Ww - the coming storm

Alec frowned, sitting up in one of those weird beds, something stabbing into her arm before a noise beeped off. Repeatedly. Her hands tightened into fists, "My god. Shut the hell up would you?" The noise wouldn't stop, or at least it didn't until a nurses aide came in, looking around. Seeing Alec sitting up and looking pissed, she frowned.

Hearing someone in the room, Alec turned her head glaring at a woman in scrubs. "What?" She barked. Watching, the woman flinched back slightly, said something in Russian and began trying to adjust the IV in her arm. As the lady missed about three times, stabbing her in the arm each time due to fear, Alec growled at her before taking it herself and putting it in the right way. "Learn to do your job." She said quite cruelly before leaning back down staring at the ceiling.

Naturally, she was annoyed and in a horrid mood, anyone would be when your head felt like it was going to be split open at every little thing. She was also rather confused about why she was in a hospital in which she understood nothing, and why there was a bandage wrapped around her head, which in turn made her mood worse.

Not even realizing the nurse had put some medicine into the drip, Alec slowly started slipping back into medicated sleep.
Vent opened one eye. He looked at the hooded figure across from him.

"..... You know, I've learned people in hoods usually have something to hide." He said non-chalantly, stretching, now fully alert.


Faith buckled. On the ground bleeding, he gasped for breath.

".... Q-Quite impressive, M-Marco, if I may c-call you that!" He spat, struggling to get to his feet.

Getting up all the way, his eyes full of determination, he glared Marco down, spitting more blood.

His eyes, the same cool blue as Hope's, began to glow a deep green. His blond hair flared up, in a messy shape from the usual controlled look, and turned jet black.

Fire lept up from the wounds, sealing themselves off. Still covered in blood, Faith grinned. A grin Marco would probably find quite familiar. The fires turned green. A deep, blazing green. The same as 'Faith's' eyes.

Conner stood before Marco, a warm, friendly smile on his face.

"I think we've gotta talk, bro." He said, an orb of the green fire surrounding them.

"..... Think you can listen for about five minutes?" Conner asked.


Hope's grin returned.

"..... Ever heard of the 'Nemesis'?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"It's not very well known, so don't bother saying no." Hope interjected right away, continuing his explanation.

"..... The entire universe is in danger." He said non-chalantly.

"In it's enterity, magic is supernatural, beyond anyone's capability to understand. Demon, gods, mages, we all put limitations on magic to suit our own needs. Magic is perfect. Even the gods aren't." Hope explained.

"So, where does this magic come from?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"..... We could never be sure, entirely. I have theories, but it's not the where we need to worry about. It's the why. Why are such imperfect beings capable of using such a perfect force, even if it is tainted by the very act of using it?" He continued.

"We harness it like something to be used. A tool, almost. This is fair, it's there to be used. But this is what scares me. Like every force in the universe, magic also has an opposite. Negative and positive currents, if you could understand the electricity reference." Hope continued further.

"So, what is the opposite of magic?" He asked, grinning as he watched Leslie.
Smirking, Leslie shook her head before tapping a sharp nail near the side of her eyes. She knew where he was going with it, but she didn't know the answer to his question. Or if she did, she wasn't going to say it. Motioning for him to continue, she literally sat mid air, arms folded and legs crossed like she was sitting in a throne or something.
“Something to hide…” Val trailed, finally snapping out of her reverie

She looked over the boy who had just woken up and despite herself, pushed the hood off. While she was at it, pulling the gloves off her hands; she shot a look up at his face again.

“I guess that would be me” she noted, she was hiding herself…

Already feeling the cold air prick at her hands, she rubbed them together; mouthing a spell to keep them warm. Although, she usually had them at more blood-boiling temperature with such magic…

“And you?” she questioned, staring him down

The question could be taken in many ways and she was interested in finding out what he had to say.
Vent's eyebrow raised.

"Me?" He counter-asked, sure he sensed this girl use magic. In such an open area? A flipping human hospital? Was she nuts?

Vent shook his head.

"I'm Vent. What's your name, and what're you in a hospital for?" He asked, putting on his best grin.


Hope sighed.

"The force opposite of magic, is evolution." He said simply, grinning. "Now, this may sound strange, but hear me out."

"Magic grants what we want at a moment's notice. We came to rely on it as an early species. Hence why it took so long for us to come as far as we did. Humans have such potential, but it's being stifled, because of magic. Why do you think almost 80% of man's advancements in knowledge and understanding have been in the last century? Because we have dismissed magic as a mere fairy tale. The human race is free to evolve further! But there is something in the way." Hope explained further.

