Ww - the coming storm

Lucinda's eyes widened in pain as she bit back a scream of pain before everything went fuzzy. Heading swaying a bit, she fell over completely blacked out.


Alec raised an eyebrow after wincing a bit, placing a hand over the wound as faint green went from her hand onto the leg with a little healing magic. "it's not perfect but it shouldn't get infected now at least..." She frowned. "Now, given the responses before that, something is wrong with her....how did she act to you?"

Turning back and looking at Vent she smiled faintly. "Appearently, Joseph had a little run in with a few people and caught this one..."


Leslie nodded her head, following behind Hope silently.
Joseph thought back. "She's almost like...I dunno. A blank,is the best description. Monotone,and has no grasp of emotion,by the looks of it. I don't even think she knows the particulars of what she's here to do in the first place."
"Right..." Alec sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose before holding her hand out, a stack of books appeared, all where magic medical books. handing half, all of those being the smaller books, to Joseph, she sat down on the ground with the larger ones and began flipping thorugh them. "Look for anything having to do with her 'problems' anything at all. If it's in here, it's reversable and we can figure out what actually happened."
Joseph nodded,and began to thumb through the pages,scanning them for key words,such as "Amnesia",and "PTSD" or "Lobotomy". He quickly exhausted all the books,but one. It was entitled "The Arcane and it's Effects on the Human Mind; A Beginner's Guide"

Upon reading it's introduction,he realized that this book is filled with information relevant to this. He tapped Alec's arm,and said, "Jackpot?"


Pierre surfaced in front of a hospital in Moscow,and temporarily stopped time in a three kilometer radius. He walked in,and easily hacked the system. He quickly found Steven's file,and it told him what he already knew. "Died in treatment...Horseshit. Vladamir shot him,yes,but that wench revived him...If I remember,Alphonse saw him in Chicago..."

Pierre sunk into the ground,and time resumed as if nothing had happened.
Alec looked over, having no luck in any of hers before smiling. "Joseph you are simply delightful." Taking the book and speed reading it in under thirty seconds she grinned. "So..." She handed the book back, select pages already marked for him to look over. "What do we do with her then....." She mused aloud.
He reviewed the symptoms. "Ragged iris...Emotionless...Mindlessly obedient...Minute eye activity...Sweet mother of god,she was wiped!"
"bad too. maybe more than once?" Alec said, though posed as a question. Shaking her head she frowned. "Why though....that's what i want to know..."
Joseph reviewd the book again. "Repeatedly. Rapid succession. Her brain is like Sunday's eggs. Judging by her company,I'm willing to bet she was wiped so she could act as an unwavering bodyguard,or servant for the kids. I don't want to know what else they could do...They seemed rather self sufficient."
"right....and one was carrying an old night rise symbol..." Alec sighed. "Think we could change it back?"
Joseph thought it over. "I wouldn't reccomend it. There are two possibilities,according to the book. Either she'll be brain dead,or shell be reverted to an unthinking,beastial monstrosity. Would you want her to become an animal,or worse,a vegetable?"
Alec laughed. "I remember back when I said something like that to my mom. I'll tell you exaclty what she told me. Books are a collection of what is written to be true. So if you want something to work a certain way ,You just have to be the one to write it in there."
Joseph glared at Alec. There was no humour in them. "For the most part,books are safe. Once you know,you can experiment."
"Books lie." Alec said simply in return, in an almost cold voice. "Now, would you be so kind as to step outside with Steven and make sure he stays calm...."

Turning away from him, she started drawing pentagrams in the air, various magic items of healing and strength appearing in the air around the woman, all making a larger pentagram out of items, with five light green candles as the star points.
Sighing deeply, Alec sat down next to the lady, placing one hand over the heart, the other over the head. Her mouth silently forming the chinese words for the five points. Fire. Water. Earth. Air. Heart. A large flash of light came into being followed by smaller flashes as Alec continued with the spell. Mingling with the flashes of lights was screaming.
Steven smiled devilishly when he heard the screaming. "I think Alec agrees with me." "Shut up,or I'll casturate you and choke you with your own testicles. I'm gonna check out what's going on."

