Ww - the coming storm

Vent's field of energy collapsed in on itself. More specifically, into his hand, held together in front of him. Opening his hands as Borghen's phantom copies slashed and hacked away, his body leaking blood everywhere, Vent held a tiny, black, marble-like sphere in his hand. As Borghen attacked, it grew instantly to the size of Vent, and started to circle around him. The orb spun at such high speeds, it almost seemed like Vent was in a whirlwind of black.

Anything that got in the way of the orb was obliterated. Absorbed. Gone.


Hope smiled in triumph, panting a bit, and glanced at Steven. Reassuming his formal air, and wiping his brow, Hope begrudgingly held out his hand to Steven.
Alec withdrew her hand, but kept it near him, just in case as she watched him carefully through her one eye. The outer force dissapeared, and as the knocking on the door grew louder, she flicked up a hand and put up a spell so that anyone entering the room would see an empty clean room.
Borghen suddenly realized that Vent wanted Borghen to close the distance. He flash-stepped away just in time;although the swirling ball of death didn't affect his perfectly still phantom images,the sight still inspired awe.

He leapt straight up into the air,and shouted, "Playtime's over!" and drove the blade of his sword into the ground.

The arena shattered. Everything around them shattered,and was reduced to tiny,harmless fragments of what they once were,floating,along with Borghen and Vent,in a black,endless void.


Steven turned around,and held the sword with the tip of the blade resting on the floor. He saw Hope's posture,and shaken his hand,saying, "Thank you,Hope. Thanks to you,I'm a free man."


Joseph sat up slowly,and looked around. The first words that came to his lips were, "Where's my knife?"
Alec laughed a bit and tapped the dresser nightstand with her foot. "S'in there. You want it?"
Vent's orb came to halt in front of him. Panting, Vent pointed at Borghen as the arena shattered.

"This is the final Umbralus technique, Borghen. It was originally created by Olivia. She named it, 'Wrath's Door'. Kinda fitting, with me being an abomination of Wrath." Vent explained, a pulse coming from his finger, the orb reacting.

"Now! Wrath's Door, open!" Vent yelled as they floated through the void, a sharp edge blasting from the orb, shooting straight at Borghen.


Hope's smile twisted.

"Not completely." He spat, through gripping Steven's hand imprisoning him in the same light field Innos has been in.
Borghen shot to the side,narrowly avoiding the spear of energy. He held his sword in both hands,and placed it before him,pointing at Vent. Three prisms shot out,and began to fire beams of blue light to the blue beam that was being fired by the blade,while orbiting the weapon. The beam moved at the speed of light,and Borghen kept it trained on Vent.


Steven's eyes grew wide. "Bastard! We had an agreement!"


Joseph simply nodded his head. He was understandably shaken right now.
Leaning down in one fluid motion, Alec flipped the drawer open and pulled out the weapon before laying it gingerly in Joseph's lap. The knocking on the door stopped and the footsteps moving away from the door sounded mad, which would mean, either they gave up, or they were going to find someone to unlock it before they broke it.

Looking at Joseph very seriously, she put her hand over teh center of his chest. "Tell me, does this hurt you in any way?"
The orb shot out more spears of sharp black matter to block the shots and beams Borghen fired, as it blocked for Vent. He stood back up, and stretched as the orb worked for him. It drained on his magic to use the orb at it's full size like this, but he could rest his physical body.

Once good, Vent placed a hand near Wrath's Door, catching it with magic, as the sharp black spears that it had been shooting it disappeared. Vent spun, and hurled the whole orb at Borghen.


Hope sighed.

"I hate to break my own code of honor, but I can't let someone posses a weapon that could hurt me." He explained, reaching into the field and grabbing Urziel and the Eye, and looking at them carefully. He looked like he was contemplating something.
From her position back in the room, Val watched the events unfold, surprised that they could kill Innos so easily. She followed his footsteps, making the decent down and landing behind the stranger, as he offered his hand to Steven. They gripped hands with a light field surrounding Steven, the same that stopped Innos from moving. Not knowing what else to do, she wrote scripture in the air as he grabbed the sword from her new friend. As he stared at the sword, she grabbed the hand holding it and sent the magic into the sword, an animation effect.
:: Marco blushed heavily, all the way out the door, luckily he was still wearing the face-mask so his redness was hidden ::

Marco:"l-look, i'm flattered i really am, but is this really the time?"

:: his voice was off-pitch and wavering ::

:: they came out the door, only to be greeted by another army man with a batton ::

Soldier: "sir, i'm sorry but you'll have to submit to a retinal scan before leaving"

Marco: "okay"

:: the scan came up negative ::

Soldier: "thank you sir"

:: Marco went on ::

Marco: *to leslie* "i change my retinal pattern and fingerprints every couple of days"
Steven was livid. But he was trapped. "Hope. You say you hate to break your code of honour...But how can you say you have any honour if you break your code ANYWAY!?"

