Ww - the coming storm

In the middle of the forest, near where two wizards slept inside a thrown together shelter, a little girl's crying could be heard. Sitting on a rock about 5 meters away, and just barely out of sight, the blond child who looked to be about 6 maybe 7 had her faced buried into the fur of a pink little ragged thing, sobbing.

In the trees higher up, and invisible, another little child, a boy, who had a pendant around his neck with the symbol of nightrise. Next to him and older teen sat perfectly still with eyes closed in concentration, waiting to spring the trap she was told she had to.
Joseph shot upright. He listened,and immediately recognised the crying to belong to a child. He immediately conjured a C6 rifle,and three magazines. If you're going into the field,you might as well take everything...

He shook Steven violently to wake him up,but was swatted off.

Sighing,he stepped out of the hut,and shouted,

"You! Identify yourself! This is private property! Respond immediately! I am armed!"

He brought his gun to bear,and scanned the area from right to left.
The crying stopped for a second, the little blonde raising her head. "H-hello?" She squeaked out, voice strained from all the crying. Pulling the stuffed animal closer she sat there staring around, to afraid and upset to move.
Joseph,still wary,didn't lower the rifle,and he aimed at the source. "I am Corporal Joseph Ray of the Canadian Armed Forces! Identify yourself immediately,or I will open fire!"
The child sniffled, sliding off the rock after looking up and seeing the boy nodd his head. Going towards the camp, the other two's eyes trained on her, she stepped into the camp and into Joseph's sight. Looking at her, he could see she was dirty, cold, and was poorly prepared to be in the woods as she only had a white sundress on, no jacket or shoes. Sniffling again, tears filling her eyes, she stared at him.
Joseph was visibly surprised to see the girl in this sorry state. However,he was still suspicious. He could...Feel something. He just couldn't put his finger on what.

"Halt! Final warning! Identify yourself!"
The girl hugged her stuffed toy closer half hiding behind the tree, "E-edith...."
She trembled slightly and held up two fingers. In the tree, the boy cursed her silently.
The boy whispered something to the older one who nodded. Picking up the boy after apologizing quietly and painlessly slicing up the side of his leg. Jumping out of the tree and landing lightly, the older carried the boy and stood next to Edith, watching the man with blank eyes, while the boy pretending to be passed out.

Edith smiled faintly at them opting to stand behind the older rather than the tree. "If you wouldn't mind. Please put your gun down sir. Your scaring her." The older said completely monotone.
Joseph examined them.

"First,empty all pockets and throw your weapons to the ground,in between us. Then put down the body and step back. I need to examine it,as a medic"
Edith looked up at the older one who nodded her head. Gently setting down the boy as best as she could, the older pulled out a small journal and a leather bag which looked empty as it layed perfectly flat. Chucking them towards the ground in the middle, she folded her arms over her chest. The boy clearly had nothing he could use on him in his current state, and Edith sniffled again and set her bunny down.
Joseph nodded,and unsheathed his bayonet,then fastened it into the bracket under the barrel. He moved to the body,still aiming at the two that stepped back.

Once he reached the body,Joseph searched the boy. He saw the wound on the leg,and instantly saw it was very fresh. He also noticed the pendant,but the sigil was unfamiliar to him. But,he noticed one very crucial thing very quickly.

He leapt back,and said, "Get up and join the other two. Disarm yourself and empty your pockets. You two,throw the knife aside."
The boy grinned standing up, "Your rather perceptive Joseph." Standing next to Edith he stuck his hands in his pockets pulling them inside out before he grabbed Edith's arm as she grabbed her bunny. "Lucinda. We are moving to step 23 on the AT directions. Carry out 76 on GW and meet at the rondevu point in 30 minutes." Seconds later, Lucinda was alone, one hand pointed back to where the children had been. Dropping it back down to her side, she sighed. "You shouldn't have done that..."
Joseph growled in anger,but he kept his cool,otherwise.

"What's going on?"

He pointed his rifle at the person's chest;an instant killshot if she resisted...Unless she wore a ballistic vest.
"Assimilation." Lucinda said shrugging. "I have to offer you a choice. It seems. " Leaning to the side, a pole sprng up out of thin air. Raising an eyebrow in an attempt to look bored. "So, Joseph Ray. Would you care to join us back at our base to discuss your future of your own free will, or shall I drag you back?"
Joseph scoffed.

"Sounds like a Hobson's Choice to me. How about you tell me who the hell you people are,so I can make an informed decision?"

A loud click came from the gun. He telekeneticaly pulled the charging pin,and was now ready to fire if need be.
"Henry would have to tell you that, I'm afraid I can only tell you what my orders were." Lucinda said simply, "Please refrain from foul language as well. It's offending."
Joseph was getting angry.

"Tell me your orders. Now."

He subtly adjusted his aim to her most visible thigh.
"To offer you your options and to bring you back to base GW. After taking them out of harms way of course." Lucinda said not noticing the change in what Joesph did.
"They didn't ask for more than you. I'm afraid I can't accept that." Lucinda said before sighing again and standing up straight.
Joseph sighed. He won't enjoy this,but it's nessecary. He fired at the woman's thigh,with the single bullet burying itself in her thighbone,immediately downing her and immobilizing her. The sound of the gunshot woke Steven up,who immediately stuck his head out the hut,and saw Joseph. He got to Joseph,who was already hogtying the woman with his shirt,and already had the wound tied off with a piece of his jeans.

"What the hell's gotten into you!?"

"She wanted to bring me in for 'assimilation',whatever that means."

"You didn't have to SHOOT her!"

"Actually,I did. It was either go willingly,or go unconcious. I chose to keep her as insurance."

Steven sighed in frustration,and helped carry the woman to the hut. "Did you search her?"

Joseph leaned down and picked up the discarded items,and replied, "No. But we'll be doing a strip and full cavity search once we get her in a secure location. I don't want any surprises."

Steven raised an eyebrow. "Overkill,much?"

"If it's worth doing,it's worth overdoing."
Lucinda gasped and started squirming about, not so much phased by the pain so much as the lack of ability to move. Twitching her finger a small knife like thing started cutting around the binds tieing her still.


Ricardo's eye twitched slightly as he walked through the throng of people...something felt wrong.

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