"Magic itself. Not mages. Magic." He said non-chalantly, shuffling a bit and sitting down.
Smiling a bit, Leslie shook her head before laughing. "I may not know much, but I do know the reason why we evolved so slow. It wasn't because of magic, Mister Hope, it was because we actually had a fear of god. Everything they used to do, if something bad happened, like a storm, they stopped doing because the 'gods' weren't pleased. We don't have that sort of fear here, so we evolve further, ignoring the signs that something out there might be pissed at us. And actually, magic was taboo unless marketed as a gods will for healing. So they killed off people who claimed to be magic as demons and devils and monsters, all because of religion. Now, wouldn't that tell you there was little interference of magic even back then?"

She knew full well she shouldn't disagree with Hope, but something was feeding these thoughts to her in the back of her head, making her say it. Grinning once again, she turned her head and looked out a mirror. "But your view is understandable. And I respect you for that, I really do." Leaning her head back she let out a deep breath of air, a certain scent going into the air surrounding the two that would numb ones senses of anything but good emotions. A precaution in case he was to get angry.
“Valentina” she introduced, smirking at the questions he asked

“Curious, aren’t we?” Val asked.

“I found a boy lying in the streets, seems like the townspeople wouldn’t do anything for him…so I brought him here” she explained.

He seemed a little bit peeved about something, so she decided not to ask him why he was here and she looked down at her hands again.
:: Marco's expression didn't change ::

Marco:"connor... didn't you change your name to Vent?"

:: He summoned drusilla ::

Marco: "make it quick..."
Hope sighed.

"You really don't get it at all. I'll talk, and explain it better in the morning." He said, shaking his head.


Vent sighed.

"Quite a noble act." He said, smiling a bit.


Conner grinned.

"Techinically, I shouldn't exist right now. I should be dead. Vent killed me." He eslaijed, a small glint in his green eyes appearing, a hint of ghosts yet to surface.

"You can't tell Vent I'm still alive. You can't tell Hope of my true identity, and you can't let anyone else even know I'm not just Faith. Understand? Now, i'm gonna transform back into Faith, and we'll make this fight convincing, eh? Marco?" He said with a typical 'Conner grin'.
"I get more than you'd give credit for." Leslie said standing up. Moving past Hope, her hand trailed up his arm to his face as she turned it towards her. Putting her face near his, she locked eyes. "I'll side with you, I still owe you that much." Letting go, she walked away, her body slowly changing back to the normal Leslie instead of the half demon Leslie. Half-way up the stairs she stopped, shook her head and kept going.


Opening her eyes again, Alex kept quite and didn't move around. Pulling herself out of the groggy state she was in. She very carefully shut the machines off around her before taking the drip out and moving out of the bed. Almost falling as her feet touched the floor, she slowly started making her way to the door to look out it.
:: before connor even changed back into faith, Marco used drusilla and sliced his head clean off ::

Marco: "sorry Faith... but i'm not an idiot"
Not seeing anyone, she looked down at herself for a second. Going out in the hall in a hospital gown wouldn't be the best idea..especially when that nurse was supposed to knock her out for a good 16 hours or more with the medicine. Not that that one worked out well, did it? Turning her back on the door as she shut it again, she snapped her fingers and drew a small pentagram in the air before walking through it, appearing on the other side in grey sweat pants and and old college hoodie for some place in england, it seemed.

Stepping out of the hall, she smiled back into the room, "Sleeping, looks a lot better though.Don't know what'd i'd do if he'd died though, guess I have you guys to thank for that." She said to a nurse walking by smiling sincerely. The nurse nodded and scurried on back to work, while Alec made her way to the waiting room.

Upon entering she saw Vent sitting in a chair, talking to another girl. Shrugging slightly, she walked over, tugging on her hood so neither would see the bandages still wrapped on her head. Plopping down on hte other side of the seating arrangement, she crossed her legs and picked up a magazine, trying to make heads or tails of the Russian it was written in, though her eyes were looking at the two.
With his offhanded comment and semi-smile Valentina could only grin back in response, deciding she would just ask.

“What are you in for?”

Just as she was getting comfortable with the stranger, a girl entered the scene; she came towards them with her hood drawn up and sat opposite the two of them. Val stared at her until she sat, then directed her attention back at the boy, pushing her hair out of her face. She could swear that the girl, who was now reading a magazine, looked up at her every so often and it bothered her.

Was she really all that suspicious?
Vent noticed Alec by her magical presence, something she had never been able to do. Thank the GODS for my sensory magic, Vent thought as he sighed.

"Well, a couple of my friends, and my gi- ... Good friend, needed medical attention pretty bad. I know some first aid, but nowhere near enough to help." He explained, motioning towards Alec with his eyes, while he turned his head away from her so for her to not see. With a grin and a wink, Vent motioned to Alec one more time, before stretching and leaning back into the chair.


Hope chuckled as Leslie changed back and left.

He sat down.

This was getting a bit more complicated than he'd hoped. The irony.

The truth was too much for anyone. Except him.

He'd bear it alone.


Conner's head was sent from his limbs, but his whole body flicked into green flames as they moved back and reformed into Conner's body.

