Ww - the coming storm

The ego looked over his shoulder,and saw it was stationary. He nudged it with the shovel,and lo and behold,it twitched. He turned to the woman,and asked, "Help me spin this thing. I think this is the answer..."
“Okay” she agreed

Then stepping forward to a more comfortable position, she grabbed the side he wasn’t holding and helped him spin it to their left. Or, at least tried as no matter how much effort, or strength they seemed to exert, it didn’t move.

“It’s not budging” she noted, as she released the grip of the object
Steven's ego let go. "Damn...Well...Once more for good luck?"

The ego gripped the pillar,almost half-heartedly,and gave a pathetic twist clockwise.

And it spun.
:: Marco pit his weapons away, leaving faith lying 3-4 dead on jaged rocks ::

Marco: "report!"

Battlemage: "enemy forces are in full retreat, we have 35% casualties, most wounded, the enemy suffered over 90% losses, we almost lost when they broke our front ranks, but we fell back and ambushed them at the pass half a kilometre away"

Marco: "good, treat the wounded and get some lookouts on guard, those non-lookout and non-medical are to join me in seeing just what the enemy wanted with this place"

Battlemage: "right!"
Vent's grin only got bigger.

".... If you wanna play like that!" He spat, checking both sides, and seeing no immediate mundanes, snapped his fingers as the MeidoUmbralus marks began to glow slightly, and he winked out of sight.

Reappearing behind Alec, Vent grinned.

"These new marks really heighten physical abilities. It's subconciously feeding extra magic that would leaking off of me into my muscles." He explained, wrapping his arms around Alec from behind, making sure to get her arms too, so as to pin them against her sides. "I bet you thought I warped........ I didn't." He finished, his face in her hair, a grin playing on his lips.


Hope nodded, raising an eyebrow.

".... It would be about time for you to be introduced to those who always seem to find their way into my affairs." Hope explained, shrugging. "Ask Borghen about Vent and Alec, and their 'pals', Steven, Joseph and Marco." Hope told Leslie, as be continued formulating his plan of action.


Faith's body winked out of existance in a flash of green.

Conner's voice opened a channel to Marco's mind, communicating telepathically.

'Explaination time?' Was all it asked.
She couldn’t believe it…

The two of them had been trying hard and for him to get it with a measly twist, in the wrong direction, was frustrating. So frustrating the Val lost control of her hold on the heat spell, not realizing it had transferred over to his mind. Her palms burst into flames, although the extremities still existed and felt no pain, the fire was evident.

She decided to ask the question, now that her nerves were calm;

“What’s inside?”

Only for her mind to trail off and remember her real body on the outside, wondering if she took all the spell with her.

Aenor could probably deal with a little fire...
As she was caught, she smiled. The snow balls still in the air just hung there around them, making it look like a snow-globe in a way. "That's funny. It really is." Alec said, kinda happy her power helped him, rather than hurt him.

"But, your making a big mistake." She stated simply, before her finger twitched. True, she couldn't move her arms, but all she needed was a small flick of a finger to get her magic to work. Seconds later, she was gone from Vent's grasp, and was instead, about 30 feet up in the air, upside down staring at him while smirking. "You should know by now, I know everything Meido can do, and I have Umbralus markings as well." She giggled, reminding him they had both gotten them, she just didn't use hers.

As they darkened onto her skin, she raised an arm and a mini mountain of soft snow started forming between the two of them.


Leslie shrugged, a bit surprised to hear Marco's name included but then again....shaking her head for a second, getting rid of the look on her face, she sighed before raising an eyebrow at Borghen. "So, then, who are they?"
Vent's eyes widened.

How'd he forget something like that?

He sighed, and stood below the growing mass of snow, just smiling.
Alec sighed once before suddenly, the snow vanished, as did she. In the blind realm, which, by all means she shouldn't be able to get into, but then again, it was still part of her, so she could, she moved a bit, relocating her spot on earth before opening up a large hole right beneath Vent, the snow she had made before, waiting below him to catch him.
Vent closed his eyes as Alec disappeared, and then felt weightless.

".... Sh-" He started, before hitting the snow and then yelping out in surprise.

"N-Not coo-cool, Alec!" He yelled, trying to make his way out of the snow.
"Of course it's not cool, In fact, I'd say its rather cold." Alec giggled at the weather joke as she sat cross legged in the darkness watching him.
The ego didn't respond. He couldn't. His eye sockets began to pour out beams of light,as did his nostrils and mouth. He was hovering about three inches in the air,and the mental realm began to change.

The skies cleared,and the plateau exploded with life. This was his mind. In the distance,on the ground far below the plateau,came more plant life,and cities. These were his memories.

Meanwhile,in the hospital room,Aenor saw the woman's hands burst into flame,and quickly smothered the flames. Then,he began to dissipate in small wisps of light. "Now...We are one."

Then,he vanished.

The light subsided,and Steven's ego fell to the ground in the now grass filled pit.


Borghen responded,with venom dripping from his voice. It was obvious he hated them.

"Alec is the little witch. She's crafty. But last I checked she specialized in mending wounds,not creating them. Vent,the one I revile most deeply,is a rash,headstrong manchild. However,he's a skilled and fierce warrior. Their friends are another lot. Steven is more level headed than Vent,but he's still rash,and specializes in deception and psychokenisis. Marco,just like the other two boys,is headstrong. But he's something else;he's bull headed. He's so convinced of his own power,he has a god complex. It would be VERY pleasing to knock him down a peg or ten. Finally,there's their newcomer,Joseph. I can only go with what my spies have told me. They say he's very level headed,and very rational. They say that he's essentialy a male Alec. Aside from that,I don't know."

