Ww - the coming storm

:: there was a light breathing behind her ::

Marco: "not bad... for an ameture"

:: he tapped drusilla on her back, the scythe blade came out of the staff and around Leslie's neck ::

Marco: "calm down, if i wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already... now just answer my questions and you'll be fine, okay"

:: he took a deep breath ::

Marco: "firs one is obvious... why did you betray me and join up with hope?"
Leslie hissed in pain as Marco found her. Glaring at him the best she could, given their positions, "Why should I even answer you? You could just ask your father..."
:: marco pulled the blade a little closer to her neck ::

Marco: "i havent seen my dad in 2 f**king months, how about you do the honors and fill me in..."
Wincing a bit, Leslie growled, her hands tightening into fists. "I thought you were working for nightrise. So I ran, okay. Hope was just an add on as a payment for giving me shelter..."
Marco: "just an add-on eh?... sounds like you're in a tight spot..."

:: he got the blade a bit further away ::

Marco: "okay, question number two, what the hell made you think we were nightrise?... considering the fact that we are the ones who drove them to the point of collapse where they can now only operate in south-east africa"
"I don't know, those things...in the basement, or whatever that was. " She growled at herself, rather than him that time. "I saw people go in them but no one come back out...I thought...I thought..." She was reverting back into her old self, stuttering and utterly terrified as the demon half of her reverted back inside.
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "so let me get this straight... you saw the teleportation chamber and thought they were some sort of... death trap? after that, you ran off and hope gave you shelter so you were obliged to help him and now... you're just mozeying about looking for something to do?"

:: marco could feel an odd presance coming from Leslie, it seemed evil, and powerful too ::
"I still owe him for a lot of things..." Leslie admitted, though she hated saying it. "Besides, I can't go anywhere near where you go." She muttered, remembering very clearly Artemis's warning. Putting a hand up near the blade around her throat, she narrowed her eyes. "Get it off, before I rip your arm off with it." She growled, the demon in her despising being trapped like this.
:: it was at this moment that Marco struck, he head-butted leslie, unintentionally locking lips ::

:: Marco cast a spell, next thing they knew, Leslie, the demon in her and Marco were standing on top of a vast ocean, a large tree grew up past the clouds behind leslie ::

Marco: "Leslie.. welcome to your subconsious"

:: he pointed at the demon and grinned ::

Marco: "and you... i'm gonna drive you out of her and cook you in the sunlight"

:: little did the demon know, that Marco was'nt just being cocky like normal, he was goading the demon into anger, because when demons show emotion, they are vulnerable, weak even though they appear to be stronger ::
"You do know, I'm like a normal demon possessing her right?" The fully blown lust demon cooed softly, moving up behind Leslie in a swaying sexy walk. Putting her face down near Leslie's, who was just sporting a thing of confusion. She traced a hand over the girls heart before pulling up and showing Marco the cord of soul that connected to two of them.

"We're quite literally bonded, darling. " The lust demon winked at Marco. "You can't take one out without the other...and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to hurt this poor, small thing, would you?" The demon stroked the side of Leslie's face, teasing Marco the whole time.
:: marco grinned ::

Marco: "i don't need to harm you at all, if thats the way you want to play it, shemale!"

:: Several large chains appeared in marco's hands ::

Marco: "so, you into bondage? i could just tie you up and forget about you..."
"Mmm." The demon said, while looking at Leslie. "Now, why would you want me gone?" A look came across the demon's face that would make any man swoon. "I haven't done anything to hurt you, have I? If anything, I made this girl strong enough to support herself without having to always run."
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "running... hiding... it would be nice if Leslie didn't have those weaknesses.. and you havent done anything to me, and i must admit, you are a beauty any man, including me would want"

:: he waited for a second ::

Marco: "but, i know this sounds cheesy but... i believe that it's a person's imperfections that make them perfect, you hear me, leslie is perfect WITHOUT YOU!"
"Oh, I understand this, but you see, she made the deal herself, she has no problem with me. It's not your choice darling, it's her's. She was the one who agreed to join with me, and I can tell you now, I'm not going anywhere. " It wasn't a challenge, it was simply logic.

"She still has a lot of imperfections, in fact, everything that had changed in her, had been me telling her what to do to protect us, otherwise, she can do whatever she wants. I must say though, if it wasn't for me, darling Marco Highland, this girl would be dead. Isn't that right, Leslie...?"