Aenor had stepped in. The ghostly robe that was superimposed onto Steven was now perfectly visible. His limbs were moving slightly,resisting the imprisonment. "A god's blood may flow through your veins,Hope. But you're still a man."


Borghen easily avoided the ball by sliding to the side again. Borghen then charged at Vent like a bullet,leading with his sword,with a sheet of blue energy exploding from the tip.


Joseph picked up the knife,and groaned as Alec pressed on his chest. "It only hurts a bit at every beat. It feels like my heart's in a god damned Iron Maiden when you do that!"
Leslie nodded her head a bit before responding, "No, it's not. But it calmed you down..." She had to grin to herself before returning to silence.


Alec apologized as she removed her hand. "It should do that for long..." Nodding her head, she grinned at him. "But hey, your alive."
Wrath's Door disintegrated when it got too far away from Vent, as Borghen charged him. His katana apprearing in his hands, he caught Borghen's blow full on, using it to propell himself backwards, using Borghen's momentum. Once flung, the katana disappeared again, and the field of super dense energy started to build up once more around Vent as he gained distance from Borghen.


Hope leaped back from Val, and snapped his fingers, imprisoning her in a field of light as well.

Glancing at Steven and Aenor, he shook his head.

"I know I'm but a man. A 'superior' man, if you will, but a man nonetheless. That's why I had to break my word. I can't let a mere human like yourself posses a power like this. It could harm my fellow deities, or more importantly, myself. I truly do apologize, Steven. I know this was a source of power for yourself, but it's one you can do without." Hope said with finality, as he tossed the sword and eye into the air, and snapped his fingers, a flash of white engulphing them. Hope took a deep breath, wiping more sweat from his brow.
:: Marco chuckled and shook his head a bit ::

Marco: "lets take that one..."

:: he pointed to a holden commodore ::

Marco: "not fancy enough to draw attention and nice enough to be believable at a doctor's car"

:: he got there and opened the passenger seat ::

Marco: "here you go..."

:: he got into the driver seat after leslie got in, he hotwired it and drove out of the carpark ::

Marco: "damnit, these Nightrise pricks just dont give the hell up!"

:: he tore off the mask ::

:: meanwhile, the dead assassin has just been found, luckily he had a forged lisence and was not official, so no-one recognised him and just assumed that he was the origional patient (marco) they saw leslie get rolled out, so there is no suspicion for at least 15 minutes ::
As Aenor moved,a sound akin to a windo cracking could be heard. Through nothing but a resolve to exact punishment Aenor was slowly breaking free of Hope's grasp.


Borghen seperated his weapon;two complete swords,and one blade. They all pointed towards Vent as three prisms came from each weapon. Each blade fired a beam at Vent,whilst the prisms fired their beams into the beams of their respective blades,and those beams then converged into one massive,superpowered beam.


Joseph looked around,then got out of the bed shakily,still grasping the bayonet. "So,are we leaving,or are you trying to be a succubus?" The second half of the statement was said as a joke,and wasn't intended to be taken as an attack against Alec's character.
Leslie nodded her head for a second, before staring out of the window before suddenly realizing something and swearing for the first time around Marco. She should have thought of this back there, but she really didn't, her sand gourd had been attachted to her normal clothes...and if they had been replaced with the hospital gown....well, something was going to get hurt when the thing broke out...

"You know...I really hate Mondays..."


Alec laughed lightly before shaking her head. "Couldn't pull it off anyways...no one likes a stitched up fix." Grinning at him she looked at the door for a second, all her locks on it dissapearing and the door opened wide. "Your move Sargent Evil." Since they were in the joking mood...
Vent's field of energy collapsed in on him again, but he fell into a blind realm portal. His voice was projected all over the void-like area he and Borghen were fighting in.

"Wrath's Door isn't actually my technique, like I said earlier. It's my master's, Olivia's. And as powerful as it is, it just wasn't my style. I decided to work at it, and make something even cooler, something people could marvel at. And now I have. I hope this hurts, Borghen!" Vent's voice explained, as he reappeared in front of Borghen's line of sight, fifty feet away. In his hands, he held the tiny, black marble version of Wrath's Door, but it wasn't growing. Demonic black lightning crackled around Vent's hands, a by product of his newest technique, as he put his hand forward, pointing the tiny Wrath's Door at Borghen.

"Wrath's Lance!" Vent yelled, the tiny ball shooting forward at Borghen at unbeliveable speeds, even for those two!


Hope sneered.

