, and took his bite, chewing slowly and swallowing.

"Will you actually taste it now?" He asked, an eyebrow raising.
Joseph sputtered as he spat water out of his mouth,and was about to shout something else when he got hit with a static discharge,which caused violent muscle spasmy,collapsing him to the ground. When he got up,he shouted, "Very funny!" And he stalked off inside the hut,and fell asleep.


Borghen was patrolling the inside of the manor. He constantly used telepathy to check in with the patrols outside. On his last check though...

"Team Alpha?" "Nada." "Team Bravo?" "Jack shit." "Team Charlie?" Silence.

"Team Charlie? What is your status!? Respond immediately!"

Still silence.

He rushed to the foyer,and burst out through the doors. He swept from right to left,and spotted something very wrong.

There was a VERY large hole in the property wall. About twelve feet in all directions. "Not good."
Hope, in the middle of lunch with Leslie, felt a disturbance.

'Borghen, what's wrong?' He asked, no change on his facial expression. Leslie wouldn't even notice he was telepathically speaking to Borghen.
Borghen responded immediately,now following a trail of large simian like footprints,with three digit fist prints,around a corner of the manor, "Team Charlie went out of contact. In the property wall,opposite the main doors,theres a twelve foot squared hole. I'm investigating large,gorilla like tracks now."

He rounded the corner,and swept from right to left,and saw a sight straight out of Lovecraftian horror.

The ground on this side of the manor was carpeted in the blood of what could only be assumed to be Team Charlie,and their remains. In the middle of it was a large,tusked beast,easily fiting the profile of the hole.

Borghen immediately told Hope every detail he could about the creature,and it's prints,as well as the carnage it wrought,and added, "What's your call,sir?"

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