Ww - the coming storm

Joseph noticed Alec's reaction,and noticing the thumping was growing louder,as well as faster,he quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Please tell me you have a plan."
The two suddenly dissappeared from sight, becoming invisable. Pressing tighter to the wall, the hand on her mouth came off as she held her breath, hoping Joseph would get the hint not to make a single noise, not even breath, as she silenlty pressed her hand on the wall and tried seeing if it could be phased through or not.
Joseph was about to say something when he noticed he was invisible. He shut up,and hoped Alec would pull them through this. Suddenly,a huge beast rounded the corner. It looked like a bull with a man's arms,and walk on it's rear legs,and wielded a huge double bladed axe. It glared directly at them,and began to charge.

Suddenly,Joseph fell through the wall,and the minotaur crashed into the wall where the were,creating massive cracks in the wall before him.

"I think it can see us! Don't stop phasing!"
SHe didn't. If anything, the fear pounding into her skull was making the spell go faster than was needed, which was a bit reckless, and potentially dangerous but she was smart enough not to leave an arm sticking out. Pulling Joseph closer so he wouldn't get cut in half, they phased through another wall . "Where do we go from here?" she asked, voice shaking.
Joseph looked at Alec. She was the very picture of a terrified woman. "Straight line. Don't stop until we get out of this hellhole!"
"right." Alec said, biting her lip down hard and applying the magic once again, phasing them through more and more walls.
Joseph kept his rifle pointed behind them. He thought to himself, Looks like we won't have to fight that thing...

Famous last words. He felt himself crash into something hard,and after he landed,he looked at what they crashed into. He saw hexagonal panels vanishing from sight,and they seemed to have covered the wall leading out of the labyrinth room. He could hear the thumping and roaring of the beast,as it approached. He heard crashing,as well,as if it were bowling through walls.

"Run or shoot?"
"How about both?" Alec asked, standing up and offering a hand to Joseph, her gun hand pointed directly at the wall they had just came through while her head turned to look left and right down the hall thing they had ended up in.
Joseph nodded,and continued his sweep. He moved several feet to the left,and signaled for Alec to do the same.

After they moved,the beast hit the wall,cracks forming.

Again,they grew deeper.

Once more,and the wall surrendered to the beast,with it charging through. It hit the wall full speed,head first,where Joseph once stood. Joseph quickly aimed at the thing's head and fired a round,and began to move back and to the side.

The round hit the thing in the head,but it seemed to ignore the shot. It charged at Joseph,axe ready to cleave him in twain.
Alec did the same, expect to the right. Alec frowned while loosening off the heel of her shoe, and kicked her leg, stopping it short. The shoe went flying, hitting the thing in the face around the eyes. "Hey. Buck, Over Here!" She shouted at it before backstepping away a couple feet eyes watching the thing. Actually looking at the thing was making her sotmach feel sick, the thing bothered her greatly.
The thing stopped,and turned to face Alec. It stood there,glancing between Joseph and Alec,as if it were trying to decide between them.

Meanwhile,Joseph taken the opprotunity to silently step backwards,and take aim with his rifle,aiming for the base of the skull.
Alec narrowed her eyes before nailing the thing with her other shoe. "Come on you fat ox." She barked nastily. Opening her arms in a way of saying, you can't touch this.
The thing roared,and shook it's head,then charged at Alec. Joseph kept his aim steady,and just as the thing stopped to deliver an axe blow,he fire,with the .100 caliber shot tearing through the base of the skull. It droped the axe,which landed behind it,and in fell to the side.

There was no exit wound,but there was now a visible bump in its forehead.

There was a wooshing sound as the barrier collapsed,and Joseph turned to Alec,and said, "I hope there's not gonna be much more..."
"same." Alec said, almost breathlessly as she stared at the hopefully dead creature. Her knees shaking slightly she carefully edged around the feet of the thing back towards Joseph. Before smiling fantly. "Thanks..."
Joseph nodded grimly,and opened the door. On the other side was a room. They were behind a desk,and the room had a door on the far side,with windows showing the outside,and several more doors,leading deeper into the complex.

"thank the Lord...We're home free."
Alec tilted her head to the side, "Is it really?" She was very skeptical, why would something lead home, when they were just in that place. A few monemts later, she was hitting the floor, unable to keep herself upright any longer why her head was trying to shut down to recover.
Joseph looked at Alec,and picked her up off the floor. "Come on...We're almost there..."

Suddenly,a klaxon sounded. "HORSESHIT!" Joseph draped Alec over his shoulders,and bolted as fast as he could towards the door. He errected a telekenetic shield around himself and Alec,just as what seemed to be a legion of armed soldiers began to pour into the room from the inside doors.

