Ww - the coming storm

"What are you!?" "A mage,much like yourself. But,our difference lies in my mastery over Time and Space. Give me the Eye,or I'll tear it from your skull!"

Steven spat on Pierre...Or at least he tried to. The projectile passed through him. "Seriously. Fu*k. You."

"You insolent fool!" Pierre grabbed Joseph by the collar and threw him towards the hut,sending him flying straight at Vent. He then grabbed Steven by the throat and held him there. "Do you really hold power over magic over your own well being? The well being of your friends?"
Vent caught Joseph, setting him down.

"C'mon Steven, don't lose to a French prick like this guy." Vent spat, an eyebrow raising.
Pierre scoffed. "answer me,churl!" Steven smiled. "Maybe. I'm more interested in personal security. This eye opens doors once locked to me." Throughout this entire exchange,Steven repeatedly tried to assault all parts of Pierre he could reach,but each and every blow phased through him. Just before the blow would've connected,Pierre's body flickered. After the limb was drawn back,it flickered again. "Are you quite done? I want to play with my quarry before I harvest it."

Pierre was still facing away from Vent.
Vent sighed.

He came up behind the French guy, and tapped his shoulder.

"Wanna set my friend down and fight like a man, not a pansy *****?" Vent spat, before throwing a haymaker into the side of the guy's head.
Pierre was tapped on the shoulder. "Can't you see I'm---" That's when the haymaker connected with his temple. He fell to the ground,dropping Steven in the process. "What...What..." Pierre was flaberghasted. This was the first time in his life he was struck by someone. "Not so hot now...Are ya,you slimy little..." Steven kicked him in the chest "Piece of..." Another mighty kick to the abdomen. "PISS!" He delivered a final mighty kick to his face. Pierr escrambled backwards after the assault.

This can't be happening...No...It's a dream...But no...This pain...Is it pain...? It must be! It feels so real! "Oh,no! I'm not done with you,yet,scumbag!"


All time stopped. The only ones unaffected were himself,Gods,and Godbloods. He hastily sunk into the ground,and then time resumed.
marco: "cut the crap"

:: Marco shot a hand out, with a blade emerging from his palm, yet another perk of his new body, he lifted his hand up and threw it down, revealing an enemy soldier ::

Marco: "that rockslide had sensor-dust particals hidden in the dust and rocks, none of your forces were completely protected, we can see them all with this dust, it shines in our eyes"

:: the enemy soldier ont he ground began sputtering up blood, a large gaping hole was in his neck ::

Marco: "or do you need further proof?"
Alec looked through the flap in the tent at what had happened. Seeing Joseph go down, she left the crying girl alone to crawl out and go pull him back in out of the way. Opening reentering, something was wrong. She just knew it but she couldn't place it till something cold and metal collided wit the side of her head. Hitting the ground, letting go of Joseph, it finally clicked. The witch was silent.

Five seconds passed, and none of the three were to be found. The only symbol left, was a re improved nightrise symbol drawn into the journal Lucinda had dropped earlier before, at the bottom read, not night rise, but Next Reich, along with any weapons the two 'good' ones had on them.
Steven tapped Vent on the shoulder,after realizing Pierre had vanished. He walked into the hut,and something wasn't right.



Pierre appeared several kilometers away,and leaned against a tree. His face was covered in blood. He spat out two teeth,and a large gob of blood. His nose was broken,and was bleeding quite a bit. He quickly staunched the bleeding with magic,and was startled to hear a voice in his head. "You've failed,Mister LeBlanc. I can't afford faliures in my buisness,you know." It was Innos. Pierre blanched. "I'm sorry,master. It won't happen again! How can I recover this loss?"

Innos was silent for a moment,then he responded, "There is a man,or rather,demigod. His name is Hope. We could use him. Find a way to get him involved. The only information my other employees have gathered is that he has a little sister,a demon serving as his general,and a young girl under the demon's tutelage. Get creative. He could get the Eye away from that infernal ragamuffin,and perhaps return it to us."

"Yes master. It will be done."

And with that,Pierre sank into the ground.


Joseph's eyes fluttered open,and was greeted with a blinding sight. He was in a brightly lit room,and it appeared to be very,very white. He felt a heavy weight on his wrists,and quickly determined he was shackled to the wall. He shouted, "What the hell do you want with me,Nightrise freaks!?"

(OOC: Innos has a voice! In the linked video,it's the voice of the guy saying "That's enough! Leave him alone! And now,scram!"

An intercom on the ceiling above Joseph clicked on, filling the room with loud static for a moment before a little child's voice came through, Edith's "We're not Nightrise Mister Ray. We are also not freaks. As for what we want, we want you." The intercom clicked off for five minutes before it clicked on again. This time, Henry's voice came through, "In approximatively 3 minutes, the very room you are in will become your mind's resting place. We have plans for you Joseph, plans that require you not having a mind of your own. I apologize for any incovience this may cause you in the future. Not that you'll need it anyway. The ticking of a clock started the countdown.


Lucinda woke on the floor of the black room she had found herself in when she had originally started out here. Fear filled her, she knew what was going to happen. She knew nothing was going to be able to save her now. She was better off dead. Almost as if she read her mind, Edith opened the door to the room, flanked by two men in white coats. As light filled the room, she saw she wasn't alone, that woman was here as well though unresponsive.

