Ww - the coming storm

:: marco sighed ::

Marco: "so, there is no way to fulfill this debt..."

:: he sighed, and he opened a portal ::

Marco: "here, if you go through this, you'll wake up"

:: he closed his eyes ::

Marco: "well then, it seems our bodies are in a hospital, head-injury ward... huh... some religious nutjobs are protesting the hospital"

:: he chuckled ::

Marco: "one of the signs says "let prayer cure, not the devil's tools"... i swear, some people..."
Leslie laughed a bit sharply. "Screw prayer, he hates us anyway..." Looking at Marco she got a devilish grin on her face, "Want to go give them a bit of a scare?"
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco "i recognise one of them... the westboros... an american hate group.. i think we can take them down, but we don't attack them, we just undermine everything they think... simple"

:: he gestured to the portal ::

Marco "i'll be right behind you"
"I didn't really mean take them down, but" she shrugged. "I guess that works." As Marco told her to go first, Leslie stepped through and was jolted back into her body. Shooting up right, she cracked her knuckles and started laughing as darkly as she could.
:: Marco grasped her arm as he woke up ::

Marco: "no wait... can't you feel that?..."

:: marco raised his hand ::

Marco: "no magic... only the earth's core can do this, or crystals formed near the core... and the only ones in possesion of these crystals are nightrise"

:: a doctor came in with 2 injections ::

Doc: "easy now, lay down or you'll hurt yourself."

Marco: "whats the injections for?"

Doc: "another patient"

:: marco could feel it, those needles had poison, this was an assasin, but he was still weak from waking up. ::

Marco: *quietly* "its an assasin, let him come closer so we can take him down, trust me here..."
Leslie nodded her head, not really understanding what Marco said, but knowing enough that it was a bad situation.
:: the assasin came up ::

Assasin: "come on now, lay down you little lovebirds"

:: it took a second, the assasin thrust the 2 needles at marco and leslie, first Marco grabbed the needle coming at him and he pulled the assasin over him ::

:: soon, marco was holding the assasin by the ankles, in an effort to stop the needles ::

Marco: "leslie, now! go for the neck!"
Reaching behind her, Leslie grabbed the first thing her hand touched and nailed the assasin in the jugular with it. Which, was a pretty good deal, considering it snapped his neck.

"Who would guess one of these would actually do something good for a change..." In her hand was a fire extinguisher that every hospital kept in every room.
:: Marco got off the bed ::

Marco: "come on, where there's one, there's more... these guys are like cockroaches, you just can't kill 'em"

he got up, looking like a real idiot in the backless hospital robe, the same type that leslie was wearing ::

Marco: "i got an idea, help me strip him down"

:: marco took the jacket off the assasin and lay it out on the floor ::

Marco: "nice work, using a blunt object to prevent blood spatter"
Leslie nodded, before standing up, making a quick change to her gown by taking the strings that tied it in the back and putting them around her once and then tieing them in the front, covering most of the gap the gown had. Moving around towards the assassin, she carefully helped Marco in what he was doing, while sheepishly saying, "I didn't know that did that actually..."
Marco didnt look up, he was busy removing the pants fromt he assasin ::

Marco: "forget about it, it was either him or us"

:: he un-did his gown, although Leslie would hate him for doing that, he has since lost all sense of modesty, seeing it as "an artificial construct" and being "impractical ::

Marco: "okay, while i put his clothes on, you put my gown on him,and be quick about it"
Leslie nodded her head, quickly turning, and keeping her head away from Marco. Taking his gown, she slipped it onto the man trying her best to be fast, but fumblign a bit here and there. When she was done, she steped far away from the assassin and Marco keeping her head away from them both.
:: by the time Leslie was finished, Marco was just adjusting the tie ::

Marco "dont be surprised, after all the shit i've been through getting changes quick is nothing"

:: he lifted the assasin onto his bed and pulled up the blanket ::

Marco: "okay, if someone looks they'll see it's not me but for a 2 second glance-over it'll do, get in that wheelchair"

:: he pointed to a wheelchair in the corner ::

:: Marco dressed as a doctor and leslie like a patient in a wheelchair, no-one would look twice in a hospital like this :;
Leslie nodded her head, still a bit creeped out as she settled into the chair before suddenly reaching up to her head and unpinning the bun her hair was always in. Messing up her hair so it hung in her face, she hung her head to one side, completely the look of a sick patient that no one would really want to go near.
:: Marco nodded a face-mask from a shelf to help cover his face ::

Marco: "right..."

:: marco opened the door and wheeled Leslie out, seeing men in black leather with vests, gas masks and submachine rifles at the end of the hall, nightrise commandos ::

Marco *quietly* "see that triangle symbol with the star-spiral on their arms?... thats nightrise..."

