Ww - the coming storm

Vent was knocked forward, winded.

He staggered a bit, but caught himself before falling, coughing and stretching his back out, acting like it was no big deal.

"...... And what do you clowns want?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, acting a bit cocky, while secretly shitting his pants. Borghen and some random chick? AND Hope?

Sighing, Vent also stepped slightly in front of Alec, his eyes narrowing a bit.


Hope shook his head.

"Nothing from you, Vent, quite literally." He spat, before nodding to Borghen and Leslie and dissapearing.
Leslie, following Borghen's example, targeted the woman....who looked liek that scary lady she had seen back when she had been under Marco's wing. As her nails extended more, the demon coming out more every second, she moved forward towards Alec before dissapearing out of site. Appearing to Alec's side, she sweeped out her claws aiming for the eyes.
Vent's glare focused on the spot Leslie would appear. His hand shot out, the Meido-Umbralus marks sinking into his hand and arm up to his elbow, it transforming into a demonic claw. Vent caught the girl's own long claws with his own shorters ones, blocking the strike.

"Alec, get away!" He yelled, wind swirling around his other human arm, as he struck out at Leslie, trying to blast her back with a gale force wind. Vent kept an eye on Borghen as he dealt with Leslie, expecting an underhanded tactic.


Hope reappeared inside the hospital, strolling down the hallways looking quite dignified.

A nurse came around the corner, and looked at Hope puzzled.

"..... Sir? What are you doing back here?" She asked.

Hope looked at her, his smirk coming up.

"..... Visiting..... A friend." He said, continuing to stroll on.
Borghen noticed that Vent was being smart; He blocked Leslie,but also kept an eye on Borghen.

He flash-stepped again,this time above Vent,and came down at an unnatural speed,planting a foot in his face. "No! Let your wench deal with my graduate! It's her final esamination! You..." Borghen picked Vent up off the ground by the neck,and began to throw him. Half-way through the throw,he flash-stepped to a nearby wall,and he used the speed to whip Vent into it. He flash-stepped three feet back,and finished his sentence. "Are mine."

Borghen resumed his fighting posture,and awaited Vent to make the next strike.


Steven's ego faced Valentina,and said, "I'm sorry for my rudeness. I'm Steven. Thank you for your help."

Steven's ego then knelt down before her,bowing his head.
Vent picked himself out of the wall, covered in shadow and dust. The sillouette he would be displaying would have seemed odd, then almost seemed to melt into himself again.

"Nah, too easy." His voice said in a generally happy tone, the dust beginning to settle as Vent stepped back out of the hole in the wall, his right arm back to normal, and sporting his katana sheathed at his waist. He sighed.

"I won't let your 'student' lay a finger on Alec, Borghen." Vent said in a calm tone, grabbing his katana's hilt with his right hand, and the sheath with his left.


Hope continued down the hallway, and found the presense he was searching for.

He stopped hiding his own presense.

Every normal human in the hospital fainted.

Hope awaited Steven's notice of the massive pressure he was putting out, and leaned against the wall beside the door.
“Ah, it’s okay…I saw that you were busy…” Val started,

“…I’m Valentina, as you have heard, and… it’s nice to meet you? But, really, don’t worry about it” she said.

“So will you be coming to in the real world now?” she asks, wondering what had happened out there while they were gone.

Soon, her question answered itself as she felt pressure everywhere and held her head; the pressure increased slowly as she gave up the fight against it and she curled in on herself. Focus she tried to repeat to herself, as she thought of anything but the pain.
Alec narrowed her eyes. "Bull. You won't have to worry about that." Smirking a bit, as she looked at the girl, who from Vent's confrontation, was looking very very shaking, but there was something off. Though, deciding to let the girl recover, she looked at Borghen's back before dissapearing at random.

Leslie growled and seconds late, swiped at where Alec had been. Looking around, she blinked a few times before focusing her stare above Borghen's head. "Sir-"

She was cut off as Alec faked out on her target, though the portal to the blind realm was still above Borghen. As Alec's hands held on tight to the girls throat, she squeezed before pulling a very Yumi like attack. Moving one hand, a sharp scapel appeared in her hand. Leaning down into the girls ear...

"Give me one reason I shouldn't end your life right now." Alec whispered.

Leslie narrowed her eyes for a second before the demon took control of her actions. Putting a hand on the one on her throat, she grinned. "Because you can't kill me." As Leslie turned her head towards Alec's, their lips met, and the demon in leslie pulled one of the most cheap lust demon tricks there was. Infecting their prey with a kiss to confuse, spell bound, or even make them fall in love with them.
Vent's jaw dropped. He stared at the random demon-girl, now locking lips with Alec.

His right eye twitched.

He let go of the handle of his katana.

"........ Wha...... What?" He asked, his brain ceasing function.

Then, his face went red. He completely forgot about Borghen, and ran over to Leslie and Alec, yanking them apart, pulling Alec up.

".... A-Are you okay?" He spluttered out, throughly red.
Borghen was also flabergasted by Leslie's actions. After a brief, "What the...?" Borghen shook his head,and said, "Back to buisness."