Joseph charged through the doors and was outside. He dashed towards a low wall,and leapt over it,focusing on the hut he built in the forest,the one safe haven where Alec could recieve proper treatment.

In a flash of blinding blue light,they were gone.
Alec attempted moving even slightly, but nothing would work right. As her breathing evened out, she had no idea what was going on besides the sublte motion of moving. "s-sorry..." She mumbled out.
Vent, sitting outside the hut, sprung up from his grumbling.

"Alec, Joseph! Steven, they're back!" He yelled, the second he spotted them from the blue light.

He sighed, strolling over to them, a rather confused look on his face.

"....... Can someone tell me what's going on?!?!" He exclaimed, waving his arms about.
Steven came rushing over when he heard Vent shout. "Good. Joseph,what the hell happened!?"

Joseph stood there,with Alec over his shoulders,panting. His heart was racing. It was like this ever since he blew the door out from his cell. He said,between deep,gasping breaths, "Kids...Kidnapped...Tortrue...Minotaur...Escaped...Medic..." And with that,he collapsed. The last thing he felt before completely blacking out was a white hot pain in the left side of his chest.


Pierre appeared in front of Hope's estate. There was no trace of him being on the recieving end of an ass whooping. He approached the door,and knocked.
Hitting the ground, Alec frowned before her fingers twitched, brushing up nto the side of Joseph as a faint green light went from them to him, targeting anything wrong with him while trying to maintain life-support. It wasn't something of her actually intending to do, but rather due to the help of something that wasn't there at all.
Suddenly Valentina didn’t feel as comfortable, it felt as if the place wasn’t real and that gave her a prodding feeling in the back of her head. Looking around once again, she saw that it had changed to scenery equally as beautiful. Nauseous at the experience she quickly excused herself from the group, silently leaving the place.

“Sorry” she noted to the closed doors, rubbing at her arms

Since she left her leader behind, she wasn’t really sure where to go but threw on her cloak and went with the original route. Towards Europe, where she hoped she'd meet someone with an interesting adventure...
Vent's eyes widened.

He went into serious mode.

Grabbing Joseph and slinging him over his shoulder, Vent also picked up Alec. Carrying them both, he grabbed Steven's hand, all four of them instantly travelling to Russia. More specifically, the same hospital Steven was treated in.

Setting Alec down, and rolling Joseph semi-gently off his shoulder, Vent looked at Steven.

"You got in here because of Yumi, right? She can't get you in now, seeing as she's dead. But your name should still be on file. You're going in, and you're bringing them with you." Vent explained, a surprising amount of thought and logic in his thinking. That's about when he cocked his fist back.

"Sorry bro." He said before swinging a right hook and connecting with Steven's temple.
Leslie sat in the middle of her bed, staring out her window. Clutching a pillow to her chest, she sighed. On a sudden impulse, she slid off the bed and went to the window. Opening it, she stepped out onto the ledge before looking back at her door. Sighing once again, the girl stepped from the ledge and crossed over to the door. Locking it, and ever going so far as to shoving a dresser in front of it, despite knowing it wouldn't stop either of the two she wanted to keep out for a little while.

Returning to the window, she stepped out onto the ledge and looked around. Seeing a column connecting the porch roof to the ground Leslie started rocking back and forth on her heels before jumping out. Catching hold of the column, she slid down onto the porch before leaning her forehead against it. What was she even doing?

Looking back up towards her room she sighed. It wasn't worth just going back up in there and not doing anything. Tugging her jacket a bit tighter around her, she started walking down the path to road, a small plan stuck in her head. She wasn't sure if it would make Hope happy or not, but she wished it would. ONce on the road, she made for the 'academy' while her mind silently apologized to Marco, regardless of knowing he was part of them anyway.
The first city that Val had made it to was large in area, although not many people wandered the many streets. The first big group she saw was on the third block after her entrance and they seemed to be crowded around something. Interested, she decided to make her way over and saw a boy, who seemed to be knocked out in the middle of the folly. Noticing that the group wasn’t doing anything she entered the space that they had separated from him, and picked him up.

“What the hell are you doing, we have to get him to a hospital!” she yelled at the crowd

Val pushed passed them, uncaring of anybody being shoved over as they didn’t care about the boy she was carrying. On her way through she glared at a person and they pointed in a specific direction,

“H-Hospital” they stammered.

Just like that, she fled towards the building and inside where she handed the injured towards a nurse, who carried him off to a room.

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