Ww - the coming storm

Joseph suddenly felt something,and it was coming from Lucinda. He instinctively used his telekenisis to blast her into the air,and followed up with a horizontal strike with the chain. He heard something clang to the ground behind him,and saw a knife there. He magicked it to his hand,and held it in a reverse grip behind his rear leg.
Lucinda hit the wall, a large red mark appearing where the chain hit, though it wasn't seen. Her magi surge dimished itself as she hit the ground, just laying there.
Joseph looked at Lucinda. He wasn't approaching her. She could be faking it. He began to strike at the wall above her head,trying to get a reaction out of her.

"Leave her,kill her,or take her with us?"
"I don't know.." Alec said, pulling her dagger back and firing it againm keeping the others from getting too close.

Lucinda did absolutely nothing, well, almost nothing, from the area the chain hit, she purposly opened the skin so it would bleed.
Joseph groaned. "she's bleeding. I...Screw it. It's not worth it."

Joseph turned away,and joined the fray with Alec,swinging the chain at the brainwashed masses. "We need to find my bayonet! It's important!"
Alec nodded her head..."I doubt they would have kept it here..." She muttered.

While both of their backs where turned, Lucinda raised up, a spell shooting at the two of binding that tightened the more you moved. It would be simple to avoid, if you could see it coming.
Joseph found himself bound by magical force. He looked over his shoulder,and saw Lucinda,now on her feet,and Alec,now struggling. Joseph got an idea. Crazy,but it just might work. He used telekenisis to drop Alec to the ground,and threw himself feet first at Lucinga,nailing her in the chest. "Hello!"

He used telekenisis to land on his feet,and then pushed himself out of reach.
Lucinda fell backwards, the spells dieing out. Standing back up again, showing no waryness or pain, she charged forward at him her staff crashing down in front of her towards his skull.
Joseph slid in and to the side,and grabbed the staff. He used it as a lever to throw Lucinda over his head,and yanked it out of her hands. He hopped back,and glared at her.

"You're sloppy."
Lucinda shrugged, she was closer to Alec now. The one her orginal orders where directed too.Grabbing hold of her, she held alec's hand to her own throat, and by association, the dagger as well. Staring at Joseph she grinned darkly.
At that exact moment, the wire attatched to Alec's blade, started cutting through her neck the more Joseph pulled the hand towards himself, Lucinda wasn't stupid, she had moved in a way that would wrap that around the lady's neck, for this exact reason. With a small line of blood appearing in a perfect ring, and getting more dizzy, Alec really couldn';t do anything without hurting herself or worse.
Joseph swore loudly,and used his telekenisis to pull Lucinda's fingers away from the knife's hilt. After he got her fingers away from the hilt,he threw the staff at her head,assisted with TK

(Telekenisis will henceforth be called TK)
Lucinda smirked, blowing out a breath of ice air and froze the dagger in place, tight enough to draw blood but not tight enough to severe anything, in a solid block of ice while moving back out of the way of the staff and peaking up her head resting on Alec's shoulder smirking. Taunting him to stop her.
Joseph suddenly realized something...The wire was keeping him from doing anything. He used TK to cut it,and then used TK to bind Lucinda's arms to her sides,and her feet to the floor. He quickly closed the distance between them,and drove his knife through her right shoulder,and kicked her leg where he shot her before.

"Piss off."

He finally delivered a vicious elbow strike to her temple,a strike that would knock most people unconcious.
Lucinda went blank. Her body shutting down as it layed there on the tile floor. Herny screamed through the intercom for them to die.

Alec stared at the ground, slowly pulling the bloody wire off before grasping onto Joseph's pant leg and making them dissapear at random. She had no idea where they went, no idea at all.
Joseph blinked. They were in a room. He glanced around,and saw it was filled with child's toys,and had a glass wall. He saw two tiny figures near the galss wall,and called out, "You! Where are we?"
Henry turned his head, a bit suprised t hat this was where they ended up. "Next Reich GW headquaters."
"That voice...Wonderful. We're still in the belly of the beast. No matter. Let us leave,no complications,and I won't buy our freedom with your blood."

His voice was without a single hint of indeciseon or humour. His face read no emotions,besides scorn. He still held Alec's knife,with Lucinda's blood in the blade. He wrapped his free arm over Alec's shoulders,and awaited a reply.
"You failed the test anyway, what do I care if you go or not?" Henry said waving his hand at them. Edith just hugged her rabbit closer, "But big brother, you said they passed....?"

Henry narrowed his eyes. "That I did..." The two began murming to each other, looking at Joseph from time to time, Henry with a constant smirk, Edith more worried.
Henry shushed Edith before standing up to his whooping three feet 2 inches and looks Joseph square in the eyes. "Yes." As Edith was about to object, he shot her a dark look that no little child should be capable of. Edith stayed quit, hiding behind a bunny and a bear doll. Looking back at Joseph, he smirked. "That is, if you think you can get out alive...as of right now, outside of this room an alarm has been triggered that is calling every agent we have in this base, that's over 300 by the way, to attack mode. So, if the two of you, ah, well one and a half of you given that ones state, can find the exit and avoid getting killed, yes your free to go."
Joseph glared at Henry,a look that made battle hardened colonels shrink before him.

"Earlier you agreed no complications. Call them off or there's going to be a hurricane of lead,brass,and steel in here. With you at the funnel wall."
"Mm, you see, no I didn't. I just said i didn't care if you left or not." Henry said, smirking. "ANd do you really think your that smart, look around you, you can't touch us." Henry outstretched his hand and rapped on an invisible shield of some sort that rippled with energy when he touched it. "But fine, how about this, you have a 5 minute head start, and the exit is too your left."
Joseph continued to glare at Henry. He picked Alec up,and draped her over his shoulders,and stuck the knife in his belt. He turned around,and at the same time,sent a blats of TK energies at Henry,while flipping him off.

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