He flash-stepped in behind Vent,and looped his mace across his neck,and threw his weight back. Once on the small of his back,Borghen moved the mace out of the way and used his feet to launch Vent into the air. He quickly flash-stepped above Vent,and brought his mace down onto Vent's stomach,hard. He was launched into a snowbank,which Borghen landed five feet from. He backstebbed,and assumed the combat stance he took at the beginning of the fight.


Suddenly,Steven's ego let out a piercing scream of agony. He clutched his head,and fell to his knees. Writhing,he fell on his stomach. Aenor also showed signs of extreme discomfort; He had his hand placed on his forehead,and was groaning.

The world around them was similarly affected. The ground quaked,thunder boomed overhead,and tornadoes ravaged the metropolis below. It was pure chaos,all induced by one extremely powerful man.

(OOC:Coro,Steven won't be leaving his mind for a little bit. Hope has to get in.)
Sitting there, Alec didn't even realize Vent pull her away from Leslie. Her eyes went dilated for a moment, before she shook her head standing up.

Leslie smirked. "Deary me, I do believe you forgot what you were doing, Love." Standing up as well, she held out a hand. "You were just about to give that to me." In her confusion, Alec handed over her weapon before Leslie grinned, putting a hand on the side of the woman's face before digging down hard with her nails, going over the left eye, and quite literally blinding it.

Unfortunately for Leslie, she didn't know about Alec's past with abusive people. Which, again, unfortunately for Leslie, unlocked a hellish rage. As her confusion snapped short, her mind kicked back into play and Leslie suddenly found herself in a hole in the side of a building.

Before she had time to register what had even happened, Alec's fist was around her throat once again and as she kicked off the bulding, she aimed the girl right at Borghen and whipped the body at him. As she stepped back down onto the pavement, she stared directly at Borghen with her good eye and growled.
Borghen's back was to Leslie and Alec. He was confident that Leslie could handle herself. Suddenly,Borghen was hit by something that weighed approximately one hundred and ten pounds.

He flash-stepped out from under the weight,and saw it was Leslie. He quickly hauled her up,and looked over his shoulder. He saw Alec,with one eye socket spewing blood,and the other eye,cold as frozen steel,looking at him with nothing but distilled hate. He looked at Leslie,and said, "Trade ya."
Leslie, a bit annoyed, nodded her head. She didn't like that scary woman, and know that she knew what her lips could do, she had a wonder as to what would happen to a male...

Alec's glare never faltered not even once. Her hands tightened into fists that where white from how hard she was holding them. She was waiting, she wasn't going to go charging in foolishly, oh no. She was going to do this on her terms and if either of them had a problem with that, well then they could die.
Borghen rotated his shoulders and neck. This wench would be a refreshing opponent. Suddenly,he dove into the ground,and the only thint of where he was was a small pool of shadow,with wisps of darkness emnating from it. The pool approached Alec at incredible speed,and when it was beneath her feet,he shot up through the ground,swinging his mace in a vicious arc.
Watching it closely, though not really keeping up, Alec felt the mace touch her for a split second before she was pulled into the blind realm and appeared up in the air, standing there staring down at Borghen, blood dripping to the ground where she had been from both her thigh and face.

Her fingers twitched, and the portol still holding her feet opened wider and all of the snow she had pulled in there with Vent fell out.
Borghen landed,and knew he missed. He didn't want to leave himself open for a counterattack,so he flash-stepped to the top of the hospital.

After a fraction of a second,he saw Alec,then flash-stepped back down to her level,five feet away. He swung his mace before him,and black lightning shot from the arc,striking Alec in the side,the side of her blind eye. When he landed,he jumped backwards several feet,then propped himself up on his mace,while panting to catch his breath. Flash stepping so often...It's exhausting...I hope Hope gets things done!
Uluting in pain, Alec fell from her hold in the blind realm, before flipping in mid air and catching herself on the ground. One hand pressed tight to the side of her head as she swayed ever so slightly. Suddenly, she realized something. Borghen had an advantage right now. And she had a disadvantage. Why not even it out?

At that very instance, both Borghen and Alec fell into the Blind realm. As Alec perched in the darkness, she shut her eyes as her spell took affect instantly without her having to do anything. Locating Borghen, she waited.


Leslie grinned darkly as she looked at the man in the snow. "hello..." She cooed softly and flirtatiously. "It seems your injured, let me help you." Using the scapel Alec had given her, she fired it towards Vent.
Vent sat up, everything hurting.

That distraction really let Borghen give it to him. He'd be sure to give it back, and then some.

Alec and Borghen's pressures were lost, and he knew immediately they went to blind realm. He could feel it..... Maybe he'd get the hang of this after all.

And then the demon girl's pressure was there!

Vent's arm shot up, a wall of wind spiking out from him, blasting the scalpel off course, as he sprung up, cracking his neck.

"..... The fact you're with Hope nullifies the fact you're a girl, so I CAN hit you. Just to clairify." Vent said, a grin on his face as his katana disappeared from his waist, and his Umbralus markings seemed to seperate from the Meido markings, and the Meido markings receeded into his skin.