Leslie looked at the demon and shrugged, she was a bit in confusion at that very moment. Shaking her head, Leslie put a hand over her heart, in a protective manner as she looked between the two. Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "M-marco, please, leave it alone..."
:: Marco scowled ::

Marco: "you think you're the source of her power? all you are is simply a voice in her ear, telling her what to do.... you didn't do anything"

:: he looked at the massive tree behind leslie ::

Marco: "Leslie, this.. demoness is a sadist, she'll just get you killed, you don't need her"
Leslie shook her head. "No, she's not just a voice, every time I've gotten in something dangerous, she moved me so I wouldn't get hurt. And she isn't a sadist." Her voice sounded hurt as she looked at him.

The demon smiled faintly as she looked at Leslie, like a mother would to their child.
:: Marco scowled, this demoness had all but completely consumed leslie, when danger was near, leslie would get weak and this demoness would come and take over a bit more of her ::

Marco: "i see ..."

:: in this place, leslie was god and the demoness had influence over her, he was at a severe disadvantage ::
The demon looked at Marco before frowning. "Your emotions are something of distrust...do you think I'm going to hurt her? Boy, I could care less if she uses me or not, I'd rather stay dormant in her soul, it's a lovely place and I don't want to mess taht up. So if your thinking, what your feelings are telling me you are, your wrong."

The demon was getting annoyed. Leslie on the other hand, started laughing.
:: Marco didn't know what to say at this point, all he could do was stand there, and wait for one of the others to make a move, he began to think ::

Marco: {demons thrive on conflict, maybe i should affirm what she said, but this is a demon of desire, that is even worse than confrontation}

:: his attention turned to the small thread connecting the demon and alec ::
Taking a deep breath, Leslie sighed, her laughter stopping. Looking at the demon she frowned before looking at Marco and her frown deepened. "Why do you have such a drive to stop anyone from being strong?" She shook her head, "You have this....this trait of putting people down...and if they have something that actually gives them a bit of confidence, you want to take it away? Your kinda weird....you know." Her odd ability to pick up on peoples nature was going through again while the demon just stood there, a bit suprised and a tiny bit amused at the conversation.
:: marco chuckled ::

Marco: "not true, leslie, i want YOU to be strong... not just the demon, if you continue to rely on the demon you'll just get weaker"

:: he took a deep breath ::

Marco: "you need to get stronger yourself! not just rely on something else when things get tough!"
Leslie shook her head. "I can't do that..." She muttered. "I don't think you realized when I fist met you, but I relied on that sand. I'm not a strong person Marco. And I won't get stronger. Or weaker. Besides, when have I ever done anything tough? I run away every time. " She was nearly crying now, showing how much she actually despised who she was. "I cna't help that Marco, but the demon, regardless of what I am on the inside.." The word coward, didn't need to be said. "it's because of her that I can actually stand to look at myself, true, i'd still rather run when ever she helps me fight, but she keeps me sane b allowing me a bit of pride. I don't care if you say it's going to make me weaker...it's not like it would be the first time someone has told me something would hurt me like that..."

Leslie turned, looking at the tree, before pointing out the way the bark went along it, everything was faded, as if it wanted to be earsed, but was there to long to dissapear, with only a few lines deep and shining like they were happy to be there.
:: Marco sighed, and approached leslie, walking past the demon, and he came right up to her ::

Marco: "leslie, if you want to become stronger or weaker, there are some things you need to do by yourself"

:: he hugged her ::

Marco: "you're strong leslie, no matter what you say... remember your parents?... it took incredible strength to remain sane and alive with that kind of a negative influence... and yet here you are... if that is'nt stength, then i dont know what is"

:: marco was being honest when he said this ::
Leslie's face went red. "That wasn't strength. That was the normal human nature to survive." Leslie shook her head. "If you want to know what Strength is, look at yourself..." Shaking her head, she pulled away from him, looking at the water below them watching it start to rise up, no longer were they standing above it, it was not lapping at their ankles.
:: marco gave a slight chuckle ::

Marco: millions of people every year kill themselves, turn to drugs or go on a killing spree for suffering half of what you have, and yet you kept your cool, you tried to better yourself... in truth, i might be stronger on the outside, but on the inside... i'm nothing compared to you"

:: he let go of her, not even noticing the water going higher ::

Marco: "you said that i try and keep people away, and yet you beat yourself down"

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