Smiling, Edith waved, hugging her animal tightly, "Hello Lucy. I see you've recovered quite well. Too bad it can't last long. " The white coated men moved forward, picking her up roughly as a 4th stepped into the room. Covered from head to foot in a dark traveling cape, the person held up a hand before a flash of light went over Lucy, her spirit and everything that made her an actual thinking, feeling human, was removed. Going blank, the girl felt and through absolutely nothing. The men set her down on the ground.

Edith smiled again as the men and the cloaked man left. "Kill her. A healer is no use to us." With that, Lucinda and Alec where locked in the dark together once more.

While he was thrashing,the shackles came undone,and he fell from the wall. He landed,and fell to a kneeling position. He smirked. Time to get out of here...

He looked at the shackles. Iron,attached to high grade steel chain. He smirked even wider. Perfect. He used telekenisis to rip them out of the wall,brackets and all,and turned to the room. No door. Time to get crafty.
From a hidden camera, Henry and Edith sat watching two different rooms with the same expression of amusement and learning. Rather than sound the alarms, Henry kept them silent, wanting to see how well Joseph did in his test. Edith on the other hand, started a blacklight warning inside the black room so it created a horror movie like effect, while causing a loud noise to wake Alec up so she had a show when the lady got shredded.


Struggling awake, Alec held her head as a loud peircing shrill siren met her ears. She was trying to figure out how to shut it off when she was sudden;y slammed into the wall by a hard magical force.
Joseph very quickly went around the perimeter of the room,tapping at the walls,listening for a change in pitch.

Suddenly,he heard what he was looking for,several feet to the left of where he was shackled. He pulled the chains towards him,and sent a blast of telekenetic energy to blow out the hidden door. He quickly dove beside the hole on his side,to avoid any potential gunfire.
No one was in the hall that hidden door led too. No one at all, it was just an empty corridor much like that of a hospital's as far as looks went.

From his perch on his chair, Henry was laughing.
Joseph peeked around the corner,and saw the hallway devoid of life. He dashed out,and around the corner,throwing stealth to the winds. He was dragging behind him two four foot lengths of steel chain,so stealth wasn't an option. He saw the hall was lined with doors. He quickly attempted a psychic sweep. It resulted in an oped broadcast of his mind screaming "ALEC! ARE YOU HERE!?"
Between the noise killing her ears, the force increasing on her while other objects, sharp ones, where thrown at her, Joseph's message was lost in all the clutter. The force letting go, Alec started falling before getting slammed into the cieling, then thrown across the room, hitting the door that was hidden but not making it move on their side.

Lucinda sat there on the floor, watching her toy with uninterested eyes, she was killing her, yes, but she was doing it at a slow, un measured pace of something that could just go on forever, like a robot.
Joseph heard a dull thump,and turned to face the source. A door,which was two down from his cell. He used telekenisis to pull it out,while thinking, If anyone else is imprisoned here...I'll get them out. Come Hell or high water,no one gets left behind...

The door crashed into the wall behind him,and he saw Alec. "Alec!"

His ears were filled with the sound of the klaxon. Shit! An alarm!
Falling out of the room, Alec groaned in pain as Lucinda magicked jumped out of the room herself and applied another body slamming force down onto her, neither really registering Joseph's presence. As the alarm flooded the halls, more of the doors to white rooms started unlocking, releasing brainwashed fully NR loyal magi out as both Henry's and Edith's voice flooded over the overcom yelling "Kill Them."
Joseph slammed one chain down on Lucinda's head and spine,in an attempt to get her off of Alec. He spun around and began lashing out with the other chain. "Get up,Alec! We've gotta get the hell outta dodge,here!"
Lucinda felt nothing, she fell to the side for a moment, as Alec stood up, staring at Joseph while leaning on the wall to stay upright. Seconds later, Alec was knocked into Joseph from a magic 'boot' nailing her in the back.
Joseph was knocked to the ground. He picked himself up,and the Alec. He looked at Lucinda. "Can you swing one of the chains,Alec?"
Alec shrugged, "I....i don't know." She muttered, mostly confused at the whole thing happening. Holding out her free hand, she steadied herself carefully, furrowing her eyesbrows as she tried to stay focused. "Where are we?" She asked, glancing up at Joseph.
Joseph looked at her. Her eyes were unfocused. "You have a concussion. Stay close,and defend yourself! Take the chain,if you have to!"

He dropped one of the lengths of chain,and he locked eyes with Lucinda. Her eyes were blank. "Brainwashed again? Well,looks like I'm gonna have to bash some humanity into ya!"

He swung his length of shain at Lucinda,aiming for the throat.
Picking it up, Alec faced away from Joseph and Lucinda looking at the people coming from the rooms down the hall. Dropping the chain back on the floor, she put her foot on it as it turned into a very, very large snake and shot at them.


Lucinda moved to the side, missing the chain by mere milimeters. Raising a hand, a metal spiked staff came into her hands. "Miss Edith. Since he interferes, shall I remove him as well?" The intercom cackled to life as the sirens blared up again, calling more magi to that location. "Yes..."
Joseph's face darkened,and his expression grew grimmer. He pulled in the other end,and held it. Holding both ends of the chain,he edged in closer to Lucinda.
Lucinda analyzed every move Joseph made, standing there without moving herself. On the inside, she was building up magic.

Alec frowned as one of the Magi blasted her snake to pieces. Not really knowing what else to do, she summoned her babies. Twin daggers holding one back towards joseph she dropped it on the ground, he'd know if he saw it. She moved forward a stepp as she laced a wire into the handle of the one she kept and threw it at the onces going towards them.

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