Ww - the coming storm

Vent's gaze never faltered, eyeing Leslie.

"..... Those are what you are to other people, not who you are." He replied, shaking his head, and assinine grin on his face.

"Serving other people is what you do best, huh? Man, Hope's got himself a fun one this time..... I mean, I was starting to think he was gay!" Vent exclaimed.
Leslie paused, looking at Vent, "Excuse me?" Her eyes flared dangerously. Never would she ever do that. Her hands tightened into fists as she glared at him, before continuing her walk once again. "It's a favor, not out of serving him."
Vent's smirk got a dangerous egde to it as put his left hand in his pocket as well.

".... Hmmm..... I dunno. You seem like the type who likes to be told what to do." He said matter-of-factly, the slightest hint of verbal venom coming from his words.

He never knew trash-talking was this much fun!

"Yeah," He said, continuing the thought. "I recognize your energy now! We met at the Academy once.... You were all snivelling and submissive. Marco was gonna 'make you his apprentice', right?" Vent prodded, hoping he was striking a nerve.
With the force of the outside world getting to her, Valentina wasn’t really sure where she was; one second in Steven’s mind, and another back in the hospital room. When she opened her eyes for a third time, she was surrounded by the stars that usually filled the night sky. A sense of nausea overcame her when she realized it also covered the ground, or was there a ground?

She cringed through the pain that just passed through her by now, and struggled onto all fours to look around. The first thing she saw was a stranger standing a few feet from them; the next, Steven lying on the ground close by. Noticing the position they were in, she sat up on her knees and rubbed her hands together in a circular motion. She wouldn’t be able to think up any conjure under these sort of conditions, but she was able to blurt the first threat that came to mind.

“I’m going to give you 20 seconds to answer…What the hell, are you doing?” she struggled, as it was him messing with both her and Steven’s mind.
"And you seem like the type to like disappointing others." Leslie shrugged. "Moot point." Rolling her shoulders back, she returned to a normal, neutral tone, "As for Marco, he's a liar and brutally narcassitic.as for being 'snivling and submissive" I would assume any one would when under the assumption they are about to die." She sighed and looked up at the sky. "So, now that that is out of the way, let me ask you the same question, who are you?"
Vent shook his head.

"Marco's all those things, and my friend." He spat, realizing this demoness would get the better of him in a match of wits. Vent always tried to stay calm, but that temper of Conner's still plagued him.

"And, for myself, I'm Vent." He said simply, sighing and taking his hands back out of his pockets.
"As he is mine....to a point" Leslie shrugged, truth was, she did miss Marco...but she knew of the warning and wasn't going to temp fate. Looking at Vent, she frowned before sitting down, the snow not bothering her in the slightest and held out a hand.
Vent shook his head again.

"I've gotta be the most trusting person ever, or the dumbest." He spat, before strolling up to the demon-girl he barely knew, and gingerly grasping her hand.

If she had as acute sensory magic as Vent, she'd have realized that the MeidoUmbralus marks were emitting a faint resonance. This would indicate their powers were at work somehow.
Leslie laughed. "Or your just screwing with a demon meant to charm you..." She shrugged, raising an eyebrow at what she felt from the touch but otherwise did nothing. "Do you not trust me?" She asked, "I'm not going to do anything to you..." She let go of his hand, before looking at him and frowning again, before standing up.

"The scary lady's probably dead by now..." She sighed, she was hoping to hit a nerve.
Vent shook his head.

"I wouldn't trust you as far as I could th-....... I could throw you pretty far. Bad analogy." He said, scratching his head. "And by the way, that 'scary lady' is gonna tear Borghen a new asshole. He won't even wanna fight me when she's through with him."
"are you sure? She can't use her one eye....." Leslie's dark grin appeared for a moment only to be replaced with a sincere smile. "I mean, that cut i gave her was deep. She's crippled." Shrugging, Leslie suddenly grabbed a hold of Vent's hand again and pulled him close, planting a kiss on him while smirking.
Vent smirked as the demon girl pulled him in for a kiss.

The MeidoUmbralus energy he'd been gently emitting had been from his lips. He'd expected this demon to try something akin to the trick she'd pulled on Alec.

Instead of falling to whatever symptoms the demoness had planned, she'd begin to see Vent as her worst fear.

Vent felt horrible for actually kissing her, but it's not like he wanted to!

He pulled away as fast as possible, almost as soon as their lips connected.
Leslie's eye twitched as she felt something wrong. Looking back at Vent, she nearly screamed, her clawed hand going out and attempting to stab him in the chest in fear.
The fight was quickly deteriorating. He ran forward,and attempted to scoop up Alec,if he found her. His hand touched her,and he scooped her up,and immediately tore open a dimensional rift. He threw her through it,and went through himself,shutting it behind him.

Now on the roof of the hospital,and Alec was about twenty feet away. He collapsed to his knees,while supporting himself with the mace. This...This is going on for too long...I need to step off the offense...Need to...Defend.

Borghen stood up,shakily,and assumed his combat stance,once again beckoning Alec to come for him.


Within his mind,the agony wasn't getting any lighter. He muttered a "Let...Me...OUT!",and was released from his own mind. He sat up,and saw that he was lying amidst a field of stars and space. Beside him was Valentina,and in front of him was a man he reviled. "Hope." Steven spat. The word was bathing in malice and venom. If one looked closely,one could see the ghostly figure of Aenor superimposed onto Steven.
Vent, pushing away from Leslie, caught her claw on the arm as he turned. Snarling, he blasted her with a quick force of wind, shooting her away.