He walked in,with his mouth open and questions on his tounge,but they died before they could leave his mouth,upon seeing what Alec was doing. He stood there,mouth agape,staring. He had no clue as to what was going on.
As lucinda screamed bloody murder, Alec kept her still very simply as the candles one by one went out. After five more minutes of an intensive healing spell. Alec let go of her, and let her lay there on the ground breathing deeply eyes unfocused and not really there. STanding up, and seeing Joseph she smirked stepping over to him, the items dissapearing. "Five....Four...Three....Two..." Alec looked back at the woman, "One."

Lucinda shot bolt upright, pure fear in her eyes as she screamed out for help a surge of magic blasting them all off there feet.
Joseph was blasted out the door,and Steven seized his chance.

He picked up Igni and Rudra,who began laughing like madmen,and lunged into the hut,then mounted the woman. "I knew you were no good,Nightrise,scum! Prepare to die!"

"Yes!" "We thirst for blood!"
Lucinda's eyes widdened, showing actual emotion before she burst out crying, trying to push him off her. "No! I don't want to go near them. Please, please don't." She screamed again.
Vent clenched his fist while getting back to his feet after being blasted off of them, and belted Steven across the jaw, also grabbing the wrist if the hand that held Rudra, the wind sword.

"Calm your shit, Steven! She could be Nightrise, but she's just a kid!" He screamed in his face, wrenching his hand to side, and jerking out, forcing the release of Rudra from Steven's grip. With another quick movement, Vent's own wind magic resonated with the sword's, and he blasted Igni out of Steven's grip as well, as the fire sword stuck in the wall of the hut. Vent threw Rudra carelessly and it stuck into the wall alongside it's kin.

"Get off the kid, bro." Vent said calmly, placing his hand on Steven's shoulder reassuringly.


Hope led Leslie out of the restaurant, and took her hand once outside, teleporting back to the mansion, just outside the front door.

Hope looked around quickly, seeing nobody at the moment, and raised an eyebrow, letting go of Leslie's hand.

"Did you enjoy lunch, Leslie?" He asked politely, reassuming his formal, sophisticated demeanor.
Steven was initially thrown off balance by the woman's thrashings,but Vent's punch knocked him sideways. He grumbled a "Fine..." and got off. His duel with Vent five years ago was still fresh in his mind. He didn't want to risk a mortal fight breaking loose.

Joseph,meanwhile,struck his head on a tree nearby,and was knocked unconcious. He was dreaming in his unconciousness,and it was being broadcasted on an unsecure mental channel.


Pierre,after having words with Vladamir,was on the move again. However,he felt something. He focused on it,and found it. By some stroke of luck,he found Steven's protogee,and sank into the ground.


Borghen lifted Serenity off his shoulder,and set her down lightly on the ground. He crouched down,and looked at her,and asked, "Is there anything you'd like to do?"
:: As the rocks were knocked away, marco flickered into view, with Cass watching his back, and the other battlemages were all standing on the tops of the hills, suirrounding the enemy ::

Marco: "back off, or we'll be forced to kill you all... you know that this ragtag force of yours dosen't stand a chance"

:: the battlemages all began targeting the enemy forces, ready to attack ::

Marco "one-on-one... right now, the loser pulls their forces out of this area, deal?"
Vent sighed.

"Just relax, Steven. She really is just a girl." Vent said, as he picked Steven's swords out of the wall, and handed them to him.

"Any words outta them, and they can meet my sword." Vent said with a grin, clapping Steven's shoulder in a friendly way.

With that, he poked his head out of the hut, and saw Joseph.

Vent sighed again.

"Steven, go get Soldier-boy out there. He's out like a light." Vent said, sitting down in the hut.


Faith sighed.

"Marco Highland and the battlemages." He said non-chalantly. "I didn't expect to see you here. No word of a lie."

With that, he shrugged, and looked Marco dead in the eye.

"Who says I even have forces here? I'm here alone, under my own power." He explained, not batting an eye.
Steven nodded,and walked out the door. He threw the swords to the ground,because he lacked scabbards. He picked up Joseph,and began walking back to the hut.

Suddenly,a man came out of the ground in front of him,as if he were on an elevator.

"I am Pierre LeBlanc,humble servant to Innos. I'll give you this one chance. Surrender to me the Eye." He held out his hand expectantly.

"Up yours." And he went to kick Pierre in the groin. He fell forward when his foot passed through as if Pierre wasn't there. "What the--!?"

Pierre smirked. "Plan B,then?"
Vent sighed, but then heard another voice. He picked out the name Innos.

His gaze narrowed. He walked into the doorway of the but, and watched the events unfold.

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