"I don't want to deal with you, Steven. I would honestly rather leave you alive." He said, playing with the cuffs on his wrists, no longer showing signs of stress.
:: Marco nodded, after that, he did a right hand turn, and came to a line of dumpsters ::

Marco: "on my way out, i managed to overhear a commando, anything of a magical nature was thrown out with the normal trash so not to arouse suspicion"

:: he took off the white coat, and gave it to Leslie ::

Marco: "okay, we need to look through the dumpsters 3, 7 and 12... i can sense a slight aura coming from them"

:: he got out and went up to dumpster 3 ::

Marco:"my scythe, drusilla is in here... i can hear her... calling for me"

:: he lifted the lid and jumped in, quickly finding his scythe in staff-form ::

Marco: "okay, lets find that sand... thing of yours"
Leslie nodded her head, by passing three completely, standing between the last two, she listened carefully, her ear tuning onto something that she had heard once before in her life. And the reason that sand didn't leave her side. And there it was, that growling, horrid noise, mixed inside a sandstorm... Number 12.

Stepping towards it, she looked at Marco. "Cover your ears." She mumbled, knowing as soon as that thing opened, it was going to lose it's shit major and it wouldn't be quiet.
:: Marco flickered to Leslie's side ::

Marco: "no need, all this thing needs is a simple calming spell, similar to a sedative, just until it calms down"

:: his hand began to glow, ready to calm the creature in the sand ::
Leslie laughed, "Don't think Charlie would like that very much... but if you want to risk your finger...." She shrugged and opened the top lid. As Leslie's scent hit the sand, it went wild and literally tore the rest of the thing appeart before swirling into a large typhoon that kept growing in angry at being left behind, and worry because it didn't know what had happened.
:: marco chuckled, before jumping into the dumpster, there was a large slash, soon Marco emerged with the gourd in his arm ::

Marco: "no problem, the spirit in here's kinda roudy, but nothing i could'nt handle"

:: he got out, picked a banana peel off his shoulder and gave the gourd to Leslie ::

Marco: "so, back to what we were talking about..."

:: he walked with her back tot he car ::

Marco: "there has to be something that you can do to... negate the- *gets in car* negate the debt to hope, come on, think... does he want you to kill someone... if i know hope, thats exactly what he wants"

:: he turned to her :::

Marco: "leslie, you're a great girl, so thats why i'm telling you this.. dont trust Hope, he may act honest but he is a scheming backstabber, if his plan dosen't go according to plan, he abandons everyone and lets them all die in battle... i've seen it before.... years ago..."

:: he went back to driving, turning the car on and pulling out of the alleyway ::

Marco: "wanna hear about it?"
"No..." Leslie said honestly, as she looked at her gourd. "I rather would not." Shaking her head out, she tapped the side of her head before, "Because I know exactly what you mean, I tried asking Borghen about it before...all he told me was that he used his own sister as a pawn. I mean, I know he's sick, and honestly pretty pathetic, but..." She shook her head again. She was charmed by Hope, true, but who wouldn't be? He was too perfect, but those few days she had been under his command, the only time he had been polite was at that one place...

Which lead one to wonder how horrid he was without eyes he was trying to keep under his wing looking at him.
Borghen didn't have enough time to react. The lance of darkness struck him in the gut,causing him to scream in injury. He couldn't continue like this. He had to end this now,and escape to recover. He reassembled his weapon,and spun in in his hand,preparing a single technique that he devised as a coup de grace. He thrust his weapon into the space above him,and shouted, "LAST WORD!" His weapon split again,but this tine he held onto the main striking blade,while the two smaller swords suddenly appeared around Vent,and began to rotate. Borghen was also instantly upon Vent,using his ability to move faster than light to his advantage.

The two orbiting swords fired beams like before,one white,and one blue,and the swords moved quickly in all three dimensions,always staying opposite eachother. Borghen was repeatedly flash-stepping around Vent,slashing each time,leaving a stationary phantom image behind with every time he flash-stepped.

Suddenly,there was a massive explosion of blinding light,and when it sibsided,Borghen and his weapons were absent,leaving Vent alone in the void.


Aenor relented. "Fine. But you'd best hope we don't meet again,scum. Because if we do,you'll find yourself in a universe of hurt."

Suddenly,Borghen appeared beside Hope with a flash of red and black light,in one hand,his sword. The other hand was too pre-occupied with holding his own bowels in. "Please tell me you're just about done sir...I've distracted Vent for as long as I could."
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "i know... he "sicked" his sister on me... i'm the one who faced and wounded her her... she had no experience in combat, only in healing and care but hope didn't care..."

:: his grip on the wheel ::

Marco: "i will never forgive hope for that... his sister was a good girl, she never hurt anyone, she even looked after the "special" kid in my class but..."

:: his teeth gritted together ::

Marco: "the second i saw the depth of how far she was charmed... thats all the reason i need to beat hope to a shapeless mush..."

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