He held his arm gingerly, inspecting the deep cuts.


Hope looked at Valentia.

"I'm Hope. Hope Astrumregis." He said to the girl as Steven awoke.

He then smiled.

"Steven! Good to finally meet you in person. I assume you've heard of me from Vent and Alec." He exclaimed, looking strangely pleased, an a tad amused.
Hitting a building or a tree or something, Leslie didn't really know, she fell and stayed there, not moving in the slightest.


Alec snarled as they were taken out of her realm. Oh, that had really set her off, winding back a fist, a green pentagram in front of it as she literally flew at Borghen. her other hand was hid behind her back, one of her twin daggers was held and covered in one of her mothers most lethal posions...
Borghen smirked,and waited for the last possible moment. Just before Alec would've connected,Borghen cartwheeled out of the way,with incredible speed and agility. While still on the one hand,he spun the mace around,and used the momentum to flip himself onto his feet,while simultaneously bringing it down onto her spine. All while doing this,he said, "Too slow." in a mocking voice.


Steven stood up,and replied, "Remember the Hellforge? Remember the Soul Body? That was me. You're despicable. What the f*** do you want with me?"

It was obvious Steven wasn't in the mood of any bullshit.
Vent scowled as he sensed Borghen's and Alec's presenses. He lept his way up to the rooftop they were fighting on, and watched as Borghen cartwheeled. Still gripping his wound, Vent swore under his breath. He'd let Alec fight until he was sure she couldn't.


Hope smirked.

"We've never met in person." He corrected Steven, shaking his head.

"I've come to you today because we have a mutual enemy, Steven. I have no conflict with you, Vent, or Alec right now. I want Innos dead, and so do you. I have a plan." He explained, short and sweet.

"What do you say? A very short truce, to put it in simple terms?" He asked, not beating around the bush.
As she fell forward, she went into a tumble roll. "Slow eh? It's about time I used this then." A pentagram appeared below her till suddenly it rocketed up over her. "I'm not stupid borghen,do you really think I'm in the mood to let you walk away from here?" Her own personal umbralus marks flared up as she concentrated her energy. "I think it's about time the fight went sky bound.

Flipping into the air, she brought down her right leg and watched it split across the roof of the hospital, but it didn't make a crack, it created a wave of the pavement, flipping everyone up into the air. As she landed, she kicked off the ground and up into the air. She knew this was a one shot thing, and that it was risky....but she wanted to send hope a message. One that putting his second in command out of business could deliver.
Borghen was flung into the air,and immediately knew that he'd be screwed if he was hit. He immediately accelerated his fall,and hit the hospital roof feet first. He saw Vent,and came to the conclusion that Leslie was defeated. Borghen leapt backwards,and assumed a defensive stance. He opened a mental link with Hope. "Whatever you're planning,make it happen soon! Leslie's down,and they're both pissed!"


Steven scoffed. "And will there be any outcome where you won't stab me in the back afterwards?"
:: Marco left connor/faith in a pool of his own blood, with a pike through his chest ::

Marco: "i avoided the vitals..."

:: he teleported away, appearing where vent and leslie were ::

Marco: "hey vent, you'll never guess who i jus-woah!"

:: he raised drusilla at Leslie ::

Marco: "if it is'nt the trairorous whore"
Val was answered on both sides, first from Steven who had just sprung free from his mind, and then from Hope himself. Steven seemed to hate the man, as it showed from the disdain on his face and the heated words he exchanged with him. It seemed they both had the same goal in mind, to defeat Innos with the help of Vent and Alec; who she realized she had met in the waiting room.
Alec grinned cruelly as stayed in the air, eyes locking on Borghen before sparks started flying off in multiple directions, just from the sure amount of magic she was putting into this. Twisting her grip on her dagger, she mutated it, and it shifted into a border line disappearing pole that was a solid blade. As it floated in front of her, she reared back a fist before power surging it, watching it shoot off towards Borghen like a bullet.

But her assault wasn't done. Biting down on her arm, she drew blood before using it to trace the two halfs of a pentagram on her hands. Putting them together, all the magic she had just pulled forth shot out in one large lazor like thing, all of it concentrated on one specific spot.


Hearing someone's voice, and something metal like being moved, Leslie's eye twitched. Forcing herself to look up, she saw none other than the last person on earth she'd ever want to see. Sighing, the tension in her muscles drained and her eyes closed again.
Vent scowled as Marco appeared.

"Great timing, as always....." He said in an unimpressed tone, shaking his head. "Alec's just about done with Borghen."

Vent glanced over at Leslie, lying unconscious.

"..... You know who she is?" Vent asked, stupefied.


Hope rolled his eyes.

"The only outcome I desire can see you and your friends through this plan alive, yes." Hope stated, tugging at his cuffs for a moment.

".... Do you accept or not, Steven?" Hope asked, totally serious.
Borghen saw what Alec had done. He was bushed. He couldn't do much. Except...

He dove into the roof,and a black pool could be seen,with tendrils of dark energy wisping above. The pool sped across the surface,and when it was directly under Alec,he shot up out of it,with a giant black hand being projected from his right hand,and it struck Alec with crushing force,while it still phased through her. When Borghen landed,he immediately collapsed to his knees,and supported himself,once again,on his mace,gasping for air.


Steven tought. It didn't take long,really. "I'm in. On one condition. I keep the Eye."

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