:: he turned away ::

Nurse: "doctor! we need help, the patient in 43-d is having a seizure"

Marco: "how bad? on a scale of one to 10?"

Nurse: "at least a ten sir, when i left he was foaming from the mouth"

Marco: "give him sedatives, the strongest you can find, keep it below the deadly dose, keep his head tilted an-"

Nurse: "what kind of sedative, sir?"

Marco: "strong ones, i dont care what ones, we need to keep him still, after that, you get the stomach-pump and empty his stomach, that froth from his mouth is'nt good, we need his system cleansed, what are you waiting for? chinese new year? MOVE IT!"

Nurse: "yes sir!"

:: the doctor scurried off, to get sedatives ::

Marco: *to leslie* "well, im gonna be a complete prick and compliment myself... now THAT was thinking on your feet"

:: a Nightrise commando came up to Marco, followed by 3 soldiers in uniform, armed with batons ::

Marco:"can i help you... err..."

Commando: "none of your business... now, have you seen this man?"

:: he was showed a rough snapshot of himself from a year before, luckily that was when he had a mean stubble growing with messy hair, not the 5 o'clock shadow and neat ponytail like he does now ::

Marco: "uhh.. you mean that bum who was in here last wednesday?"

Commando: "no, he's named Marco K Highland, we believe he was admite-"

Marco: "oh him! yes, he ran out of here a little while ago, last i saw he was heading east, towards the bridge a few blocks down east"

Commando: "thank you, sir *into radio* all units, target is heading east, i repeat east!"

:: the commando left, marco slumped over a bit, he was panting and pale, his heart was beating like crazy ::

Marco: "gimmie a minuite... i gotta..."

Nurse: "doctor!"

Marco: "sonofa.."

Nurse: "the patient is fine sir, apparently he was having an elergic reaction to the salt on his eggs from lunch, the stomach-pump is being prepared"

Marco: "good, sorry but i'm busy with this patient here, can i count on you to supervise the pump?"

Nurse: "yes sir!"

Marco: "well.... go on then!"

:: the nurse scurried off again ::
Vent scowled, bringing his katana up to a ready position.

"You're usually more offensive, Borghen? Finally realized you won't beat me?" Vent taunted, knowing full-well they were just about perfectly matched. He didn't have any advantage this time. It would come down to who was the better fighter.

Shaking his head, Vent swung, and unleashed a blast of black lightning.


Hope, appearing in front of Innos, suddenly and almost viciously, grasped Innos' hand, preventing him from placing the Eye in the sword.

"Innos, why do you posses the Eye? Surely that's breaching your contract with Steven." Hope said with a glint in his eyes, light energy pouring out of him.
Borghen stayed perfectly still,and the blows hit him,full force.

Or,at least,they seemed to.

Borghen was standing unnaturaly still;he wasn't even swaying,and Vent's blows actually passed right through Borghen harmlessly. Suddenly,"Borghen" vanished,and the real Borghen appeared behind Vent,just above his head.


And Borghen rocketed to the ground at faster-than-normal speeds,with the blade of his sword pointed down.


Innos smiled,and gently extricated his hand from Hope's grasp. "Ah,Hope. I see you've come to negotiate the offer I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately,you've come a touch late. I'm sorry things didn't pan out as I had earlier planned." When Hope mentioned the contract,Innos chuckled. "You're mistaken,Hope. Steven died,and thus the contract ended. As the remaining party,as outlined by the contract,I'm free to retrieve the Eye."
Leslie had to smile faintly, Marco was an excellent liar. As the last nurse moved away, she tilted her head back as another approched and bore her teeth at them, quite literally scaring the shit out of the poor woman into thinking the "doctor" was dealing with an insane patient.

Taking a deep breath, she felt oddly calm, compared to Marco at least, who she could just somehow sense was getting nervous about this. Whispering quietly, so only Marco could hear the actually words being said, she muttered, "You've grown to be quite handsome, you know that?" Sure, it wasn't the time or place for it, but she was hoping it would keep him from like, exploding.
While all this chaos surrounded him,Joseph was still comatose. His heart was barely holding itself together,and he needed some magical help. His mind was screaming,and it wasn't being picky on who heard.
Alec's good eye shot open in the dark room she was placed into. Attempting to sit up, she cursed loudly as her body was strapped down to the thing. Clearly, whatever had happened in that OR had made her upset enough to attack something, or this wouldn't be a problem. As her finger twitched, the binds cut themselves open and she swung up and onto her feet.

She could hear Joseph, and that wasn't good. At least, not with the noise it was making it wasn't. Her right eye shot towards the door, the other unresponsive under layers of stitches, and bandages. Locking it with a small spell, she made sure no one was getting into this room. Falling back into the shadows, she teleported quickly to Joseph's side, locking the door to that room as well.