"How can I prove it to you, Marco?" He yelled, almost furious his best friend hadn't believed him.
After a while of attempting to deal with what appeared to be an armoured,demoniac butler,Pierre had enough. He snapped his fingers and stopped time. He walked around Borghen,and sank into the floor of the Manor,then appeared in the same room as Hope.

"Your pet demon was in the way. Now,I'm Pierre LeBlanc,envoy of Innos. He wishes to extend a bargain to you. Do you wish to hear the details?"


Steven's conciousness was represented by a plateau in a barren wasteland,sky permanently coated in grey clouds,and the light was dull and also grey. Steven's ego,or mental projection,sat on the edge of the plateau,with his legs dangling over the side. He gazed out over the dry,empty expanse.




He sighed,and tried to ponder on just what this meant.
:: Marco frowned ::

Marco: "cut the crap, faith! did you really think that i'd let down my guard and believe you just because you put on the face of my best friend!?"

:: he gritted his teeth ::

Marco: "you can't prove it, connor was absorbed by Vent!"

:: he pointed at Faith ::

Marco: "eternal flame!"

:: Marco's first spell, the purple eternal flame erupted on Faith's chest, burning him ::
Valentina was a little bit confused about their relationship, she heard Vent’s slip of the tongue couldn't connect. It wasn’t until his many winks at her and motioning towards the girl that she finally got the understanding they were dating.

“Ah! You two want some alone time, I get it” she noted, standing up and stuffing the gloves into her pocket.

Heading towards the receptionist desk, she decided she would head over to the kids room to see if he was okay.

“Hi, Can you tell me where the kid I came in with is?” she asked, not really knowing his name

“Which one?” the receptionist asked

“Uh, I don’t really know his name…” Val trailed

“What kind of injury did he have?” she asked, trying to help.

“I think it was an injury to the head” she noted, might as well start there.

“Well, we only have two people with those injuries able to have visitors. They’re in rooms 302 and 301, right down this hall and to your left.” The blond explained

With a wave at her new friends, she made her way down the hall and to the left, where she entered the room 302, without so much as a knock.
Conner grimaced as Marco's purple flames burned at his chest, and his own green flames burst forward, cleansing him of Marco's fire.

"Vent didn't absorb me, nimrod! His soul was put into my body, and took dominiance! He didn't mean for it to happen, but it did, and now I have my own body!" Conner yelled back, crossing his arms. "Believe me! I've been watching this whole 'Hope affair' for a while, and I want to help!"
As the lady left, Alec raised an eyebrow, only to lift her magazine up in front of her face again. Not wanting to make a move till Vent did. Not that it really mattered, but she was interested in what his reaction was going to be.
Vent chuckled.

"...... That was NOT what I was trying to do." He said, not turning around to look at Alec, but speaking to her nonetheless.

"But, if you're here.... How're you feeling?" He asked, now turning, a bit of concern evident on his face.


Hope glared up at Pierre from his sitting position.

"Get out now." He spat.
"How do you think, good friend?" Alec responded without looking up from her magazine. Instead, she recrossed her legs in the other direction, pulling her hood down a little lower again.
:: Marco thought for a second ::

Marco: "okay... if you answer this correctly i'll believe you... because the answer to this, is something only Connor and myself know"

:: he cleared his throught ::

Marco: "when we started school, we had a small competition, we drank a certain liqid that made us vomit."

arco: "one; what was the liquid we drank to puke. Two; what was the prize. and three; who won it?"
Pierre raised an eyebrow. "Surely,the demigod Hope wishes to gain as many advantages as he could over his enemies? After all,Innos would be able to grant many great boons for you,in return for a simple favour. Even complete godhood."

This was his trump card,his platnium chip. Pierre hoped that Hope would at least consider him now,and not force him into more extreme measures.


Steven,now standing in the center of his mind's plateau,observed his surroundings. He though on what they could mean. He was stumped.

Meanwhile,outside in the real world,a woman had entered his ward.
Conner's smile grew wide.

"That was the epitaph!" He exclaimed. "We were in the woods! I can't honestly remember who won the prize, or what it was, we were too busy barfing our guts up, laughing and screaming for me to remember....." He explained, a little downcast, but his grin still there.

"..... That was when you were still in love with Alec, though. I remember that much." He added.


Hope stood up.

"I have no time for messengers." He spat. "If Innos has something to say, then tell him to come say it directly to me."


Vent rubbed the back of his head.

"..... Sorry?" He asked, thinking he might have said something wrong.
:: Marco lowered his scythe ::

Marco: "good, Connor had no idea what was happening, because he didn't listen and he was focused on beating me, and not on the prize, once he began barfing, he would'nt have noticed an elephant stepping on him"

:: he took a step towards connor ::

Marco: "sorry, buddy... you understand that i had good reason to be skeptical"

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