"Voltus, Umbralus!" Vent yelled, his body sparking electricity, his eyes and hair becoming a glowing gold. His grin became a smirk, as he focused energy into his right hand, and hurled a spear of lightning at Leslie.


Hope sighed. He opened the door to Steven's room, and entered.

Closing the door behind him, he disappeared.

Suddenly, Steven and Valentia did as well.

In a universe Hope created in a instant, Steven and Valentia would find themselves in space. Stars as far as the eye could see, but no planets. Hope himself was floating directly in front of them, not even twenty feet away.
Watching Vent,. Leslie grinned as her body twisted back responding on it's own accord to avoid the damage it could visibly see. Feelings the heat of the thing as it passed by a bare inch from her face, she grinned darkly. "Firey, ain't cha?" She said, before setting back onto her feet watching him carefully.
Vent blinked.

".... Well, actually, I'm electrical." He said blankly, power beginning to charge in his right fist, as he took a stance where the fist was cocked back, ready to strike.
Steven felt his body move,but he couldn't do anything about it. He was simply in too much mental pain to do anything beyond shriek in agony inside his own head.


Borghen huffed. "So...THIS is the mythical Blind Realm? I'm sorry for being unimpressed. But,I do see your logic for moving us here. But...It is flawed."

Two sparks of light emerged from behind him,one a plain white,the other a flickering teal. One for the Essence of the Arcane,and the other for the Essence of Wind.

"These wards do more than protect me. They can also serve me! Arcanium! Let me see your progeny! Wind! Let me feel your movement!"

The sparks of light flickered,and vanished. Suddenly,Borghen saw a humanoid shape,made of cintilating light,and knew it to be Alec. He felt the air currents coming from her breathing and heartbeat,too. He possessed sight in the realm of the blind. He turned to face Alec,and assuming his combat stance,he beckoned Alec to strike.
"You do know, this realm is more than that, right?" She asked, knowing what Borghen had done. "It is much more." Alec shrugged, before sweeping her arm out behind her. Naturally, doing what she was about to was bad for her as well, do to her lack of something, but it was well worth it.

Taking in a large breath, Alec screamed bloody murder and something started moving from all around them, something very, very large. As her scream died away, she laughed. "Despite the name, Borghen, this place is a living nightmare."


Leslie smiled, "All the same." She winked at him before moving around him, just walking and chatting. "Your a fighter aren't you? Not so much as a lover, your too rough edged, to head strong. A bit dull as well, liking to do things with fists, more than your head. It's understandable. I mean, it's a wondrous form of self preservation, kill or maim anything that could possibly hurt you in any way." She wasn't really watching him anymore, just walking around him and talking.
Vent sighed, turning so to keep facing Leslie at all times as she circled him.

He scowled.

His Umbralus form deactivated. All the energy he'd been generating dispersed, and his levels went back to normal. The Meido marks reformed, and re-integrated with his Umbralus marks.

"....... I may be headstrong, but I'm not dull." He said, his gaze focusing on Leslie as she reminded him of a vulture, circling it's prey.

"Who are you, exactly?" Vent asked, putting his right hand in his pocket, deciding to 'use his head' and not his fists this time.
Borghen's vision lit up,and he felt like he was in the eye of a hurricane. He was effectively blind again,but he had Alec's last location memorized. He flash-stepped behind her,and spun,hoping to strike her.
"I meant on emotions." Leslie nodded her head, before pausing in her walk for a second. "Who am i?" Shrugging, she kept walking. "A rag doll, basically." Shrugging again, she continued. "A test subject. A punching bag. A left fist to compliment Borhgen's right. " She ran one of her long nailed hands through her hair. "A pawn, or partner, all depends on his mood. Child Killer." The last one was said with disguist, as she thought of Artemis. "Does that help?"


Alec heard Borghen before getting nailed in the side and letting herself bend with it, she reduced the damage done. As she fell though, the thing around them roared. It had smelt the blood Borghen had just, by force of the spin, took from Alec's face and nailed it into the air and on the ground, the scent of it spreading.

Laughing again, Alec moved across the ground, spreading more blood as she went, fully on purpose. "You've done it now, ou really have." For a split second, the blind realm lit up with fire breathed from a horrendous beast's mouth that was hungry for blood, with a trail of it leading right to Borghen, or Alec, depending on how it looked down at them.
:: Marco stood up, after connor had finished ::

Marco: "alright connor... or faith or whatever... you tell hope how i kicked your ass now... and you tell him the losses your sustained today"

:: he began walking away, drusilla's blade retracted into a staff ::

Marco: "87... since i became a mage... 87.... i've killed 87 people..."

:: he tapped the staff on the ground ::

Marco: "i've had enough... i'm sick of killing people... i'm sick of killing people just for doing their jobs... nightrise, hope's army... others..."

:: drusilla dissapeared ::

Marco: "the kkk... the westboro cult... skinheads, hate-groups all...i'll kill them wherever i find them.. but not people just doing their jobs"

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