Looking at him, she shook her head. "God damnit.Don't they know how to treat a damn heart patient properly?" Shaking her head, she supposed it was tfor the best, if anything, they would have succedded in killing him. Pulling something out of her pocket, she gripped tightly to a box of pills her mother had created for medic mages when running low on magic. Carefully having put one in Joseph's mouth so when he started responding, he wasn't drained, and there was help from magic internally.She bit down on one herself and placed a hand over his chest, before feeling something else in the room helping.
Vent growled, diving to the side as Borghen's attack grazed him. The shockwave send him flying, but he caught himself in the air, and hung there.

Thank god for Ventus..... Vent thought, his control over wind and air one of his signature abilities.

Hanging in the air, Vent's demonic form melted away, and the katana disappeared, back to the blind realm, where Vent had begun to store it. Falling to the ground, Vent's MeidoUmbralus markings began to shimmer with dark light. He shook his head in disgust.

"Ever get tired of that teleporting trick?" Vent asked, building energy through his marks, the newest and final Umbralus technique ready to be revealed.


Hope's smirk spread menacingly across his face, as he tapped his chest with his free hand.

"And what if Steven wasn't dead? You'd have breached the contract, and would be in the wrong, Innos." Hope explained, sighing.

He let go of Innos, and took a step back, Steven's body materializing beside him from the light energy he'd been giving off, fully healed. He grasped his chest, the Soulstone in particular, and plucked Steven's soul from the masses, and sent it back to his body, before glancing at Innos, a wry smirk on his face.

"...... You've been played, Innos. Steven never died. And, that means you breached the contract." Hope spat with finality, pointing at Innos with an accusing finger.
Borghen backflipped away again,knowing that distance would be his greatest asset. "What teleportation trick? I'm moving faster than light." Borghen leapt forward suddenly,and shouted, "Suffer!" and unleashed an arc of black lightning at Vent at the apex of his jump,and then he...Stopped in the air. Perfectly still. Borghen reappeared where he started the leap,ready for Vent.


Steven smirked. He quickly lunged at Innos and wrenched Uriziel and the Eye from Innos' hands,then kicked him away. "Checkmate,******." And then he inserted the Eye into it's designated place at the base of Uriziel's blade.

The change was instant. Electricity crackled up the blade as it was energized by godly magicks,and the Eye turned a vibrant blue. He then delivered a lunging thrust to Innos,which he dodged,barely. "NO! I SAW YOU DIE! HOW!?"

Innos summoned a mace,and prepared himself to fight.


Joseph's condition was improving,but slowly. His heart was mendiing at such a rate that a full recovery would happen within a week.
Vent scowled, a blast of his regular lightning coming from around him and stopping the black lightning from Borghen.

Heh, I guess I'm not the only one capable of demonic lightning, he thought, realizing even more just how perfectly matched he and Borghen were right now.

Still building energy, Vent smiled.

"I think this could be the technique that decides this, Borghen." He spat across the arena, a thick, dense field of energy building around Vent, fueled by Umbralus and Meido.


Hope chuckled.

"This is what happens to those who threaten me, or my subordinates. You tried to use my own sister as a bargaining chip, Innos. You'll get your just desserts." Hope explained, snapping his fingers, an aura of light enveloping Innos, halting all movement. Hope began to perspire a bit to hold the field with such a powerful entity inside it.

"Steven, now!" Hope yelled.
As Alec took a deep breath, a person started to try and open the door, before yelling as the thing was locked. Not good... Looking at Joseph, she shook her head. The outside force suddenly pushed forward, ecellerating what she was already doing. Taking the hint, Alec bit down harder on the pill in her mouth, cracking the thing open and taking every bit of magic that thing had in it and transfered it into her friend.
Borghen felt Vent's energy spiking...Now or never.

Borghen thrust his sword into the air,and a massive pillar of flame consumed him,and was creating such a turbulent force that nothing would be able to reach him. When the pillar died down,Borghen was gone.

Suddenly,Vent was surrounded by Borghen phantom images,with Borghen flash-stepping around him delivering slash after slash after slash.



Steven stepped forward,bringing Uriziel around neck level,winding up. Then,he unleashed a mighty slash at Innos' neck,severing it,and decapitating him. Blood spurted from the stump for a moment,then the body collapsed,while simultaneously dissipating into silvery wisps of light.


Joseph's body tensed,then the chest shot up. His body began to convulse and spasm violently. His heart was healing at a much greater pace,now. Suddenly,almost as quickly as it hade happened,all motion ceased. His body was mended. His eyes began to flutter,and he started to groan.

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