Ww - the coming storm

Leslie shook her head before her hands flew up to the sides of it as she keeled over on her side in pain. OUt of the water's reach, Leslie hissed and bit down on her tongue hard enough to cause blood to flow. As the pain, which was indescrible, ricosheted over and over again in her head and chest, she was starting to break down, too many bridges rebuilding themselves in her head. All the blurred lines in the tree becoming deepened and prominent.

The demon just shook her head. "You did this, you know..." It said while looking at Marco before diving completely under the water, it's sheer strenght alone allowing it to move. Besides, in some form, this was also it's subconsious, though it held no power over it, the place couldn't harm it in the slightest. Same if the roles had been reversed for the two joined.
Marco: "crap crap crap!"

:: he managed to move slowly, soon the water got over his head, it went into his nose, and into his mouth, soon it was in his lungs ::

:: he had no power here, and it was here that it seemed he would die ::
As the pain doubled, Leslie screamed, and suddenly, everything changed. There was no more water, and the tree was dieing. Around them was a hollowed out city, destroyed, disgusting, and disturbing, with the feel of dread around every corner.

As the pain died down to something of a migrain and chest pain, she lay there, eyes unfocused on the roof of the building they had ended up on. The demon shook her head, "I'm sorry...." It muttered, as it went to Leslie's side, pulling the girl into her lap and petting it gently, as magic flowed from it's fingers trying to block out those things Marco had pulled forth from Leslie to where she had to admit it to herself and acknowledge it to be true...
:: marco collapsed, laying on the roof 8 metres in front of leslie and the demon ::

Marco: "ooh.. monkey on a stick...."

: he staggered to his feet, still swaying ::

Marco: "so... i'm still here... what now, eh demon?"
"Sit down, wait a while..." The demon said, keeping her magic constant while humming something to calm the atmospehere around them down. "Cough a bit, that stuff is probably still in your lungs and throat..." The way it said it made it seem a lot more human that it was.
:: Marco got onto one knee and threw up the water, it was back to being a normal liquid so it was somewhat easier to eject ::

Marco: *cough* "thanks..."

:: he re-gained his ballance and approached leslie and the demon ::

Marco:"so, where are we now?"
Leslie just shook her head and kept her eyes closed. The demon sighed and tapped the side of her head with one claw then winked.
:: marco came up to leslie and the demon ::

Marco: "leslie... get up..."

:: he gave her a kick to the legs ::

Marco: "come on, get up!"
Leslie yelped, and kicked back. She was still fully responsive but man, it hurt to move...The demon bared it's teeth at Marco. "Do it again, you'll find yourself in something worse than the water..." It turned it's attention back to Leslie increasing the magic needed to block out the memories that were still pouring threw, making her unstable, and very very touchy.
:: marco got down, and placed his hand on Leslie's head, soon, in the middle of the city, a massive spire burst out of the ground, pitch black with a shining light at the top, the city crumbled and they found themselves under a small but elaborate gazebo at the base of the spire ::

Marco: "welcome to my subconcious..."

:: a strange ball of light hovered above them ::

Marco: "that's a part of the memory you're trying to repress... but this part is only the site and sounds of the dead and wounded children, her torture and the death of the adults is still there"

:: he grasped the part of the memory, and sealed it in himself ::

Marco: "there, its done, i took the memory from her mind and i've sealed it in my subconcious"
The demon raised an eyebrow. "Interesting..." She looked back down at Leslie, viewing through the emotional grid of the girl and sighed, stepping away from her as the thing leveled back out to normal... As she pushed on the side of her head a little bit, Leslie opened one eye, staring at Marco. "Why'd you do that....?"
:: Marco shrugged ::

Marco: "you know, i've killed 87 people... 87 human beings and wounded over 500... and honestly, i'm sick of people suffering, so as well as giving up lethally wounding, i'm trying to help people... this was just the first "good" act"

:: he sighed ::

Marco: "honestly, even with this thing sealed up inside me, i still... i feel good"

:: Meanwhile, in the real world, Marco and leslie's bodies lay in the gutter, a few paramedics stood near them ::

Paramedic 1: "mild head wounds, looks like something hit them on the head, judging by how many things are here, they probably just fell"

Par 2: "right, i'll get the ambulance, we can't just leave them here, after getting a call"

Par1: "okay, i'll radio the hospital"

:: also, nearby in the city ::

Agent: "sir! we've identified Marco highland, just 3 blocks away"

Suit: "and why havent we "hit" him yet?"

Agent: "he's already in an ambulance with an unknown female, sir"

:: the man in the suit nodded ::

Suit: "tell colonel Tanning that Nightrise is calling in a favor..."
Nodding her head, Leslie sighed. "Your too good Marco..." She shook her head. "You always where, so don't worry about having to do good things..." Standing up a bit shakily, she coughed into the palm of her head as her chest tightened in pain for a moment. "So....what now?"
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco:"trust me, i'm not a good guy, i still have a long way to go..."

:: he turned to the demoness ::

Marco:"i think we should disscss why there is a demon possessing you... maybe we can come to an agreement that will prevent either leslie or miss demoness from driving each-other mad..."
The demon shrugged, "I'm not possesing her. Not in the slightest, and I would never drive her mad. " The demon humped and stuck out it's lip, looking a bit offended. Leslie laughed faintly. "nah, it's cool...unless you have a problem with it...?"
Marco leaned onto the stone fencing of the gazebo ::

Marco: "demons never do something unless they have something to gain... i wanna know you're angle in all this.."

:: Marco sighed, what he wouldnt give for one freaking day off ::
The demon shrugged, "I don't really know, I didn't really want to do this. But that blasted child and his damned stone..." She shook her head. "If I'd had known what He wanted when I met him, I would have sliced him open right then and there, but nope....ignorant as always when it comes to crucial things like that..."
:: Marco grinned a bit ::

Marco: "so, you were implanted by hope..."

:: he went face-to-face with ::

MArco:"you say you wanna rip hope to shreds... join me and you'll have a chance at exactly that... all i want is your support"
"Can't do anything unless she agrees." The demon said, after all, Leslie's was the dominate soul. "But I gladly would..."
:: Marco nodded, then he squatted down to where Leslie's head was ::

Marco: "how about it, leslie?... you dont have to if you dont want to..."
Leslie looked at Marco for a second before shaking her head. "I still owe him a lot...." She muttered, her sense of duty over coming what she probably should have agreed too.
:: Marco sighed heavily ::

Marco:"you are really loyal, aint you?"

:: he stood back up and took a step back ::

Marco: "what would it take to repay this debt?"
"I don't know..." Leslie muttered, "Doing something big that would make him real happy I guess, cause thats what he did for me..." She sighed. "But, since he only wants one thing, I doubt I could do anything meaning I'm stuck..."
Marco: "hmm... leslie, i got an idea.."

:: he took a bit of a deep breath ::

Marco:"at some point, sooner or later hope and boghren will be attacked by Alec, vent, myself and maybe a regiment of battlemages, you can repay him by defending him against me, but as we both know, you won't last.... so after you tried, youi're debt should be repaid and then you can join us and help bring him down, waddya say?"
"That won't make him ahppy...." Leslie said, "That will make him upset, besides, he shove me out of the way to deal with you himself, like always..."

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