Borghen,satisfied with his quick briefing,slammed his fist into his palm,and his appearance changed with a flurry of black flames consuming him. When the flames vanished,he looked different.

He was the approximate size of Vent,and wore an outfit that looked like black muscle tissue. He wore a helmet,which sported a visor which covered his face,leaving no opening. It looked like it was made of black tinted mirrored glass,but knowing Borghen,it was probably nigh-indestructible. He held a sword,it's blade was long,and the end of the blade widened,then shrunk down to a point,creating a diamond shape. Borghen said,with his new voice of a young man,

"When do we start?"
The fire around her hands was gone and Val realized that it was put out by Aenor in the real world.

Although the thought seemed unfocused, she snapped back to his mind’s reality when light encompassed Steven. Her vision swapped between him floating, and the ever changing world around them, so this was his mind. The clear blue skies, metropolis off in the distance and the variety of plant life that dotted the terrain made his life sound exactly as he told it.

“Woah” she mouthed,

As it finished, she looked back towards him as he fell and knelt next to his body;

“Steven?” she called, not wanting to shake him awake.
Steven's ego got up,slowly,and beheld the world around him. "And why was my mind a desolate waste before...?

"Because,it was incomplete,until now."

Aenor was standing at the lip of the pit. His face was obscured,as usual,but you could tell by his tone that he was pleased. He hopped forwards,and slid down the slope of the pit on his feet. He landed beside Steven,and said, "We are now one,Steven. Thank you,Valentina. Without you,Steven would be dead by now."
Suddenly, Aenor was in Steven’s mind instead of out in the real world and Val wondered how exactly she was to get out now. Hearing her name, she looked up at the spirit and quirked a brow, she never introduced herself...

“…You're welcome” She noted, looking in between the two.
Leslie nodded her head, before turning her head and smiling to herself. It was entertaining to her to know how much they hated these people. At that moment, she had no reason to hate any of them, so she saw what they said as bais, but then again, she was also on their side...so wasn't she in a way that as well? Shaking her head after a moment, she sighed.

Running a hand through her hair, she kept her thoughts to herself and waited for Hope to give them the orders to move.
Vent rolled his eyes, and tried to sense Alec in the darkness. The blind realm was strange, and despite him now able to use Meido, he didn't really understand the blind realm's workings.

"..... Um..... Alec?" Vent called out, feeling kinda stupid. "Can you teach me to work the blind realm?"


Hope nodded in concurrence with Borghen's depiction of their 'enemies'. His grin almost seemed all knowing.

"..... But Borghen, have you noticed Vent only acts rash and headstrong when he's protecting someone? Otherwise, he seems less than the ideal warrior......" He interjected, his eyebrow raising as Borghen changed form.

He sighed.

"But enough. We carry on with the plan." He said with gusto, almost seeming excited.

"Borghen, when we arrive in Russia, I'll need you to distract Alec and Vent with Leslie's help. Those two despise me, and will hinder my attempts to reason with Steven. He is nessecary to bring down Innos. Just keep those two at bay, and DO NOT kill them...... But that should prove impossible. I believe this might be the perfect match-up." Hope explained with his grin. He then looked at Leslie.

"..... Understood?" He asked with an understanding glint in his confident eyes.
"Of course..." Alec said. "But it might take some practice, and your eyes will sting after. But if you go like this." She whispered a spell into the air, so only Vent could hear. "You'll be able to see. But keep your eyes closed."


"Roger." Leslie said, looking at Borghen and smiling.
Vent closed his eyes, and sighed.

"..... I'm so not gonna be able to do this for a while." He said, trying to see, but only being able to sense. He put his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Take me back to Russia please?" He asked, feeling strange in this realm, which was supposedly at his beck and call.


Hope nodded.

"We begin very shortly. You two understand your role?" Hope asked, pulling on the cuffs of his shirt.
Borghen nodded. "Apparently we're distractions. I'm fine with that,so long as I get to break Vent and leave him to moan in his own blood."

He looked at the sword,and decided it wouldn't serve the objective properly,so he dismissed it,and in it's place was a cruel looking four-flanged mace.
"Alright..." Alec muttered, before a hole opened underneath the two of them and dropped them back onto the ground in front of the Hospital. Smiling at Vent she shook her head before randomly standing on her toes and kissing his forehead. "Thanks, by the way."


Leslie nodded her head.
Hope's grin grew wider, a bright light encircling the three of them, he grabbed Leslie's hand, and his his other hand on Borghen's shoulder, and the three of them disappeared in a flash of light.


Vent smiled as Alec kissed his forehead, and then looked at her funny.

"Thanks fo-" His question being cut off by a flash of light, Hope Astrumregis, Borghen, and some random girl appeared about twenty feet away from him and Alec.

Vent stood there dumbfounded.

"..... What? Hope? Borghen?" He spat in dark tone, his right eye going yellow to match his left, and the Meido-Umbralus markings solidifying almost, taking a darker tone.
Borghen took the initiative. He flash-stepped in behind Vent and delivered a horizontal blow to his kidney line,then flash-stepped back fifteen feet.


He held the mace high,in line with his ear,with a slight downward slope,and he was waving it slightly,preserving momentum and inertia,and he held his empty hand out in front of him.
:: Marco turned his head, and answered with a nod ::

Marco: "you first..."

:: he sat down on a rock, looking at Connor ::

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