Ww - the coming storm

“He said you’d die if you kept on thinking” Valentina replied, half-jokingly

“So…I’m here to help you with the thinking” she surmised.
Steven looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow. "Death by thought? Since when was my mind Stalin's Russia? I've locked myself in here in an effort to find out just WHY my mind is like this." With this final sentance,Steven's ego gestured to the featureless wastes around them.
“Hey now, don’t kill the messenger” she replied somewhat seriously,

Looking at their surroundings once again, Val frowned.

“It is quite dreary in here…” she trailed
The ego nodded. "And that's what confounds me. Why is my mind dreary when I've lived through so many exciting and enriching things,and have some of the most exciting riends one could ask for?"
Shrugging, Valentina replied,

“Maybe something’s making it dreary?”

“Got something on your mind?” she asked, staring at him.
The ego pondered. "Just one thing. How to bring down Innos. Hard."

He emphasized this last statement by slamming his fist into his palm.
"Uh, Sorry to ruin your determination..." Val started with the apology,

"But, whose Innos?" she finished, half-smiling.
Steven's ego sighed. "He's the God of Commerce." He turned to face the woman's ego,and opened his eyes,revealing one of the sockets were empty. "Back out there,this socket is filled with an extremely powerful artifact. The Eye of Innos. Lately,however,he's decided to break the contract he and I are engaged in. He's trying to take it back. I can't give it back,or else I'm rendered more useless than Stephen Hawking without his wheelchair."
“So don’t” she noted

A little creeped out that he was missing an eye, Valentina took a moment to gather her thoughts;

“I mean, it sounds like you have a plan to take him down…and since you have those ‘great friends’, I’m pretty sure they’d help you….what are friends for? Right?” she explained.

“It sounds like you have fun all other times” She commented, shrugging.
Vent gulped, sitting back down quickly.

"...... Mages?" He asked more than stated, shrugging and grinning sheepishly.

He shook his head, his grin turning into more of a warm smile.

"..... It doesn't matter what we are." He said with a bit more conviction, trying not to piss Alec off, but not sound like a hopeless romantic. "Because you'll still be Alec, and I'll still be Vent."


Hope smirked.

"You're in quite the situation, Innos." Hope replied, shaking his head.

"I'm not sure if I'll help you or not, allow me a few days to ponder my response?" He asked, grinning.

A blade of light shot from his open hand at his side, piercing Pierre's chest. Hope's grin grew vicious, and he twisted the blade, and kicked Pierre in the chest, sending him crashing into the wall, where he was stuck as the blade went out his back and into the wall.

"And next time you or any god wishes to speak to me, don't send a messenger, and don't touch my sister, or my underlings, for that matter. Good day, Innos, and goodbye, Pierre." He spat, walking by Pierre and out of the room.


Faith's eyes widened.

".... Aw shit." He spat, glowing with defensive light.
Alec leaned forward, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Not what I meant." She looked at Vent, "I meant, What are we?" She motioned between them before letting her head fall down as she gripped the back of her neck and sighed. "No, nevermind. It doesn't matter anyway." She mumbled to herself.
Vent scowled.

"That's what I meant, stupid." He said with a sigh, shaking his head.

".... The way you're thinking it is the way I mean it." He explained, putting his hands behind his head and looking at her, just looking.
Alec looked up at him. "No, no it's not." Standing up, she moved to the receptionists counter checking herself out by simply erasing all records of her in that computer. She knew where they were at the moment, and she didn't want to stay in here, not with all the bad history of it. Not even saying anything to Vent she walked out of the hospital into the cold, a dark blue pea-coat wrapping itself around her as she went, though no one without magic in their system would see it.
Vent looked unimpressed.

He followed Alec outside, running up to her side and walking with her. An aura of wind spun around the two, keep them dry.

"..... How are you thinking of it then, if I'm not thinking the same thing?" He asked, a little confused.
Sliding her eyes over in his general direction, Alec shook her head,wincing, before responding, a bit of disdain in her voice as she did so. "What are we to each other..." Looking in front of them once again, she continued. "If I'm just Alec to you, I'm done."
Vent put his hand in his pockets, and hunched his shoulders a bit, looking a bit dejected. He stopped walking, and the aura of wind stopped. He looked up, closing his eyes as the rain came down on his face.

He lowered his head and looked back at Alec.

"..... But what if just Alec meant everything to me?" He asked, looking back away from her, going slightly red.
Stopping on her next step forward, Alec tilted her head down towards the ground. Turning on her heel, she looked back at him before quite literally tackling him into a large snow pile in one of the largest hugs she had ever given him.
Vent suddenly found himself in a cold snow pile, a warm girl on top of him. He went redder.

"... Uh, c-cold." He said, almost in a whisper, his arms finding themselves around Alec.
Alec giggled softly before hugging him tighter. Her one finger traced a pentagram into the snow and it became unmelting though it heated itself greatly. "Better?" She asked smiling, very very happy at that moment.
:: Marco bought up drusilla, he held it awkwardly ::

Marco: "goodbye... faith"

:: he drove drusilla's blade into his neck, severing his spine, Faith's neck burst open at the same place ::

:: Marco's dead body fell down, crashing to the ground, but soon the body began to shatter, and Marco emerged from the ground behind faith ::

Marco: "that's a trick i picked up from the creature known as the "creeper".. without it, that spell is impossible, unless as a kamikaze attack"
Leslie stood up after a while, some energy returned to her and went down farther, towards Borghens domain. She wanted to ask him some questions. Stopping in front of the door she knew to be where he stayed, she knocked softly.
Borghen heard something near the door to the cellar. He walked to the door,and opened it,and saw a woman standing there. The woman looked unfamiliar,but there was no mistaking her aura. "Hello,Leslie. What brings you here?"


Innos used Pierre's last breath to make a statement to Hope as he left, "It's better than nothing. When you make up your mind,head to Godshome... See you...Then..."

And then,Pierre died.
"I would like to ask for some of your knowledge." Leslie said, bowing her head to him. "If you wouldn't mind, and if you are free." Looking at him, she smiled faintly before turning her head to the side and hiding a yawn.
Borghen nodded. It was understandable;Leslie was once a human. But now,she's a demon. Of which species,he didn't know,but her form suggested a demon of Lust,Desire,or a Succubus.

Borghen stood aside to allow Leslie into the cellar. In one corner of the room,there was a red runic circle with candles around it's perimeter,and nearby there were two simple wooden chairs that smelled strongly of wine.
Stepping inside, she looked about her for a second before closing her eyes and moving more so towards the center of the room. Turning she looked back at Borghen. "Is Master Hope always so headstrong and hateful?"

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